Make libvirt able to trigger a backend image copy when needed

This teaches libvirt's RBD image backend about the outside world, that
other ceph clusters may exist, and how to use Glance's multi-store image
import-via-copy mechanism.

The basic theory is that when we go to do the normal CoW clone for RBD,
we do the "does this image have a location that matches my RBD backend?"
check. If that check does not pass, if configured, we avoid failing
and ask Glance to copy it to our store instead. After that has completed,
we just recurse (once) and re-try our existing logic to see if the image
is now in a reachable location. If so, we pass like we would have
originally, and if not, we fail in the same way we would have.

The copy-to-store logic sets up a looping poll to check for copy completion
every N seconds according to a tunable, with a total timeout value in
case it never completes. If the timeout expires or Glance reports failure,
we will treat that the same as unreachable-due-to-location.

Related to blueprint rbd-glance-multistore

Change-Id: Ia839ad418b0f2887cb8e8f5ee3e660a0751db9ce
This commit is contained in:
Dan Smith 2020-05-21 13:28:51 -07:00
parent 4a6a366b05
commit 07025abf72
4 changed files with 360 additions and 1 deletions

@ -940,6 +940,50 @@ Create sparse logical volumes (with virtualsize) if this flag is set to True.
default='', # default determined by librados
help='Path to the ceph configuration file to use'),
The name of the Glance store that represents the rbd cluster in use by
this node. If set, this will allow Nova to request that Glance copy an
image from an existing non-local store into the one named by this option
before booting so that proper Copy-on-Write behavior is maintained.
Related options:
* images_type - must be set to ``rbd``
* images_rbd_glance_copy_poll_interval - controls the status poll frequency
* images_rbd_glance_copy_timeout - controls the overall copy timeout
The interval in seconds with which to poll Glance after asking for it
to copy an image to the local rbd store. This affects how often we ask
Glance to report on copy completion, and thus should be short enough that
we notice quickly, but not too aggressive that we generate undue load on
the Glance server.
Related options:
* images_type - must be set to ``rbd``
* images_rbd_glance_store_name - must be set to a store name
The overall maximum time we will wait for Glance to complete an image
copy to our local rbd store. This should be long enough to allow large
images to be copied over the network link between our local store and the
one where images typically reside. The downside of setting this too long
is just to catch the case where the image copy is stalled or proceeding too
slowly to be useful. Actual errors will be reported by Glance and noticed
according to the poll interval.
Related options:
* images_type - must be set to ``rbd``
* images_rbd_glance_store_name - must be set to a store name
* images_rbd_glance_copy_poll_interval - controls the failure time-to-notice
choices=('ignore', 'unmap'),

