Drew Thorstensen 6cc2a07f70 Minor spelling/consistency updates
This change set fixes some minor formatting issues.  In general, the

- Have a consistent return doc string
- Have param be format :param xyz: instead of :param: xyz:
- A couple spelling issues
- Some doc string consolidation

Change-Id: I1967c06398a0d1d233f5b1a64203c5fdc7f12126
2015-08-05 09:40:15 -04:00

613 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright 2014, 2015 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from nova.compute import power_state
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _LI, _LE, _
from nova.virt import hardware
from pypowervm import exceptions as pvm_exc
from pypowervm.tasks import cna
from pypowervm.tasks import power
from pypowervm.tasks import vterm
from pypowervm.utils import lpar_builder as lpar_bldr
from pypowervm.utils import uuid as pvm_uuid
from pypowervm.wrappers import base_partition as pvm_bp
from pypowervm.wrappers import logical_partition as pvm_lpar
from pypowervm.wrappers import managed_system as pvm_ms
from pypowervm.wrappers import network as pvm_net
from pypowervm.wrappers import shared_proc_pool as pvm_spp
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"migrating running": power_state.RUNNING,
"running": power_state.RUNNING,
"starting": power_state.RUNNING,
"migrating not active": power_state.SHUTDOWN,
"not activated": power_state.SHUTDOWN,
"hardware discovery": power_state.NOSTATE,
"not available": power_state.NOSTATE,
# map open firmware state to active since it can be shut down
"open firmware": power_state.RUNNING,
"resuming": power_state.NOSTATE,
"shutting down": power_state.NOSTATE,
"suspending": power_state.NOSTATE,
"unknown": power_state.NOSTATE,
"suspended": power_state.SUSPENDED,
"error": power_state.CRASHED
POWERVM_STARTABLE_STATE = ("not activated")
POWERVM_STOPABLE_STATE = ("running", "starting", "open firmware")
# Attributes for secure RMC
# TODO(thorst) The name of the secure RMC vswitch will change.
def _translate_vm_state(pvm_state):
"""Find the current state of the lpar and convert it to
the appropriate nova.compute.power_state
:return: The appropriate integer state value from power_state
if pvm_state is None:
return power_state.NOSTATE
nova_state = POWERVM_TO_NOVA_STATE[pvm_state.lower()]
except KeyError:
nova_state = power_state.NOSTATE
return nova_state
class InstanceInfo(hardware.InstanceInfo):
"""Instance Information
This object tries to lazy load the attributes since the compute
manager retrieves it a lot just to check the status and doesn't need
all the attributes.
:param adapter: pypowervm adapter
:param name: instance name
:param uuid: powervm uuid
def __init__(self, adapter, name, uuid):
self._adapter = adapter
self._name = name
self._uuid = uuid
self._state = None
self._mem_kb = None
self._max_mem_kb = None
self._num_cpu = None
# Non-lazy loaded properties
self.cpu_time_ns = 0
# Todo(IBM) Should this be the instance UUID vs PowerVM?
self.id = uuid
def _get_property(self, q_prop):
return get_vm_qp(self._adapter, self._uuid, q_prop)
def state(self):
# return the state if we previously loaded it
if self._state is not None:
return self._state
# otherwise, fetch the value now
pvm_state = self._get_property('PartitionState')
self._state = _translate_vm_state(pvm_state)
return self._state
def mem_kb(self):
# return the memory if we previously loaded it
if self._mem_kb is not None:
return self._mem_kb
# otherwise, fetch the value now
pvm_mem_kb = self._get_property('CurrentMemory')
self._mem_kb = pvm_mem_kb
return self._mem_kb
def max_mem_kb(self):
# return the max memory if we previously loaded it
if self._max_mem_kb is not None:
return self._max_mem_kb
# TODO(IBM) max isn't a quick property. We need the wrapper
return self.mem_kb()
def num_cpu(self):
# return the number of cpus if we previously loaded it
if self._num_cpu is not None:
return self._num_cpu
# otherwise, fetch the value now
pvm_num_cpu = self._get_property('AllocatedVirtualProcessors')
self._num_cpu = pvm_num_cpu
return self._num_cpu
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
self._uuid == other._uuid)
class VMBuilder(object):
"""Converts a Nova Instance/Flavor into a pypowervm LPARBuilder."""
