Libvirt: add support for vPMU configuration.
This change adds the ablity for a user or operator to contol the virtualisation of a performance monitoring unit within a vm. This change introduces a new "hw:pmu" extra spec and a corresponding image metadata property "hw_pmu". The glance image metadata doc will be updated seperately by: Change-Id: I5576fa2a67d2771614266022428b4a95487ab6d5 Implements: blueprint libvirt-pmu-configuration
This commit is contained in:
@ -373,6 +373,27 @@ Random-number generator
the host's entropy per period.
- RATE-PERIOD: (integer) Duration of the read period in seconds.
.. _extra-specs-performance-monitoring-unit:
Performance Monitoring Unit (vPMU)
If nova is deployed with the libvirt virt driver and ``[libvirt]/virt_type``
is set to ``qemu`` or ``kvm``, a vPMU can be enabled or disabled for an
instance using the ``hw:pmu`` extra_spec or the ``hw_pmu`` image property.
The supported values are ``True`` or ``False``. If the vPMU is not
explicitly enabled or disabled via the flavor or image, its presence is left
to QEMU to decide.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor set FLAVOR-NAME --property hw:pmu=True|False
The vPMU is used by tools like ``perf`` in the guest to provide more accurate
information for profiling application and monitoring guest performance.
For realtime workloads, the emulation of a vPMU can introduce additional
latency which may be undesirable. If the telemetry it provides is not
required, such workloads should set ``hw:pmu=False``. For most workloads
the default of unset or enabling the vPMU ``hw:pmu=True`` will be correct.
.. _extra-specs-cpu-topology:
CPU topology
@ -676,6 +676,13 @@ class API(base.Base):
image_meta = _get_image_meta_obj(image)
# validate PMU extra spec and image metadata
flavor_pmu = instance_type.extra_specs.get('hw:pmu')
image_pmu ='hw_pmu')
if (flavor_pmu is not None and image_pmu is not None and
image_pmu != strutils.bool_from_string(flavor_pmu)):
raise exception.ImagePMUConflict()
# Only validate values of flavor/image so the return results of
# following 'get' functions are not used.
hardware.get_number_of_serial_ports(instance_type, image_meta)
@ -2045,6 +2045,11 @@ class ImageCPUThreadPolicyForbidden(Forbidden):
"override CPU thread pinning policy set against the flavor")
class ImagePMUConflict(Forbidden):
msg_fmt = _("Image property 'hw_pmu' is not permitted to "
"override the PMU policy set in the flavor")
class UnsupportedPolicyException(Invalid):
msg_fmt = _("ServerGroup policy is not supported: %(reason)s")
@ -172,12 +172,15 @@ class ImageMetaProps(base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.20: Added 'traits_required' list field
# Version 1.21: Added 'hw_time_hpet' field
# Version 1.22: Added 'gop', 'virtio' and 'none' to hw_video_model field
VERSION = '1.22'
# Version 1.23: Added 'hw_pmu' field
VERSION = '1.23'
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
super(ImageMetaProps, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive,
target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if target_version < (1, 23):
primitive.pop('hw_pmu', None)
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney): unlike other nova object we version this object
# when composed object are updated.
if target_version < (1, 22):
@ -327,6 +330,10 @@ class ImageMetaProps(base.NovaObject):
# Generic property to specify the pointer model type.
'hw_pointer_model': fields.PointerModelField(),
# boolean 'true' or 'false' to enable virtual performance
# monitoring unit (vPMU).
'hw_pmu': fields.FlexibleBooleanField(),
# boolean 'yes' or 'no' to enable QEMU guest agent
'hw_qemu_guest_agent': fields.FlexibleBooleanField(),
@ -6596,7 +6596,8 @@ class ServersControllerCreateTestV260(test.NoDBTestCase):
get_flavor_mock = mock.patch(
context.get_admin_context(), flavorid='1'))
context.get_admin_context(), flavorid='1',
reqspec_create_mock = mock.patch(
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ class _ComputeAPIUnitTestMixIn(object):
if updates:
return objects.Flavor._from_db_object(self.context, objects.Flavor(),
return objects.Flavor._from_db_object(
self.context, objects.Flavor(extra_specs={}), flavor)
def _create_instance_obj(self, params=None, flavor=None):
"""Create a test instance."""
