support multiple member_of qparams
Adds a new placement API microversion that supports specifying multiple member_of parameters to the GET /resource_providers and GET /allocation_candidates API endpoints. When multiple member_of parameters are found, they are passed down to the ResourceProviderList.get_by_filters() method as a list. Items in this list are lists of aggregate UUIDs. The list of member_of items is evaluated so that resource providers matching ALL of the member_of constraints are returned. When a member_of item contains multiple UUIDs, we look up resource providers that have *any* of those aggregate UUIDs associated with them. Change-Id: Ib4f1955f06f2159dfb221f3d2bc8ff7bfce71ee2 blueprint: alloc-candidates-member-of
This commit is contained in:
@ -220,11 +220,7 @@ def list_allocation_candidates(req):
get_schema = schema.GET_SCHEMA_1_16
util.validate_query_params(req, get_schema)
# Control whether we handle forbidden traits.
allow_forbidden = want_version.matches((1, 22))
requests = util.parse_qs_request_groups(
req.GET, allow_forbidden=allow_forbidden)
requests = util.parse_qs_request_groups(req)
limit = req.GET.getall('limit')
# JSONschema has already confirmed that limit has the form
# of an integer.
@ -196,13 +196,16 @@ def list_resource_providers(req):
util.validate_query_params(req, schema)
filters = {}
qpkeys = ('uuid', 'name', 'member_of', 'in_tree', 'resources', 'required')
# special handling of member_of qparam since we allow multiple member_of
# params at microversion 1.24.
if 'member_of' in req.GET:
filters['member_of'] = util.normalize_member_of_qs_params(req)
qpkeys = ('uuid', 'name', 'in_tree', 'resources', 'required')
for attr in qpkeys:
if attr in req.GET:
value = req.GET[attr]
if attr == 'member_of':
value = util.normalize_member_of_qs_param(value)
elif attr == 'resources':
if attr == 'resources':
value = util.normalize_resources_qs_param(value)
elif attr == 'required':
value = util.normalize_traits_qs_param(
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ VERSIONS = [
'1.22', # Support forbidden traits in the required parameter of
# GET /resource_providers and GET /allocation_candidates
'1.23', # Add support for error codes in error response JSON
'1.24', # Support multiple ?member_of=<agg UUIDs> queryparams on
# GET /resource_providers
@ -653,6 +653,84 @@ def _provider_ids_from_uuid(context, uuid):
return ProviderIds(**dict(res))
def _provider_ids_matching_aggregates(context, member_of):
"""Given a list of lists of aggregate UUIDs, return the internal IDs of all
resource providers associated with the aggregates.
:param member_of: A list containing lists of aggregate UUIDs. Each item in
the outer list is to be AND'd together. If that item contains multiple
values, they are OR'd together.
For example, if member_of is::
['agg2', 'agg3'],
we will return all the resource providers that are
associated with agg1 as well as either (agg2 or agg3)
:returns: A list of internal resource provider IDs having all required
aggregate associations
# Given a request for the following:
# member_of = [
# [agg1],
# [agg2],
# [agg3, agg4]
# ]
# we need to produce the following SQL expression:
# FROM resource_providers AS rp
# JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS rpa1
# ON = rpa1.resource_provider_id
# AND rpa1.aggregate_id IN ($AGG1_ID)
# JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS rpa2
# ON = rpa2.resource_provider_id
# AND rpa2.aggregate_id IN ($AGG2_ID)
# JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS rpa3
# ON = rpa3.resource_provider_id
# AND rpa3.aggregate_id IN ($AGG3_ID, $AGG4_ID)
# First things first, get a map of all the aggregate UUID to internal
# aggregate IDs
agg_uuids = set()
for members in member_of:
for member in members:
agg_tbl = sa.alias(_AGG_TBL, name='aggs')
agg_sel =[agg_tbl.c.uuid,])
agg_sel = agg_sel.where(agg_tbl.c.uuid.in_(agg_uuids))
agg_uuid_map = {
r[0]: r[1] for r in context.session.execute(agg_sel).fetchall()
rp_tbl = sa.alias(_RP_TBL, name='rp')
join_chain = rp_tbl
for x, members in enumerate(member_of):
rpa_tbl = sa.alias(_RP_AGG_TBL, name='rpa%d' % x)
agg_ids = [agg_uuid_map[member] for member in members
if member in agg_uuid_map]
if not agg_ids:
# This member_of list contains only non-existent aggregate UUIDs
# and therefore we will always return 0 results, so short-circuit
return []
join_cond = sa.and_(
|||| == rpa_tbl.c.resource_provider_id,
join_chain = sa.join(join_chain, rpa_tbl, join_cond)
sel =[]).select_from(join_chain)
return [r[0] for r in context.session.execute(sel).fetchall()]
def _delete_rp_record(context, _id):
return context.session.query(models.ResourceProvider).\
@ -1388,16 +1466,16 @@ def _get_all_with_shared(ctx, resources, member_of=None):
