enable hacking.py self tests

pep8 and hacking.py (by inheritance) have the ability to run self
tests via docstrings, if we format the comments correctly, and change
the docstring test regex. Include self testing in our normal pep8

fix the comments to actually be test case compliant

fix nova_import_alphabetical to pass on short import lists (only 2
lines, starting at the beginning of a file)

comment where it doesn't appear that hacking.py tests are working
(though there could be deeper black magic in some of them).

fix a doc string in pep8 self tests that breaks N301

fix the fact that pep8 error strings are supposed to start with
\w\d\d\d, we were just lucking out on some formatting because the
string NOVA happened to be only 4 chars long.

Add a couple of escapes so that we don't recursively fail on our
own fail self tests for comments. (boy that's fun)

Change-Id: I14d5e04cfc092b37ec4967cd7485e9975a5eb820
This commit is contained in:
Sean Dague 2013-01-06 19:17:33 -05:00
parent 59333ce9f3
commit 313279f99a
3 changed files with 136 additions and 61 deletions

@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ function run_pep8 {
# Until all these issues get fixed, ignore.
# First run the hacking selftest, to make sure it's right
echo "Running hacking.py self test"
${wrapper} python tools/hacking.py --doctest
# Then actually run it
echo "Running pep8"
${wrapper} python tools/hacking.py ${ignore} ${srcfiles}
# NOTE(sdague): as of grizzly-2 these are passing however leaving the comment

@ -110,66 +110,82 @@ def nova_todo_format(physical_line):
nova HACKING guide recommendation for TODO:
Include your name with TODOs as in "#TODO(termie)"
Okay: #TODO(sdague)
N101: #TODO fail
# TODO(sdague): TODO check shouldn't fail inside of space
pos = physical_line.find('TODO')
pos1 = physical_line.find('TODO(')
pos2 = physical_line.find('#') # make sure it's a comment
if (pos != pos1 and pos2 >= 0 and pos2 < pos):
return pos, "NOVA N101: Use TODO(NAME)"
# TODO(sdague): should be smarter on this test
this_test = physical_line.find('N101: #TODO fail')
if (pos != pos1 and pos2 >= 0 and pos2 < pos and this_test == -1):
return pos, "N101: Use TODO(NAME)"
def nova_except_format(logical_line):
"""Check for 'except:'.
r"""Check for 'except:'.
nova HACKING guide recommends not using except:
Do not write "except:", use "except Exception:" at the very least
Okay: except Exception:
N201: except:
if logical_line.startswith("except:"):
yield 6, "NOVA N201: no 'except:' at least use 'except Exception:'"
yield 6, "N201: no 'except:' at least use 'except Exception:'"
def nova_except_format_assert(logical_line):
"""Check for 'assertRaises(Exception'.
r"""Check for 'assertRaises(Exception'.
nova HACKING guide recommends not using assertRaises(Exception...):
Do not use overly broad Exception type
Okay: self.assertRaises(NovaException)
N202: self.assertRaises(Exception)
if logical_line.startswith("self.assertRaises(Exception"):
yield 1, "NOVA N202: assertRaises Exception too broad"
yield 1, "N202: assertRaises Exception too broad"
def nova_one_import_per_line(logical_line):
"""Check for import format.
r"""Check for import format.
nova HACKING guide recommends one import per line:
Do not import more than one module per line
BAD: from nova.rpc.common import RemoteError, LOG
Okay: from nova.rpc.common import RemoteError
N301: from nova.rpc.common import RemoteError, LOG
pos = logical_line.find(',')
parts = logical_line.split()
if (pos > -1 and (parts[0] == "import" or
parts[0] == "from" and parts[2] == "import") and
not is_import_exception(parts[1])):
yield pos, "NOVA N301: one import per line"
yield pos, "N301: one import per line"
_missingImport = set([])
def nova_import_module_only(logical_line):
"""Check for import module only.
r"""Check for import module only.
nova HACKING guide recommends importing only modules:
Do not import objects, only modules
N302 import only modules
N303 Invalid Import
N304 Relative Import
Okay: from os import path
N302 from os.path import mkdir as mkdir2
N303 import bubba
N304 import blueblue
# N302 import only modules
# N303 Invalid Import
# N304 Relative Import
# TODO(sdague) actually get these tests working
def importModuleCheck(mod, parent=None, added=False):
If can't find module on first try, recursively check for relative
@ -193,10 +209,10 @@ def nova_import_module_only(logical_line):
if added:
added = False
return logical_line.find(mod), ("NOVA N304: No "
return logical_line.find(mod), ("N304: No "
"relative imports. '%s' is a relative import"
% logical_line)
return logical_line.find(mod), ("NOVA N302: import only "
return logical_line.find(mod), ("N302: import only "
"modules. '%s' does not import a module"
% logical_line)
@ -219,7 +235,7 @@ def nova_import_module_only(logical_line):
except AttributeError:
# Invalid import
return logical_line.find(mod), ("NOVA N303: Invalid import, "
return logical_line.find(mod), ("N303: Invalid import, "
"AttributeError raised")
# convert "from x import y" to " import x.y"
@ -240,41 +256,58 @@ def nova_import_module_only(logical_line):
#TODO(jogo): import template: N305
def nova_import_alphabetical(logical_line, line_number, lines):
"""Check for imports in alphabetical order.
def nova_import_alphabetical(logical_line, blank_lines, previous_logical,
indent_level, previous_indent_level):
Check for imports in alphabetical order.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports in human alphabetical order
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport nova\nfrom nova import test
N306: import sys\nimport os
# handle import x
# use .lower since capitalization shouldn't dictate order
split_line = import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).lower().split()
split_previous = import_normalize(lines[line_number - 2]
# with or without "as y"
split_previous = import_normalize(previous_logical.strip()).lower().split()
if blank_lines < 1 and indent_level == previous_indent_level:
length = [2, 4]
if (len(split_line) in length and len(split_previous) in length and
split_line[0] == "import" and split_previous[0] == "import"):
if split_line[1] < split_previous[1]:
yield (0, "NOVA N306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
yield (0, "N306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
% (split_previous[1], split_line[1]))
def nova_import_no_db_in_virt(logical_line, filename):
if ("nova/virt" in filename and
not filename.endswith("fake.py") and
"nova import db" in logical_line):
yield (0, "NOVA N307: nova.db import not allowed in nova/virt/*")
"""Check for db calls from nova/virt
As of grizzly-2 all the database calls have been removed from
nova/virt, and we want to keep it that way.
if "nova/virt" in filename and not filename.endswith("fake.py"):
if logical_line.startswith("from nova import db"):
yield (0, "N307: nova.db import not allowed in nova/virt/*")
def nova_docstring_start_space(physical_line, previous_logical):
"""Check for docstring not start with space.
r"""Check for docstring not start with space.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should not start with space
Okay: def foo():\n '''This is good.'''
N401: def foo():\n ''' This is not.'''
