Handle templated cell mappings in nova-status

The nova-status upgrade check code is intentionally written
to not use versioned objects and just work with the data model

However, CellMapping database_connection template support was
added in Rocky and the template URL is only formatted when using
the object on read from the database, which means if you are using
a template for the database_connection nova-status will break since
the get_engine() code is getting a template string rather than a
properly formatted URL.

This change fixes the bug by using the CellMapping object code to
pull the mappings from the database which will format the database
connection URL. Note that we cannot simply update the sqlalchemy
RowProxy objects we get normally since those are read-only, and
because of how the mappings are used as objects with attribute
access rather than as a dict we cannot just convert the RowProxy
to a dict - we would have to put it in some kind of object for
attribute access and if we are going to do that we might as well
just use the CellMapping objects we have so that's what we do in
this change.

Change-Id: I5ce175517f6feb6e82ba507078a565b71427a4b0
Closes-Bug: #1818047
This commit is contained in:
Matt Riedemann 2019-03-05 09:00:20 -05:00
parent 047f8c71c2
commit 38f2ce549c
1 changed files with 41 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
meta = MetaData()
meta.bind = db_session.get_api_engine()
cell_mappings = Table('cell_mappings', meta, autoload=True)
count = select([sqlfunc.count()]).select_from(cell_mappings).scalar()
cell_mappings = self._get_cell_mappings()
count = len(cell_mappings)
# Two mappings are required at a minimum, cell0 and your first cell
if count < 2:
msg = _('There needs to be at least two cell mappings, one for '
@ -109,10 +109,8 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
return upgradecheck.Result(upgradecheck.Code.FAILURE, msg)
count = select([sqlfunc.count()]).select_from(cell_mappings).where(
cell_mappings.c.uuid ==
if count != 1:
cell0 = any(mapping.is_cell0() for mapping in cell_mappings)
if not cell0:
msg = _('No cell0 mapping found. Run command '
'\'nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup\' and then '
@ -189,12 +187,38 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
def _get_non_cell0_mappings():
"""Queries the API database for non-cell0 cell mappings."""
meta = MetaData(bind=db_session.get_api_engine())
cell_mappings = Table('cell_mappings', meta, autoload=True)
return cell_mappings.select().where(
cell_mappings.c.uuid !=
"""Queries the API database for non-cell0 cell mappings.
:returns: list of nova.objects.CellMapping objects
return UpgradeCommands._get_cell_mappings(include_cell0=False)
def _get_cell_mappings(include_cell0=True):
"""Queries the API database for cell mappings.
.. note:: This method is unique in that it queries the database using
CellMappingList.get_all() rather than a direct query using
the sqlalchemy models. This is because
CellMapping.database_connection can be a template and the
object takes care of formatting the URL. We cannot use
RowProxy objects from sqlalchemy because we cannot set the
formatted 'database_connection' value back on those objects
(they are read-only).
:param include_cell0: True if cell0 should be returned, False if cell0
should be excluded from the results.
:returns: list of nova.objects.CellMapping objects
ctxt = nova_context.get_admin_context()
cell_mappings = cell_mapping_obj.CellMappingList.get_all(ctxt)
if not include_cell0:
# Since CellMappingList does not implement remove() we have to
# create a new list and exclude cell0.
mappings = [mapping for mapping in cell_mappings
if not mapping.is_cell0()]
cell_mappings = cell_mapping_obj.CellMappingList(objects=mappings)
return cell_mappings
def _is_ironic_instance_migrated(extras, inst):
@ -265,7 +289,7 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
# instance so increment the number of
# unmigrated instances in this cell.
cell_mapping['uuid']] += 1
cell_mapping.uuid] += 1
if not cell_mappings:
# There are no non-cell0 mappings so we can't determine this, just
@ -309,8 +333,7 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
meta = MetaData(bind=db_session.get_api_engine())
cell_mappings = Table('cell_mappings', meta, autoload=True)
mappings = cell_mappings.select().execute().fetchall()
mappings = self._get_cell_mappings()
if not mappings:
# There are no cell mappings so we can't determine this, just
@ -344,7 +367,7 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
if spec_id is None:
# This cell does not have all of its instances
# migrated for request specs so track it and move on.
# It's a failure if there are any unmigrated instances at this point
@ -380,9 +403,7 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
# it's possible a deployment could have services stored in the cell0
# database, if they've defaulted their [database]connection in
# nova.conf to cell0.
meta = MetaData(bind=db_session.get_api_engine())
cell_mappings = Table('cell_mappings', meta, autoload=True)
mappings = cell_mappings.select().execute().fetchall()
mappings = self._get_cell_mappings()
if not mappings:
# There are no cell mappings so we can't determine this, just
@ -416,7 +437,7 @@ class UpgradeCommands(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands):
# supports storing console token auths in the database backend.
for mapping in mappings:
# Skip cell0 as no compute services should be in it.
if mapping['uuid'] == cell_mapping_obj.CellMapping.CELL0_UUID:
if mapping.is_cell0():
# Get the minimum nova-compute service version in this
# cell.