join_chain = sharing_join
# If 'member_of' has values join with the PlacementAggregates to
# get those resource providers that are associated with any of the
# list of aggregate uuids provided with 'member_of'.
# If 'member_of' has values, do a separate lookup to identify the
# resource providers that meet the member_of constraints.
if member_of:
member_join = sa.join(join_chain, _RP_AGG_TBL,
_RP_AGG_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==
agg_join = sa.join(member_join, _AGG_TBL, sa.and_(
|||| == _RP_AGG_TBL.c.aggregate_id,
join_chain = agg_join
rps_in_aggs = _provider_ids_matching_aggregates(ctx, member_of)
if not rps_in_aggs:
# Short-circuit. The user either asked for a non-existing
# aggregate or there were no resource providers that matched
# the requirements...
return []
sel = sel.select_from(join_chain)
sel = sel.where(sa.and_(*where_conds))
@ -1497,17 +1575,16 @@ class ResourceProviderList(base.ObjectListBase, base.VersionedObject):
rp.c.root_provider_id == root_id)
query = query.where(where_cond)
# If 'member_of' has values join with the PlacementAggregates to
# get those resource providers that are associated with any of the
# list of aggregate uuids provided with 'member_of'.
# If 'member_of' has values, do a separate lookup to identify the
# resource providers that meet the member_of constraints.
if member_of:
join_statement = sa.join(_AGG_TBL, _RP_AGG_TBL, sa.and_(
|||| == _RP_AGG_TBL.c.aggregate_id,
resource_provider_id = _RP_AGG_TBL.c.resource_provider_id
rps_in_aggregates =
query = query.where(
rps_in_aggs = _provider_ids_matching_aggregates(context, member_of)
if not rps_in_aggs:
# Short-circuit. The user either asked for a non-existing
# aggregate or there were no resource providers that matched
# the requirements...
return []
query = query.where(
# If 'required' has values, add a filter to limit results to providers
# possessing *all* of the listed traits.
@ -2933,16 +3010,16 @@ def _get_provider_ids_matching(ctx, resources, required_traits,
# If 'member_of' has values join with the PlacementAggregates to
# get those resource providers that are associated with any of the
# list of aggregate uuids provided with 'member_of'.
# If 'member_of' has values, do a separate lookup to identify the
# resource providers that meet the member_of constraints.
if member_of:
member_join = sa.join(join_chain, _RP_AGG_TBL,
_RP_AGG_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==
agg_join = sa.join(member_join, _AGG_TBL, sa.and_(
|||| == _RP_AGG_TBL.c.aggregate_id,
join_chain = agg_join
rps_in_aggs = _provider_ids_matching_aggregates(ctx, member_of)
if not rps_in_aggs:
# Short-circuit. The user either asked for a non-existing
# aggregate or there were no resource providers that matched
# the requirements...
return []
sel = sel.select_from(join_chain)
sel = sel.where(sa.and_(*where_conds))
@ -280,3 +280,15 @@ that identifies the type of this error. This can be used to distinguish errors
that are different but use the same HTTP status code. Any error response which
does not specifically define a code will have the code
1.24 Support multiple ?member_of queryparams
Add support for specifying multiple ``member_of`` query parameters to the ``GET
/resource_providers`` API. When multiple ``member_of`` query parameters are
found, they are AND'd together in the final query. For example, issuing a
request for ``GET /resource_providers?member_of=agg1&member_of=agg2`` means get
the resource providers that are associated with BOTH agg1 and agg2. Issuing a
request for ``GET /resource_providers?member_of=in:agg1,agg2&member_of=agg3``
means get the resource providers that are associated with agg3 and are also
associated with *any of* (agg1, agg2).
