docs: Rewrite host aggregate, availability zone docs
These closely related features are the source of a disproportionate number of bugs and a large amount of confusion among users. The spread of information around multiple docs probably doesn't help matters. Do what we've already done for the metadata service and remote consoles and clean these docs up. There are a number of important changes: - All documentation related to host aggregates and availability zones is placed in one of three documents, '/user/availability-zones', '/admin/aggregates' and '/admin/availability-zones'. (note that there is no '/user/aggregates' document since this is not user-facing) - References to these features are updated to point to the new location - A glossary is added. Currently this only contains definitions for host aggregates and availability zones - nova CLI commands are replaced with their openstack CLI counterparts - Some gaps in related documentation are closed Change-Id: If847b0085dbfb4c813d4a8d14d99346f8252bc19 Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
Host aggregates
Host aggregates are a mechanism for partitioning hosts in an OpenStack cloud,
or a region of an OpenStack cloud, based on arbitrary characteristics.
Examples where an administrator may want to do this include where a group of
hosts have additional hardware or performance characteristics.
Host aggregates started out as a way to use Xen hypervisor resource pools, but
have been generalized to provide a mechanism to allow administrators to assign
key-value pairs to groups of machines. Each node can have multiple aggregates,
each aggregate can have multiple key-value pairs, and the same key-value pair
can be assigned to multiple aggregates. This information can be used in the
scheduler to enable advanced scheduling, to set up Xen hypervisor resource
pools or to define logical groups for migration.
Host aggregates are not explicitly exposed to users. Instead administrators map
flavors to host aggregates. Administrators do this by setting metadata on a
host aggregate, and matching flavor extra specifications. The scheduler then
endeavors to match user requests for instances of the given flavor to a host
aggregate with the same key-value pair in its metadata. Compute nodes can be in
more than one host aggregate. Weight multipliers can be controlled on a
per-aggregate basis by setting the desired ``xxx_weight_multiplier`` aggregate
Administrators are able to optionally expose a host aggregate as an
:term:`availability zone`. Availability zones are different from host
aggregates in that they are explicitly exposed to the user, and hosts can only
be in a single availability zone. Administrators can configure a default
availability zone where instances will be scheduled when the user fails to
specify one. For more information on how to do this, refer to
.. _config-sch-for-aggs:
Configure scheduler to support host aggregates
One common use case for host aggregates is when you want to support scheduling
instances to a subset of compute hosts because they have a specific capability.
For example, you may want to allow users to request compute hosts that have SSD
drives if they need access to faster disk I/O, or access to compute hosts that
have GPU cards to take advantage of GPU-accelerated code.
To configure the scheduler to support host aggregates, the
:oslo.config:option:`filter_scheduler.enabled_filters` configuration option
must contain the ``AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter`` in addition to the other
filters used by the scheduler. Add the following line to ``nova.conf`` on the
host that runs the ``nova-scheduler`` service to enable host aggregates
filtering, as well as the other filters that are typically enabled:
.. code-block:: ini
Example: Specify compute hosts with SSDs
This example configures the Compute service to enable users to request nodes
that have solid-state drives (SSDs). You create a ``fast-io`` host aggregate in
the ``nova`` availability zone and you add the ``ssd=true`` key-value pair to
the aggregate. Then, you add the ``node1``, and ``node2`` compute nodes to it.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate create --zone nova fast-io
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.013466 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | 1 |
| name | fast-io |
| updated_at | None |
$ openstack aggregate set --property ssd=true 1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [] |
| id | 1 |
| name | fast-io |
| properties | ssd='true' |
| updated_at | None |
$ openstack aggregate add host 1 node1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1'] |
| id | 1 |
| metadata | {u'ssd': u'true', u'availability_zone': u'nova'} |
| name | fast-io |
| updated_at | None |
$ openstack aggregate add host 1 node2
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1', u'node2'] |
| id | 1 |
| metadata | {u'ssd': u'true', u'availability_zone': u'nova'} |
| name | fast-io |
| updated_at | None |
Use the :command:`openstack flavor create` command to create the ``ssd.large``
flavor called with an ID of 6, 8 GB of RAM, 80 GB root disk, and 4 vCPUs.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor create --id 6 --ram 8192 --disk 80 --vcpus 4 ssd.large
