Following the compute driver standards, the driver options should be placed in their own configuration group. This change set introduces the 'powervm' group. Also, removed the reference to configuration credentials in the README.rst file. Change-Id: I8e28f118d4c6f9fe4922e6fd5ba095c5f9e62b4a
569 lines
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569 lines
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# Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fixtures
import mock
import copy
from nova import test
import os
import pypowervm.adapter as pvm_adp
import pypowervm.entities as pvm_ent
from pypowervm.tests.wrappers.util import pvmhttp
from pypowervm.wrappers import cluster as pvm_clust
from pypowervm.wrappers import storage as pvm_stg
from pypowervm.wrappers import virtual_io_server as pvm_vios
from nova_powervm.tests.virt.powervm import fixtures as fx
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm.disk import ssp
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm import exception as npvmex
SSP = 'fake_ssp.txt'
CLUST = 'fake_cluster.txt'
class SSPFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Patch out PyPowerVM SSP EntryWrapper search and refresh."""
def __init__(self):
def setUp(self):
super(SSPFixture, self).setUp()
self._search_patcher = mock.patch(
self.mock_search = self._search_patcher.start()
self._clust_refresh_patcher = mock.patch(
self.mock_clust_refresh = self._clust_refresh_patcher.start()
self._ssp_refresh_patcher = mock.patch(
self.mock_ssp_refresh = self._ssp_refresh_patcher.start()
class TestSSPDiskAdapter(test.TestCase):
"""Unit Tests for the LocalDisk storage driver."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestSSPDiskAdapter, self).setUp()
class Instance(object):
uuid = 'instance-uuid'
name = 'instance-name'
self.instance = Instance()
# Find directory for response file(s)
data_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "..", 'data')
self.pypvm = self.useFixture(fx.PyPowerVM())
self.apt = self.pypvm.apt
def resp(file_name):
file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, file_name)
return pvmhttp.load_pvm_resp(
file_path, adapter=self.apt).get_response()
self.ssp_resp = resp(SSP)
self.clust_resp = resp(CLUST)
self.sspfx = self.useFixture(SSPFixture())
# For _fetch_cluster() with configured name
self.mock_search = self.sspfx.mock_search
# EntryWrapper.search always returns a feed.
self.mock_search.return_value = self._bld_resp(
# For _refresh_cluster()
self.mock_clust_refresh = self.sspfx.mock_clust_refresh
self.mock_clust_refresh.return_value = pvm_clust.Cluster.wrap(
# For _fetch_ssp() fresh
self.apt.read_by_href.return_value = self.ssp_resp
# For _fetch_ssp() refresh
self.mock_ssp_refresh = self.sspfx.mock_ssp_refresh
self.mock_ssp_refresh.return_value = pvm_stg.SSP.wrap(self.ssp_resp)
# By default, assume the config supplied a Cluster name
self.flags(cluster_name='clust1', group='powervm')
def _get_ssp_stor(self):
ssp_stor = ssp.SSPDiskAdapter(
{'adapter': self.apt,
'host_uuid': '67dca605-3923-34da-bd8f-26a378fc817f',
'mp_uuid': 'mp_uuid'})
return ssp_stor
def _bld_resp(self, status=200, entry_or_list=None):
"""Build a pypowervm.adapter.Response for mocking Adapter.search/read.
:param status: HTTP status of the Response.
:param entry_or_list: pypowervm.entity.Entry or list thereof. If
None, the Response has no content. If an Entry,
the Response looks like it got back <entry/>. If
a list of Entry, the Response looks like it got
back <feed/>.
:return: pypowervm.adapter.Response suitable for mocking
pypowervm.adapter.Adapter.search or read.
resp = pvm_adp.Response('meth', 'path', status, 'reason', {})
resp.entry = None
resp.feed = None
if entry_or_list is None:
resp.feed = pvm_ent.Feed({}, [])
if isinstance(entry_or_list, list):
resp.feed = pvm_ent.Feed({}, entry_or_list)
resp.entry = entry_or_list
return resp
def test_init_green_with_config(self):
"""Bootstrap SSPStorage, testing call to _fetch_cluster.
