Imported Translations from Zanata
For more information about this automatic import see: Change-Id: I8075ca98de9fa9131dfd1343cf44fa80d14cfb12
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -644,14 +644,6 @@ msgstr "Extrahování vmdk z OVA selhalo."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "K portu %(port_id)s není přístup: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Nelze přidat parametry pro nasazení na uzlu %(node)s při poskytování "
"instance %(instance)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "Nelze přidělit síť(ě) s chybou %s, nebudou znovu naplánovány"
@ -2215,9 +2207,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Nelze přidružit plovoucí IP adresu %(address)s k pevné IP adrese "
"%(fixed_address)s instance %(id)s. Chyba: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Nelze ověřit klienta ironic."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to determine disk bus for '%s'"
msgstr "Nelze zjistit řadič disku pro '%s'"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -746,14 +746,6 @@ msgstr "Extraktion von vmdk aus OVA fehlgeschlagen."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Zugriff auf Port %(port_id)s fehlgeschlagen: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Implementierungsparameter auf Knoten %(node)s "
"beim Bereitstellen der Instanz %(instance)s "
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr ""
@ -2529,9 +2521,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Floating IP %(address)s kann nicht der festen IP-Adresse %(fixed_address)s "
"für Instanz %(id)s zugeordnet werden. Fehler: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Ironic-Client kann nicht authentifiziert werden. "
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "Abbild kann nicht konvertiert werden in %(format)s: %(exp)s"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -731,14 +731,6 @@ msgstr "Error al extraer vmdk de OVA."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Error al acceder a puerto %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Error al añadir parámetros de implementación en nodo %(node)s mientras se "
"proporcionaba la instancia %(instance)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "No fue posible asignar red(es) con error %s, no se reprogramará."
@ -2496,9 +2488,6 @@ msgstr ""
"No es posible asociar la IP flotante %(address)s a la IP fija "
"%(fixed_address)s para instancia %(id)s. Error: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "No se puede autenticar cliente Ironic."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "No se puede convertir la imagen a %(format)s: %(exp)s"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -743,14 +743,6 @@ msgstr "Echec de l'extraction de vmdk à partir d'OVA."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Impossible d'accéder au port %(port_id)s : %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Echec de l'ajout des paramètres de déploiement sur le noeud %(node)s lors de "
"la mise à disposition de l'instance %(instance)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr ""
@ -2500,9 +2492,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Incapable d'associer une IP flottante %(address)s à une IP fixe "
"%(fixed_address)s pour l'instance %(id)s. Erreur : %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Impossible d'authentifier le client Ironic."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "Impossible de convertir l'image en %(format)s : %(exp)s"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -725,14 +725,6 @@ msgstr "Estrazione di vmdk da OVA non riuscita."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Impossibile accedere alla porta %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aggiungere i parametri di distribuzione sul nodo %(node)s "
"quando si esegue il provisioning all'istanza %(instance)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr ""
@ -2474,9 +2466,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Impossibile associare l'IP mobile %(address)s all'IP fisso %(fixed_address)s "
"per l'istanza %(id)s. Errore: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Impossibile autenticare il client Ironic."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "Impossibile convertire l'immagine in %(format)s: %(exp)s"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -713,14 +713,6 @@ msgstr "OVA からの vmdk の取得に失敗しました。"
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "ポート %(port_id)s へのアクセスに失敗しました: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"インスタンス %(instance)s のプロビジョニング中に、ノード %(node)s でデプロイ"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr ""
@ -2461,9 +2453,6 @@ msgstr ""
"インスタンス %(id)s において Floating IP %(address)s を Fixed IP "
"%(fixed_address)s に割り当てることができません。エラー: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Ironic クライアントを認証できません。"
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "イメージを %(format)s に変換できません: %(exp)s"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -751,14 +751,6 @@ msgstr "OVA에서 vmdk의 압축을 풀지 못했습니다."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "포트 %(port_id)s에 액세스 실패: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"인스턴스 %(instance)s을(를) 프로비저닝할 때 %(node)s 노드에 배치 매개변수 추"
"가 실패"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "%s 오류로 인해 네트워크 할당 실패. 다시 스케줄하지 않음"
@ -2558,9 +2550,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Floating IP %(address)s을(를) 인스턴스 %(id)s의 Fixed IP %(fixed_address)s에 "
"연관시킬 수 없습니다. 오류: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "아이로닉 클라이언트를 인증할 수 없습니다."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to automatically allocate a network for project %(project_id)s"
msgstr "%(project_id)s 때문에 자동으로 네트워크를 할당할 수 없습니다."
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -723,14 +723,6 @@ msgstr "A extração de vmdk de OVA falhou."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Falha ao acessar a porta %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Falha ao incluir parâmetros de implementação no nó %(node)s ao fornecer a "
"instância %(instance)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "Falha ao alocar a(s) rede(s) com erro %s, não reagendando."
@ -2463,9 +2455,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Não é possível associar o IP flutuante %(address)s ao IP fixo "
"%(fixed_address)s para a instância %(id)s. Erro: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Não é possível autenticar cliente Ironic."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "Não é possível converter a imagem em %(format)s: %(exp)s"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -725,14 +725,6 @@ msgstr "Извлечение vmdk из OVA не выполнено."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Не удалось обратиться к порту %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"Не удалось добавить параметры развертывания на узле %(node)s при выделении "
"ресурсов экземпляру %(instance)s"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr ""
@ -2440,9 +2432,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Не удалось связать нефиксированный IP-адрес %(address)s с фиксированным IP-"
"адресом %(fixed_address)s для экземпляра %(id)s. Ошибка: %(error)s"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Не удалось идентифицировать клиент Ironic."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "Не удается преобразовать образ в %(format)s: %(exp)s"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -543,14 +543,6 @@ msgstr "OVA'dan vmdk çıkarma başarısız."
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "%(port_id)s bağlantı noktasına erişim başarısız: %(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr ""
"%(instance)s sunucusu hazırlanırken %(node)s düğümü üzerinde açma "
"parametreleri eklenemedi"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "Ağ(lar) ayırma %s hatasıyla başarısız, yeniden zamanlanmıyor."
@ -1898,9 +1890,6 @@ msgstr "Jeton bulunamadı"
msgid "Type and Code must be integers for ICMP protocol type"
msgstr "ICMP iletişim kuralı türü için Tür ve Kod tam sayı olmalı"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "Ironic istemcisi doğrulanamıyor."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to determine disk bus for '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' için disk veri yolu belirlenemiyor"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -698,12 +698,6 @@ msgstr "从OVA提前vmdk失败。"
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "访问端口%(port_id)s失败:%(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr "在准备实例%(instance)s时,在主机%(node)s上停机部署参数失败"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "分配网络失败,错误是%s,不重新调度。"
@ -2383,9 +2377,6 @@ msgstr ""
"无法将浮动 IP %(address)s 关联至实例 %(id)s 的任何固定 IP %(fixed_address)s。"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "不能认证Ironic客户端。"
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to automatically allocate a network for project %(project_id)s"
msgstr "无法为项目 %(project_id)s 自动分配网络"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-04 13:53+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:50+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -644,12 +644,6 @@ msgstr "從 OVA 擷取 VMDK 失敗。"
msgid "Failed to access port %(port_id)s: %(reason)s"
msgstr "無法存取埠 %(port_id)s:%(reason)s"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Failed to add deploy parameters on node %(node)s when provisioning the "
"instance %(instance)s"
msgstr "供應實例 %(instance)s 時,無法在節點 %(node)s 上新增部署參數"
#, python-format
msgid "Failed to allocate the network(s) with error %s, not rescheduling."
msgstr "無法配置網路,發生錯誤 %s,將不重新排定。"
@ -2266,9 +2260,6 @@ msgstr ""
"無法將浮動 IP %(address)s 關聯至實例 %(id)s 的固定 IP %(fixed_address)s。錯"
msgid "Unable to authenticate Ironic client."
msgstr "無法鑑別 Ironic 用戶端。"
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to convert image to %(format)s: %(exp)s"
msgstr "無法將映像檔轉換為 %(format)s:%(exp)s"
@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
# Andi Chandler <>, 2017. #zanata
# Andi Chandler <>, 2018. #zanata
# Andi Chandler <>, 2020. #zanata
# Andi Chandler <>, 2022. #zanata
# Andi Chandler <>, 2023. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-19 13:56+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-03 01:15+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <>\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom)\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
msgid "'3840x2160' is only available on Windows / Hyper-V Server 2016."
msgstr "'3840x2160' is only available on Windows / Hyper-V Server 2016."
msgid ""
"'nova-manage db sync' can now sync the cell0 database. The cell0 db is "
"required to store instances that cannot be scheduled to any cell. Before the "
"'db sync' command is called a cell mapping for cell0 must have been created "
"using 'nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0'. This command only needs to be called "
"when upgrading to CellsV2."
msgstr ""
"'nova-manage db sync' can now sync the cell0 database. The cell0 db is "
"required to store instances that cannot be scheduled to any cell. Before the "
"'db sync' command is called a cell mapping for cell0 must have been created "
"using 'nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0'. This command only needs to be called "
"when upgrading to CellsV2."
msgid ""
"(Only if you do continuous deployment) "
"1337890ace918fa2555046c01c8624be014ce2d8 drops support for an instance major "
"version, which means that you must have deployed at least commit "
"713d8cb0777afb9fe4f665b9a40cac894b04aacb before deploying this one."
msgstr ""
"(Only if you do continuous deployment) "
"1337890ace918fa2555046c01c8624be014ce2d8 drops support for an instance major "
"version, which means that you must have deployed at least commit "
"713d8cb0777afb9fe4f665b9a40cac894b04aacb before deploying this one."
msgid "**Filtering**"
msgstr "**Filtering**"
msgid "**New Defaults(Admin, Member and Reader)**"
msgstr "**New Defaults(Admin, Member and Reader)**"
msgid "**Other**"
msgstr "**Other**"
msgid "**Policies granularity**"
msgstr "**Policies granularity**"
msgid "**Ports**"
msgstr "**Ports**"
msgid "**Scope**"
msgstr "**Scope**"
msgid "**Sorting**"
msgstr "**Sorting**"
msgid "**Volumes**"
msgstr "**Volumes**"
msgid "**os:monitors**. Guest VM number of monitors. Acceptable values::"
msgstr "**os:monitors**. Guest VM number of monitors. Acceptable values::"
msgid "**os:resolution**. Guest VM screen resolution size. Acceptable values::"
msgstr ""
"**os:resolution**. Guest VM screen resolution size. Acceptable values::"
msgid ""
"**os:vram**. Guest VM VRAM amount. Only available on Windows / Hyper-V "
"Server 2016. Acceptable values::"
msgstr ""
"**os:vram**. Guest VM VRAM amount. Only available on Windows / Hyper-V "
"Server 2016. Acceptable values::"
msgid "/etc/nova/placement-policy.yaml"
msgstr "/etc/nova/placement-policy.yaml"
msgid "/etc/nova/policy.yaml"
msgstr "/etc/nova/policy.yaml"
msgid "/etc/placement/policy.yaml"
msgstr "/etc/placement/policy.yaml"
msgid "/images"
msgstr "/images"
msgid "/os-baremetal-nodes"
msgstr "/os-baremetal-nodes"
msgid "/os-fixed-ips"
msgstr "/os-fixed-ips"
msgid "/os-floating-ip-dns"
msgstr "/os-floating-ip-dns"
msgid "/os-floating-ip-pools"
msgstr "/os-floating-ip-pools"
msgid "/os-floating-ips"
msgstr "/os-floating-ips"
msgid "/os-floating-ips-bulk"
msgstr "/os-floating-ips-bulk"
msgid "/os-fping"
msgstr "/os-fping"
msgid "/os-networks"
msgstr "/os-networks"
msgid "/os-security-group-default-rules"
msgstr "/os-security-group-default-rules"
msgid "/os-security-group-rules"
msgstr "/os-security-group-rules"
msgid "/os-security-groups"
msgstr "/os-security-groups"
msgid "/os-snapshots"
msgstr "/os-snapshots"
msgid "/os-volumes"
msgstr "/os-volumes"
msgid "12.0.1"
msgstr "12.0.1"
msgid "12.0.3"
msgstr "12.0.3"
msgid "12.0.4"
msgstr "12.0.4"
msgid "12.0.5"
msgstr "12.0.5"
msgid "13.0.0"
msgstr "13.0.0"
msgid "13.1.0"
msgstr "13.1.0"
msgid "13.1.1"
msgstr "13.1.1"
msgid "13.1.2"
msgstr "13.1.2"
msgid "13.1.3"
msgstr "13.1.3"
msgid "13.1.4"
msgstr "13.1.4"
msgid "14.0.0"
msgstr "14.0.0"
msgid "14.0.1"
msgstr "14.0.1"
msgid "14.0.10"
msgstr "14.0.10"
msgid "14.0.2"
msgstr "14.0.2"
msgid "14.0.4"
msgstr "14.0.4"
msgid "14.0.5"
msgstr "14.0.5"
msgid "14.0.7"
msgstr "14.0.7"
msgid "14.1.0"
msgstr "14.1.0"
msgid "15.0.0"
msgstr "15.0.0"
msgid "15.0.1"
msgstr "15.0.1"
msgid "15.0.2"
msgstr "15.0.2"
msgid "15.0.5"
msgstr "15.0.5"
msgid "15.0.7"
msgstr "15.0.7"
msgid "15.0.8"
msgstr "15.0.8"
msgid "15.1.0"
msgstr "15.1.0"
msgid "15.1.1"
msgstr "15.1.1"
msgid "15.1.3"
msgstr "15.1.3"
msgid "15.1.4"
msgstr "15.1.4"
msgid "15.1.5"
msgstr "15.1.5"
msgid "15.1.5-28"
msgstr "15.1.5-28"
msgid "16.0.0"
msgstr "16.0.0"
msgid "16.0.1"
msgstr "16.0.1"
msgid "16.0.2"
msgstr "16.0.2"
msgid "16.0.3"
msgstr "16.0.3"
msgid "16.0.4"
msgstr "16.0.4"
msgid "16.1.0"
msgstr "16.1.0"
msgid "16.1.1"
msgstr "16.1.1"
msgid "16.1.2"
msgstr "16.1.2"
msgid "16.1.5"
msgstr "16.1.5"
msgid "16.1.7"
msgstr "16.1.7"
msgid "16.1.8"
msgstr "16.1.8"
msgid "16.1.8-57"
msgstr "16.1.8-57"
msgid "17.0.0"
msgstr "17.0.0"
msgid "17.0.10"
msgstr "17.0.10"
msgid "17.0.11"
msgstr "17.0.11"
msgid "17.0.12"
msgstr "17.0.12"
msgid "17.0.13"
msgstr "17.0.13"
msgid "17.0.13-73"
msgstr "17.0.13-73"
msgid "17.0.2"
msgstr "17.0.2"
msgid "17.0.3"
msgstr "17.0.3"
msgid "17.0.4"
msgstr "17.0.4"
msgid "17.0.5"
msgstr "17.0.5"
msgid "17.0.6"
msgstr "17.0.6"
msgid "17.0.8"
msgstr "17.0.8"
msgid "17.0.9"
msgstr "17.0.9"
msgid "18.0.0"
msgstr "18.0.0"
msgid "18.0.1"
msgstr "18.0.1"
msgid "18.0.3"
msgstr "18.0.3"
msgid "18.1.0"
msgstr "18.1.0"
msgid "18.2.0"
msgstr "18.2.0"
msgid "18.2.1"
msgstr "18.2.1"
msgid "18.2.2"
msgstr "18.2.2"
msgid "18.2.3"
msgstr "18.2.3"
msgid "18.3.0"
msgstr "18.3.0"
msgid "18.3.0-55"
msgstr "18.3.0-55"
msgid "19.0.0"
msgstr "19.0.0"
msgid "19.0.1"
msgstr "19.0.1"
msgid "19.0.2"
msgstr "19.0.2"
msgid "19.0.3"
msgstr "19.0.3"
msgid "19.1.0"
msgstr "19.1.0"
msgid "19.2.0"
msgstr "19.2.0"
msgid "19.3.0"
msgstr "19.3.0"
msgid "19.3.2"
msgstr "19.3.2"
msgid "19.3.2-19"
msgstr "19.3.2-19"
msgid "20.0.0"
msgstr "20.0.0"
msgid "20.1.0"
msgstr "20.1.0"
msgid "20.1.1"
msgstr "20.1.1"
msgid "20.2.0"
msgstr "20.2.0"
msgid "20.3.0"
msgstr "20.3.0"
msgid "20.4.0"
msgstr "20.4.0"
msgid "20.4.1"
msgstr "20.4.1"
msgid "20.5.0"
msgstr "20.5.0"
msgid "20.6.1"
msgstr "20.6.1"
msgid "20.6.1-41"
msgstr "20.6.1-41"
msgid "204 NoContent on success"
msgstr "204 NoContent on success"
msgid "21.0.0"
msgstr "21.0.0"
msgid "21.1.0"
msgstr "21.1.0"
msgid "21.1.1"
msgstr "21.1.1"
msgid "21.1.2"
msgstr "21.1.2"
msgid "21.2.0"
msgstr "21.2.0"
msgid "21.2.2"
msgstr "21.2.2"
msgid "21.2.3"
msgstr "21.2.3"
msgid "21.2.4-19"
msgstr "21.2.4-19"
msgid "22.0.0"
msgstr "22.0.0"
msgid "22.0.1"
msgstr "22.0.1"
msgid "22.1.0"
msgstr "22.1.0"
msgid "22.2.1"
msgstr "22.2.1"
msgid "22.2.2"
msgstr "22.2.2"
msgid "22.3.0"
msgstr "22.3.0"
msgid "22.4.0"
msgstr "22.4.0"
msgid "23.0.0"
msgstr "23.0.0"
msgid "23.0.2"
msgstr "23.0.2"
msgid "23.1.0"
msgstr "23.1.0"
msgid "23.2.0"
msgstr "23.2.0"
msgid "23.2.1"
msgstr "23.2.1"
msgid "23.2.2"
msgstr "23.2.2"
msgid "24.0.0"
msgstr "24.0.0"
msgid "24.1.0"
msgstr "24.1.0"
msgid "24.1.1"
msgstr "24.1.1"
msgid "24.2.0"
msgstr "24.2.0"
msgid "25.0.0"
msgstr "25.0.0"
msgid "25.0.1"
msgstr "25.0.1"
msgid "25.1.0"
msgstr "25.1.0"
msgid "25.1.1"
msgstr "25.1.1"
msgid "25.2.0"
msgstr "25.2.0"
msgid "26.0.0"
msgstr "26.0.0"
msgid "26.1.0"
msgstr "26.1.0"
msgid "26.1.1"
msgstr "26.1.1"
msgid "26.2.0"
msgstr "26.2.0"
msgid "27.0.0"
msgstr "27.0.0"
msgid "27.1.0"
msgstr "27.1.0"
msgid "400 for unknown param for query param and for request body."
msgstr "400 for unknown param for query param and for request body."
msgid "404 NotFound for missing resource provider"
msgstr "404 NotFound for missing resource provider"
msgid "405 MethodNotAllowed if a microversion is specified that is before"
msgstr "405 MethodNotAllowed if a microversion is specified that is before"
msgid "409 Conflict if inventory in use or if some other request concurrently"
msgstr "409 Conflict if inventory in use or if some other request concurrently"
msgid ""
"A ``--dry-run`` option has been added to the ``nova-manage placement "
"heal_allocations`` CLI which allows running the command to get output "
"without committing any changes to placement."
msgstr ""
"A ``--dry-run`` option has been added to the ``nova-manage placement "
"heal_allocations`` CLI which allows running the command to get output "
"without committing any changes to placement."
msgid ""
"A ``--force`` flag is provided to skip the above checks but caution should "
"be taken as this could easily lead to the underlying ABI of the instance "
"changing when moving between machine types."
msgstr ""
"A ``--force`` flag is provided to skip the above checks but caution should "
"be taken as this could easily lead to the underlying ABI of the instance "
"changing when moving between machine types."
msgid ""
"A ``default_floating_pool`` configuration option has been added in the "
"``[neutron]`` group. The existing ``default_floating_pool`` option in the "
"``[DEFAULT]`` group is retained and should be used by nova-network users. "
"Neutron users meanwhile should migrate to the new option."
msgstr ""
"A ``default_floating_pool`` configuration option has been added in the "
"``[neutron]`` group. The existing ``default_floating_pool`` option in the "
"``[DEFAULT]`` group is retained and should be used by nova-network users. "
"Neutron users meanwhile should migrate to the new option."
msgid ""
"A ``nova-manage db purge`` command to `purge archived shadow table data`_ is "
"now available. A new ``--purge`` option is also available for the ``nova-"
"manage db archive_deleted_rows`` command."
msgstr ""
"A ``nova-manage db purge`` command to `purge archived shadow table data`_ is "
"now available. A new ``--purge`` option is also available for the ``nova-"
"manage db archive_deleted_rows`` command."
msgid ""
"A ``nova-manage placement heal_allocations`` command is now available to "
"allow users of the CachingScheduler to get the placement service populated "
"for their eventual migration to the FilterScheduler. The CachingScheduler is "
"deprecated and could be removed as early as Stein."
msgstr ""
"A ``nova-manage placement heal_allocations`` command is now available to "
"allow users of the CachingScheduler to get the placement service populated "
"for their eventual migration to the FilterScheduler. The CachingScheduler is "
"deprecated and could be removed as early as Stein."
msgid "A few examples of versioned notifications that use InstancePayload:"
msgstr "A few examples of versioned notifications that use InstancePayload:"
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Current Series Release Notes"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"New configuration option sync_power_state_pool_size has been added to set "
"the number of greenthreads available for use to sync power states. Default "
"value (1000) matches the previous implicit default value provided by "
"Greenpool. This option can be used to reduce the number of concurrent "
"requests made to the hypervisor or system with real instance power states "
"for performance reasons."
msgstr ""
"New configuration option sync_power_state_pool_size has been added to set "
"the number of greenthreads available for use to sync power states. The "
"default value (1000) matches the previous implicit default value provided by "
"Greenpool. This option can be used to reduce the number of concurrent "
"requests made to the hypervisor or system with real instance power states "
"for performance reasons."
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"Nova option 'use_usb_tablet' will be deprecated in favor of the global "
msgstr ""
"Nova option 'use_usb_tablet' will be deprecated in favour of the global "
msgid "Ocata Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Ocata Series Release Notes"
msgid "Pike Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Pike Series Release Notes"
msgid "Queens Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Queens Series Release Notes"
msgid "Rocky Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Rocky Series Release Notes"
msgid "Stein Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Stein Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"The XenServer configuration option 'iqn_prefix' has been removed. It was not "
"used anywhere and has no effect on any code, so there should be no impact."
msgstr ""
"The XenServer configuration option 'iqn_prefix' has been removed. It was not "
"used anywhere and has no effect on any code, so there should be no impact."
msgid ""
"The ``api_rate_limit`` configuration option has been removed. The option was "
"disabled by default back in the Havana release since it's effectively broken "
"for more than one API worker. It has been removed because the legacy v2 API "
"code that was using it has also been removed."
msgstr ""
"The ``api_rate_limit`` configuration option has been removed. The option was "
"disabled by default back in the Havana release since it's effectively broken "
"for more than one API worker. It has been removed because the legacy v2 API "
"code that was using it has also been removed."
msgid ""
"The ``image_info_filename_pattern``, ``checksum_base_images``, and "
"``checksum_interval_seconds`` options have been deprecated in the "
"``[libvirt]`` config section. They are no longer used. Any value given will "
"be ignored."
msgstr ""
"The ``image_info_filename_pattern``, ``checksum_base_images``, and "
"``checksum_interval_seconds`` options have been deprecated in the "
"``[libvirt]`` config section. They are no longer used. Any value given will "
"be ignored."
msgid ""
"The ``nova-manage vm list`` command is deprecated and will be removed in the "
"15.0.0 Ocata release. Use the ``nova list`` command from python-novaclient "
msgstr ""
"The ``nova-manage vm list`` command is deprecated and will be removed in the "
"15.0.0 Ocata release. Use the ``nova list`` command from python-novaclient "
msgid ""
"The default flavors that nova has previously had are no longer created as "
"part of the first database migration. New deployments will need to create "
"appropriate flavors before first use."
msgstr ""
"The default flavours that Nova previously had are no longer created as part "
"of the first database migration. New deployments will need to create "
"appropriate flavours before first use."
msgid ""
"The following nova-manage commands are deprecated for removal in the Nova "
"15.0.0 Ocata release:"
msgstr ""
"The following nova-manage commands are deprecated for removal in the Nova "
"15.0.0 Ocata release:"
msgid ""
"The network configuration option 'fake_call' has been removed. It hasn't "
"been used for several cycles, and has no effect on any code, so there should "
"be no impact."
msgstr ""
"The network configuration option 'fake_call' has been removed. It hasn't "
"been used for several cycles, and has no effect on any code, so there should "
"be no impact."
msgid ""
"These commands only work with nova-network which is itself deprecated in "
"favor of Neutron."
msgstr ""
"These commands only work with nova-network which is itself deprecated in "
"favour of Neutron."
msgid "Train Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Train Series Release Notes"
msgid "Ussuri Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Ussuri Series Release Notes"
msgid "Victoria Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Victoria Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"Virt drivers are no longer loaded with the import_object_ns function, which "
"means that only virt drivers in the nova.virt namespace can be loaded."
msgstr ""
"Virt drivers are no longer loaded with the import_object_ns function, which "
"means that only virt drivers in the nova.virt namespace can be loaded."
msgid "Wallaby Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Wallaby Series Release Notes"
msgid "Xena Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Xena Series Release Notes"
msgid "Yoga Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Yoga Series Release Notes"
msgid "Zed Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Zed Series Release Notes"
msgid "kernels 3.x: 8"
msgstr "kernels 3.x: 8"
msgid "kernels 4.x: 256"
msgstr "kernels 4.x: 256"
msgid "kernels prior to 3.0: 1"
msgstr "kernels prior to 3.0: 1"
msgid ""
"network_allocate_retries config param now allows only positive integer "
"values or 0."
msgstr ""
"network_allocate_retries config param now allows only positive integer "
"values or 0."
msgid "nova-maange account scrub"
msgstr "nova-maange account scrub"
msgid "nova-manage fixed *"
msgstr "nova-manage fixed *"
msgid "nova-manage floating *"
msgstr "nova-manage floating *"
msgid "nova-manage network *"
msgstr "nova-manage network *"
msgid "nova-manage project scrub"
msgstr "nova-manage project scrub"
msgid "nova-manage vpn *"
msgstr "nova-manage vpn *"
msgid "system_metadata"
msgstr "system_metadata"
msgid "tags (available in 2.26+)"
msgstr "tags (available in 2.26+)"
msgid "tags-any (available in 2.26+)"
msgstr "tags-any (available in 2.26+)"
msgid "task_state"
msgstr "task_state"
msgid "tenant_id"
msgstr "tenant_id"
msgid "terminated_at"
msgstr "terminated_at"
msgid "this change (1.5)"
msgstr "this change (1.5)"
msgid "total_bytes_sec"
msgstr "total_bytes_sec"
msgid "total_iops_sec - normalized IOPS"
msgstr "total_iops_sec - normalised IOPS"
msgid "trait:HW_CPU_X86_AVX2=required"
msgstr "trait:HW_CPU_X86_AVX2=required"
msgid "trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD=required"
msgstr "trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD=required"
msgid "updated_at"
msgstr "updated_at"
msgid "updates this resource provider"
msgstr "updates this resource provider"
msgid "user_id"
msgstr "user_id"
msgid "uuid"
msgstr "UUID"
msgid "vm_state"
msgstr "vm_state"
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
# Gérald LONLAS <>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-19 13:56+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-22 05:56+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gérald LONLAS <>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
msgid "/images"
msgstr "/images"
msgid "/os-baremetal-nodes"
msgstr "/os-baremetal-nodes"
msgid "/os-fixed-ips"
msgstr "/os-fixed-ips"
msgid "/os-floating-ip-dns"
msgstr "/os-floating-ip-dns"
msgid "/os-floating-ip-pools"
msgstr "/os-floating-ip-pools"
msgid "/os-floating-ips"
msgstr "/os-floating-ips"
msgid "/os-floating-ips-bulk"
msgstr "/os-floating-ips-bulk"
msgid "/os-fping"
msgstr "/os-fping"
msgid "/os-networks"
msgstr "/os-networks"
msgid "/os-security-group-default-rules"
msgstr "/os-security-group-default-rules"
msgid "/os-security-group-rules"
msgstr "/os-security-group-rules"
msgid "/os-security-groups"
msgstr "/os-security-groups"
msgid "/os-snapshots"
msgstr "/os-snapshots"
msgid "/os-volumes"
msgstr "/os-volumes"
msgid "12.0.1"
msgstr "12.0.1"
msgid "12.0.3"
msgstr "12.0.3"
msgid "12.0.4"
msgstr "12.0.4"
msgid "12.0.5"
msgstr "12.0.5"
msgid "13.0.0"
msgstr "13.0.0"
msgid "13.1.0"
msgstr "13.1.0"
msgid "13.1.1"
msgstr "13.1.1"
msgid "13.1.2"
msgstr "13.1.2"
msgid "14.0.0"
msgstr "14.0.0"
msgid "14.0.1"
msgstr "14.0.1"
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "Corrections de bugs"
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de la release actuelle"
msgid "DEFAULT.debug"
msgstr "DEFAULT.debug"
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "Notes dépréciées "
msgid "Known Issues"
msgstr "Problèmes connus"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Liberty"
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Mitaka"
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "Nouvelles fonctionnalités"
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Newton"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Autres notes"
msgid "Security Issues"
msgstr "Problèmes de sécurités"
msgid "Start using reno to manage release notes."
