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# Copyright 2014, 2017 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
import logging
from nova import test
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import pypowervm.tests.test_fixtures as pvm_fx
from pypowervm.wrappers import iocard as pvm_card
from pypowervm.wrappers import managed_system as pvm_ms
from pypowervm.wrappers import mtms as pvm_mtms
from nova_powervm.virt.powervm import host as pvm_host
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def mock_sriov(adap_id, pports):
sriov = mock.create_autospec(pvm_card.SRIOVAdapter, spec_set=True)
sriov.configure_mock(sriov_adap_id=adap_id, phys_ports=pports)
return sriov
def mock_pport(port_id, label, maxlps):
port = mock.create_autospec(pvm_card.SRIOVEthPPort, spec_set=True)
port.configure_mock(port_id=port_id, label=label, supp_max_lps=maxlps)
return port
class TestPowerVMHost(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_host_resources(self):
# Create objects to test with
sriov_adaps = [
mock_sriov(1, [mock_pport(2, 'foo', 1), mock_pport(3, '', 2)]),
mock_sriov(4, [mock_pport(5, 'bar', 3)])]
ms_wrapper = mock.create_autospec(pvm_ms.System, spec_set=True)
mtms = mock.create_autospec(pvm_mtms.MTMS, spec_set=True)
asio = mock.create_autospec(pvm_ms.ASIOConfig, spec_set=True)
# Run the actual test
stats = pvm_host.build_host_resource_from_ms(ms_wrapper)
# Check for the presence of fields
fields = (('vcpus', 500), ('vcpus_used', 0),
('memory_mb', 5242880), ('memory_mb_used', 128),
'hypervisor_type', 'hypervisor_version',
'hypervisor_hostname', 'cpu_info',
'supported_instances', 'stats', 'pci_passthrough_devices')
for fld in fields:
if isinstance(fld, tuple):
value = stats.get(fld[0], None)
self.assertEqual(value, fld[1])
value = stats.get(fld, None)
# Check for individual stats
hstats = (('proc_units', '500.00'), ('proc_units_used', '0.00'))
for stat in hstats:
if isinstance(stat, tuple):
value = stats['stats'].get(stat[0], None)
self.assertEqual(value, stat[1])
value = stats['stats'].get(stat, None)
# pci_passthrough_devices. Parse json - entries can be in any order.
ppdstr = stats['pci_passthrough_devices']
ppdlist = jsonutils.loads(ppdstr)
self.assertEqual({'foo', 'bar', 'default'}, {ppd['physical_network']
for ppd in ppdlist})
self.assertEqual({'foo', 'bar', 'default'}, {ppd['label']
for ppd in ppdlist})
self.assertEqual({'*:1:2.0', '*:1:3.0', '*:1:3.1', '*:4:5.0',
'*:4:5.1', '*:4:5.2'},
{ppd['address'] for ppd in ppdlist})
for ppd in ppdlist:
self.assertEqual('type-VF', ppd['dev_type'])
self.assertEqual('*:*:*.*', ppd['parent_addr'])
self.assertEqual('*', ppd['vendor_id'])
self.assertEqual('*', ppd['product_id'])
self.assertEqual(1, ppd['numa_node'])
class TestHostCPUStats(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestHostCPUStats, self).setUp()
# Fixture for the adapter
self.adpt = self.useFixture(pvm_fx.AdapterFx()).adpt
def _get_sample(self, lpar_id, sample):
for lpar in sample.lpars:
if == lpar_id:
return lpar
return None
def test_update_internal_metric(
self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh, mock_user_cycles,
mock_total_cycles, mock_cpu_freq, mock_fw_cycles):
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_cpu_freq.return_value = 4116
# Make sure None is returned if there is no data.
host_stats.cur_phyp = None
expect = {'iowait': 0, 'idle': 0, 'kernel': 0, 'user': 0,
'frequency': 0}
self.assertEqual(expect, host_stats.tot_data)
