Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez 4909c8c18d Bump neutron-lib to 2.17.0
Remove the QoS constants from Neutron code. QoS constants are now
located in ````.

This patch also reverts [1]. This patch was merged in order to
allow a newer neutron-lib release in "requirements". This test
was failing because the element order of the "VALID_RULE_TYPES"
list was different between Neutron and neutron-lib. That was
modifying the "QosRuleType" OVO hash.


Closes-Bug: #1950977
Related-Bug: #1922237
Change-Id: I31edea3cc0f4a284a773a35302997ca6069efc95
2021-11-17 10:09:14 +00:00

204 lines
6.9 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import sys
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib.objects import common_types
from import constants as qos_consts
from neutron_lib.utils import helpers
from oslo_utils import versionutils
from oslo_versionedobjects import exception
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields as obj_fields
from neutron.db.qos import models as qos_db_model
from neutron.objects import base
DSCP_MARK = 'dscp_mark'
def get_rules(obj_cls, context, qos_policy_id):
all_rules = []
if not qos_policy_id:
return all_rules
with obj_cls.db_context_reader(context):
for rule_type in qos_consts.VALID_RULE_TYPES:
rule_cls_name = 'Qos%sRule' % helpers.camelize(rule_type)
rule_cls = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], rule_cls_name)
rules = rule_cls.get_objects(context, qos_policy_id=qos_policy_id)
return all_rules
class QosRule(base.NeutronDbObject, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# Version 1.0: Initial version, only BandwidthLimitRule
# 1.1: Added DscpMarkingRule
# 1.2: Added QosMinimumBandwidthRule
# 1.3: Added direction for BandwidthLimitRule
# 1.4: Added PacketRateLimitRule
# 1.5: Added QosMinimumPacketRateRule
# NOTE(mangelajo): versions need to be handled from the top QosRule object
# because it's the only reference QosPolicy can make
# to them via obj_relationships version map
VERSION = '1.5'
fields = {
'id': common_types.UUIDField(),
'qos_policy_id': common_types.UUIDField()
fields_no_update = ['id', 'qos_policy_id']
# should be redefined in subclasses
rule_type = None
duplicates_compare_fields = ()
def duplicates(self, other_rule):
"""Returns True if rules have got same values in fields defined in
'duplicates_compare_fields' list.
In case when subclass don't have defined any field in
duplicates_compare_fields, only rule types are compared.
if self.rule_type != other_rule.rule_type:
return False
if self.duplicates_compare_fields:
for field in self.duplicates_compare_fields:
if getattr(self, field) != getattr(other_rule, field):
return False
return True
def to_dict(self):
dict_ = super(QosRule, self).to_dict()
dict_['type'] = self.rule_type
return dict_
def should_apply_to_port(self, port):
"""Check whether a rule can be applied to a specific port.
This function has the logic to decide whether a rule should
be applied to a port or not, depending on the source of the
policy (network, or port). Eventually rules could override
this method, or we could make it abstract to allow different
rule behaviour.
is_port_policy = self.qos_policy_id == port[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID]
is_network_policy_only = port[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] is None
is_network_device_port = any(port['device_owner'].startswith(prefix)
for prefix
# NOTE(miouge): Network QoS policies should apply to ext routers ports:
# - DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW for normal neutron routers
is_router_gw = any(port['device_owner'].startswith(prefix)
for prefix in [constants.DEVICE_OWNER_AGENT_GW,
# NOTE(ralonsoh): return True if:
# - Is a port QoS policy (not a network QoS policy)
# - Is not an internal network device (e.g. router) and is a network
# QoS policy and there is no port QoS policy
return (is_port_policy or
((is_router_gw or not is_network_device_port) and
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
_target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if _target_version < (1, 3):
raise exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion(
objver=target_version, objtype=self.__class__.__name__)
class QosBandwidthLimitRule(QosRule):
db_model = qos_db_model.QosBandwidthLimitRule
fields = {
'max_kbps': obj_fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'max_burst_kbps': obj_fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'direction': common_types.FlowDirectionEnumField(
duplicates_compare_fields = ['direction']
rule_type = qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT
class QosDscpMarkingRule(QosRule):
db_model = qos_db_model.QosDscpMarkingRule
fields = {
DSCP_MARK: common_types.DscpMarkField(),
rule_type = qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_DSCP_MARKING
class QosMinimumBandwidthRule(QosRule):
db_model = qos_db_model.QosMinimumBandwidthRule
fields = {
'min_kbps': obj_fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'direction': common_types.FlowDirectionEnumField(),
duplicates_compare_fields = ['direction']
rule_type = qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_MINIMUM_BANDWIDTH
class QosPacketRateLimitRule(QosRule):
db_model = qos_db_model.QosPacketRateLimitRule
fields = {
'max_kpps': obj_fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'max_burst_kpps': obj_fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'direction': common_types.FlowDirectionEnumField(
duplicates_compare_fields = ['direction']
rule_type = qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_PACKET_RATE_LIMIT
class QosMinimumPacketRateRule(QosRule):
db_model = qos_db_model.QosMinimumPacketRateRule
fields = {
'min_kpps': obj_fields.IntegerField(nullable=False),
'direction': common_types.FlowDirectionAndAnyEnumField(),
duplicates_compare_fields = ['direction']
rule_type = qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_MINIMUM_PACKET_RATE