# short circuit so that we don't fail on our own fail test
# when running under external pep8
if physical_line.find("N401: def foo()") != -1:
# it's important that we determine this is actually a docstring,
# and not a doc block used somewhere after the first line of a
# function def
@ -283,35 +316,47 @@ def nova_docstring_start_space(physical_line, previous_logical):
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
if (pos != -1 and len(physical_line) > pos + 4):
if (physical_line[pos + 3] == ' '):
return (pos, "NOVA N401: docstring should not start with"
return (pos, "N401: docstring should not start with"
" a space")
def nova_docstring_one_line(physical_line):
"""Check one line docstring end.
r"""Check one line docstring end.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for one line docstring:
A one line docstring looks like this and ends in a period.
A one line docstring looks like this and ends in punctuation.
Okay: '''This is good.'''
N402: '''This is not'''
N402: '''Bad punctuation,'''
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # start
end = max([physical_line[-4:-1] == i for i in DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # end
if (pos != -1 and end and len(physical_line) > pos + 4):
if (physical_line[-5] not in ['.', '?', '!']):
return pos, "NOVA N402: one line docstring needs a period"
line = physical_line.lstrip()
if line.startswith('"') or line.startswith("'"):
pos = max([line.find(i) for i in DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # start
end = max([line[-4:-1] == i for i in DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # end
if (pos != -1 and end and len(line) > pos + 4):
if (line[-5] not in ['.', '?', '!']):
return pos, "N402: one line docstring needs punctuation."
def nova_docstring_multiline_end(physical_line):
"""Check multi line docstring end.
r"""Check multi line docstring end.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should end on a new line
Okay: '''\nfoo\nbar\n'''
# This test is not triggered, don't think it's right, removing
# the colon prevents it from running
N403 '''\nfoo\nbar\n ''' \n\n
# TODO(sdague) actually get these tests working
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # start
if (pos != -1 and len(physical_line) == pos):
if (physical_line[pos + 3] == ' '):
return (pos, "NOVA N403: multi line docstring end on new line")
return (pos, "N403: multi line docstring end on new line")
FORMAT_RE = re.compile("%(?:"
@ -339,6 +384,7 @@ def check_i18n():
token_type, text, _, _, line = yield
except GeneratorExit:
if (token_type == tokenize.NAME and text == "_" and
not line.startswith('def _(msg):')):
@ -361,22 +407,22 @@ def check_i18n():
if not format_string:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"NOVA N701: Empty localization string")
"N701: Empty localization string")
if token_type != tokenize.OP:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"NOVA N701: Invalid localization call")
"N701: Invalid localization call")
if text != ")":
if text == "%":
raise LocalizationError(start,
"NOVA N702: Formatting operation should be outside"
"N702: Formatting operation should be outside"
" of localization method call")
elif text == "+":
raise LocalizationError(start,
"NOVA N702: Use bare string concatenation instead"
"N702: Use bare string concatenation instead"
" of +")
raise LocalizationError(start,
"NOVA N702: Argument to _ must be just a string")
"N702: Argument to _ must be just a string")
format_specs = FORMAT_RE.findall(format_string)
positional_specs = [(key, spec) for key, spec in format_specs
@ -384,17 +430,21 @@ def check_i18n():
# not spec means %%, key means %(smth)s
if len(positional_specs) > 1:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"NOVA N703: Multiple positional placeholders")
"N703: Multiple positional placeholders")
def nova_localization_strings(logical_line, tokens):
"""Check localization in line.
r"""Check localization in line.
N701: bad localization call
N702: complex expression instead of string as argument to _()
N703: multiple positional placeholders
Okay: _("This is fine")
Okay: _("This is also fine %s")
N701: _('')
N702: _("Bob" + " foo")
N702: _("Bob %s" % foo)
# N703 check is not quite right, disabled by removing colon
N703 _("%s %s" % (foo, bar))
# TODO(sdague) actually get these tests working
gen = check_i18n()
@ -466,18 +516,36 @@ def once_git_check_commit_title():
error = True
return error
imports_on_separate_lines_N301_compliant = r"""
Imports should usually be on separate lines.
Okay: import os\nimport sys
E401: import sys, os
N301: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
Okay: from myclas import MyClass
Okay: from foo.bar.yourclass import YourClass
Okay: import myclass
Okay: import foo.bar.yourclass
if __name__ == "__main__":
#include nova path
#Run once tests (not per line)
once_error = once_git_check_commit_title()
#NOVA error codes start with an N
pep8.SELFTEST_REGEX = re.compile(r'(Okay|[EWN]\d{3}):\s(.*)')
pep8.ERRORCODE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[EWN]\d{3}')
pep8.current_file = current_file
pep8.readlines = readlines
pep8.StyleGuide.excluded = excluded
pep8.StyleGuide.input_dir = input_dir
# we need to kill this doctring otherwise the self tests fail
pep8.imports_on_separate_lines.__doc__ = \

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ downloadcache = ~/cache/pip
commands =
python tools/hacking.py --doctest
python tools/hacking.py --ignore=E12,E711,E721,E712 --repeat --show-source \
--exclude=.venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*openstack/common*,*lib/python*,*egg .
python tools/hacking.py --ignore=E12,E711,E721,E712 --repeat --show-source \