Driver init should search for cluster by name.
# Invoke __init__ => _fetch_cluster()
# _fetch_cluster() WITH configured name does a search, but not a read.
# Refresh shouldn't be invoked.
self.assertEqual(1, self.mock_search.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.apt.read.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.mock_clust_refresh.call_count)
def test_init_green_no_config(self):
"""No cluster name specified in config; one cluster on host - ok."""
self.flags(cluster_name='', group='powervm')
self.apt.read.return_value = self._bld_resp(
# _fetch_cluster() WITHOUT a configured name does a feed GET (read),
# not a search.
# Refresh shouldn't be invoked.
self.assertEqual(0, self.mock_search.call_count)
self.assertEqual(1, self.apt.read.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.mock_clust_refresh.call_count)
def test_init_ClusterNotFoundByName(self):
"""Empty feed comes back from search - no cluster by that name."""
self.mock_search.return_value = self._bld_resp(status=204)
self.assertRaises(npvmex.ClusterNotFoundByName, self._get_ssp_stor)
def test_init_TooManyClustersFound(self):
"""Search-by-name returns more than one result."""
clust1 = pvm_clust.Cluster.bld(None, 'newclust1',
pvm_stg.PV.bld(None, 'hdisk1'),
clust2 = pvm_clust.Cluster.bld(None, 'newclust2',
pvm_stg.PV.bld(None, 'hdisk2'),
pvm_clust.Node.bld(None, 'vios2'))
self.mock_search.return_value = self._bld_resp(
entry_or_list=[clust1.entry, clust2.entry])
self.assertRaises(npvmex.TooManyClustersFound, self._get_ssp_stor)
def test_init_NoConfigNoClusterFound(self):
"""No cluster name specified in config, no clusters on host."""
self.flags(cluster_name='', group='powervm')
self.apt.read.return_value = self._bld_resp(status=204)
self.assertRaises(npvmex.NoConfigNoClusterFound, self._get_ssp_stor)
def test_init_NoConfigTooManyClusters(self):
"""No SSP name specified in config, more than one SSP on host."""
self.flags(cluster_name='', group='powervm')
clust1 = pvm_clust.Cluster.bld(None, 'newclust1',
pvm_stg.PV.bld(None, 'hdisk1'),
pvm_clust.Node.bld(None, 'vios1'))
clust2 = pvm_clust.Cluster.bld(None, 'newclust2',
pvm_stg.PV.bld(None, 'hdisk2'),
pvm_clust.Node.bld(None, 'vios2'))
self.apt.read.return_value = self._bld_resp(
entry_or_list=[clust1.entry, clust2.entry])
self.assertRaises(npvmex.NoConfigTooManyClusters, self._get_ssp_stor)
def test_refresh_cluster(self):
"""_refresh_cluster with cached wrapper."""
# Save original cluster wrapper for later comparison
orig_clust_wrap = pvm_clust.Cluster.wrap(self.clust_resp)
# Prime _clust_wrap
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
# Verify baseline call counts
self.assertEqual(1, self.mock_search.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.mock_clust_refresh.call_count)
clust_wrap = ssp_stor._refresh_cluster()
# This should call refresh
self.assertEqual(1, self.mock_search.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.apt.read.call_count)
self.assertEqual(1, self.mock_clust_refresh.call_count)
self.assertEqual(clust_wrap.name, orig_clust_wrap.name)
def test_fetch_ssp(self):
# For later comparison
orig_ssp_wrap = pvm_stg.SSP.wrap(self.ssp_resp)
# Verify baseline call counts
self.assertEqual(0, self.apt.read_by_href.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.mock_ssp_refresh.call_count)