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 80 |
| id | 6 |
| name | ssd.large |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| ram | 8192 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 4 |
Once the flavor is created, specify one or more key-value pairs that match the
key-value pairs on the host aggregates with scope
``aggregate_instance_extra_specs``. In this case, that is the
``aggregate_instance_extra_specs:ssd=true`` key-value pair. Setting a
key-value pair on a flavor is done using the :command:`openstack flavor set`
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor set \
--property aggregate_instance_extra_specs:ssd=true ssd.large
Once it is set, you should see the ``extra_specs`` property of the
``ssd.large`` flavor populated with a key of ``ssd`` and a corresponding value
of ``true``.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor show ssd.large
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 80 |
| id | 6 |
| name | ssd.large |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | aggregate_instance_extra_specs:ssd='true' |
| ram | 8192 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 4 |
Now, when a user requests an instance with the ``ssd.large`` flavor,
the scheduler only considers hosts with the ``ssd=true`` key-value pair.
In this example, these are ``node1`` and ``node2``.
Aggregates in Placement
Aggregates also exist in placement and are not the same thing as host
aggregates in nova. These aggregates are defined (purely) as groupings of
related resource providers. Since compute nodes in nova are represented in
placement as resource providers, they can be added to a placement aggregate as
well. For example, get the UUID of the compute node using :command:`openstack
hypervisor list` and add it to an aggregate in placement using
:command:`openstack resource provider aggregate set`.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 hypervisor list
| ID | Hypervisor Hostname | Hypervisor Type | Host IP | State |
| 815a5634-86fb-4e1e-8824-8a631fee3e06 | node1 | QEMU | | up |
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version=1.2 resource provider aggregate set \
--aggregate df4c74f3-d2c4-4991-b461-f1a678e1d161 \
Some scheduling filter operations can be performed by placement for increased
speed and efficiency.
.. note::
The nova-api service attempts (as of nova 18.0.0) to automatically mirror
the association of a compute host with an aggregate when an administrator
adds or removes a host to/from a nova host aggregate. This should alleviate
the need to manually create those association records in the placement API
using the ``openstack resource provider aggregate set`` CLI invocation.
.. _tenant-isolation-with-placement:
Tenant Isolation with Placement
In order to use placement to isolate tenants, there must be placement
aggregates that match the membership and UUID of nova host aggregates that you
want to use for isolation. The same key pattern in aggregate metadata used by
the :ref:`AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation` filter controls this function, and is
enabled by setting
:oslo.config:option:`scheduler.limit_tenants_to_placement_aggregate` to
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate create myagg
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | 4 |
| name | myagg |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate add host myagg node1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1'] |
| id | 4 |
| name | myagg |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack project list -f value | grep 'demo'
9691591f913949818a514f95286a6b90 demo
$ openstack aggregate set \
--property filter_tenant_id=9691591f913949818a514f95286a6b90 myagg
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version=1.2 resource provider aggregate set \
--aggregate 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 \
Note that the ``filter_tenant_id`` metadata key can be optionally suffixed
with any string for multiple tenants, such as ``filter_tenant_id3=$tenantid``.
Much of the configuration of host aggregates is driven from the API or
command-line clients. For example, to create a new aggregate and add hosts to
it using the :command:`openstack` client, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate create my-aggregate
$ openstack aggregate add host my-aggregate my-host
To list all aggregates and show information about a specific aggregate, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggegrate list
$ openstack aggregate show my-aggregate
To set and unset a property on the aggregate, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate set --property pinned=true my-aggregrate
$ openstack aggregate unset --property pinned my-aggregate
To rename the aggregate, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate set --name my-awesome-aggregate my-aggregate
To remove a host from an aggregate and delete the aggregate, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate remove host my-aggregate my-host
$ openstack aggregate delete my-aggregate
For more information, refer to the :python-openstackclient-doc:`OpenStack
Client documentation <cli/command-objects/aggregate.html>`.
