Michael Still f0b8204072 Re-organize juno specs
As discussed at our nova meetings, reorganize the juno specs into
three directories:

 - proposed: things proposed which weren't approved
 - approved: things we approved but didn't implement
 - implemented: things approved and implemented

The first I suspect is the most controversial. I've done this
because I worry about the case where a future developer wants to
pick up something dropped by a previous developer, but has trouble
finding previous proposed specifications on the topic. Note that
the actual proposed specs for Juno are adding in a later commit.

Change-Id: Idcf55ca37a83d7098dcb7c2971240c4e8fd23dc8
2014-10-07 07:49:59 +11:00

51 lines
1.9 KiB

# A simple sphinx plugin which creates HTML redirections from old names
# to new names. It does this by looking for files named "redirect" in
# the documentation source and using the contents to create simple HTML
# redirection pages for changed filenames.
import os.path
from sphinx.application import ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME
from sphinx.util.console import bold
def setup(app):
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
if not isinstance(app, Sphinx):
app.connect('build-finished', emit_redirects)
def process_redirect_file(app, path, ent):
parent_path = path.replace(app.builder.srcdir, app.builder.outdir)
with open(os.path.join(path, ent)) as redirects:
for line in redirects.readlines():
from_path, to_path = line.rstrip().split(' ')
from_path = from_path.replace('.rst', '.html')
to_path = to_path.replace('.rst', '.html')
redirected_filename = os.path.join(parent_path, from_path)
redirected_directory = os.path.dirname(redirected_filename)
if not os.path.exists(redirected_directory):
with open(redirected_filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; '
'url=%s" /></head></html>'
% to_path)
def emit_redirects(app, exc):'scanning %s for redirects...') % app.builder.srcdir)
def process_directory(path):
for ent in os.listdir(path):
p = os.path.join(path, ent)
if os.path.isdir(p):
elif ent == 'redirects':' found redirects at %s' % p)
process_redirect_file(app, path, ent)