Not long ago we enabled a rally scenario booting VMs in the neutron gate so we can collect osprofiler reports about it. The rally scenario we re-used was only triggered by changes in the rally-openstack repo so I could not collect data about its failure rate. Now that it's running frequently in the neutron gate this scenario actually seems to be quite unstable (usually timing out while waiting for the VM to get to ACTIVE): http://logstash.openstack.org/#/dashboard/file/logstash.json?query=message:\"rally.exceptions.TimeoutException: Rally tired waiting\" AND build_name:\"neutron-rally-task\" AND voting:1&from=864000s Since we only want to run this scenario for the osprofiler report we can get rid of the gate instability by allowing a 100% failure rate in the scenario SLA. Change-Id: Ied354e8242274c8eeb26909e29afbe6d41662bfc Related-Change: https://review.opendev.org/662804
Rally job related files
This directory contains rally tasks and plugins that are run by OpenStack CI.
- plugins - directory where you can add rally plugins. Almost everything in Rally is a plugin. Benchmark context, Benchmark scenario, SLA checks, Generic cleanup resources, ....
- extra - all files from this directory will be copy pasted to gates, so you are able to use absolute paths in rally tasks. Files will be located in ~/.rally/extra/*
- neutron-neutron.yaml is a task that is run in gates against OpenStack with Neutron Service deployed by DevStack
Useful links
- More about Rally: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Rally release notes: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/project_info/release_notes/archive.html
- How to add rally-gates: http://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start/gates.html
- About plugins: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/index.html
- Plugin samples: https://github.com/openstack/rally/tree/master/samples/plugins