# Map of PowerVM extra specs to the lpar builder attributes.
# '' is used for attributes that are not implemented yet.
# None means there is no direct attribute mapping and must
# be handled individually
'powervm:min_mem': lpar_bldr.MIN_MEM,
'powervm:max_mem': lpar_bldr.MAX_MEM,
'powervm:min_vcpu': lpar_bldr.MIN_VCPU,
'powervm:max_vcpu': lpar_bldr.MAX_VCPU,
'powervm:proc_units': lpar_bldr.PROC_UNITS,
'powervm:min_proc_units': lpar_bldr.MIN_PROC_U,
'powervm:max_proc_units': lpar_bldr.MAX_PROC_U,
'powervm:dedicated_proc': lpar_bldr.DED_PROCS,
'powervm:uncapped': None,
'powervm:dedicated_sharing_mode': None,
'powervm:processor_compatibility': '',
'powervm:srr_capability': '',
'powervm:shared_weight': lpar_bldr.UNCAPPED_WEIGHT,
'powervm:availability_priority': lpar_bldr.AVAIL_PRIORITY,
'powervm:shared_proc_pool_name': None
_PVM_UNCAPPED = 'powervm:uncapped'
_PVM_DED_SHAR_MODE = 'powervm:dedicated_sharing_mode'
_PVM_SHAR_PROC_POOL = 'powervm:shared_proc_pool_name'
'share_idle_procs': pvm_bp.DedicatedSharingMode.SHARE_IDLE_PROCS,
'keep_idle_procs': pvm_bp.DedicatedSharingMode.KEEP_IDLE_PROCS,
def __init__(self, host_w, adapter):
"""Initialize the converter.
:param host_w: The host system wrapper.
self.adapter = adapter
self.host_w = host_w
self.stdz = lpar_bldr.DefaultStandardize(
self.host_w, proc_units_factor=CONF.powervm.proc_units_factor)
def lpar_builder(self, instance, flavor):
"""Returns the pypowervm LPARBuilder for a given Nova flavor.
:param instance: the VM instance
:param flavor: The Nova instance flavor.
attrs = self._format_flavor(instance, flavor)
return lpar_bldr.LPARBuilder(self.adapter, attrs, self.stdz)
def _format_flavor(self, instance, flavor):
"""Returns the pypowervm format of the flavor.
:param instance: the VM instance
:param flavor: The Nova instance flavor.
:return: a dict that can be used by the LPAR builder
# The attrs are what is sent to pypowervm to convert the lpar.
attrs = {}
attrs[lpar_bldr.NAME] = instance.name
# The uuid is only actually set on a create of an LPAR
attrs[lpar_bldr.UUID] = pvm_uuid.convert_uuid_to_pvm(instance.uuid)
attrs[lpar_bldr.MEM] = flavor.memory_mb
attrs[lpar_bldr.VCPU] = flavor.vcpus
# Loop through the extra specs and process powervm keys
for key in flavor.extra_specs.keys():
# If it is not a valid key, then can skip.
if not self._is_pvm_valid_key(key):
# Look for the mapping to the lpar builder
bldr_key = self._ATTRS_MAP.get(key)
# Check for no direct mapping, if the value is none, need to
# derive the complex type
if bldr_key is None:
self._build_complex_type(key, attrs, flavor)
# We found a direct mapping
attrs[bldr_key] = flavor.extra_specs[key]
return attrs
def _is_pvm_valid_key(self, key):
"""Will return if this is a valid PowerVM key.
:param key: The powervm key.
:return: True if valid key. False if non-powervm key and should be
skipped. Raises an InvalidAttribute exception if is an
unknown PowerVM key.
# If not a powervm key, then it is not 'pvm_valid'
if not key.startswith('powervm:'):
return False
# Check if this is a valid attribute
if key not in self._ATTRS_MAP.keys():
exc = exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=key)
raise exc
return True
def _build_complex_type(self, key, attrs, flavor):
"""If a key does not directly map, this method derives the right value.
Some types are complex, in that the flavor may have one key that maps
to several different attributes in the lpar builder. This method
handles the complex types.
:param key: The flavor's key.
:param attrs: The attribute map to put the value into.
:param flavor: The Nova instance flavor.
:return: The value to put in for the key.
# Map uncapped to sharing mode
if key == self._PVM_UNCAPPED:
is_uncapped = self._flavor_bool(flavor.extra_specs[key], key)
shar_mode = (pvm_bp.SharingMode.UNCAPPED if is_uncapped
else pvm_bp.SharingMode.CAPPED)
attrs[lpar_bldr.SHARING_MODE] = shar_mode
elif key == self._PVM_DED_SHAR_MODE:
# Dedicated sharing modes...map directly
mode = self._DED_SHARING_MODES_MAP.get(
if mode is not None:
attrs[lpar_bldr.SHARING_MODE] = mode
attr = key + '=' + flavor.extra_specs[key]
exc = exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attr)
raise exc
elif key == self._PVM_SHAR_PROC_POOL:
pool_name = flavor.extra_specs[key]
attrs[lpar_bldr.SPP] = self._spp_pool_id(pool_name)
# TODO(IBM): Handle other attributes
# There was no mapping or we didn't handle it.
exc = exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=key)
raise exc
def _spp_pool_id(self, pool_name):
"""Returns the shared proc pool id for a given pool name.