# Create mock phyp objects to test with
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
mock_fw_cycles.return_value = 58599310268
mock_prev_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
# Mock methods not currently under test
mock_user_cycles.return_value = 50
mock_total_cycles.return_value = 1.6125945178663e+16
# Make the 'prev' the current...for the first pass
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_prev_phyp
host_stats.prev_phyp = None
# Validate the dictionary... No user cycles because all of the
# previous data is empty.
expect = {'iowait': 0, 'idle': 1.6125886579352682e+16,
'kernel': 58599310268, 'user': 50,
'frequency': 4116}
self.assertEqual(expect, host_stats.tot_data)
# Mock methods not currently under test
mock_user_cycles.return_value = 30010090000
mock_total_cycles.return_value = 1.6125945178663e+16
# Now 'increment' it with a new current/previous
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_phyp
host_stats.prev_phyp = mock_prev_phyp
mock_user_cycles.return_value = 100000
# Validate this dictionary. Note that these values are 'higher'
# because this is a running total.
new_kern = 58599310268 * 2
expect = {'iowait': 0, 'idle': 3.2251773158605416e+16,
'kernel': new_kern, 'user': 100050,
'frequency': 4116}
self.assertEqual(expect, host_stats.tot_data)
def test_update_internal_metric_bad_total(
self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh, mock_cpu_freq,
mock_user_cycles, mock_tot_cycles, mock_fw_cycles):
"""Validates that if the total cycles are off, we handle."""
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_cpu_freq.return_value = 4116
mock_user_cycles.return_value = 30010090000
mock_fw_cycles.return_value = 58599310268
# Mock the total cycles to some really low number.
mock_tot_cycles.return_value = 5
# Create mock phyp objects to test with
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
mock_prev_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
mock_phyp.sample.system_firmware.utilized_proc_cycles = 58599310268
# Run the actual test - 'increment' it with a new current/previous
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_phyp
host_stats.prev_phyp = mock_prev_phyp
# Validate this dictionary. Note that the idle is now 0...not a
# negative number.
expect = {'iowait': 0, 'idle': 0, 'kernel': 58599310268,
'user': 30010090000, 'frequency': 4116}
self.assertEqual(expect, host_stats.tot_data)
def test_get_cpu_freq(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh, mock_cmd):
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_cmd.return_value = '4116.000000MHz\n'
self.assertEqual(4116, host_stats._get_cpu_freq())
self.assertEqual(int, type(host_stats._get_cpu_freq()))
def test_gather_user_cycles_delta(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh,
# Crete objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
mock_prev_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
# Mock methods not currently under test
mock_cycles.return_value = 15005045000
# Test that we can run with previous samples and then without.
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_phyp
host_stats.prev_phyp = mock_prev_phyp
resp = host_stats._gather_user_cycles_delta()
self.assertEqual(30010090000, resp)
# Now test if there is no previous sample. Since there are no previous
# samples, it will be 0.
host_stats.prev_phyp = None
mock_cycles.return_value = 0
resp = host_stats._gather_user_cycles_delta()
self.assertEqual(0, resp)
def test_delta_proc_cycles(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh):
# Create objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_phyp, mock_prev_phyp = self._get_mock_phyps()
# Test that a previous sample allows us to gather the delta across all
# of the VMs. This should take into account the scenario where a LPAR
# is deleted and a new one takes its place (LPAR ID 6)
delta = host_stats._delta_proc_cycles(mock_phyp.sample.lpars,
self.assertEqual(10010000000, delta)
# Now test as if there is no previous data. This results in 0 as they
# could have all been LPMs with months of cycles (rather than 30
# seconds delta).
delta2 = host_stats._delta_proc_cycles(mock_phyp.sample.lpars, None)
self.assertEqual(0, delta2)
self.assertNotEqual(delta2, delta)
# Test that if previous sample had 0 values, the sample is not
# considered for evaluation, and resultant delta cycles is 0.
prev_lpar_sample = mock_prev_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor
prev_lpar_sample.util_cap_proc_cycles = 0
prev_lpar_sample.util_uncap_proc_cycles = 0
prev_lpar_sample.donated_proc_cycles = 0
delta3 = host_stats._delta_proc_cycles(mock_phyp.sample.lpars,
self.assertEqual(0, delta3)
def test_delta_user_cycles(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh):
# Create objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_phyp, mock_prev_phyp = self._get_mock_phyps()
mock_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor.util_cap_proc_cycles = 250000
mock_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor.util_uncap_proc_cycles = 250000
mock_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor.donated_proc_cycles = 500
mock_prev_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor.util_cap_proc_cycles = 0
num = 455000
mock_prev_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor.util_uncap_proc_cycles = num