@ -347,17 +347,39 @@ def normalize_traits_qs_param(val, allow_forbidden=False):
return ret
def normalize_member_of_qs_param(value):
"""We need to handle member_of as a special case to always make its value a
list, either by accepting the single value, or if it starts with 'in:'
splitting on ','.
def normalize_member_of_qs_params(req, suffix=''):
"""Given a webob.Request object, validate that the member_of querystring
parameters are correct. We begin supporting multiple member_of params in
microversion 1.24.
NOTE(cdent): This will all change when we start using
JSONSchema validation of query params.
:param req: webob.Request object
:return: A list containing sets of UUIDs of aggregates to filter on
:raises `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if the microversion requested is <1.24
and the request contains multiple member_of querystring params
:raises `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if the val parameter is not in the
expected format.
microversion = nova.api.openstack.placement.microversion
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
multi_member_of = want_version.matches((1, 24))
if not multi_member_of and len(req.GET.getall('member_of' + suffix)) > 1:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
_('Multiple member_of%s parameters are not supported') % suffix)
values = []
for value in req.GET.getall('member_of' + suffix):
return values
def normalize_member_of_qs_param(value):
"""Parse a member_of query string parameter value.
Valid values are either a single UUID, or the prefix 'in:' followed by two
or more comma-separated UUIDs.
:param value: A member_of query parameter of either a single UUID, or a
comma-separated string of one or more UUIDs, prefixed with
the "in:" operator.
comma-separated string of two or more UUIDs, prefixed with
the "in:" operator
:return: A set of UUIDs
:raises `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if the value parameter is not in the
expected format.
@ -374,12 +396,12 @@ def normalize_member_of_qs_param(value):
for aggr_uuid in value:
if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(aggr_uuid):
msg = _("Invalid query string parameters: Expected 'member_of' "
"parameter to contain valid UUID(s). Got: %s") % value
"parameter to contain valid UUID(s). Got: %s") % aggr_uuid
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
return value
def parse_qs_request_groups(qsdict, allow_forbidden=False):
def parse_qs_request_groups(req):
"""Parse numbered resources, traits, and member_of groupings out of a
querystring dict.
@ -455,12 +477,15 @@ def parse_qs_request_groups(qsdict, allow_forbidden=False):
:param qsdict: The MultiDict representing the querystring on a GET.
:param allow_forbidden: If True, parse for forbidden traits.
:param req: webob.Request object
:return: A list of RequestGroup instances.
:raises `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if any value is malformed, or if a
trait list is given without corresponding resources.
microversion = nova.api.openstack.placement.microversion
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
# Control whether we handle forbidden traits.
allow_forbidden = want_version.matches((1, 22))
# Temporary dict of the form: { suffix: RequestGroup }
by_suffix = {}
@ -470,21 +495,31 @@ def parse_qs_request_groups(qsdict, allow_forbidden=False):
by_suffix[suffix] = rq_grp
return by_suffix[suffix]
for key, val in qsdict.items():
for key, val in req.GET.items():
match = _QS_KEY_PATTERN.match(key)
if not match:
# `prefix` is 'resources', 'required', or 'member_of'
# `suffix` is an integer string, or None
prefix, suffix = match.groups()
request_group = get_request_group(suffix or '')
suffix = suffix or ''
request_group = get_request_group(suffix)
if prefix == _QS_RESOURCES:
request_group.resources = normalize_resources_qs_param(val)
elif prefix == _QS_REQUIRED:
request_group.required_traits = normalize_traits_qs_param(
val, allow_forbidden=allow_forbidden)
elif prefix == _QS_MEMBER_OF:
request_group.member_of = normalize_member_of_qs_param(val)
# special handling of member_of qparam since we allow multiple
# member_of params at microversion 1.24.
# NOTE(jaypipes): Yes, this is inefficient to do this when there
# are multiple member_of query parameters, but we do this so we can
# error out if someone passes an "orphaned" member_of request
# group.
# TODO(jaypipes): Do validation of query parameters using
# JSONSchema
request_group.member_of = normalize_member_of_qs_params(
req, suffix)
