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Aaron Lee <aaron.lee@rackspace.com>
2011-07-20 12:10:01 -07:00
Adam Gandelman <adamg@canonical.com>
2011-07-26 09:49:36 +09:00
Adam Johnson <adjohn@gmail.com>
Adrian Smith <adrian_f_smith@dell.com>
Ahmad Hassan <ahmad.hassan@hp.com>
2011-04-27 00:53:07 -04:00
Alex Meade <alex.meade@rackspace.com>
Alexander Sakhnov <asakhnov@mirantis.com>
Alvaro Lopez Garcia <aloga@ifca.unican.es>
Andrew Bogott <abogott@wikimedia.org>
2011-05-31 11:43:38 -05:00
Andrey Brindeyev <abrindeyev@griddynamics.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Andy Smith <code@term.ie>
Andy Southgate <andy.southgate@citrix.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Anne Gentle <anne@openstack.org>
2010-11-15 13:15:48 -06:00
Anthony Young <sleepsonthefloor@gmail.com>
Antony Messerli <ant@openstack.org>
2010-11-15 13:15:48 -06:00
Armando Migliaccio <Armando.Migliaccio@eu.citrix.com>
Arvind Somya <asomya@cisco.com>
Asbjørn Sannes <asbjorn.sannes@interhost.no>
Ben McGraw <ben@pistoncloud.com>
Bilal Akhtar <bilalakhtar@ubuntu.com>
2011-08-25 23:18:38 -07:00
Brad Hall <brad@nicira.com>
Brad McConnell <bmcconne@rackspace.com>
Brendan Maguire <B_Maguire@Dell.com>
Brian Lamar <brian.lamar@rackspace.com>
Brian Schott <bschott@isi.edu>
Brian Waldon <brian.waldon@rackspace.com>
2011-01-05 15:04:51 -08:00
Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep@cloud.com>
2010-12-13 18:56:07 +00:00
Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@chmouel.com>
2011-01-14 11:44:35 +09:00
Chris Behrens <cbehrens@codestud.com>
2011-02-07 11:57:12 +01:00
Christian Berendt <berendt@b1-systems.de>
Christopher MacGown <chris@pistoncloud.com>
2011-03-17 07:53:25 -04:00
Chuck Short <zulcss@ubuntu.com>
Cor Cornelisse <cor@hyves.nl>
Cory Wright <corywright@gmail.com>
2011-01-26 18:34:56 -05:00
Dan Prince <dan.prince@rackspace.com>
Dan Wendlandt <dan@nicira.com>
2011-05-31 11:43:38 -05:00
Dave Walker <DaveWalker@ubuntu.com>
David Pravec <David.Pravec@danix.org>
David Subiros <david.perez5@hp.com>
Dean Troyer <dtroyer@gmail.com>
Derek Higgins <higginsd@gmail.com>
2011-07-07 16:47:23 -04:00
Devendra Modium <dmodium@isi.edu>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Devin Carlen <devin.carlen@gmail.com>
2011-05-06 16:54:57 +01:00
Donal Lafferty <donal.lafferty@citrix.com>
Duncan McGreggor <duncan@dreamhost.com>
Ed Leafe <ed@leafe.com>
Edouard Thuleau <edouard1.thuleau@orange.com>
2011-06-25 04:47:06 +04:00
Eldar Nugaev <reldan@oscloud.ru>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Eric Day <eday@oddments.org>
Eric Windisch <eric@cloudscaling.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Ewan Mellor <ewan.mellor@citrix.com>
François Charlier <francois.charlier@enovance.com>
Gabe Westmaas <gabe.westmaas@rackspace.com>
Gary Kotton <garyk@radware.com>
Gaurav Gupta <gaurav@denali-systems.com>
2011-01-14 11:44:35 +09:00
Hisaharu Ishii <ishii.hisaharu@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Hisaki Ohara <hisaki.ohara@intel.com>
2011-06-25 04:45:15 +04:00
Ilya Alekseyev <ilyaalekseyev@acm.org>
2011-05-31 11:43:38 -05:00
Isaku Yamahata <yamahata@valinux.co.jp>
Ivan Kolodyazhny <e0ne@e0ne.info>
2011-08-09 14:17:56 -07:00
Jake Dahn <jake@ansolabs.com>
James E. Blair <jeblair@hp.com>
Jason Cannavale <jason.cannavale@rackspace.com>
2011-04-18 15:40:16 -05:00
Jason Koelker <jason@koelker.net>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Jay Pipes <jaypipes@gmail.com>
Jesse Andrews <anotherjesse@gmail.com>
2011-04-20 14:12:47 +02:00
Jimmy Bergman <jimmy@sigint.se>
Joe Gordon <jogo@cloudscaling.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Joe Heck <heckj@mac.com>
2010-11-15 13:15:48 -06:00
Joel Moore <joelbm24@gmail.com>
2011-04-07 16:08:15 -07:00
Johannes Erdfelt <johannes.erdfelt@rackspace.com>
2011-01-24 20:16:09 -08:00
John Dewey <john@dewey.ws>
2011-03-29 17:07:59 -07:00
John Tran <jtran@attinteractive.com>
Jonathan Bryce <jbryce@jbryce.com>
2011-01-25 15:32:41 -08:00
Jordan Rinke <jordan@openstack.org>
2011-07-11 10:48:32 -04:00
Joseph Suh <jsuh@isi.edu>
Joseph W. Breu <breu@breu.org>
