Reproduce bug 1952941

The added unit test proves that pre-Victoria RequestSpec objects
describing a cpu pinned Instance are not migrated to a proper format
in Victoria or newer.

Related-Bug: #1952941

Change-Id: I672af45a1d1c7fb428b1c4983d4f856852829fb9
This commit is contained in:
Balazs Gibizer 2021-12-01 18:33:32 +01:00
parent 7670303aab
commit 05e8977cb2
2 changed files with 69 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -57,14 +57,15 @@ PCI_REQUESTS = objects.InstancePCIRequests(
def fake_db_spec():
req_obj = fake_spec_obj()
def fake_db_spec(spec_obj=None):
if not spec_obj:
spec_obj = fake_spec_obj()
# NOTE(takashin): There is not 'retry' information in the DB table.
del req_obj.retry
del spec_obj.retry
db_request_spec = {
'id': 1,
'instance_uuid': req_obj.instance_uuid,
'spec': jsonutils.dumps(req_obj.obj_to_primitive()),
'instance_uuid': spec_obj.instance_uuid,
'spec': jsonutils.dumps(spec_obj.obj_to_primitive()),
return db_request_spec

View File

@ -615,6 +615,69 @@ class _TestRequestSpecObject(object):
self.assertIsInstance(req_obj.instance_group, objects.InstanceGroup)
# FIXME(gibi): This is bug 1952941. When the cpuset -> pcpuset data
# migration was added to InstanceNUMATopology it was missed that such
# object is not only hydrated via
# InstanceNUMATopology.get_by_instance_uuid() but also hydrated by
# RequestSpec.get_by_instance_uuid() indirectly. However the
# latter code patch does not call InstanceNUMATopology.obj_from_db_obj()
# that triggers the data migration via
# InstanceNUMATopology._migrate_legacy_dedicated_instance_cpuset.
# This causes that when the new nova code loads an old RequestSpec object
# from the DB (e.g. during migration of an instance) the
# InstanceNUMATopology in the RequestSpec will not be migrated to the new
# object version and it will lead to errors when the pcpuset field is read
# during scheduling.
request_spec.RequestSpec, '_get_by_instance_uuid_from_db')
def test_get_by_instance_uuid_numa_topology_migration(
self, mock_get_ig, get_by_uuid
# Simulate a pre-Victoria RequestSpec where the pcpuset field is not
# defined for the embedded InstanceNUMACell objects but the cpu_policy
# is dedicated meaning that cores in cpuset defines pinned cpus. So
# in Victoria or later these InstanceNUMACell objects should be
# translated to hold the cores in the pcpuset field instead.
numa_topology = objects.InstanceNUMATopology(
id=0, cpuset={1, 2}, memory=512, cpu_policy="dedicated"),
id=1, cpuset={3, 4}, memory=512, cpu_policy="dedicated"),
spec_obj = fake_request_spec.fake_spec_obj()
spec_obj.numa_topology = numa_topology
fake_spec = fake_request_spec.fake_db_spec(spec_obj)
fake_spec['instance_uuid'] = uuids.instance_uuid
get_by_uuid.return_value = fake_spec
mock_get_ig.return_value = objects.InstanceGroup(name='fresh')
req_obj = request_spec.RequestSpec.get_by_instance_uuid(
self.context, fake_spec['instance_uuid'])
self.assertEqual(2, len(req_obj.numa_topology.cells))
# This is bug 1952941 as the pcpuset is not defined in object as the
# object is not migrated
ex = self.assertRaises(
lambda: req_obj.numa_topology.cells[0].pcpuset
self.assertIn("Cannot load 'pcpuset' in the base class", str(ex))
# This is the expected behavior
# self.assertEqual({1, 2}, req_obj.numa_topology.cells[0].pcpuset)
# self.assertEqual({3, 4}, req_obj.numa_topology.cells[1].pcpuset)
def _check_update_primitive(self, req_obj, changes):
self.assertEqual(req_obj.instance_uuid, changes['instance_uuid'])
serialized_obj = objects.RequestSpec.obj_from_primitive(