@ -6211,16 +6211,67 @@ class ComputeAPIUnitTestCase(_ComputeAPIUnitTestMixIn, test.NoDBTestCase):
self.assertEqual(['context-for-%s' % c for c in compute_api.CELLS],
def test_pmu_image_and_flavor_conflict(self, mock_request):
"""Tests that calling _validate_flavor_image_nostatus()
with an image that conflicts with the flavor raises but no
exception is raised if there is no conflict.
image = {'id': uuids.image_id, 'status': 'foo',
'properties': {'hw_pmu': False}}
flavor = objects.Flavor(
vcpus=1, memory_mb=512, root_gb=1, extra_specs={'hw:pmu': "true"})
self.context, image, flavor, None)
def test_pmu_image_and_flavor_same_value(self, mock_request):
# assert that if both the image and flavor are set to the same value
# no exception is raised and the function returns nothing.
flavor = objects.Flavor(
vcpus=1, memory_mb=512, root_gb=1, extra_specs={'hw:pmu': "true"})
image = {'id': uuids.image_id, 'status': 'foo',
'properties': {'hw_pmu': True}}
self.context, image, flavor, None))
def test_pmu_image_only(self, mock_request):
# assert that if only the image metadata is set then it is valid
flavor = objects.Flavor(
vcpus=1, memory_mb=512, root_gb=1, extra_specs={})
# ensure string to bool conversion works for image metadata
# property by using "yes".
image = {'id': uuids.image_id, 'status': 'foo',
'properties': {'hw_pmu': "yes"}}
self.context, image, flavor, None))
def test_pmu_flavor_only(self, mock_request):
# assert that if only the flavor extra_spec is set then it is valid
# and test the string to bool conversion of "on" works.
flavor = objects.Flavor(
vcpus=1, memory_mb=512, root_gb=1, extra_specs={'hw:pmu': "on"})
image = {'id': uuids.image_id, 'status': 'foo', 'properties': {}}
self.context, image, flavor, None))
def test_pci_validated(self, mock_request):
"""Tests that calling _validate_flavor_image_nostatus() with
validate_pci=True results in get_pci_requests_from_flavor() being
image = dict(id=uuids.image_id, status='foo')
image = {'id': uuids.image_id, 'status': 'foo'}
flavor = self._create_flavor()
image, flavor, root_bdm=None, validate_pci=True)
self.context, image, flavor, root_bdm=None, validate_pci=True)
def test_validate_and_build_base_options_translate_neutron_secgroup(self):
@ -403,3 +403,11 @@ class TestImageMetaProps(test.NoDBTestCase):
obj = objects.ImageMetaProps(traits_required=['CUSTOM_TRUSTED'])
primitive = obj.obj_to_primitive('1.19')
self.assertNotIn('traits_required', primitive[''])
def test_obj_make_compatible_pmu(self):
"""Tests that checks if we pop hw_pmu."""
obj = objects.ImageMetaProps(hw_pmu=True)
primitive = obj.obj_to_primitive()
old_primitive = obj.obj_to_primitive('1.22')
self.assertIn('hw_pmu', primitive[''])
self.assertNotIn('hw_pmu', old_primitive[''])
@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ object_data = {
'HyperVLiveMigrateData': '1.4-e265780e6acfa631476c8170e8d6fce0',
'IDEDeviceBus': '1.0-29d4c9f27ac44197f01b6ac1b7e16502',
'ImageMeta': '1.8-642d1b2eb3e880a367f37d72dd76162d',
'ImageMetaProps': '1.22-b1c9ea78c43e8d7989a7d1f0f34d149a',
'ImageMetaProps': '1.23-ed659d0bb5dfb3b2c2c717850c732abc',
'Instance': '2.6-5fefbcb483703c85e4d328b887c8af33',
'InstanceAction': '1.2-9a5abc87fdd3af46f45731960651efb5',
'InstanceActionEvent': '1.3-c749e1b3589e7117c81cb2aa6ac438d5',
@ -2193,6 +2193,22 @@ class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):
<vendor_id state="on" value="1234567890ab"/>
def test_feature_pmu(self):
# NOTE(sean-k-moonmey): LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU uses
# bool_from_string internally so assert that boolean and
# string inputs work. This does not need to be exhaustive
# as bool_from_string is tested in oslo so we just try
# some common values.
for val in ("true", "on", "1", "yes", True):
obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU(val)
xml = obj.to_xml()
self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<pmu state='on'/>")
for val in ("false", "off", "0", "no", False):
obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU(val)
xml = obj.to_xml()
self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<pmu state='off'/>")
class LibvirtConfigGuestTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from oslo_utils import fixture as utils_fixture
from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import units
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from oslo_utils import versionutils
@ -6093,6 +6094,105 @@ class LibvirtConnTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase,
any(isinstance(feature, vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureKvmHidden)
for feature in cfg.features))
def test_get_guest_config_with_pmu(self):
drvr = libvirt_driver.LibvirtDriver(fake.FakeVirtAPI(), True)
instance_ref = objects.Instance(**self.test_instance)
for virt_type in ('qemu', 'kvm'):
self.flags(virt_type=virt_type, group='libvirt')
for state in ("true", "false"):
