Replace ascii art architecture diagram with svg image
architecture.svg diagram was generated using dia ( and can be found in image_src This is an attempt to show the same information as previously found in the ascii art. blueprint devref-refresh-liberty Change-Id: Iab5811bcc7ec4b3fa457a07d33a0373ba95723ca
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,25 +27,15 @@ Components
Below you will find a helpful explanation of the different components.
.. image:: ./images/architecture.svg
:width: 100%
/- ( LDAP )
[ Auth Manager ] ---
| \- ( DB )
[ Web Dashboard ] -> [ api ] -- < AMQP > ------ [ network ] - ( Flat/Vlan )
| \
< HTTP > [ scheduler ] - [ compute ] - ( libvirt/xen )
| |
[ objectstore ] < - retrieves images
* DB: sql database for data storage.
* API: component that receives HTTP requests, converts commands and communicates with other components via the **oslo.messaging** queue or HTTP
* Scheduler: decides which host gets each instance
* Network: manages ip forwarding, bridges, and vlans
* Compute: manages communication with hypervisor and virtual machines.
* Conductor: handles requests that need coordination(build/resize), acts as a
database proxy, or handles object conversions.
* DB: sql database for data storage. Used by all components (LINKS NOT SHOWN)
* Web Dashboard: potential external component that talks to the api
* api: component that receives http requests, converts commands and communicates with other components via the queue or http (in the case of objectstore)
* Auth Manager: component responsible for users/projects/and roles. Can backend to DB or LDAP. This is not a separate binary, but rather a python class that is used by most components in the system.
* objectstore: http server that replicates s3 api and allows storage and retrieval of images
* scheduler: decides which host gets each vm
* network: manages ip forwarding, bridges, and vlans
* compute: manages communication with hypervisor and virtual machines.
While all services are designed to be horizontally scalable, you should have significantly more computes then anything else.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
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<tspan x="273.57" y="237.668">API</tspan>
<text font-size="12.8" style="fill: #000000;text-anchor:middle;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal" x="282.526" y="391.16">
<tspan x="282.526" y="391.16">Conductor</tspan>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="231.792" y="183.68" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="231.792" y="183.68" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
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<tspan x="286.914" y="240.638">API</tspan>
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<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="240.084" y="193.077" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
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<tspan x="295.206" y="250.036">API</tspan>
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<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="234.004" y="341.222" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
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<tspan x="289.124" y="398.18">Conductor</tspan>
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<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="241.3" y="350.066" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
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<tspan x="296.422" y="407.024">Conductor</tspan>
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<tspan x="446.114" y="386.848">Scheduler</tspan>
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<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="401.496" y="339.288" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
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<tspan x="456.618" y="396.246">Scheduler</tspan>
<rect style="fill: #ffffff" x="410.34" y="349.79" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
<rect style="fill: none; fill-opacity:0; stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000" x="410.34" y="349.79" width="110.242" height="113.917"/>
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<tspan x="465.462" y="406.748">Scheduler</tspan>
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<tspan x="445.56" y="252.52">DB</tspan>
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<tspan x="277.516" y="552.13">Compute</tspan>
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<tspan x="281.992" y="984.728">Conductor</tspan>
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<tspan x="294.671" y="843.604">API</tspan>
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<tspan x="295.887" y="1000.59">Conductor</tspan>
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<tspan x="445.58" y="980.416">Scheduler</tspan>
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<tspan x="456.083" y="989.815">Scheduler</tspan>
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<tspan x="464.927" y="1000.32">Scheduler</tspan>
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<tspan x="276.983" y="1145.7">Compute</tspan>
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<tspan x="292.461" y="1162.97">Compute</tspan>
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<tspan x="54.9684" y="843.954">Keystone</tspan>
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<tspan x="660.234" y="996.809">Glance &</tspan>
<tspan x="660.234" y="1012.81"> Cinder</tspan>
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<tspan x="291.532" y="1220.94">Hypervisor</tspan>
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<tspan x="258.61" y="726.215">Neutron</tspan>
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<tspan x="55.0164" y="1003.84">Neutron</tspan>
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