# This should prime self._ssp_wrap: calls read_by_href but not refresh.
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
self.assertEqual(1, self.apt.read_by_href.call_count)
self.assertEqual(0, self.mock_ssp_refresh.call_count)
# Accessing the @property will trigger refresh
ssp_wrap = ssp_stor._ssp
self.assertEqual(1, self.apt.read_by_href.call_count)
self.assertEqual(1, self.mock_ssp_refresh.call_count)
self.assertEqual(ssp_wrap.name, orig_ssp_wrap.name)
def test_vios_uuids(self):
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
vios_uuids = ssp_stor.vios_uuids
s = set()
for i in range(1000):
u = ssp_stor._any_vios_uuid()
# Make sure we got a good value
self.assertIn(u, vios_uuids)
# Make sure we hit all the values over 1000 iterations. This isn't
# guaranteed to work, but the odds of failure should be infinitesimal.
self.assertEqual(set(vios_uuids), s)
# Test VIOSes on other nodes, which won't have uuid or url
with mock.patch.object(ssp_stor, '_cluster') as mock_clust:
def mock_node(uuid, uri):
node = mock.MagicMock()
node.vios_uuid = uuid
node.vios_uri = uri
return node
uri = (''
node1 = mock_node(None, uri)
node2 = mock_node('2', None)
# This mock is good and should be returned
node3 = mock_node('3', uri)
mock_clust.nodes = [node1, node2, node3]
self.assertEqual(['3'], ssp_stor.vios_uuids)
def test_capacity(self):
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
self.assertEqual(49.88, ssp_stor.capacity)
def test_capacity_used(self):
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
self.assertEqual((49.88 - 48.98), ssp_stor.capacity_used)
def test_create_disk_from_new_image(self, mock_img_api, mock_it2fadp,
mock_upload_lu, mock_crt_lnk_cln):
b1G = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
b2G = 2 * b1G
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
img = dict(name='image-name', id='image-id', size=b2G)
def verify_upload_new_lu(vios_uuid, ssp1, stream, lu_name, f_size):
self.assertIn(vios_uuid, ssp_stor.vios_uuids)
self.assertEqual(ssp_stor._ssp_wrap, ssp1)
# 'image' + '_' + s/-/_/g(image['id']), per _get_image_name
self.assertEqual('image_image_name', lu_name)
self.assertEqual(b2G, f_size)
return 'image_lu', None
def verify_create_lu_linked_clone(ssp1, clust1, imglu, lu_name, sz_gb):
# 'boot_' + sanitize('instance-name') _get_disk_name
self.assertEqual('boot_instance_name', lu_name)
self.assertEqual('image_lu', imglu)
return ssp1, 'new_lu'
mock_upload_lu.side_effect = verify_upload_new_lu
mock_crt_lnk_cln.side_effect = verify_create_lu_linked_clone
lu = ssp_stor.create_disk_from_image(None, self.instance, img, 1)
self.assertEqual('new_lu', lu)
def test_create_disk_from_existing_image(self, mock_img_api, mock_it2fadp,
b1G = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
b2G = 2 * b1G
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
img = dict(name='image-name', id='image-id', size=b2G)
# Mock the 'existing' image LU
img_lu = pvm_stg.LU.bld(None, 'image_image_name', 123,
class Instance(object):
uuid = 'instance-uuid'
name = 'instance-name'
def verify_create_lu_linked_clone(ssp1, clust1, imglu, lu_name, sz_gb):
# 'boot_' + sanitize('instance-name') per _get_disk_name
self.assertEqual('boot_instance_name', lu_name)
self.assertEqual(img_lu, imglu)
return ssp1, 'new_lu'
mock_crt_lnk_cln.side_effect = verify_create_lu_linked_clone
lu = ssp_stor.create_disk_from_image(None, Instance(), img, 1)
