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# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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Implement a manager for ebtables rules.
NOTE: The ebtables manager contains a lot of duplicated or very similar code
from the iptables manager. An option would have been to refactor the
iptables manager so that ebtables and iptables manager can share common
code. However, the iptables manager was considered too brittle and
in need for a larger re-work or full replacement in the future.
Therefore, it was decided not to do any refactoring for now and to accept
the code duplication.
import inspect
import os
from oslo_log import log as logging
from neutron.i18n import _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# NOTE(jbrendel): ebtables supports chain names of up to 31 characters, and
# we add up to 12 characters to prefix_chain which is used
# as a prefix, so we limit it to 19 characters.
# When stripping or calculating string lengths, sometimes a '-' which separates
# name components needs to be considered.
def binary_name():
"""Grab the name of the binary we're running in."""
return os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1])
def _get_prefix_chain(prefix_chain=None):
"""Determine the prefix chain."""
if prefix_chain:
return prefix_chain[:MAX_LEN_PREFIX_CHAIN]
return binary_name()[:MAX_LEN_PREFIX_CHAIN]
def get_chain_name(chain_name, wrap=True, prefix_chain=None):
"""Determine the chain name."""
if wrap:
# Get the possible chain name length in function of the prefix name
# length.
(len(_get_prefix_chain(prefix_chain)) + DASH_STR_LEN))
return chain_name[:chain_len]
return chain_name[:MAX_CHAIN_LEN_EBTABLES]
class EbtablesRule(object):
"""An ebtables rule.
You shouldn't need to use this class directly, it's only used by
def __init__(self, chain, rule, wrap=True, top=False,
self.prefix_chain = _get_prefix_chain(prefix_chain)
self.chain = get_chain_name(chain, wrap, prefix_chain)
self.rule = rule
self.wrap = wrap = top
def __eq__(self, other):
return ((self.chain == other.chain) and
(self.rule == other.rule) and
( == and
(self.wrap == other.wrap))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __str__(self):
if self.wrap:
chain = '%s-%s' % (self.prefix_chain, self.chain)
chain = self.chain
return '-A %s %s' % (chain, self.rule)
class EbtablesTable(object):
"""An ebtables table."""
def __init__(self, prefix_chain=None):
self.rules = []
self.rules_to_remove = []
self.chains = set()
self.unwrapped_chains = set()
self.chains_to_remove = set()
self.prefix_chain = _get_prefix_chain(prefix_chain)
def add_chain(self, name, wrap=True):
"""Adds a named chain to the table.
The chain name is wrapped to be unique for the component creating
it, so different components of Neutron can safely create identically
named chains without interfering with one another.
At the moment, its wrapped name is <prefix chain>-<chain name>,
so if neutron-server creates a chain named 'OUTPUT', it'll actually
end up named 'neutron-server-OUTPUT'.
name = get_chain_name(name, wrap, self.prefix_chain)
if wrap:
def _select_chain_set(self, wrap):
if wrap:
return self.chains
return self.unwrapped_chains
def ensure_remove_chain(self, name, wrap=True):
"""Ensure the chain is removed.
This removal "cascades". All rule in the chain are removed, as are
all rules in other chains that jump to it.
self.remove_chain(name, wrap, log_not_found=False)
def remove_chain(self, name, wrap=True, log_not_found=True):
"""Remove named chain.
This removal "cascades". All rules in the chain are removed, as are
all rules in other chains that jump to it.
If the chain is not found then this is merely logged.
name = get_chain_name(name, wrap, self.prefix_chain)
chain_set = self._select_chain_set(wrap)
if name not in chain_set:
if log_not_found:
LOG.warn(_LW('Attempted to remove chain %s '
'which does not exist'), name)
if not wrap:
# non-wrapped chains and rules need to be dealt with specially,
# so we keep a list of them to be iterated over in apply()
# first, add rules to remove that have a matching chain name
self.rules_to_remove += [r for r in self.rules if r.chain == name]
# next, remove rules from list that have a matching chain name
self.rules = [r for r in self.rules if r.chain != name]
if not wrap:
jump_snippet = '-j %s' % name
# next, add rules to remove that have a matching jump chain
self.rules_to_remove += [r for r in self.rules
if jump_snippet in r.rule]
jump_snippet = '-j %s-%s' % (self.prefix_chain, name)
# finally, remove rules from list that have a matching jump chain
self.rules = [r for r in self.rules
if jump_snippet not in r.rule]
def add_rule(self, chain, rule, wrap=True, top=False):
"""Add a rule to the table.
This is just like what you'd feed to ebtables, just without
the '-A <chain name>' bit at the start.
However, if you need to jump to one of your wrapped chains,
prepend its name with a '$' which will ensure the wrapping
is applied correctly.
chain = get_chain_name(chain, wrap, self.prefix_chain)
if wrap and chain not in self.chains:
raise LookupError(_('Unknown chain: %r') % chain)
if '$' in rule:
rule = ' '.join(map(self._wrap_target_chain, rule.split(' ')))
self.rules.append(EbtablesRule(chain, rule, wrap, top,
def remove_rule(self, chain, rule, wrap=True, top=False):
"""Remove a rule from a chain.
However, if the rule jumps to one of your wrapped chains,
prepend its name with a '$' which will ensure the wrapping
is applied correctly.
chain = get_chain_name(chain, wrap, self.prefix_chain)
if '$' in rule:
rule = ' '.join(map(self._wrap_target_chain, rule.split(' ')))
self.rules.remove(EbtablesRule(chain, rule, wrap, top,
if not wrap:
EbtablesRule(chain, rule, wrap, top,
except ValueError:
LOG.warn(_LW('Tried to remove rule that was not there:'
' %(chain)r %(rule)r %(wrap)r %(top)r'),
{'chain': chain, 'rule': rule,
'top': top, 'wrap': wrap})
def _wrap_target_chain(self, s):
if s.startswith('$'):
return ('%s-%s' % (self.prefix_chain, s[1:]))
return s
def empty_chain(self, chain, wrap=True):
"""Remove all rules from a chain."""
chain = get_chain_name(chain, wrap, self.prefix_chain)
chained_rules = [rule for rule in self.rules
if rule.chain == chain and rule.wrap == wrap]
for rule in chained_rules: