Inessa Vasilevskaya 7322bd6efb Make code follow log translation guideline
Since Pike log messages should not be translated.
This patch removes calls to i18n _LC, _LI, _LE, _LW from
logging logic throughout the code. Translators definition
from neutron._i18n is removed as well.
This patch also removes log translation verification from
ignore directive in tox.ini.

Change-Id: If9aa76fcf121c0e61a7c08088006c5873faee56e
2017-08-14 02:01:48 +00:00

277 lines
9.9 KiB

# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import importlib
import itertools
import os
from neutron_lib.db import constants as db_const
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_log import versionutils
import stevedore
from neutron._i18n import _
from import provider_configuration as prov_config
from neutron.db import _utils as db_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SERVICE_PROVIDERS = 'neutron.service_providers'
# TODO(HenryG): use MovedGlobals to deprecate this.
serviceprovider_opts = prov_config.serviceprovider_opts
class NeutronModule(object):
"""A Neutron extension module."""
def __init__(self, service_module):
self.module_name = service_module
self.repo = {
'mod': self._import_or_none(),
'ini': None
def _import_or_none(self):
return importlib.import_module(self.module_name)
except ImportError:
return None
def installed(self):
LOG.debug("NeutronModule installed = %s", self.module_name)
return self.module_name
def module(self):
return self.repo['mod']
# Return an INI parser for the child module
def ini(self, neutron_dir=None):
if self.repo['ini'] is None:
ini_file = cfg.ConfigOpts()
if neutron_dir is not None:
neutron_dirs = [neutron_dir]
neutron_dirs = cfg.CONF.config_dirs
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
neutron_dirs = None
if not neutron_dirs:
neutron_dirs = ['/etc/neutron']
# load configuration from all matching files to reflect oslo.config
# behaviour
config_files = []
for neutron_dir in neutron_dirs:
ini_path = os.path.join(neutron_dir,
'%s.conf' % self.module_name)
if os.path.exists(ini_path):
# NOTE(ihrachys): we could pass project=self.module_name instead to
# rely on oslo.config to find configuration files for us, but:
# 1. that would render neutron_dir argument ineffective;
# 2. that would break loading configuration file from under
# /etc/neutron in case no --config-dir is passed.
# That's why we need to explicitly construct CLI here.
['--config-file', file_] for file_ in config_files
self.repo['ini'] = ini_file
return self.repo['ini']
def service_providers(self):
"""Return the service providers for the extension module."""
providers = []
# Attempt to read the config from cfg.CONF first; when passing
# --config-dir, the option is merged from all the definitions
# made across all the imported config files
providers = cfg.CONF.service_providers.service_provider
except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
# Alternatively, if the option is not available, try to load
# it from the provider module's config file; this may be
# necessary, if modules are loaded on the fly (DevStack may
# be an example)
if not providers:
providers = self.ini().service_providers.service_provider
if providers:
'Implicit loading of service providers from '
'neutron_*.conf files is deprecated and will be '
'removed in Ocata release.')
return providers
# global scope function that should be used in service APIs
def normalize_provider_name(name):
return name.lower()
def get_provider_driver_class(driver, namespace=SERVICE_PROVIDERS):
"""Return path to provider driver class
In order to keep backward compatibility with configs < Kilo, we need to
translate driver class paths after advanced services split. This is done by
defining old class path as entry point in neutron package.
driver_manager = stevedore.driver.DriverManager(
namespace, driver).driver
except ImportError:
return driver
except RuntimeError:
return driver
new_driver = "%s.%s" % (driver_manager.__module__,
"The configured driver %(driver)s has been moved, automatically "
"using %(new_driver)s instead. Please update your config files, "
"as this automatic fixup will be removed in a future release.",
{'driver': driver, 'new_driver': new_driver})
return new_driver
def parse_service_provider_opt(service_module='neutron'):
"""Parse service definition opts and returns result."""
def validate_name(name):
if len(name) > db_const.NAME_FIELD_SIZE:
raise n_exc.Invalid(
_("Provider name %(name)s is limited by %(len)s characters")
% {'name': name, 'len': db_const.NAME_FIELD_SIZE})
neutron_mod = NeutronModule(service_module)
svc_providers_opt = neutron_mod.service_providers()
LOG.debug("Service providers = %s", svc_providers_opt)
res = []
for prov_def in svc_providers_opt:
split = prov_def.split(':')
svc_type, name, driver = split[:3]
except ValueError:
raise n_exc.Invalid(_("Invalid service provider format"))
name = normalize_provider_name(name)
default = False
if len(split) == 4 and split[3]:
if split[3] == 'default':
default = True
msg = (_("Invalid provider format. "
"Last part should be 'default' or empty: %s") %
raise n_exc.Invalid(msg)
driver = get_provider_driver_class(driver)
res.append({'service_type': svc_type,
'name': name,
'driver': driver,
'default': default})
return res
class ServiceProviderNotFound(n_exc.InvalidInput):
message = _("Service provider '%(provider)s' could not be found "
"for service type %(service_type)s")
class DefaultServiceProviderNotFound(n_exc.InvalidInput):
message = _("Service type %(service_type)s does not have a default "
"service provider")
class ServiceProviderAlreadyAssociated(n_exc.Conflict):
message = _("Resource '%(resource_id)s' is already associated with "
"provider '%(provider)s' for service type '%(service_type)s'")
class ProviderConfiguration(object):
def __init__(self, svc_module='neutron'):
self.providers = {}
for prov in parse_service_provider_opt(svc_module):
def _ensure_driver_unique(self, driver):
for v in self.providers.values():
if v['driver'] == driver:
msg = (_("Driver %s is not unique across providers") %
raise n_exc.Invalid(msg)
def _ensure_default_unique(self, type, default):
if not default:
for k, v in self.providers.items():
if k[0] == type and v['default']:
msg = _("Multiple default providers "
"for service %s") % type
raise n_exc.Invalid(msg)
def add_provider(self, provider):
provider_type = (provider['service_type'], provider['name'])
if provider_type in self.providers:
msg = (_("Multiple providers specified for service "
"%s") % provider['service_type'])
raise n_exc.Invalid(msg)
self.providers[provider_type] = {'driver': provider['driver'],
'default': provider['default']}
def _check_entry(self, k, v, filters):
# small helper to deal with query filters
if not filters:
return True
for index, key in enumerate(['service_type', 'name']):
if key in filters:
if k[index] not in filters[key]:
return False
for key in ['driver', 'default']:
if key in filters:
if v[key] not in filters[key]:
return False
return True
def get_service_providers(self, filters=None, fields=None):
return [db_utils.resource_fields({'service_type': k[0],
'name': k[1],
'driver': v['driver'],
'default': v['default']},
for k, v in self.providers.items()
if self._check_entry(k, v, filters)]