In addition to CRUD operations enabled by the API and clients, the following
configuration options can be used to configure how host aggregates and the
related availability zones feature operate under the hood:
- :oslo.config:option:`default_schedule_zone`
- :oslo.config:option:`scheduler.limit_tenants_to_placement_aggregate`
- :oslo.config:option:`cinder.cross_az_attach`
Finally, as discussed previously, there are a number of host aggregate-specific
scheduler filters. These are:
- :ref:`AggregateCoreFilter`
- :ref:`AggregateDiskFilter`
- :ref:`AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation`
- :ref:`AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter`
- :ref:`AggregateIoOpsFilter`
- :ref:`AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation`
- :ref:`AggregateNumInstancesFilter`
- :ref:`AggregateRamFilter`
- :ref:`AggregateTypeAffinityFilter`
The following configuration options are applicable to the scheduler
- :oslo.config:option:`cpu_allocation_ratio`
- :oslo.config:option:`ram_allocation_ratio`
- :oslo.config:option:`filter_scheduler.max_instances_per_host`
- :oslo.config:option:`filter_scheduler.aggregate_image_properties_isolation_separator`
- :oslo.config:option:`filter_scheduler.aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace`
- `Curse your bones, Availability Zones! (Openstack Summit Vancouver 2018)
@ -1,117 +1,273 @@
Select hosts where instances are launched
Availability Zones
With the appropriate permissions, you can select which host instances are
.. note::
launched on and which roles can boot instances on this host.
Starting with the 2.74 microversion, there are two ways to specify a host
This section provides deployment and admin-user usage information about the
and/or node when creating a server.
availability zone feature. For end-user information about availability
zones, refer to the :doc:`user guide </user/availability-zones>`.
Using Explicit Host and/or Node
Availability Zones are an end-user visible logical abstraction for partitioning
a cloud without knowing the physical infrastructure. Availability zones are not
modeled in the database; rather, they are defined by attaching specific
metadata information to an :doc:`aggregate </admin/aggregates>` The addition of
this specific metadata to an aggregate makes the aggregate visible from an
end-user perspective and consequently allows users to schedule instances to a
specific set of hosts, the ones belonging to the aggregate.
We can create servers by using explicit host and/or node. When we use this
However, despite their similarities, there are a few additional differences to
way to request where instances are launched, we will still execute scheduler
note when comparing availability zones and host aggregates:
filters on the requested destination.
.. todo: mention the minimum required release of python-openstackclient for
- A host can be part of multiple aggregates but it can only be in one
the --host and --hypevisor-hostname options to work with "server create".
availability zone.
- To select the host where instances are launched, use the ``--host HOST``
- By default a host is part of a default availability zone even if it doesn't
and/or ``--hypervisor-hostname HYPERVISOR`` options on
belong to an aggregate. The name of this default availability zone can be
the :command:`openstack server create` command.
configured using :oslo.config:option:`default_availability_zone` config
For example:
.. warning::
.. code-block:: console
The use of the default availability zone name is requests can be very
error-prone. Since the user can see the list of availability zones, they
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version 2.74 server create --image IMAGE \
have no way to know whether the default availability zone name (currently
--flavor m1.tiny --key-name KEY --host HOST \
``nova``) is provided because an host belongs to an aggregate whose AZ
--hypervisor-hostname HYPERVISOR --nic net-id=UUID SERVER
metadata key is set to ``nova``, or because there is at least one host
not belonging to any aggregate. Consequently, it is highly recommended
- To specify which roles can launch an instance on a specified host, enable
for users to never ever ask for booting an instance by specifying an
the ``compute:servers:create:requested_destination`` rule in the
explicit AZ named ``nova`` and for operators to never set the AZ metadata
``policy.json`` file. By default, this rule is enabled for only the admin
for an aggregate to ``nova``. This can result is some problems due to the
role. If you see ``Forbidden (HTTP 403)`` in the response, then you are
fact that the instance AZ information is explicitly attached to ``nova``
not using the required credentials.
which could break further move operations when either the host is moved
to another aggregate or when the user would like to migrate the instance.