mock_prev_phyp.sample.lpars[0].processor.donated_proc_cycles = 1000
# Test that a previous sample allows us to gather just the delta.
new_elem = self._get_sample(4, mock_phyp.sample)
old_elem = self._get_sample(4, mock_prev_phyp.sample)
delta = host_stats._delta_user_cycles(new_elem, old_elem)
self.assertEqual(45500, delta)
# Validate the scenario where we don't have a previous. Should default
# to 0, given no context of why the previous sample did not have the
# data.
delta = host_stats._delta_user_cycles(new_elem, None)
self.assertEqual(0, delta)
def test_find_prev_sample(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh):
# Create objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_lpar_4A = mock.Mock()
mock_lpar_4A.configure_mock(id=4, name='A')
mock_lpar_4A.processor = mock.MagicMock(
mock_lpar_6A = mock.Mock()
mock_lpar_6A.configure_mock(id=6, name='A')
mock_lpar_6B = mock.Mock()
mock_lpar_6A.configure_mock(id=6, name='B')
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock(lpars=[mock_lpar_4A,
mock_prev_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock(
lpars=[mock_lpar_4A, mock_lpar_6B]))
# Sample 6 in the current shouldn't match the previous. It has the
# same LPAR ID, but a different name. This is considered different
new_elem = self._get_sample(6, mock_phyp.sample)
prev = host_stats._find_prev_sample(new_elem,
# Lpar 4 should be in the old one. Match that up.
new_elem = self._get_sample(4, mock_phyp.sample)
prev = host_stats._find_prev_sample(new_elem,
self.assertEqual(500000, prev.processor.entitled_proc_cycles)
# Test that we get None back if there are no previous samples
prev = host_stats._find_prev_sample(new_elem, None)
def test_get_total_cycles(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh):
# Mock objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock()
mock_phyp.sample = mock.MagicMock()
mock_phyp.sample.processor.configurable_proc_units = 5
mock_phyp.sample.time_based_cycles = 500
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_phyp
# Make sure we get the full system cycles.
max_cycles = host_stats._get_total_cycles_delta()
self.assertEqual(2500, max_cycles)
def test_get_total_cycles_diff_cores(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh):
# Mock objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
# Latest Sample
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock())
mock_phyp.sample.processor.configurable_proc_units = 48
mock_phyp.sample.time_based_cycles = 1000
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_phyp
# Earlier sample. Use a higher proc unit sample
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock())
mock_phyp.sample.processor.configurable_proc_units = 1
mock_phyp.sample.time_based_cycles = 500
host_stats.prev_phyp = mock_phyp
# Make sure we get the full system cycles.
max_cycles = host_stats._get_total_cycles_delta()
self.assertEqual(24000, max_cycles)
def test_get_firmware_cycles(self, mock_ensure_ltm, mock_refresh):
# Mock objects to test with
host_stats = pvm_host.HostCPUStats(self.adpt, 'host_uuid')
# Latest Sample
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock())
mock_phyp.sample.system_firmware.utilized_proc_cycles = 2000
# Previous Sample
prev_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock())
prev_phyp.sample.system_firmware.utilized_proc_cycles = 1000
host_stats.cur_phyp = mock_phyp
host_stats.prev_phyp = prev_phyp
# Get delta
delta_firmware_cycles = host_stats._get_fw_cycles_delta()
self.assertEqual(1000, delta_firmware_cycles)
def _get_mock_phyps(self):
"""Helper method to return cur_phyp and prev_phyp."""
mock_lpar_4A = mock.Mock()
mock_lpar_4A.configure_mock(id=4, name='A')
mock_lpar_4A.processor = mock.MagicMock(
mock_lpar_4A_prev = mock.Mock()
mock_lpar_4A_prev.configure_mock(id=4, name='A')
mock_lpar_4A_prev.processor = mock.MagicMock(
mock_phyp = mock.MagicMock(sample=mock.MagicMock(lpars=[mock_lpar_4A]))
mock_prev_phyp = mock.MagicMock(
return mock_phyp, mock_prev_phyp