Brian Haley 08a60f7483 Remove usage of six.add_metaclass
With python 3.x, classes can use the metaclass= logic
to not require usage of the six library.

One step in removing all of six usage from neutron.

Change-Id: I2f815e412d9a96eb5faf2b3bb3a1e393a9db9309
2020-05-21 14:41:18 -04:00

284 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import os.path
import eventlet
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import fileutils
import psutil
from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib
from neutron.agent.linux import utils
from neutron.common import utils as common_utils
from neutron.conf.agent import common as agent_cfg
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MonitoredProcess(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def active(self):
"""Boolean representing the running state of the process."""
def enable(self):
"""Enable the service, or respawn the process."""
class ProcessManager(MonitoredProcess):
"""An external process manager for Neutron spawned processes.
Note: The manager expects uuid to be in cmdline.
def __init__(self, conf, uuid, namespace=None, service=None,
pids_path=None, default_cmd_callback=None,
cmd_addl_env=None, pid_file=None, run_as_root=False,
self.conf = conf
self.uuid = uuid
self.namespace = namespace
self.default_cmd_callback = default_cmd_callback
self.cmd_addl_env = cmd_addl_env
self.pids_path = pids_path or self.conf.external_pids
self.pid_file = pid_file
self.run_as_root = run_as_root or self.namespace is not None
self.custom_reload_callback = custom_reload_callback
self.kill_scripts_path = cfg.CONF.AGENT.kill_scripts_path
if service:
self.service_pid_fname = 'pid.' + service
self.service = service
self.service_pid_fname = 'pid'
self.service = 'default-service'
def enable(self, cmd_callback=None, reload_cfg=False, ensure_active=False):
if not
if not cmd_callback:
cmd_callback = self.default_cmd_callback
cmd = cmd_callback(self.get_pid_file_name())
ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(namespace=self.namespace)
ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, addl_env=self.cmd_addl_env,
elif reload_cfg:
if ensure_active:
def reload_cfg(self):
if self.custom_reload_callback:
def disable(self, sig='9', get_stop_command=None):
pid =
if get_stop_command:
cmd = get_stop_command(self.get_pid_file_name())
ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(namespace=self.namespace)
ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, addl_env=self.cmd_addl_env,
cmd = self.get_kill_cmd(sig, pid)
utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=self.run_as_root)
# In the case of shutting down, remove the pid file
if sig == '9':
elif pid:
LOG.debug('%{service}s process for %(uuid)s pid %(pid)d is stale, '
'ignoring signal %(signal)s',
{'service': self.service, 'uuid': self.uuid,
'pid': pid, 'signal': sig})
LOG.debug('No %(service)s process started for %(uuid)s',
{'service': self.service, 'uuid': self.uuid})
def get_kill_cmd(self, sig, pid):
if self.kill_scripts_path:
kill_file = "%s-kill" % self.service
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.kill_scripts_path, kill_file)):
return [kill_file, sig, pid]
return ['kill', '-%s' % (sig), pid]
def get_pid_file_name(self):
"""Returns the file name for a given kind of config file."""
if self.pid_file:
return self.pid_file
return utils.get_conf_file_name(self.pids_path,
def pid(self):
"""Last known pid for this external process spawned for this uuid."""
return utils.get_value_from_file(self.get_pid_file_name(), int)
def active(self):
cmdline = self.cmdline
return self.uuid in cmdline if cmdline else False
def cmdline(self):
pid =
if not pid:
return ' '.join(psutil.Process(pid).cmdline())
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied):
ServiceId = collections.namedtuple('ServiceId', ['uuid', 'service'])
class ProcessMonitor(object):
def __init__(self, config, resource_type):
"""Handle multiple process managers and watch over all of them.
:param config: oslo config object with the agent configuration.
:type config: oslo_config.ConfigOpts
:param resource_type: can be dhcp, router, etc.
:type resource_type: str
self._config = config
self._resource_type = resource_type
self._monitored_processes = {}
if self._config.AGENT.check_child_processes_interval:
def register(self, uuid, service_name, monitored_process):
"""Start monitoring a process.
The given monitored_process will be tied to it's uuid+service_name
replacing the old one if it existed already.
The monitored_process should be enabled before registration,
otherwise ProcessMonitor could try to enable the process itself,
which could lead to double enable and if unlucky enough, two processes
running, and also errors in the logs.
:param uuid: An ID of the resource for which the process is running.
:param service_name: A logical service name for this process monitor,
so the same uuid provided via process manager
can reference several different services.
:param monitored_process: MonitoredProcess we want to monitor.
service_id = ServiceId(uuid, service_name)
self._monitored_processes[service_id] = monitored_process
def unregister(self, uuid, service_name):
"""Stop monitoring a process.
The uuid+service_name will be removed from the monitored processes.
The service must be disabled **after** unregistering, otherwise if
process monitor checks after you disable the process, and before
you unregister it, the process will be respawned, and left orphaned
into the system.
:param uuid: An ID of the resource for which the process is running.
:param service_name: A logical service name for this process monitor,
so the same uuid provided via process manager
can reference several different services.
service_id = ServiceId(uuid, service_name)
self._monitored_processes.pop(service_id, None)
def stop(self):
"""Stop the process monitoring.
This method will stop the monitoring thread, but no monitored
process will be stopped.
self._monitor_processes = False
def _spawn_checking_thread(self):
self._monitor_processes = True
def _check_child_processes(self):
# we build the list of keys before iterating in the loop to cover
# the case where other threads add or remove items from the
# dictionary which otherwise will cause a RuntimeError
for service_id in list(self._monitored_processes):
pm = self._monitored_processes.get(service_id)
if pm and not
LOG.error("%(service)s for %(resource_type)s "
"with uuid %(uuid)s not found. "
"The process should not have died",
{'service': service_id.service,
'resource_type': self._resource_type,
'uuid': service_id.uuid})
def _periodic_checking_thread(self):
while self._monitor_processes:
def _execute_action(self, service_id):
action = self._config.AGENT.check_child_processes_action
action_function = getattr(self, "_%s_action" % action)
def _respawn_action(self, service_id):
LOG.warning("Respawning %(service)s for uuid %(uuid)s",
{'service': service_id.service,
'uuid': service_id.uuid})
def _exit_action(self, service_id):
LOG.error("Exiting agent as programmed in check_child_processes_"
self._exit_handler(service_id.uuid, service_id.service)
def _exit_handler(self, uuid, service):
"""This is an exit handler for the ProcessMonitor.
It will be called if the administrator configured the exit action in
check_child_processes_actions, and one of our external processes die
LOG.error("Exiting agent because of a malfunction with the "
"%(service)s process identified by uuid %(uuid)s",
{'service': service, 'uuid': uuid})
raise SystemExit(1)