:param pool_name: The shared proc pool name.
:return: The internal API id for the shared proc pool.
if (pool_name is None or
pool_name == pvm_spp.DEFAULT_POOL_DISPLAY_NAME):
# The default pool is 0
return 0
# Search for the pool with this name
pool_wraps = pvm_spp.SharedProcPool.search(
self.adapter, name=pool_name,
# Check to make sure there is a pool with the name, and only one pool.
if len(pool_wraps) > 1:
msg = (_('Multiple Shared Processing Pools with name %(pool)s.') %
{'pool': pool_name})
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
elif len(pool_wraps) == 0:
msg = (_('Unable to find Shared Processing Pool %(pool)s') %
{'pool': pool_name})
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
# Return the singular pool id.
return pool_wraps[0].id
def _flavor_bool(self, val, key):
"""Will validate and return the boolean for a given value.
:param val: The value to parse into a boolean.
:param key: The flavor key.
:return: The boolean value for the attribute. If is not well formed
will raise an ValidationError.
trues = ['true', 't', 'yes', 'y']
falses = ['false', 'f', 'no', 'n']
if val.lower() in trues:
return True
elif val.lower() in falses:
return False
msg = (_('Flavor attribute %(attr)s must be either True or '
'False. Current value %(val)s is not allowed.') %
{'attr': key, 'val': val})
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def get_lpars(adapter):
"""Get a list of the LPAR wrappers."""
return pvm_lpar.LPAR.search(adapter, is_mgmt_partition=False)
def get_lpar_names(adapter):
"""Get a list of the LPAR names."""
return [x.name for x in get_lpars(adapter)]
def get_instance_wrapper(adapter, instance, host_uuid):
"""Get the LPAR wrapper for a given Nova instance.
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param host_uuid: (TEMPORARY) The host UUID
:return: The pypowervm logical_partition wrapper.
pvm_inst_uuid = get_pvm_uuid(instance)
resp = adapter.read(pvm_ms.System.schema_type, root_id=host_uuid,
return pvm_lpar.LPAR.wrap(resp)
def instance_exists(adapter, instance, host_uuid):
"""Determine if an instance exists on the host.
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param host_uuid: The host UUID
:return: boolean, whether the instance exists.
# If we're able to get the property, then it exists.
get_vm_id(adapter, get_pvm_uuid(instance))
return True
except exception.InstanceNotFound:
return False
def get_vm_id(adapter, lpar_uuid):
"""Returns the client LPAR ID for a given UUID.
:param adapter: The pypowervm adapter.
:param lpar_uuid: The UUID for the LPAR.
:return: The system id (an integer value).
return get_vm_qp(adapter, lpar_uuid, qprop='PartitionID')
def get_vm_qp(adapter, lpar_uuid, qprop=None):
"""Returns one or all quick properties of an LPAR.
:param adapter: The pypowervm adapter.
:param lpar_uuid: The (powervm) UUID for the LPAR.
:param qprop: The quick property key to return. If specified, that single
property value is returned. If None/unspecified, all quick
properties are returned in a dictionary.
:return: Either a single quick property value or a dictionary of all quick
resp = adapter.read(pvm_lpar.LPAR.schema_type, root_id=lpar_uuid,
suffix_type='quick', suffix_parm=qprop)
except pvm_exc.Error as e:
if e.response.status == 404:
raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=lpar_uuid)
return json.loads(resp.body)
def crt_lpar(adapter, host_wrapper, instance, flavor):
"""Create an LPAR based on the host based on the instance
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param host_wrapper: The host wrapper
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param flavor: The nova flavor.
:return: The LPAR response from the API.
lpar_b = VMBuilder(host_wrapper, adapter).lpar_builder(instance, flavor)
lpar_w = lpar_b.build().create(parent_type=pvm_ms.System,
return lpar_w
def update(adapter, host_wrapper, instance, flavor, entry=None):
"""Update an LPAR based on the host based on the instance
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param host_wrapper: The host wrapper
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param flavor: The nova flavor.