# Ensure any group with 'required' or 'member_of' also has 'resources'.
orphans = [('required%s' % suff) for suff, group in by_suffix.items()
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class ResourceProviderTestCase(ResourceProviderBaseCase):
rps = rp_obj.ResourceProviderList.get_all_by_filters(
'member_of': [uuidsentinel.agg],
'member_of': [[uuidsentinel.agg]],
'in_tree': uuidsentinel.grandchild_rp,
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ class ResourceProviderListTestCase(ResourceProviderBaseCase):
resource_providers = rp_obj.ResourceProviderList.get_all_by_filters(
self.ctx, filters={'member_of': [uuidsentinel.agg_a]})
self.ctx, filters={'member_of': [[uuidsentinel.agg_a]]})
self.assertEqual(2, len(resource_providers))
names = [ for _rp in resource_providers]
@ -1116,24 +1116,24 @@ class ResourceProviderListTestCase(ResourceProviderBaseCase):
resource_providers = rp_obj.ResourceProviderList.get_all_by_filters(
self.ctx, filters={'member_of':
[uuidsentinel.agg_a, uuidsentinel.agg_b]})
[[uuidsentinel.agg_a, uuidsentinel.agg_b]]})
self.assertEqual(2, len(resource_providers))
resource_providers = rp_obj.ResourceProviderList.get_all_by_filters(
self.ctx, filters={'member_of':
[uuidsentinel.agg_a, uuidsentinel.agg_b],
[[uuidsentinel.agg_a, uuidsentinel.agg_b]],
'name': u'rp_name_1'})
self.assertEqual(1, len(resource_providers))
resource_providers = rp_obj.ResourceProviderList.get_all_by_filters(
self.ctx, filters={'member_of':
[uuidsentinel.agg_a, uuidsentinel.agg_b],
[[uuidsentinel.agg_a, uuidsentinel.agg_b]],
'name': u'barnabas'})
self.assertEqual(0, len(resource_providers))
resource_providers = rp_obj.ResourceProviderList.get_all_by_filters(
self.ctx, filters={'member_of':
[uuidsentinel.agg_1, uuidsentinel.agg_2]})
[[uuidsentinel.agg_1, uuidsentinel.agg_2]]})
self.assertEqual(0, len(resource_providers))
def test_get_all_by_required(self):
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ defaults:
x-auth-token: admin
content-type: application/json
accept: application/json
openstack-api-version: placement 1.21
openstack-api-version: placement 1.24
@ -108,3 +108,34 @@ tests:
$.allocation_requests.`len`: 2
status: 200
- name: verify microversion fail for multiple member_of params
GET: /allocation_candidates?resources=VCPU:1,MEMORY_MB:1024,DISK_GB:100&member_of=$ENVIRON['AGGA_UUID']&member_of=$ENVIRON['AGGB_UUID']
openstack-api-version: placement 1.23
status: 400
- 'Multiple member_of parameters are not supported'
$.errors[0].title: Bad Request
- name: verify that no RP is associated with BOTH aggA and aggB
GET: /allocation_candidates?resources=VCPU:1,MEMORY_MB:1024,DISK_GB:100&member_of=$ENVIRON['AGGA_UUID']&member_of=$ENVIRON['AGGB_UUID']
status: 200
$.allocation_requests.`len`: 0
- name: associate the second compute node with aggA and aggB
PUT: /resource_providers/$ENVIRON['CN2_UUID']/aggregates
resource_provider_generation: $HISTORY['associate the second compute node with aggB'].$RESPONSE['$.resource_provider_generation']
status: 200
- name: verify that second RP is associated with BOTH aggA and aggB
GET: /allocation_candidates?resources=VCPU:1,MEMORY_MB:1024,DISK_GB:100&member_of=$ENVIRON['AGGA_UUID']&member_of=$ENVIRON['AGGB_UUID']
status: 200
$.allocation_requests.`len`: 1
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ tests:
$.errors[0].title: Not Acceptable
- name: latest microversion is 1.23
- name: latest microversion is 1.24
GET: /
openstack-api-version: placement latest
vary: /openstack-api-version/
openstack-api-version: placement 1.23
openstack-api-version: placement 1.24
- name: other accept header bad version
GET: /
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests:
GET: '/resource_providers?member_of=not+a+uuid'
status: 400
- Expected 'member_of' parameter to contain valid UUID(s).
- "Expected 'member_of' parameter to contain valid UUID(s)."
