Maru Newby 501df939a5 Add support for retargetable functional api testing
This patch introduces the concept of a 'retargetable' functional api
test.  Such a test targets an abstract client class, and by varying
the implementation of the client, the test can target multiple

The test added by this patch (test_network_lifecycle) can be run
against the programmatic plugin api (for configured plugins) via both
tox -e functional and tox -e dsvm-functional.  The latter env is used
by the gating neutron-dsvm-functional job.

The test can also be run against a live Neutron service via 'tox -e api'
which will soon be run as part of the check queue by the
neutron-dsvm-api job [1].  Running this tox env requires
devstack-deployed Neutron and Tempest.

The intention is to refactor the existing plugin tests
(e.g. NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase) to use this model.  Functional tests
don't have to isolate functionality - they just need to exercise it -
so fewer tests will be required.  The new tests will be able to target
plugins directly rather than through the wsgi stack, so execution time
will be decreased.  The refactored tests should be easier to maintain
and take less time to run.

Perhaps best of all, since the same tests will be able to target a
deployed service in the neutron-dsvm-api job, the deployed behaviour
of api changes will finally be able to gate merges to the Neutron

Notable parts of the change:

- tests/api
  - base_v2 -      defines the client interface (BaseNeutronClient)
                   and the base class (BaseTestApi) for the
                   retargetable test (test_network_lifecycle)

  - test_v2_rest - implements the client interface for the tempest
                   rest client and configures the retargetable test
                   with scenarios for json serialization

- tests/functional/api
  - test_v2_plugin - implements the client interface for the
                     programmatic plugin api and configures the
                     retargetable test with scenarios targeting the
                     linuxbridge and openvswitch plugins

- tests/unit
  - refactor bits of the existing plugin tests for reuse


Implements: bp retargetable-functional-testing
Change-Id: Ib5470040c0fa91ec143f38d273e1e259b3adfb2e
2015-01-06 02:37:59 +00:00
.. Add support for retargetable functional api testing 2015-01-06 02:37:59 +00:00 Add support for retargetable functional api testing 2015-01-06 02:37:59 +00:00 Add support for retargetable functional api testing 2015-01-06 02:37:59 +00:00