msgstr "Commence à utiliser reno pour la gestion des notes de release"
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "Notes de mises à jours"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nova\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-08 15:43+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-18 23:34+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -498,38 +498,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ホストが見つかる前に失敗することを避けるため、nova-compute ホストを "
"\"enable_new_services=False\" に設定することを勧めます。"
msgid ""
"A new nova-manage command has been added which will upgrade a deployment to "
"cells v2. Running the command will setup a single cell containing the "
"existing hosts and instances. No data or instances will be moved during this "
"operation, but new data will be added to the nova_api database. New "
"instances booted after this point will be placed into the cell. Please note "
"that this does not mean that cells v2 is fully functional at this time, but "
"this is a significant part of the effort to get there. The new command is "
"\"nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup --transport_url <transport_url>\" "
"where transport_url is the connection information for the current message "
"queue used by Nova. Operators must create a new database for cell0 before "
"running `cell_v2 simple_cell_setup`. The simple cell setup command expects "
"the name of the cell0 database to be `<main database name>_cell0` as it will "
"create a cell mapping for cell0 based on the main database connection, sync "
"the cell0 database, and associate existing hosts and instances with the "
"single cell."
msgstr ""
"cells v2 にアップグレードするために新しい nova-manage コマンドが追加されまし"
"タが nova_api データベースに追加されます。この後起動した新しいインスタンスは"
"セットアップしたセルに置かれます。これによりこの時点で cells v2 が完全に機能"
"ンドは \"nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup --transport_url "
"<transport_url>\" です。 transport_url は Nova で使われる現在のメッセージ"
"キューの接続情報です。オペレーターは `cell_v2 simple_cell_setup` を実行する前"
"に cell0 のために新しいデータベースを作成しなければなりません。simple cell "
"setup コマンドは cell0 データベースの名前が `<main database name>_cell0` と"
"なることを期待し、主データベース接続に基づき cell0 に対してセルマッピングを作"
"成し、cell0 データベースと同期し、今あるホストとインスタンスを単一セルに関連"
msgid ""
"A new nova-manage script allows you to perform all online DB migrations once "
"you upgrade your cloud"
@ -722,20 +690,6 @@ msgstr ""
"サーバーの途中のライブマイグレーションを返します。これはマイクロバージョン "
"2.23 で追加されました。"
msgid ""
"Added a `nova-manage db online_data_migrations` command for forcing online "
"data migrations, which will run all registered migrations for the release, "
"instead of there being a separate command for each logical data migration. "
"Operators need to make sure all data is migrated before upgrading to the "
"next release, and the new command provides a unified interface for doing it."
msgstr ""
"強制的にオンラインデータマイグレーションするために、'nova-manage db "
"online_data_migrations' が追加されました。それぞれの論理データマイグレーショ"
msgid ""
"Added boot order support in the Hyper-V driver. The HyperVDriver can now set "
"the requested boot order for instances that are Generation 2 VMs (the given "
@ -2003,17 +1957,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ターゲットまたはポータルに接続するように iSCSI MPIO のサポートを改善しまし"
msgid ""
"In Newton backward compatibility is dropped. For instances that haven't been "
"restarted since Folsom and earlier maintanance should be scheduled before "
"upgrade(stop, rename directory to instance.uuid, then start) so Nova will "
"start using new paths for instances."
msgstr ""
"Newtonでは後方互換性が失われました。Nova はインスタンスに新しいパスを使って開"
"レード前にメンテナンスをスケジュールすべきです(停止、ディレクトリを "
"instance.uuid に名称変更、それから開始)。"
msgid ""
"In Nova Compute API microversion 2.19, you can specify a \"description\" "
"attribute when creating, rebuilding, or updating a server instance. This "
@ -2196,17 +2139,6 @@ msgstr "Mitaka でサポートされる最新 API マイクロバージョンは
msgid "Latest API microversion supported for Newton is v2.38"
msgstr "Newton でサポートされる最新 API マイクロバージョンは v2.38 です。"
msgid ""
"Legacy v2 API code is already removed. A set of policy rules in the policy."
"json, which are only used by legacy v2 API, are removed. Both v2.1 API and "
"v2.1 compatible mode API are using same set of new policy rules which are "
"with prefix `os_compute_api`."
msgstr ""
"レガシー v2 API コードはすでに 削除されました。 レガシー v2 API でのみ使われ"
"る policy.json にあるポリシールールセットは削除されました。v2.1 API と v2.1 "
"互換モード API 両方は同じ新しいポリシールールセットを使っており、プレフィック"
"ス `os_compute_api`がつきます。"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Liberty バージョンのリリースノート"
@ -2921,23 +2853,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The 'live_migration_flag' and 'block_migration_flag' options in libvirt "
"section that were deprecated in Mitaka have been completely removed in "
"Newton, because nova automatically sets correct migration flags. New config "
"options has been added to retain possibility to turn tunnelling, auto-"
"converge and post-copy on/off, respectively named "
"`live_migration_tunnelled`, `live_migration_permit_auto_converge` and "
msgstr ""
"libvirt セクションにある 'live_migration_flag' と 'block_migration_flag' オ"
"プションは Mitaka で非推奨となりましたが、Newton で完全に削除されました。"
"nova は自動的に正しいマイグレーションフラグを設定するからです。新しい設定オプ"
"またはオフです。それぞれは `live_migration_tunnelled`、 "
"`live_migration_permit_auto_converge` と`live_migration_permit_post_copy` で"
msgid ""
"The 'manager' option in [cells] group was deprecated in Mitaka and now it is "
"removed completely in newton. There is no impact."
