Sylvain Bauza 5229724450 Move Antelope implemented specs
Changed a few filenames to have the tox target working fine.

Change-Id: Ia0a453449163564249ff293812fffb616bbec7c7
2023-03-08 19:15:56 +01:00

7.0 KiB

Allow FQDN in hostname field

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Enable end users to specify an FQDN as the instance hostname

Problem description

Originally when nova was created the instance hostname was set from the instance display-name. Nova did not allow FQDNs in the display name and explicitly blocked it, but that was later removed as a bugfix.

Given the filtering of FQDN like strings was not done as a spec or feature nova never provided an API guarantee that FQDNs can be used when creating a server. After several bug reports of undesirable interactions with Designate we decided to extend the normalization that removes non-ASCII alpha-numeric character to also remove periods . from the hostname when initializing it form the display name.

In the Xena release we also introduced configurable instance hostnames by exposing the hostname field directly in the API but maintained our prohibition on FQDNs.

This spec seeks to extend the hostname field to allow FQDNs to be used as the hostname of an instance.

Use Cases

As an operator, I want to allocate domains to my tenants and use automation to validate that the VMs are created with an FQDN that is derived from that domain.

As a VNF vendor, I want to set the value of /etc/hostname to an FQDN automatically when creating an instance via the api leveraging cloud-init or another tool without using user-data.

Proposed change

  • add a new api microversion to opt into using an FQDN in the hostname field.
  • increase the character length limit on the host name filed form 63 to 255
  • remove the rejection of "." and other legal characters in a FQDN.
  • currently, attempting to use multi-create with the --hostname parameter results in an error 400. This spec continues this behavior: multi-create with --hostname, be it FQDN or short name, continues to be disallowed.


Today the instance.hostname field is propagated into the hostname field of
the instance metadata. With this change the instance.hostname field can be an
FQDN and that will also be propagated as done today without alteration.


Nova could add a FQDN field e.g. openstack server create --FQDN ...

This raises ambiguity of when to use --hostname vs --FQDN and requires a change to the data model to store the new field.

Nova could add a domain field e.g. openstack server create --hostname my-host --domain ...

This is better then --FQDN but still requires a db and object changes for little benefit.

Nova could try to propagate hostname changes to neutron ports and floating IPs. This is seen as risky, complex and hard to understand.

First if nova was to propagate hostname changes to the port dns_name field it would only be able to do so on ports that were created by nova, not pre created ports passed in by the API user. If we updated ports that were passed in it could break existing use-cases where an end user set the desired name.

Second the floating IP dns_name is not typically the same as the instance FQDN. The instance hostname or FQDN is typically an internal name used in the application and the floating ip is used to expose a public name for the service. i.e. the instance might be called where as the dns_name of the floating IP might be

Given the two reasons above, and the fact nova does not want to manage networking, propagation of hostname changes to neutron ports is out of scope.

Since this is only useful when using designate and designate already monitors nova's notification endpoint to update dns records using the designate-sink component, this functionality can be implemented using designate if designate desire in the future.

For these reasons updating the hostname in other services, when its updated in nova, is out of scope.


As is done today, if the instance.hostname is updated on an instance it will
be updated in the metadata service but not in the config-drive. If the
config-drive is ever regenerated such as via a cross cell
resize then the new value will be available to the guest via the
config drive. This does not change the behavior from before this change.

Data model impact


The database field is already large enough to hold any valid FQDN so no changes are required to the db. The instance object declares the hostname field as a string and also requires no changes.

REST API impact

A new API microversion will be introduced to allow FQDNs in the hostname field. Minor changes will be required to conditionally change the length restriction and disable some of the current validation when the new microversion is used but the code will remain for older microversions.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Users will be able to set the hostname of their vm to an FQDN, however without using an external service like designate to advertise the FQDN it may not be resolvable without manual intervention.

Nova provides no guarantee of uniqueness or reachability of the FQDN provided by the end user.

As is the case today, nova will only set the dns_name on a neutron port once when the server is first created. If the end user updates the instance.hostname, it will be updated in the nova db and become visible in the metadata API hostname field. It is out of scope of the nova project to propagate this hostname change to any neutron ports, floating IPs or dns records.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployers should be aware that unique FQDNs or hostnames cannot be enforced using the existing [DEFAULT]/osAPI_compute_unique_server_name_scope config option as that provides uniqueness of the display name, not the hostname.

This spec does not introduce a way to force the hostnames or FQDNs to be unique in any scope.

Developer impact

osc should be extended to support the new microversion.

Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • remove API restriction
  • update API sample tests
  • provide new microversion and API ref
  • update osc




This can be entirely tested with API/functional tests.

Documentation Impact

The API ref will be updated




Release Name Description
2023.1 Antelope Introduced