:param entry: The instance pvm entry, if available, otherwise it will
be fetched.
if not entry:
entry = get_instance_wrapper(adapter, instance, host_wrapper.uuid)
lpar_b = VMBuilder(host_wrapper, adapter).lpar_builder(instance, flavor)
# Write out the new specs
def dlt_lpar(adapter, lpar_uuid):
"""Delete an LPAR
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param lpar_uuid: The lpar to delete
# Attempt to delete the VM. If delete fails because of vterm
# we will close the vterm and try the delete again
LOG.info(_LI('Deleting virtual machine. LPARID: %s'), lpar_uuid)
# Ensure any vterms are closed. Will no-op otherwise.
vterm.close_vterm(adapter, lpar_uuid)
# Run the LPAR delete
resp = adapter.delete(pvm_lpar.LPAR.schema_type, root_id=lpar_uuid)
LOG.info(_LI('Virtual machine delete status: %d'), resp.status)
return resp
except pvm_exc.Error:
# Attempting to close vterm did not help so raise exception
LOG.error(_LE('Virtual machine delete failed: LPARID=%s'),
def power_on(adapter, instance, host_uuid, entry=None):
if entry is None:
entry = get_instance_wrapper(adapter, instance, host_uuid)
# Get the current state and see if we can start the VM
if entry.state in POWERVM_STARTABLE_STATE:
# Now start the lpar
power.power_on(entry, host_uuid)
return True
return False
def power_off(adapter, instance, host_uuid, entry=None, add_parms=None):
if entry is None:
entry = get_instance_wrapper(adapter, instance, host_uuid)
# Get the current state and see if we can stop the VM
if entry.state in POWERVM_STOPABLE_STATE:
# Now stop the lpar
power.power_off(entry, host_uuid, add_parms=add_parms)
return True
return False
def get_pvm_uuid(instance):
"""Get the corresponding PowerVM VM uuid of an instance uuid
Maps a OpenStack instance uuid to a PowerVM uuid. The UUID between the
Nova instance and PowerVM will be 1 to 1 mapped. This method runs the
algorithm against the instance's uuid to convert it to the PowerVM
:param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
:return: pvm_uuid.
return pvm_uuid.convert_uuid_to_pvm(instance.uuid).upper()
def get_cnas(adapter, instance, host_uuid):
"""Returns the current CNAs on the instance.
The Client Network Adapters are the Ethernet adapters for a VM.
:param adapter: The pypowervm adapter.
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param host_uuid: The host system UUID.
:return The CNA wrappers that represent the ClientNetworkAdapters on the VM
cna_resp = adapter.read(pvm_lpar.LPAR.schema_type,
return pvm_net.CNA.wrap(cna_resp)
def crt_vif(adapter, instance, host_uuid, vif):
"""Will create a Client Network Adapter on the system.
:param adapter: The pypowervm adapter API interface.
:param instance: The nova instance to create the VIF against.
:param host_uuid: The host system UUID.
:param vif: The nova VIF that describes the ethernet interface.
:return: The created network adapter wrapper.
lpar_uuid = get_pvm_uuid(instance)
# CNA's require a VLAN. If the network doesn't provide, default to 1
vlan = vif['network']['meta'].get('vlan', 1)
return cna.crt_cna(adapter, host_uuid, lpar_uuid, vlan,
def crt_secure_rmc_vif(adapter, instance, host_uuid):
"""Creates the Secure RMC Network Adapter on the VM.
:param adapter: The pypowervm adapter API interface.
:param instance: The nova instance to create the VIF against.
:param host_uuid: The host system UUID.
:return: The created network adapter wrapper.
lpar_uuid = get_pvm_uuid(instance)
return cna.crt_cna(adapter, host_uuid, lpar_uuid, SECURE_RMC_VLAN,
vswitch=SECURE_RMC_VSWITCH, crt_vswitch=True)
def get_secure_rmc_vswitch(adapter, host_uuid):
"""Returns the vSwitch that is used for secure RMC.
:param adapter: The pypowervm adapter API interface.
:param host_uuid: The host system UUID.
:return: The wrapper for the secure RMC vSwitch. If it does not exist
on the system, None is returned.
resp = adapter.read(pvm_ms.System.schema_type, root_id=host_uuid,
vswitches = pvm_net.VSwitch.wrap(resp)
for vswitch in vswitches:
if vswitch.name == SECURE_RMC_VSWITCH:
return vswitch
return None
def norm_mac(mac):
"""Normalizes a MAC address from pypowervm format to OpenStack.
That means that the format will be converted to lower case and will
have colons added.
:param mac: A pypowervm mac address. Ex. 1234567890AB
:return: A mac that matches the standard neutron format.
Ex. 12:34:56:78:90:ab
mac = mac.lower().replace(':', '')
return ':'.join(mac[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(mac), 2))