$.errors[0].title: Bad Request
@ -118,3 +118,64 @@ tests:
- 'Invalid query string parameters'
$.errors[0].title: Bad Request
- name: error trying multiple member_of params prior correct microversion
GET: '/resource_providers?member_of=83a3d69d-8920-48e2-8914-cadfd8fa2f91&member_of=99652f11-9f77-46b9-80b7-4b1989be9f8c'
openstack-api-version: placement 1.23
status: 400
- 'Multiple member_of parameters are not supported'
$.errors[0].title: Bad Request
- name: multiple member_of params with no results
GET: '/resource_providers?member_of=83a3d69d-8920-48e2-8914-cadfd8fa2f91&member_of=99652f11-9f77-46b9-80b7-4b1989be9f8c'
status: 200
# No provider is associated with both aggregates
resource_providers: []
- name: associate two aggregates with rp2
PUT: /resource_providers/5202c48f-c960-4eec-bde3-89c4f22a17b9/aggregates
- 99652f11-9f77-46b9-80b7-4b1989be9f8c
- 83a3d69d-8920-48e2-8914-cadfd8fa2f91
resource_provider_generation: 2
status: 200
- name: multiple member_of params AND together to result in one provider
GET: '/resource_providers?member_of=83a3d69d-8920-48e2-8914-cadfd8fa2f91&member_of=99652f11-9f77-46b9-80b7-4b1989be9f8c'
status: 200
# One provider is now associated with both aggregates
$.resource_providers.`len`: 1
$.resource_providers[0].uuid: 5202c48f-c960-4eec-bde3-89c4f22a17b9
- name: associate two aggregates to rp1, one of which overlaps with rp2
PUT: /resource_providers/893337e9-1e55-49f0-bcfe-6a2f16fbf2f7/aggregates
- 282d469e-29e2-4a8a-8f2e-31b3202b696a
- 83a3d69d-8920-48e2-8914-cadfd8fa2f91
resource_provider_generation: 2
status: 200
- name: two AND'd member_ofs with one OR'd member_of
GET: '/resource_providers?member_of=83a3d69d-8920-48e2-8914-cadfd8fa2f91&member_of=in:99652f11-9f77-46b9-80b7-4b1989be9f8c,282d469e-29e2-4a8a-8f2e-31b3202b696a'
status: 200
# Both rp1 and rp2 returned because both are associated with agg 83a3d69d
# and each is associated with either agg 99652f11 or agg 282s469e
$.resource_providers.`len`: 2
$.resource_providers[0].uuid: /5202c48f-c960-4eec-bde3-89c4f22a17b9|893337e9-1e55-49f0-bcfe-6a2f16fbf2f7/
$.resource_providers[1].uuid: /5202c48f-c960-4eec-bde3-89c4f22a17b9|893337e9-1e55-49f0-bcfe-6a2f16fbf2f7/
- name: two AND'd member_ofs using same agg UUID
GET: '/resource_providers?member_of=282d469e-29e2-4a8a-8f2e-31b3202b696a&member_of=282d469e-29e2-4a8a-8f2e-31b3202b696a'
status: 200
# Only rp2 returned since it's the only one associated with the duplicated agg
$.resource_providers.`len`: 1
$.resource_providers[0].uuid: /893337e9-1e55-49f0-bcfe-6a2f16fbf2f7/
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ from oslo_utils import timeutils
import webob
import six
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from nova.api.openstack.placement import lib as pl
from nova.api.openstack.placement import microversion
@ -427,15 +426,21 @@ class TestNormalizeTraitsQsParam(test.NoDBTestCase):
util.normalize_traits_qs_param, fmt % traits)
class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
class TestParseQsRequestGroups(test.NoDBTestCase):
def do_parse(qstring, allow_forbidden=False):
def do_parse(qstring, version=(1, 18)):
"""Converts a querystring to a MultiDict, mimicking request.GET, and
runs parse_qs_request_groups on it.
return util.parse_qs_request_groups(webob.multidict.MultiDict(
urlparse.parse_qsl(qstring)), allow_forbidden=allow_forbidden)
req = webob.Request.blank('?' + qstring)
mv_parsed = microversion_parse.Version(*version)
mv_parsed.max_version = microversion_parse.parse_version_string(
mv_parsed.min_version = microversion_parse.parse_version_string(
req.environ['placement.microversion'] = mv_parsed
return util.parse_qs_request_groups(req)
def assertRequestGroupsEqual(self, expected, observed):
self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(observed))
@ -464,6 +469,59 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
self.assertRequestGroupsEqual(expected, self.do_parse(qs))
def test_member_of_single_agg(self):
"""Unnumbered resources with one member_of query param."""
agg1_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg1
qs = ('resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048'
'&member_of=%s' % agg1_uuid)
expected = [
'VCPU': 2,
'MEMORY_MB': 2048,
self.assertRequestGroupsEqual(expected, self.do_parse(qs))
def test_member_of_multiple_aggs_prior_microversion(self):
"""Unnumbered resources with multiple member_of query params before the
supported microversion should raise a 400.