2011-01-03 16:07:53 -08:00
Josh Durgin <joshd@hq.newdream.net>
2011-02-24 13:01:16 -06:00
Josh Kearney <josh@jk0.org>
Josh Kleinpeter <josh@kleinpeter.org>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Joshua McKenty <jmckenty@gmail.com>
Juan G. Hernando Rivero <ghe@debian.org>
Include original exception in ClassNotFound exception By doing this, we allow the error messages to be more useful. When an import of a class fails because of a missing module dependency, it would have fail that way for example: $ nova-manage Traceback (most recent call last): File "./bin/nova-manage", line 84, in <module> from nova import image File "/home/jd/Work/src/nova/nova/image/__init__.py", line 22, in <module> from nova.image import glance File "/home/jd/Work/src/nova/nova/image/glance.py", line 42, in <module> GlanceClient = utils.import_class('glance.client.Client') File "/home/jd/Work/src/nova/nova/utils.py", line 66, in import_class raise exception.ClassNotFound(class_name=class_str) nova.exception.ClassNotFound: Class Client could not be found This does not help the user, since it indicates the class Client cannot be found, even if it is actually found but fail to import. With this commit, the error message is better: nova-manage Traceback (most recent call last): File "./bin/nova-manage", line 84, in <module> from nova import image File "/home/jd/Work/src/nova/nova/image/__init__.py", line 22, in <module> from nova.image import glance File "/home/jd/Work/src/nova/nova/image/glance.py", line 42, in <module> GlanceClient = utils.import_class('glance.client.Client') File "/home/jd/Work/src/nova/nova/utils.py", line 66, in import_class raise exception.ClassNotFound(class_name=class_str, exception=exc) nova.exception.ClassNotFound: Class Client could not be found: No module named kombu.connection This helps to know that in this kombu is missing. It would probably even better to rename ClassNotFound to ClassCannotBeImported or something like that too. Change-Id: I4100d931a0a825fa0729d5467d2f9268fdd2a261 Signed-off-by: Julien Danjou <julien.danjou@enovance.com>
2011-10-06 17:15:32 +02:00
Julien Danjou <julien.danjou@enovance.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Justin Santa Barbara <justin@fathomdb.com>
Justin Shepherd <jshepher@rackspace.com>
2011-01-19 23:38:52 +09:00
Kei Masumoto <masumotok@nttdata.co.jp>
2011-09-06 10:10:25 +09:00
Keisuke Tagami <tagami.keisuke@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2011-08-02 18:43:30 +09:00
2011-01-09 11:13:19 -08:00
Ken Pepple <ken.pepple@gmail.com>
2011-03-28 07:33:57 -06:00
Kevin Bringard <kbringard@attinteractive.com>
Kevin L. Mitchell <kevin.mitchell@rackspace.com>
2011-06-25 04:47:06 +04:00
Kirill Shileev <kshileev@gmail.com>
2011-01-14 11:44:35 +09:00
Koji Iida <iida.koji@lab.ntt.co.jp>
Likitha Shetty <likitha.shetty@citrix.com>
Loganathan Parthipan <parthipan@hp.com>
2011-01-11 14:59:51 -05:00
Lorin Hochstein <lorin@isi.edu>
2011-05-11 11:47:38 +04:00
Lvov Maxim <usrleon@gmail.com>
Mandell Degerness <mdegerne@gmail.com>
2011-08-24 22:16:02 +01:00
Mark McLoughlin <markmc@redhat.com>
2011-03-09 14:21:18 -05:00
Mark Washenberger <mark.washenberger@rackspace.com>
2011-03-03 14:10:42 +09:00
Masanori Itoh <itoumsn@nttdata.co.jp>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Matt Dietz <matt.dietz@rackspace.com>
Matthew Hooker <matt@cloudscaling.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Michael Gundlach <michael.gundlach@rackspace.com>
Mike Lundy <mike@pistoncloud.com>
Mike Scherbakov <mihgen@gmail.com>
2011-07-13 08:34:41 -04:00
Mohammed Naser <mnaser@vexxhost.com>
2011-01-05 14:16:14 -06:00
Monsyne Dragon <mdragon@rackspace.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com>
2011-01-14 12:46:10 +09:00
MORITA Kazutaka <morita.kazutaka@gmail.com>
MotoKen <motokentsai@gmail.com>
Muneyuki Noguchi <noguchimn@nttdata.co.jp>
Nachi Ueno <ueno.nachi@lab.ntt.co.jp>
Naveed Massjouni <naveedm9@gmail.com>
Nikolay Sokolov <nsokolov@griddynamics.com>
2011-02-18 11:44:38 -06:00
Nirmal Ranganathan <nirmal.ranganathan@rackspace.com>
Ollie Leahy <oliver.leahy@hp.com>