self.assertEqual('new_lu', lu)
def test_connect_disk(self, mock_add_map, mock_href):
ms_uuid = '67dca605-3923-34da-bd8f-26a378fc817f'
def validate_add_vscsi_mapping(host_uuid, vios_uuid, lpar_uuid, inlu):
self.assertEqual(ms_uuid, host_uuid)
self.assertIn(vios_uuid, ('6424120D-CA95-437D-9C18-10B06F4B3400',
self.assertEqual('lpar_uuid', lpar_uuid)
self.assertEqual(lu, inlu)
mock_add_map.side_effect = validate_add_vscsi_mapping
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
lu = ssp_stor._ssp_wrap.logical_units[0]
ssp_stor.connect_disk(None, self.instance, lu, 'lpar_uuid')
self.assertEqual(2, mock_add_map.call_count)
def test_delete_disks(self):
def _mk_img_lu(idx):
lu = pvm_stg.LU.bld(None, 'img_lu%d' % idx, 123,
lu._udid('xxImage-LU-UDID-%d' % idx)
return lu
def _mk_dsk_lu(idx, cloned_from_idx):
lu = pvm_stg.LU.bld(None, 'dsk_lu%d' % idx, 123,
lu._udid('xxDisk-LU-UDID-%d' % idx)
lu._cloned_from_udid('yyImage-LU-UDID-%d' % cloned_from_idx)
return lu
# We should be ignoring the return value from update - but it still
# needs to be wrappable
self.apt.update_by_path.return_value = pvm_stg.SSP.bld(
self.apt, 'ssp', []).entry
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
ssp1 = ssp_stor._ssp_wrap
# Seed the SSP with three clones backed to two images:
# img_lu1 => dsk_lu3, dsk_lu4
img_lu1 = _mk_img_lu(1)
dsk_lu3 = _mk_dsk_lu(3, 1)
dsk_lu4 = _mk_dsk_lu(4, 1)
# img_lu2 => dsk_lu5
img_lu2 = _mk_img_lu(2)
dsk_lu5 = _mk_dsk_lu(5, 2)
ssp1.logical_units = [img_lu1, img_lu2, dsk_lu3, dsk_lu4, dsk_lu5]
# We'll delete dsk_lu3 and dsk_lu5. We expect img_lu2 to vanish too.
ssp_stor.delete_disks(None, None, [dsk_lu3, dsk_lu5])
{(lu.name, lu.udid) for lu in (img_lu1, dsk_lu4)},
set([(lu.name, lu.udid) for lu in ssp1.logical_units]))
# Update should have been called only once.
self.assertEqual(1, self.apt.update_by_path.call_count)
def test_disconnect_image_disk(self, mock_vm_id, mock_rm_lu_map):
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
mock_vm_id.return_value = 'lpar_id'
def mklu(udid):
lu = pvm_stg.LU.bld(None, 'lu_%s' % udid, 1)
lu._udid('27%s' % udid)
return lu
lu1 = mklu('abc')
lu2 = mklu('def')
def remove_lu_mapping(adapter, vios_uuid, lpar_id, disk_prefixes=None):
"""Mock returning different sets of LUs for each VIOS."""
self.assertEqual(adapter, self.apt)
self.assertEqual('lpar_id', lpar_id)
self.assertIn(vios_uuid, ('6424120D-CA95-437D-9C18-10B06F4B3400',
return 'fake_vios', [lu1, lu2]
mock_rm_lu_map.side_effect = remove_lu_mapping
lu_list = ssp_stor.disconnect_image_disk(None, None, None)
self.assertEqual({lu1, lu2}, set(lu_list))
def test_shared_stg_calls(self):
# Check the good paths
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
data = ssp_stor.check_instance_shared_storage_local('context', 'inst')
ssp_stor.check_instance_shared_storage_remote('context', data))
ssp_stor.check_instance_shared_storage_cleanup('context', data)
# Check bad paths...
# No data
ssp_stor.check_instance_shared_storage_remote('context', None))
# Unexpected data format
ssp_stor.check_instance_shared_storage_remote('context', 'bad'))
# Good data, but not the same SSP uuid
not_same = {'ssp_uuid': 'uuid value not the same'}
ssp_stor.check_instance_shared_storage_remote('context', not_same))
def _bld_mocks_for_instance_disk(self):
inst = mock.Mock()
inst.name = 'my-instance-name'
lpar_wrap = mock.Mock()