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import fixtures
import mock
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_config import fixture as config_fixture
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import imageutils
from oslo_utils import units
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
@ -1768,6 +1769,230 @@ class RbdTestCase(_ImageTestCase, test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_copy_to_store(self, mock_imgapi):
# Test copy_to_store() happy path where we ask for the image
# to be copied, it goes into progress and then completes.
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
mock_imgapi.get.side_effect = [
# Simulate a race between starting the copy and the first poll
{'stores': []},
# Second poll shows it in progress
{'os_glance_importing_to_stores': ['store'],
'stores': []},
# Third poll shows it has also been copied to a non-local store
{'os_glance_importing_to_stores': ['store'],
'stores': ['other']},
# Should-be-last poll shows it complete
{'os_glance_importing_to_stores': [],
'stores': ['other', 'store']},
image.copy_to_store(self.CONTEXT, {'id': 'foo'})
self.CONTEXT, 'foo', 'store')
self.assertEqual(4, mock_imgapi.get.call_count)
def test_copy_to_store_race_with_existing(self, mock_imgapi):
# Test copy_to_store() where we race to ask Glance to do the
# copy with another node. One of us will get a BadRequest, which
# should not cause us to fail. If our desired store is now
# in progress, continue to wait like we would have if we had
# won the race.
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
mock_imgapi.copy_image_to_store.side_effect = (
response='already in progress'))
# Make the first poll indicate that the image has already
# been copied
mock_imgapi.get.return_value = {'stores': ['store', 'other']}
# Despite the (expected) exception from the copy, we should
# not raise here if the subsequent poll works.
image.copy_to_store(self.CONTEXT, {'id': 'foo'})
self.CONTEXT, 'foo', 'store')
def test_copy_to_store_import_impossible(self, mock_imgapi):
# Test copy_to_store() where Glance tells us that the image
# is not copy-able for some reason (like it is not active yet
# or some other workflow reason).
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
mock_imgapi.copy_image_to_store.side_effect = (
reason='because tests'))
self.CONTEXT, {'id': 'foo'})
def test_copy_to_store_import_failed_other_reason(self, mock_imgapi):
# Test copy_to_store() where some unexpected failure gets raised.
# We should bubble that up so it gets all the way back to the caller
# of the clone() itself, which can handle it independent of one of
# the image-specific exceptions.
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
mock_imgapi.copy_image_to_store.side_effect = test.TestingException
# Make sure any other exception makes it through, as those are already
# expected failures by the callers of the imagebackend code.
self.CONTEXT, {'id': 'foo'})
def test_copy_to_store_import_failed_in_progress(self, mock_imgapi):
# Test copy_to_store() in the situation where we ask for the copy,
# things start to look good (in progress) and later get reported
# as failed.
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
mock_imgapi.get.side_effect = [
# First poll shows it in progress
{'os_glance_importing_to_stores': ['store'],
'stores': []},
# Second poll shows it failed
{'os_glance_failed_import': ['store'],
'stores': []},
exc = self.assertRaises(exception.ImageUnacceptable,
self.CONTEXT, {'id': 'foo'})
self.assertIn('unsuccessful because', str(exc))
def test_copy_to_store_import_failed_timeout(self, mock_imgapi,
# Test copy_to_store() simulating the case where we timeout waiting
# for Glance to do the copy.
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
mock_timer_start.side_effect = loopingcall.LoopingCallTimeOut()
exc = self.assertRaises(exception.ImageUnacceptable,
self.CONTEXT, {'id': 'foo'})
self.assertIn('timed out', str(exc))
self.CONTEXT, 'foo', 'store')
def test_clone_copy_to_store(self, mock_imgapi, mock_driver_):
# Call image.clone() in a way that will cause it to fall through
# the locations check to the copy-to-store behavior, and assert
# that after the copy, we recurse (without becoming infinite) and
# do the check again.
self.flags(images_rbd_glance_store_name='store', group='libvirt')
fake_image = {
'id': 'foo',
'disk_format': 'raw',
'locations': ['fake'],
mock_imgapi.get.return_value = fake_image
mock_driver = mock_driver_.return_value
mock_driver.is_cloneable.side_effect = [False, True]
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
with mock.patch.object(image, 'copy_to_store') as mock_copy:
image.clone(self.CONTEXT, 'foo')
mock_copy.assert_called_once_with(self.CONTEXT, fake_image)
# First call is the initial check'fake', fake_image),
# Second call with the same location must be because we
# recursed after the copy-to-store operation'fake', fake_image)])
def test_clone_copy_to_store_failed(self, mock_imgapi, mock_driver_):
# Call image.clone() in a way that will cause it to fall through
# the locations check to the copy-to-store behavior, but simulate
# some situation where we didn't actually copy the image and the
# recursed check does not succeed. Assert that we do not copy again,
# nor recurse again, and raise the expected error.
self.flags(images_rbd_glance_store_name='store', group='libvirt')
fake_image = {
'id': 'foo',
'disk_format': 'raw',
'locations': ['fake'],
mock_imgapi.get.return_value = fake_image
mock_driver = mock_driver_.return_value
mock_driver.is_cloneable.side_effect = [False, False]
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
with mock.patch.object(image, 'copy_to_store') as mock_copy:
image.clone, self.CONTEXT, 'foo')
mock_copy.assert_called_once_with(self.CONTEXT, fake_image)
# First call is the initial check'fake', fake_image),
# Second call with the same location must be because we
# recursed after the copy-to-store operation'fake', fake_image)])
def test_clone_without_needed_copy(self, mock_imgapi, mock_driver_):
# Call image.clone() in a way that will cause it to pass the locations
# check the first time. Assert that we do not call copy-to-store
# nor recurse.
self.flags(images_rbd_glance_store_name='store', group='libvirt')
fake_image = {
'id': 'foo',
'disk_format': 'raw',
'locations': ['fake'],
mock_imgapi.get.return_value = fake_image
mock_driver = mock_driver_.return_value
mock_driver.is_cloneable.return_value = True
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
with mock.patch.object(image, 'copy_to_store') as mock_copy:
image.clone(self.CONTEXT, 'foo')
mock_driver.is_cloneable.assert_called_once_with('fake', fake_image)
def test_clone_copy_not_configured(self, mock_imgapi, mock_driver_):
# Call image.clone() in a way that will cause it to fail the locations
# check the first time. Assert that if the store name is not configured
# we do not try to copy-to-store and just raise the original exception
# indicating that the image is not reachable.
fake_image = {
'id': 'foo',
'disk_format': 'raw',
'locations': ['fake'],
mock_imgapi.get.return_value = fake_image
mock_driver = mock_driver_.return_value
mock_driver.is_cloneable.return_value = False
image = self.image_class(self.INSTANCE, self.NAME)
with mock.patch.object(image, 'copy_to_store') as mock_copy:
image.clone, self.CONTEXT, 'foo')
mock_driver.is_cloneable.assert_called_once_with('fake', fake_image)
class PloopTestCase(_ImageTestCase, test.NoDBTestCase):
SIZE = 1024