Bug#898257 abstract out disk image access methods Rather than providing two mutually exlusive image access methods (loop and qemu-nbd), try each in turn. This is to prepare for a follow up patch which will add libguestfs as a method to try. * nova/virt/mount.py: A new Mount class to abstract the devce allocation, partition mapping and file sys mounting, for each access type. * nova/virt/disk/loop.py: A specialization of the base Mount class to provide loop back mounting support. * nova/virt/disk/nbd.py: A specialization of the base Mount class to provide qemu-nbd mounting support. * nova/virt/disk/api.py: A new file containing the nova.virt.disk module interface. (img_handlers): A new list of access methods to try, with the order being honored. (_DiskImage): An internal helper class that uses the plugin classes above, to provide the operations available on a disk image file. When mounting, iterate over each access method until one succeeds. If a hint is provided about a CoW format image, the list of methods to try will be reduced accordingly. Note expected errors are no longer raised as exceptions during mounting. Instead, on failure to mount an image, errors are collated and raised. Interveining errors are logged in debug mode for successful mounts. * nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py: Adjust the function parameter names to be more general, rather than referencing specific implementations like 'nbd' and 'tune2fs'. Simplify the destroy_container() by storing and passing back a reference to the _DiskImage object, which has the necessary state to unmount. * nova/utils.py (trycmd): A helper function to both deal with, commands that issue ignorable warnings to stderr, and commands that EXIT_SUCCESS while issuing errors to stderr. nova/virt/xenapi/vm_utils.py: Adjust for the moved virt.disk package Change-Id: If3a4b1c8f4e2f2e7300a21071340dcc839cb36d7
2011-11-30 17:00:17 +00:00
Pádraig Brady <pbrady@redhat.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Paul Voccio <paul@openstack.org>
2011-05-31 11:43:38 -05:00
Renuka Apte <renuka.apte@citrix.com>
2011-01-25 13:50:11 +01:00
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz <emaildericky@gmail.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Rick Clark <rick@openstack.org>
2010-12-29 10:35:29 -06:00
Rick Harris <rconradharris@gmail.com>
2011-01-19 23:32:08 +01:00
Rob Kost <kost@isi.edu>
Russell Bryant <rbryant@redhat.com>
2010-12-23 02:03:39 +00:00
Ryan Lane <rlane@wikimedia.org>
2010-12-07 20:25:24 +01:00
Ryan Lucio <rlucio@internap.com>
Ryu Ishimoto <ryu@midokura.jp>
Salvatore Orlando <salvatore.orlando@eu.citrix.com>
Sandy Walsh <sandy.walsh@rackspace.com>
Sateesh Chodapuneedi <sateesh.chodapuneedi@citrix.com>
2011-07-14 07:08:02 -04:00
Scott Moser <smoser@ubuntu.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Soren Hansen <soren.hansen@rackspace.com>
Stanislaw Pitucha <stanislaw.pitucha@hp.com>
2011-07-14 23:12:42 -04:00
Stephanie Reese <reese.sm@gmail.com>
2010-12-22 13:52:44 +01:00
Thierry Carrez <thierry@openstack.org>
Tim Simpson <tim.simpson@rackspace.com>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Todd Willey <todd@ansolabs.com>
2010-12-08 23:47:25 +00:00
Trey Morris <trey.morris@rackspace.com>
Troy Toman <troy.toman@rackspace.com>
Tushar Patil <tushar.vitthal.patil@gmail.com>
Unmesh Gurjar <unmesh.gurjar@vertex.co.in>
2011-02-16 10:13:52 +03:00
Vasiliy Shlykov <vash@vasiliyshlykov.org>
2010-10-22 14:06:34 -05:00
Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvananda@gmail.com>
2011-05-31 11:43:38 -05:00
Vivek Y S <vivek.ys@gmail.com>
2011-08-11 16:32:51 -07:00
Vladimir Popovski <vladimir@zadarastorage.com>
William Kelly <william.kelly@rackspace.com>
2011-05-04 21:50:54 -04:00
William Wolf <throughnothing@gmail.com>
Yoshiaki Tamura <yoshi@midokura.jp>
2010-11-15 13:15:48 -06:00
Youcef Laribi <Youcef.Laribi@eu.citrix.com>
Yun Mao <yunmao@gmail.com>
Yun Shen <Yun.Shen@hp.com>
2011-05-06 06:50:48 +04:00
Yuriy Taraday <yorik.sar@gmail.com>
2010-11-15 13:15:48 -06:00
Zhixue Wu <Zhixue.Wu@citrix.com>
Zhongyue Luo <lzyeval@gmail.com>
2011-07-26 16:43:04 -07:00
Zed Shaw <zedshaw@zedshaw.com>