lpar_wrap.id = 4
# Build mock VIOS Wrappers as the returns from VIOS.wrap.
# vios1 and vios2 will both have the mapping for client ID 4 and LU
# named boot_my_instance_name.
vios1 = pvm_vios.VIOS.wrap(pvmhttp.load_pvm_resp(
'fake_vios_ssp_npiv.txt', adapter=self.apt).get_response())
resp1 = self._bld_resp(entry_or_list=vios1.entry)
vios2 = copy.deepcopy(vios1)
# Change name and UUID so we can tell the difference:
vios2.name = 'vios2'
vios2.entry.properties['id'] = '7C6475B3-73A5-B9FF-4799-B23B20292951'
resp2 = self._bld_resp(entry_or_list=vios2.entry)
# vios3 will not have the mapping
vios3 = pvm_vios.VIOS.wrap(pvmhttp.load_pvm_resp(
'fake_vios_ssp_npiv.txt', adapter=self.apt).get_response())
vios3.name = 'vios3'
vios3.entry.properties['id'] = 'B9FF4799-B23B-2029-2951-7C6475B373A5'
resp3 = self._bld_resp(entry_or_list=vios3.entry)
return inst, lpar_wrap, resp1, resp2, resp3
def test_instance_disk_iter(self):
def assert_read_calls(num):
self.assertEqual(num, self.apt.read.call_count)
[mock.call(pvm_vios.VIOS.schema_type, root_id=mock.ANY,
for i in range(num)])
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
inst, lpar_wrap, rsp1, rsp2, rsp3 = self._bld_mocks_for_instance_disk()
# Test with two VIOSes, both of which contain the mapping
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp1, rsp2]
count = 0
for lu, vios in ssp_stor.instance_disk_iter(inst, lpar_wrap=lpar_wrap):
count += 1
'fb24756e9713a93f90', lu.udid)
self.assertEqual('vios1_181.68' if count == 1 else 'vios2',
self.assertEqual(2, count)
# Same, but prove that breaking out of the loop early avoids the second
# Adapter.read call
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp1, rsp2]
for lu, vios in ssp_stor.instance_disk_iter(inst, lpar_wrap=lpar_wrap):
'fb24756e9713a93f90', lu.udid)
self.assertEqual('vios1_181.68', vios.name)
self.assertEqual(1, self.apt.read.call_count)
# Now the first VIOS doesn't have the mapping, but the second does
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp3, rsp2]
count = 0
for lu, vios in ssp_stor.instance_disk_iter(inst, lpar_wrap=lpar_wrap):
count += 1
'fb24756e9713a93f90', lu.udid)
self.assertEqual('vios2', vios.name)
self.assertEqual(1, count)
# No hits
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp3, rsp3]
for lu, vios in ssp_stor.instance_disk_iter(inst, lpar_wrap=lpar_wrap):
def test_connect_instance_disk_to_mgmt(self, mock_add, mock_lw):
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
inst, lpar_wrap, rsp1, rsp2, rsp3 = self._bld_mocks_for_instance_disk()
mock_lw.return_value = lpar_wrap
# Test with two VIOSes, both of which contain the mapping
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp1, rsp2]
lu, vios = ssp_stor.connect_instance_disk_to_mgmt(inst)
'fb24756e9713a93f90', lu.udid)
# Should hit on the first VIOS
self.assertIs(rsp1.entry, vios.entry)
self.assertEqual(1, mock_add.call_count)
vios, 'mp_uuid', lu)
# Now the first VIOS doesn't have the mapping, but the second does
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp3, rsp2]
lu, vios = ssp_stor.connect_instance_disk_to_mgmt(inst)
'fb24756e9713a93f90', lu.udid)
# Should hit on the second VIOS
self.assertIs(rsp2.entry, vios.entry)
self.assertEqual(1, mock_add.call_count)
vios, 'mp_uuid', lu)
# No hits
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp3, rsp3]
ssp_stor.connect_instance_disk_to_mgmt, inst)
self.assertEqual(0, mock_add.call_count)
# First add_vscsi_mapping call raises
self.apt.read.side_effect = [rsp1, rsp2]
mock_add.side_effect = [Exception("mapping failed"), None]
# Should hit on the second VIOS
self.assertIs(rsp2.entry, vios.entry)
def test_disconnect_disk_from_mgmt(self, mock_rm_lu_map):
ssp_stor = self._get_ssp_stor()
ssp_stor.disconnect_disk_from_mgmt('vios_uuid', 'disk_name')
mock_rm_lu_map.assert_called_with(ssp_stor.adapter, 'vios_uuid',
'mp_uuid', disk_names=['disk_name'])