- To view the list of valid compute hosts and nodes, you can follow
`Finding Host and Node Names`_.
[Legacy] Using Host and/or Node with Availability Zone
We can create servers by using host and/or node with availability zone. When
we use this way to select hosts where instances are launched, we will not run
the scheduler filters.
- To select the host where instances are launched, use the
``--availability-zone ZONE:HOST:NODE`` parameter on the :command:`openstack
server create` command.
For example:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack server create --image IMAGE --flavor m1.tiny --key-name KEY \
--availability-zone ZONE:HOST:NODE --nic net-id=UUID SERVER
.. note::
.. note::
HOST and NODE are optional parameters. In such cases, use the
Availability zone names must NOT contain ``:`` since it is used by admin
``--availability-zone ZONE::NODE``, ``--availability-zone ZONE:HOST`` or
users to specify hosts where instances are launched in server creation.
``--availability-zone ZONE``.
See `Using availability zones to select hosts`_ for more information.
- To specify which roles can launch an instance on a specified host, enable
In addition, other services, such as the :neutron-doc:`networking service <>`
the ``os_compute_api:servers:create:forced_host`` rule in the ``policy.json``
and the :cinder-doc:`block storage service <>`, also provide an availability
file. By default, this rule is enabled for only the admin role. If you see
zone feature. However, the implementation of these features differs vastly
``Forbidden (HTTP 403)`` in return, then you are not using the required
between these different services. Consult the documentation for these other
services for more information on their implementation of this feature.
- To view the list of valid zones, use the :command:`openstack availability
zone list --compute` command.
.. code-block:: console
.. _availability-zones-with-placement:
$ openstack availability zone list --compute
Availability Zones with Placement
| Zone Name | Zone Status |
| zone1 | available |
| zone2 | available |
- To view the list of valid compute hosts and nodes, you can follow
In order to use placement to honor availability zone requests, there must be
`Finding Host and Node Names`_.
placement aggregates that match the membership and UUID of nova host aggregates
that you assign as availability zones. The same key in aggregate metadata used
by the `AvailabilityZoneFilter` filter controls this function, and is enabled by
setting :oslo.config:option:`scheduler.query_placement_for_availability_zone`
to ``True``.
Finding Host and Node Names
.. code-block:: console
- To view the list of valid compute hosts, use the :command:`openstack compute
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate create myaz
service list --service nova-compute` command.
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | 4 |
| name | myaz |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate add host myaz node1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1'] |
| id | 4 |
| name | myagg |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack compute service list --service nova-compute
$ openstack aggregate set --property availability_zone=az002 myaz
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 10 | nova-compute | compute01 | nova | enabled | up | 2019-07-09T03:59:19.000000 |
| 11 | nova-compute | compute02 | nova | enabled | up | 2019-07-09T03:59:19.000000 |
| 12 | nova-compute | compute03 | nova | enabled | up | 2019-07-09T03:59:19.000000 |
- To view the list of valid compute nodes, use the :command:`openstack
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version=1.2 resource provider aggregate set --aggregate 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 815a5634-86fb-4e1e-8824-8a631fee3e06
hypervisor list` command.
.. code-block:: console
With the above configuration, the `AvailabilityZoneFilter` filter can be
disabled in :oslo.config:option:`filter_scheduler.enabled_filters` while
retaining proper behavior (and doing so with the higher performance of
placement's implementation).