@ -3430,28 +3345,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ネージャーをロードするのは 13.0.0 Mitaka リリースで非推奨とされましたので、"
"14.0.0 Newton リリースでは削除されました。"
msgid ""
"The auth parameters `admin_username`, `admin_password`, `admin_tenant_name` "
"and `admin_url` of the [ironic] config option group are now deprecated and "
"will be removed in a future release. Using these parameters will log a "
"warning. Please use `username`, `password`, `project_id` (or `project_name`) "
"and `auth_url` instead. If you are using Keystone v3 API, please note that "
"the name uniqueness for project and user only holds inside the same "
"hierarchy level, so you must also specify domain information for user (i.e. "
"`user_domain_id` or `user_domain_name`) and for project, if you are using "
"`project_name` (i.e. `project_domain_id` or `project_domain_name`)."
msgstr ""
" [ironic] 設定オプショングループの認証パラメーター `admin_username`、 "
"`admin_password`、 `admin_tenant_name` と `admin_url`は非推奨となりました。今"
"力します。代わりに `username`、`password`、 `project_id` (または "
"`project_name`) と `auth_url`を使うようにしてください。もし Keystone V3 API "
"情報(つまり`user_domain_id` または`user_domain_name`)と、`project_name`を使"
"うならばプロジェクトに対してのドメイン情報(つまり`project_domain_id` または "
msgid ""
"The cells.driver configuration option is now deprecated and will be removed "
"at Ocata cycle."
@ -3574,15 +3467,6 @@ msgstr ""
"非推奨とされた ``volume_api_class`` 設定オプションは削除されました。それに対"
msgid ""
"The deprecated auth parameter `admin_auth_token` was removed from the "
"[ironic] config option group. The use of `admin_auth_token` is insecure "
"compared to the use of a proper username/password."
msgstr ""
"非推奨とされた 認証パラメータ `admin_auth_token` は [ironic] 設定オプション"
"グループから削除されました。 `admin_auth_token`の使用は適切なユーザー名とパス"
msgid ""
"The deprecated compute config option ``snapshot_name_template`` has been "
"removed. It is not used anywhere and has no effect on any code, so there is "
@ -3631,7 +3515,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Pike リリースでブロックされるでしょう。"
msgid ""
"The driver has no known users and is not actively mantained. A warning log "
"The driver has no known users and is not actively maintained. A warning log "
"message about the driver's state was added for the Kilo release. Also, "
"evzookeeper library that the driver depends on is unmaintained and "
"`incompatible with recent eventlet releases`_."
@ -3994,19 +3878,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Nova の``network_device_mtu``オプションは、ネットワーク MTU をネットワークを"
"作成するときに指定するものなので、13.0.0 での削除に向けて非推奨となりました。"
msgid ""
"The newton release has a lot of online migrations that must be performed "
"before you will be able to upgrade to ocata. Please take extra note of this "
"fact and budget time to run these online migrations before you plan to "
"upgrade to ocata. These migrations can be run without downtime with `nova-"
"manage db online_data_migrations`."
msgstr ""
"newton リリースは、ocata にアップグレードすることができる前に実行しなければな"
"らないたくさんのオンラインマイグレーションを持ちます。ocata にアップグレード"
"余計に注意して、余分な時間をとってください。これらのマイグレーションは `nova-"
"manage db online_data_migrations` でダウンタイムなしに実行できます。"
msgid ""
"The nova Hyper-V driver can now plug OVS VIFs. This means that neutron-ovs-"
"agent can be used as an L2 agent instead of neutron-hyperv-agent. In order "
@ -4167,17 +4038,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ましたが、もはや利用可能ではありません。これは neutron にコミュニケーションを"
"フォワードするのは auth プラグインを使って設定される必要がああります。"
msgid ""
"The old top-level resource `/os-migrations` is deprecated, it won't be "
"extended anymore. And migration_type for /os-migrations, also add ref link "
"to the /servers/{uuid}/migrations/{id} for it when the migration is an in-"
"progress live-migration. This has been added in microversion 2.23."
msgstr ""
"古いトップレベルリソース `/os-migrations` は非推奨とされ、もはや拡張されませ"
"ん。マイグレーションが実行中のライブマイグレーションの時、/os-migrations に対"
"するマイグレーションは '/servers/{uuid}/migrations/{id}' に対する参照リンクを"
"追加します。これはマイクロバージョン 2.23 で追加されました。"
msgid ""
"The option ``scheduler_driver`` is now changed to use entrypoint instead of "
"full class path. Set one of the entrypoints under the namespace 'nova."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user