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from castellan import key_manager
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
@ -958,7 +959,77 @@ class Rbd(Image):
def is_shared_block_storage():
return True
def clone(self, context, image_id_or_uri):
def copy_to_store(self, context, image_meta):
store_name = CONF.libvirt.images_rbd_glance_store_name
image_id = image_meta['id']
IMAGE_API.copy_image_to_store(context, image_id, store_name)
except exception.ImageBadRequest:
# NOTE(danms): This means that we raced with another node to start
# the copy. Fall through to polling the image for completion
except exception.ImageImportImpossible as exc:
# NOTE(danms): This means we can not do this operation at all,
# so fold this into the kind of imagebackend failure that is
# expected by our callers
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=image_id,
def _wait_for_copy():
image = IMAGE_API.get(context, image_id, include_locations=True)
if store_name in image.get('os_glance_failed_import', []):
# Our store is reported as failed
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone('failed import')
elif (store_name not in image.get('os_glance_importing_to_stores',
[]) and
store_name in image['stores']):
# No longer importing and our store is listed in the stores
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
LOG.debug('Glance reports copy of image %(image)s to '
'rbd store %(store)s is still in progress',
{'image': image_id,
'store': store_name})
return True'Asking glance to copy image %(image)s to our '
'rbd store %(store)s',
{'image': image_id,
'store': store_name})
timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(_wait_for_copy)
# NOTE(danms): We *could* do something more complicated like try
# to scale our polling interval based on image size. The problem with
# that is that we do not get progress indication from Glance, so if
# we scale our interval to something long, and happen to poll right
# near the end of the copy, we will wait another long interval before
# realizing that the copy is complete. A simple interval per compute
# allows an operator to set this short on central/fast/inexpensive
# computes, and longer on nodes that are remote/slow/expensive across
# a slower link.
interval = CONF.libvirt.images_rbd_glance_copy_poll_interval
timeout = CONF.libvirt.images_rbd_glance_copy_timeout
result = timer.start(interval=interval, timeout=timeout).wait()
except loopingcall.LoopingCallTimeOut:
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(
reason='Copy to store %(store)s timed out' % {
'store': store_name})
if result is not True:
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(
reason=('Copy to store %(store)s unsuccessful '
'because: %(reason)s') % {'store': store_name,
'reason': result})'Image %(image)s copied to rbd store %(store)s',
{'image': image_id,
'store': store_name})
def clone(self, context, image_id_or_uri, copy_to_store=True):
image_meta = IMAGE_API.get(context, image_id_or_uri,
locations = image_meta['locations']
@ -975,6 +1046,12 @@ class Rbd(Image):
LOG.debug('Selected location: %(loc)s', {'loc': location})
return self.driver.clone(location, self.rbd_name)
# Not clone-able in our ceph, so try to get glance to copy it for us
# and then retry
if CONF.libvirt.images_rbd_glance_store_name and copy_to_store:
self.copy_to_store(context, image_meta)
return self.clone(context, image_id_or_uri, copy_to_store=False)
reason = _('No image locations are accessible')
raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=image_id_or_uri,

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- |
The libvirt RBD image backend module can now handle a Glance
multistore environment where multiple RBD clusters are in use
across a single Nova/Glance deployment, configured as independent
Glance stores. In the case where an instance is booted with an
image that does not exist in the RBD cluster that Nova is
configured to use, Nova can ask Glance to copy the image from
whatever store it is currently in to the one that represents its
RBD cluster. To enable this feature, set
``[libvirt]/images_rbd_glance_store_name`` to tell Nova the Glance
store name of the RBD cluster it uses.