agg1_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg1
agg2_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg2
qs = ('resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048'
'&member_of=%s' % (agg1_uuid, agg2_uuid))
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, self.do_parse, qs)
def test_member_of_multiple_aggs(self):
"""Unnumbered resources with multiple member_of query params."""
agg1_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg1
agg2_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg2
qs = ('resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048'
'&member_of=%s' % (agg1_uuid, agg2_uuid))
expected = [
'VCPU': 2,
'MEMORY_MB': 2048,
expected, self.do_parse(qs, version=(1, 24)))
def test_unnumbered_resources_only(self):
"""Validate the bit that can be used for 1.10 and earlier."""
qs = 'resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048,DISK_GB:5,CUSTOM_MAGIC:123'
@ -566,6 +624,40 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
self.assertRequestGroupsEqual(expected, self.do_parse(qs))
def test_member_of_multiple_aggs_numbered(self):
"""Numbered resources with multiple member_of query params."""
agg1_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg1
agg2_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg2
agg3_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg3
agg4_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg4
qs = ('resources1=VCPU:2'
'&member_of2=in:%s,%s' % (
agg1_uuid, agg2_uuid, agg3_uuid, agg4_uuid))
expected = [
'VCPU': 2,
'VCPU': 2,
set([agg3_uuid, agg4_uuid]),
expected, self.do_parse(qs, version=(1, 24)))
def test_400_malformed_resources(self):
# Somewhat duplicates TestNormalizeResourceQsParam.test_400*.
qs = ('resources=VCPU:0,MEMORY_MB:4096,DISK_GB:10'
@ -617,6 +709,13 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, self.do_parse, qs)
def test_400_member_of_no_resources_numbered(self):
agg1_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg1
qs = ('resources=VCPU:7,MEMORY_MB:4096,DISK_GB:10'
'&member_of2=%s' % agg1_uuid)
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, self.do_parse, qs)
def test_forbidden_one_group(self):
"""When forbidden are allowed this will parse, but otherwise will
indicate an invalid trait.
@ -645,7 +744,7 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
exc = self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, self.do_parse, qs)
self.assertEqual(expected_message, six.text_type(exc))
expected_forbidden, self.do_parse(qs, allow_forbidden=True))
expected_forbidden, self.do_parse(qs, version=(1, 22)))
def test_forbidden_conflict(self):
qs = ('resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048'
@ -656,7 +755,7 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
'in the following traits keys: required: (CUSTOM_PHYSNET1)')
exc = self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, self.do_parse, qs,
version=(1, 22))
self.assertEqual(expected_message, six.text_type(exc))
def test_forbidden_two_groups(self):
@ -684,7 +783,7 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
expected, self.do_parse(qs, allow_forbidden=True))
expected, self.do_parse(qs, version=(1, 22)))
def test_forbidden_separate_groups_no_conflict(self):
qs = ('resources1=CUSTOM_MAGIC:1&required1=CUSTOM_PHYSNET1'
@ -711,7 +810,7 @@ class TestParseQsResourcesAndTraits(test.NoDBTestCase):
expected, self.do_parse(qs, allow_forbidden=True))
expected, self.do_parse(qs, version=(1, 22)))
class TestPickLastModified(test.NoDBTestCase):
@ -74,6 +74,15 @@ member_of: &member_of
**Starting from microversion 1.24** specifying multiple ``member_of`` query
string parameters is possible. Multiple ``member_of`` parameters will
result in filtering providers that are associated with aggregates listed in
all of the ``member_of`` query string values. For example, to get the
providers that are associated with aggregate A as well as associated with
any of aggregates B or C, the user could issue the following query::
min_version: 1.3
<<: *member_of
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
- |
A new 1.24 placement API microversion adds the ability to specify multiple
`member_of` query parameters for the `GET /resource_providers` and `GET
allocation_candidates` endpoints.
When multiple `member_of` query parameters are received, the placement
service will return resource providers that match all of the requested
aggregate memberships. The `member_of=in:<agg uuids>` format is still
supported and continues to indicate an IN() operation for aggregate
membership. Some examples for using the new functionality:
Get all providers that are associated with BOTH agg1 and agg2:
Get all providers that are associated with agg1 OR agg2:
Get all providers that are associated with agg1 and ANY OF (agg2, agg3):
Get all providers that are associated with ANY OF (agg1, agg2) AND are also
associated with ANY OF (agg3, agg4):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user