$ openstack hypervisor list
Implications for moving servers
| ID | Hypervisor Hostname | Hypervisor Type | Host IP | State |
| 6 | compute01 | QEMU | | up |
There are several ways to move a server to another host: evacuate, resize,
| 7 | compute02 | QEMU | | up |
cold migrate, live migrate, and unshelve. Move operations typically go through
| 8 | compute03 | QEMU | | up |
the scheduler to pick the target host *unless* a target host is specified and
the request forces the server to that host by bypassing the scheduler. Only
evacuate and live migrate can forcefully bypass the scheduler and move a
server to a specified host and even then it is highly recommended to *not*
force and bypass the scheduler.
With respect to availability zones, a server is restricted to a zone if:
1. The server was created in a specific zone with the ``POST /servers`` request
containing the ``availability_zone`` parameter.
2. If the server create request did not contain the ``availability_zone``
parameter but the API service is configured for
:oslo.config:option:`default_schedule_zone` then by default the server will
be scheduled to that zone.
3. The shelved offloaded server was unshelved by specifying the
``availability_zone`` with the ``POST /servers/{server_id}/action`` request
using microversion 2.77 or greater.
If the server was not created in a specific zone then it is free to be moved
to other zones, i.e. the :ref:`AvailabilityZoneFilter <AvailabilityZoneFilter>`
is a no-op.
Knowing this, it is dangerous to force a server to another host with evacuate
or live migrate if the server is restricted to a zone and is then forced to
move to a host in another zone, because that will create an inconsistency in
the internal tracking of where that server should live and may require manually
updating the database for that server. For example, if a user creates a server
in zone A and then the admin force live migrates the server to zone B, and then
the user resizes the server, the scheduler will try to move it back to zone A
which may or may not work, e.g. if the admin deleted or renamed zone A in the
Resource affinity
The :oslo.config:option:`cinder.cross_az_attach` configuration option can be
used to restrict servers and the volumes attached to servers to the same
availability zone.
A typical use case for setting ``cross_az_attach=False`` is to enforce compute
and block storage affinity, for example in a High Performance Compute cluster.
By default ``cross_az_attach`` is True meaning that the volumes attached to
a server can be in a different availability zone than the server. If set to
False, then when creating a server with pre-existing volumes or attaching a
volume to a server, the server and volume zone must match otherwise the
request will fail. In addition, if the nova-compute service creates the volumes
to attach to the server during server create, it will request that those
volumes are created in the same availability zone as the server, which must
exist in the block storage (cinder) service.
As noted in the `Implications for moving servers`_ section, forcefully moving
a server to another zone could also break affinity with attached volumes.
.. note::
``cross_az_attach=False`` is not widely used nor tested extensively and
thus suffers from some known issues:
* `Bug 1694844 <>`_
* `Bug 1781421 <>`_
.. _using-availability-zones-to-select-hosts:
Using availability zones to select hosts
We can combine availability zones with a specific host and/or node to select
where an instance is launched. For example:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack server create --availability-zone ZONE:HOST:NODE ... SERVER
.. note::
It is possible to use ``ZONE``, ``ZONE:HOST``, and ``ZONE::NODE``.
.. note::
This is an admin-only operation by default, though you can modify this
behavior using the ``os_compute_api:servers:create:forced_host`` rule in
However, as discussed `previously <Implications for moving servers>`_, when
launching instances in this manner the scheduler filters are not run. For this
reason, this behavior is considered legacy behavior and, starting with the 2.74
microversion, it is now possible to specify a host or node explicitly. For
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version 2.74 server create \
--host HOST --hypervisor-hostname HYPERVISOR ... SERVER
.. note::
This is an admin-only operation by default, though you can modify this
behavior using the ``compute:servers:create:requested_destination`` rule in
This avoids the need to explicitly select an availability zone and ensures the
scheduler filters are not bypassed.