# assert that values set in flavor are reflected in
# the xml generated.
flavor = fake_flavor.fake_flavor_obj(self.context,
extra_specs={"hw:pmu": state},
image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_dict({
"disk_format": "raw"})
instance_ref.flavor = flavor
disk_info = blockinfo.get_disk_info(
CONF.libvirt.virt_type, instance_ref, image_meta)
cfg = drvr._get_guest_config(
instance_ref, [], image_meta, disk_info)
feature, vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU) and
feature.state == strutils.bool_from_string(state)
for feature in cfg.features))
# assert that values set in image are reflected in
# the xml generated.
image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_dict({
"disk_format": "raw",
"properties": {"hw_pmu": state}})
disk_info = blockinfo.get_disk_info(
CONF.libvirt.virt_type, instance_ref, image_meta)
cfg = drvr._get_guest_config(
instance_ref, [], image_meta, disk_info)
feature, vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU) and
feature.state == strutils.bool_from_string(state)
for feature in cfg.features))
def test_get_guest_config_with_pmu_unset(self):
drvr = libvirt_driver.LibvirtDriver(fake.FakeVirtAPI(), True)
instance_ref = objects.Instance(**self.test_instance)
for virt_type in ('qemu', 'kvm'):
self.flags(virt_type=virt_type, group='libvirt')
# assert that if not set in image or flavor no pmu feature object
# is created.
flavor = fake_flavor.fake_flavor_obj(
self.context, extra_specs={}, expected_attrs={"extra_specs"})
image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_dict({"disk_format": "raw"})
instance_ref.flavor = flavor
disk_info = blockinfo.get_disk_info(
CONF.libvirt.virt_type, instance_ref, image_meta)
cfg = drvr._get_guest_config(
instance_ref, [], image_meta, disk_info)
any(isinstance(feature, vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU)
for feature in cfg.features))
def test_get_guest_config_with_pmu_non_qemu_kvm(self):
# assert that for virt_types other then qemu and kvm
# the xml the element is not generated.
self.flags(virt_type='lxc', group='libvirt')
drvr = libvirt_driver.LibvirtDriver(fake.FakeVirtAPI(), True)
instance_ref = objects.Instance(**self.test_instance)
for state in ("true", "false"):
flavor = fake_flavor.fake_flavor_obj(self.context,
extra_specs={"hw:pmu": state},
image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_dict({
"disk_format": "raw"})
instance_ref.flavor = flavor
disk_info = blockinfo.get_disk_info(
CONF.libvirt.virt_type, instance_ref, image_meta)
cfg = drvr._get_guest_config(
instance_ref, [], image_meta, disk_info)
any(isinstance(feature, vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU)
for feature in cfg.features))
# assert that values set in image are also ignored.
image_meta = objects.ImageMeta.from_dict({
"disk_format": "raw",
"properties": {"hw_pmu": state}})
disk_info = blockinfo.get_disk_info(
CONF.libvirt.virt_type, instance_ref, image_meta)
cfg = drvr._get_guest_config(
instance_ref, [], image_meta, disk_info)
any(isinstance(feature, vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU)
for feature in cfg.features))
def _test_get_guest_config_disk_cachemodes(self, images_type):
# Verify that the configured cachemodes are propagated to the device
# configurations.
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ helpers for populating up config object instances.
import time
from lxml import etree
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import units
import six
@ -2350,6 +2351,22 @@ class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureKvmHidden(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature):
return root
class LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature):
def __init__(self, state, **kwargs):
super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU, self).__init__("pmu", **kwargs)
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney): bool_from_string is needed to handle the raw
# flavor exta_sepc value. bool_from_string internally checks if the
# value is already a bool and returns it. As such it's safe to use
# with the image metadata property too, so we call it unconditionally.
self.state = strutils.bool_from_string(state)
def format_dom(self):
root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU, self).format_dom()
root.attrib['state'] = "on" if self.state else "off"
return root
class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureHyperV(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature):
# QEMU requires at least this value to be set
@ -4775,8 +4775,22 @@ class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver):
if (virt_type in ("qemu", "kvm") and hide_hypervisor_id):
if virt_type in ("qemu", "kvm"):
if hide_hypervisor_id:
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney): we validate that the image and flavor
# cannot have conflicting values in the compute API
# so we just use the values directly. If it is not set in
# either the flavor or image pmu will be none and we should
# not generate the element to allow qemu to decide if a vPMU
# should be provided for backwards compatibility.
pmu = (flavor.extra_specs.get('hw:pmu') or
if pmu is not None:
def _check_number_of_serial_console(self, num_ports):
virt_type = CONF.libvirt.virt_type
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- |
The libvirt driver has been extended to support user configurable
performance monitoring unit (vPMU) virtualization.
This is particularly useful for real-time workloads.
A pair of boolean flavor extra spec and image metadata properties
``hw:pmu`` and ``hw_pmu`` have been added to control the emulation
of the vPMU. By default the behavior of vPMU emulation has
not been changed. To take advantage of this new feature, the operator
or tenant will need to update their flavors or images to define the
new property.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user