Update contributor process documentation
This patch updates the contributor/process.rst file to remove outdated process descriptions, such as runways and gerrit review labels. The patch also adds the description of the current tracking etherpad that the team uses to track priorities and ongoing work items. It also adds the link to the process.rst doc to README.rst for improved visibility. Closes-Bug: #2089325 Change-Id: I1713f84fc521759333d1d07fc12d0fc23a5cb807 Signed-off-by: Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko.vancsa@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ CONTRIBUTING.rst.
Any new code must follow the development guidelines detailed in the HACKING.rst
file, and pass all unit tests.
To understand better the processes that the team is using, please refer to the
`Process document <https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/contributor/process.html>`__.
Further developer focused documentation is available at:
- `Official Nova Documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/nova/>`__
@ -618,6 +618,31 @@ the summit. There will always be ideas that come up at the summit and
need to be finalised after the summit. This causes a rush which is best
How can you get the current specs and bug fixes tracked?
As there are a lot of incoming changes, both feature implementation and
bug fixes, that core reviewers need to keep up with, the Nova team is
using a tracking process.
The team creates an etherpad for every new release cycle and tracks the
status of blueprints, feature implementations and bug fixes. The purpose
of this process is to help with managing the core reviewers’ load, while
ensuring that things don’t fall through the cracks.
If you have a blueprint or bug fix to track during the release cycle,
please add it to the correct section in the etherpad. You can follow
the format that is already applied in the different sections. Please
check the below template to use as guidance for what information to
include at the minimum:
- <lauchpad tracker link (bug or blueprint)> [<launchpad issue title>
- <gerrit review link or topic> repeat as needed
- short note of summary of current status. i.e. needs second +2,
needs spec approval.
How can I get my code merged faster?
@ -677,83 +702,6 @@ Getting that extra testing in place should stop a whole heap of bugs,
again giving reviewers more time to get to the issues or features you
want to add in the future.
What the Review-Priority label in Gerrit are use for?
A bit of history first. Nova used so called runway slots for multiple cycles.
There was 3 slots, each can be filled with a patch series ready for review for
two weeks at a time. We assumed that cores are focusing on reviewing the series
while it is in the slot. We also assumed that the patch author is available and
quickly fixing feedback while the series is in the slot. Meanwhile other
patches waited in a FIFO queue for a free slot.
Our experience was:
1) It only worked if somebody kept the state of the queue and the slots up to
date in the etherpad. So it needed a central authority to manage the
process. This did not scale well.
2) It was as effective as we, cores, are kept it honest and allocated our
review time on the patches in the slots. Such commitment is hard to get or
follow up on without being aggressive.
3) Non-cores were not able to tell they were happy with reviewing some change
So the aim of the new review priority process is to be as decentralized amongst
cores as possible. We trust cores that when they mark something as priority
then they also themselves commit to review the patch. We also assume that if a
core reviewed a patch then that core should easily find another core as a
second reviewer when needed. We also want contributors to be able to "ping"
cores asynchronously by asking them to review some changes they saw.
That said, this process doesn't explain how a patch is discovered to be
ready for review. While previously The patch authors were able to
asynchronously beg for reviews by adding their changes to the etherpad, now
they need to find ways to get review attention. For this, we need to understand
first whether this is a problem for contributors or not, so let us know please
if you have issues for asking to get reviews by going to the nova meeting.
Therefore we use the Review-Priority label in Gerrit in the following way:
* Review-Priority is a label with 0, +1 or +2 values.
* A contributor can set the Review-Priority flag to +1 to indicate they will
want cores to review the patch.
* A core sets the Review-Priority flag to +2 to indicate that they will help
the author to get the patch merged.
* We expect the contributors setting +1 for a patch that they will continue
to look at the patch even if a core reviews it so they can then provide
their own comments or replies.
* We expect that the cores will limit the number of patches marked with +2
Review-Priority based on their actual review bandwidth
* We expect that cores will check the list of reviews already having
Review-Priority +2 set by other cores before they mark a new one as such to
see where they can help first by being the second core.
* There will be a regular agenda point on the weekly meeting where the team
look at the list of patches with +1 or +2 mark to keep an overall view what
is happening in nova.
* Decentralized
* Each core is responsible of its own commitments
* Review priority information is kept close to the review system
* No externally enforced time limit on patches sitting idle with +1
* No externally enforced limit on how many things can be a priority at any
given time.
Process Evolution Ideas
@ -858,39 +806,6 @@ This still needs more thought, but should decouple the spec review from
the release process. It is also more compatible with a runway style
system, that might be less focused on milestones.
Runways are a form of Kanban, where we look at optimising the flow
through the system, by ensuring we focus our efforts on reviewing a
specific subset of patches.
The idea goes something like this:
- define some states, such as: design backlog, design review, code
backlog, code review, test+doc backlog, complete
- blueprints must be in one of the above state
- large or high priority bugs may also occupy a code review slot
- core reviewer member moves item between the slots
- must not violate the rules on the number of items in each state
- states have a limited number of slots, to ensure focus
- certain percentage of slots are dedicated to priorities, depending
on point in the cycle, and the type of the cycle, etc
Reasons for:
- more focused review effort, get more things merged more quickly
- more upfront about when your code is likely to get reviewed
- smooth out current "lumpy" non-priority feature freeze system
Reasons against:
- feels like more process overhead
- control is too centralised
Replacing Milestones with SemVer Releases
Reference in New Issue
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