Creating an availability zone (AZ) is done by associating metadata with a
:doc:`host aggregate </admin/aggregates>`. For this reason, the
:command:`openstack` client provides the ability to create a host aggregate and
associate it with an AZ in one command. For example, to create a new aggregate,
associating it with an AZ in the process, and add host to it using the
:command:`openstack` client, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate create --zone my-availability-zone my-aggregate
$ openstack aggregate add host my-aggregate my-host
.. note::
While it is possible to add a host to multiple host aggregates, it is not
possile to add them to multiple availability zones. Attempting to add a
host to multiple host aggregates associated with differing availability
zones will result in a failure.
Alternatively, you can set this metadata manually for an existing host
aggregate. For example:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate set \
--property availability_zone=my-availability-zone my-aggregate
To list all host aggregates and show information about a specific aggregate, in
order to determine which AZ the host aggregate(s) belong to, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggegrate list --long
$ openstack aggregate show my-aggregate
Finally, to disassociate a host aggregate from an availability zone, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate unset --property availability_zone my-aggregate
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for information on configuring both host
aggregates and availability zones.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ By default, the scheduler ``driver`` is configured as a filter scheduler, as
described in the next section. In the default configuration, this scheduler
described in the next section. In the default configuration, this scheduler
considers hosts that meet all the following criteria:
considers hosts that meet all the following criteria:
* Are in the requested availability zone (``AvailabilityZoneFilter``).
* Are in the requested :term:`availability zone` (``AvailabilityZoneFilter``).
* Can service the request (``ComputeFilter``).
* Can service the request (``ComputeFilter``).
@ -52,13 +52,14 @@ target host. For information about instance evacuation, see
As of the Rocky release, the scheduling process includes a prefilter
As of the Rocky release, the scheduling process includes a prefilter step to
step to increase the efficiency of subsequent stages. These prefilters
increase the efficiency of subsequent stages. These prefilters are largely
are largely optional, and serve to augment the request that is sent to
optional, and serve to augment the request that is sent to placement to reduce
placement to reduce the set of candidate compute hosts based on
the set of candidate compute hosts based on attributes that placement is able
attributes that placement is able to answer for us ahead of time. In
to answer for us ahead of time. In addition to the prefilters listed here, also
addition to the prefilters listed here, also see `Tenant Isolation
see :ref:`tenant-isolation-with-placement` and
with Placement`_ and `Availability Zones with Placement`_.
Compute Image Type Support
Compute Image Type Support
@ -157,6 +158,8 @@ Compute filters
The following sections describe the available compute filters.
The following sections describe the available compute filters.
.. _AggregateCoreFilter:
@ -174,13 +177,20 @@ AggregateCoreFilter
.. _`automatically mirrors`:
.. _`automatically mirrors`:
Filters host by CPU core numbers with a per-aggregate ``cpu_allocation_ratio``
Filters host by CPU core count with a per-aggregate ``cpu_allocation_ratio``
value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the value falls back to the
value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the value falls back to the
global setting. If the host is in more than one aggregate and more than one
global setting. If the host is in more than one aggregate and more than one
value is found, the minimum value will be used. For information about how to
value is found, the minimum value will be used.
use this filter, see :ref:`host-aggregates`.
Note the ``cpu_allocation_ratio`` :ref:`bug 1804125 <bug-1804125>` restriction.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
.. important::
Note the ``cpu_allocation_ratio`` :ref:`bug 1804125 <bug-1804125>`
.. _AggregateDiskFilter:
@ -200,13 +210,17 @@ AggregateDiskFilter
Filters host by disk allocation with a per-aggregate ``disk_allocation_ratio``
Filters host by disk allocation with a per-aggregate ``disk_allocation_ratio``
value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the value falls back to the
value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the value falls back to the
global setting. If the host is in more than one aggregate and more than one
global setting. If the host is in more than one aggregate and more than one
value is found, the minimum value will be used. For information about how to
value is found, the minimum value will be used.
use this filter, see :ref:`host-aggregates`.
