diff --git a/doc/source/contributor/api-ref-guideline.rst b/doc/source/contributor/api-ref-guideline.rst
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+API reference guideline
+The API reference should be updated when compute or placement APIs are modified
+(microversion is bumped, etc.).
+This page describes the guideline for updating the API reference.
+API reference
+* `Compute API reference `_
+* `Placement API reference `_
+The guideline to write the API reference
+The API reference consists of the following files.
+Compute API reference
+* API reference text: ``api-ref/source/*.inc``
+* Parameter definition: ``api-ref/source/parameters.yaml``
+* JSON request/response samples: ``doc/api_samples/*``
+Placement API reference
+* API reference text: ``placement-api-ref/source/*.inc``
+* Parameter definition: ``placement-api-ref/source/parameters.yaml``
+* JSON request/response samples: ``placement-api-ref/source/samples/*``
+Structure of inc file
+Each REST API is described in the text file (\*.inc).
+The structure of inc file is as follows:
+- Title
+ - API Name
+ - REST Method
+ - URL
+ - Description
+ - Normal status code
+ - Error status code
+ - Request
+ - Parameters
+ - JSON request body example (if exists)
+ - Response
+ - Parameters
+ - JSON response body example (if exists)
+ - API Name (Next)
+ - ...
+REST Method
+The guideline for describing HTTP methods is described in this section.
+All supported methods by resource should be listed in the API reference.
+The order of methods
+Methods have to be sorted by each URI in the following order:
+1. GET
+2. POST
+3. PUT
+4. PATCH (unused by Nova)
+And sorted from broadest to narrowest. So for /severs it would be:
+1. GET /servers
+2. POST /servers
+3. GET /servers/details
+4. GET /servers/{server_id}
+5. PUT /servers/{server_id}
+6. DELETE /servers/{server_id}
+Method titles spelling and case
+The spelling and the case of method names in the title have to match
+what is in the code. For instance, the title for the section on method
+"Get Rdp Console" should be "Get Rdp Console (os-getRDPConsole Action)"
+NOT "Get Rdp Console (Os-Getrdpconsole Action)"
+Response codes
+The normal response codes (20x) and error response codes
+have to be listed. The order of response codes should be in ascending order.
+The description of typical error response codes are as follows:
+.. list-table:: Error response codes
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Response codes
+ - Description
+ * - 400
+ - badRequest(400)
+ * - 401
+ - unauthorized(401)
+ * - 403
+ - forbidden(403)
+ * - 404
+ - itemNotFound(404)
+ * - 409
+ - conflict(409)
+ * - 410
+ - gone(410)
+ * - 501
+ - notImplemented(501)
+ * - 503
+ - serviceUnavailable(503)
+Parameters need to be defined by 2 subsections.
+The one is in the 'Request' subsection, the other is in the 'Response'
+subsection. The queries, request headers and attributes go in the 'Request'
+subsection and response headers and attributes go in the 'Response'
+The order of parameters in each API
+The request and response parameters have to be listed in the following order
+in each API in the text file.
+1. Header
+2. Path
+3. Query
+4. Body
+ a. Top level object (i.e. server)
+ b. Required fields
+ c. Optional fields
+ d. Parameters added in microversions (by the microversion they were added)
+Parameter type
+The parameters are defined in the parameter file (``parameters.yaml``).
+The type of parameters have to be one of followings:
+* ``array``
+ It is a list.
+* ``boolean``
+* ``float``
+* ``integer``
+* ``none``
+ The value is always ``null`` in a response or
+ should be ``null`` in a request.
+* ``object``
+ The value is dict.
+* ``string``
+ If the value can be specified by multiple types, specify one type
+ in the file and mention the other types in the description.
+Required or optional
+In the parameter file, define the ``required`` field in each parameter.
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 15 85
+ * - ``true``
+ - The parameter must be specified in the request, or
+ the parameter always appears in the response.
+ * - ``false``
+ - It is not always necessary to specify the parameter in the request, or
+ the parameter does not appear in the response in some cases.
+ e.g. A config option defines whether the parameter appears
+ in the response or not. A parameter appears when administrators call
+ but does not appear when non-admin users call.
+If a parameter must be specified in the request or always appears
+in the response in the micoversion added or later,
+the parameter must be defined as required (``true``).
+The order of parameters in the parameter file
+The order of parameters in the parameter file has to be kept as follows:
+1. By in type
+ a. Header
+ b. Path
+ c. Query
+ d. Body
+2. Then alphabetical by name
+.. TODO::
+ The guideline for request/response JSON bodies should be added.
+.. TODO::
+ The guideline for the introductory text and the context for the resource
+ in question should be added.
+* `Verifying the Nova API Ref `_
+* `The description for Parameters whose values are null `_
+* `The definition of "Optional" parameter `_
diff --git a/doc/source/contributor/index.rst b/doc/source/contributor/index.rst
index ef08f82d8b38..8116bacb514a 100644
--- a/doc/source/contributor/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/contributor/index.rst
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ changes done to the API, as the impact can be very wide.
you need to do when adding an API exposed feature that needs a new
+* :doc:`/contributor/api-ref-guideline`: The guideline to write the API
+ reference.
Nova Major Subsystems
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index d5c9ad726516..5a2dd2d69f6e 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ looking parts of our architecture. These are collected below.
+ contributor/api-ref-guideline