Note the ``disk_allocation_ratio`` :ref:`bug 1804125 <bug-1804125>`
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
.. _`AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation`:
.. important::
Note the ``disk_allocation_ratio`` :ref:`bug 1804125 <bug-1804125>`
.. _AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation:
@ -265,6 +279,7 @@ following options in the ``nova.conf`` file:
.. code-block:: ini
.. code-block:: ini
# Considers only keys matching the given namespace (string).
# Considers only keys matching the given namespace (string).
# Multiple values can be given, as a comma-separated list.
# Multiple values can be given, as a comma-separated list.
aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace = <None>
aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace = <None>
@ -279,6 +294,9 @@ following options in the ``nova.conf`` file:
which are addressed in placement :doc:`/reference/isolate-aggregates`
which are addressed in placement :doc:`/reference/isolate-aggregates`
request filter.
request filter.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
.. _AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter:
.. _AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter:
@ -287,11 +305,15 @@ AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter
Matches properties defined in extra specs for an instance type against
Matches properties defined in extra specs for an instance type against
admin-defined properties on a host aggregate. Works with specifications that
admin-defined properties on a host aggregate. Works with specifications that
are scoped with ``aggregate_instance_extra_specs``. Multiple values can be
are scoped with ``aggregate_instance_extra_specs``. Multiple values can be
given, as a comma-separated list. For backward compatibility, also works with
given, as a comma-separated list. For backward compatibility, also works with
non-scoped specifications; this action is highly discouraged because it
non-scoped specifications; this action is highly discouraged because it
conflicts with :ref:`ComputeCapabilitiesFilter` filter when you enable both
conflicts with :ref:`ComputeCapabilitiesFilter` filter when you enable both
filters. For information about how to use this filter, see the
:ref:`host-aggregates` section.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
.. _AggregateIoOpsFilter:
@ -299,14 +321,18 @@ AggregateIoOpsFilter
Filters host by disk allocation with a per-aggregate ``max_io_ops_per_host``
Filters host by disk allocation with a per-aggregate ``max_io_ops_per_host``
value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the value falls back to the
value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the value falls back to the
global setting. If the host is in more than one aggregate and more than one
global setting. If the host is in more than one aggregate and more than one
value is found, the minimum value will be used. For information about how to
value is found, the minimum value will be used.
use this filter, see :ref:`host-aggregates`. See also :ref:`IoOpsFilter`.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` and :ref:`IoOpsFilter` for more information.
.. _AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation:
Ensures hosts in tenant-isolated :ref:`host-aggregates` will only be available
Ensures hosts in tenant-isolated host aggregates will only be available to a
to a specified set of tenants. If a host is in an aggregate that has the
specified set of tenants. If a host is in an aggregate that has the
``filter_tenant_id`` metadata key, the host can build instances from only that
``filter_tenant_id`` metadata key, the host can build instances from only that
tenant or comma-separated list of tenants. A host can be in different
tenant or comma-separated list of tenants. A host can be in different
aggregates. If a host does not belong to an aggregate with the metadata key,
aggregates. If a host does not belong to an aggregate with the metadata key,
@ -320,12 +346,16 @@ scheduling. A server create request from another tenant Y will result in only
HostA being a scheduling candidate since HostA is not part of the
HostA being a scheduling candidate since HostA is not part of the
tenant-isolated aggregate.
tenant-isolated aggregate.
.. note:: There is a
.. note::
`known limitation <>`_ with
the number of tenants that can be isolated per aggregate using this
There is a `known limitation
filter. This limitation does not exist, however, for the
<>`_ with the number of tenants
`Tenant Isolation with Placement`_ filtering capability added in the
that can be isolated per aggregate using this filter. This limitation does
18.0.0 Rocky release.
not exist, however, for the :ref:`tenant-isolation-with-placement`
filtering capability added in the 18.0.0 Rocky release.
.. _AggregateNumInstancesFilter:
@ -334,8 +364,13 @@ Filters host by number of instances with a per-aggregate
``max_instances_per_host`` value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the
``max_instances_per_host`` value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the
value falls back to the global setting. If the host is in more than one
value falls back to the global setting. If the host is in more than one
aggregate and thus more than one value is found, the minimum value will be
aggregate and thus more than one value is found, the minimum value will be
used. For information about how to use this filter, see
:ref:`host-aggregates`. See also :ref:`NumInstancesFilter`.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` and :ref:`NumInstancesFilter` for more
.. _AggregateRamFilter:
@ -356,10 +391,17 @@ Filters host by RAM allocation of instances with a per-aggregate
``ram_allocation_ratio`` value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the
``ram_allocation_ratio`` value. If the per-aggregate value is not found, the
value falls back to the global setting. If the host is in more than one
value falls back to the global setting. If the host is in more than one
aggregate and thus more than one value is found, the minimum value will be
aggregate and thus more than one value is found, the minimum value will be
used. For information about how to use this filter, see
Note the ``ram_allocation_ratio`` :ref:`bug 1804125 <bug-1804125>` restriction.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
.. important::
Note the ``ram_allocation_ratio`` :ref:`bug 1804125 <bug-1804125>`
.. _AggregateTypeAffinityFilter:
@ -369,8 +411,10 @@ This filter passes hosts if no ``instance_type`` key is set or the
``instance_type`` requested. The value of the ``instance_type`` metadata entry
``instance_type`` requested. The value of the ``instance_type`` metadata entry
is a string that may contain either a single ``instance_type`` name or a
is a string that may contain either a single ``instance_type`` name or a
comma-separated list of ``instance_type`` names, such as ``m1.nano`` or
comma-separated list of ``instance_type`` names, such as ``m1.nano`` or
``m1.nano,m1.small``. For information about how to use this filter, see
Refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
@ -385,6 +429,8 @@ AvailabilityZoneFilter
Filters hosts by availability zone. You must enable this filter for the
Filters hosts by availability zone. You must enable this filter for the
scheduler to respect availability zones in requests.
scheduler to respect availability zones in requests.
Refer to :doc:`/admin/availability-zones` for more information.
.. _ComputeCapabilitiesFilter:
.. _ComputeCapabilitiesFilter:
@ -918,386 +964,6 @@ file. For example to configure metric1 with ratio1 and metric2 with ratio2:
weight_setting = "metric1=ratio1, metric2=ratio2"
weight_setting = "metric1=ratio1, metric2=ratio2"
.. _host-aggregates:
Host aggregates and availability zones
Host aggregates are a mechanism for partitioning hosts in an OpenStack cloud,
or a region of an OpenStack cloud, based on arbitrary characteristics.
Examples where an administrator may want to do this include where a group of
hosts have additional hardware or performance characteristics.
Host aggregates are not explicitly exposed to users. Instead administrators
map flavors to host aggregates. Administrators do this by setting metadata on
a host aggregate, and matching flavor extra specifications. The scheduler then
endeavors to match user requests for instance of the given flavor to a host
aggregate with the same key-value pair in its metadata. Compute nodes can be
in more than one host aggregate. Weight multipliers can be controlled on a
per-aggregate basis by setting the desired ``xxx_weight_multiplier`` aggregate
Administrators are able to optionally expose a host aggregate as an
availability zone. Availability zones are different from host aggregates in
that they are explicitly exposed to the user, and hosts can only be in a single
availability zone. Administrators can configure a default availability zone
where instances will be scheduled when the user fails to specify one.
Command-line interface
The :command:`nova` command-line client supports the following
aggregate-related commands.
nova aggregate-list
Print a list of all aggregates.
nova aggregate-create <name> [<availability-zone>]
Create a new aggregate named ``<name>``, and optionally in availability zone
``[<availability-zone>]`` if specified. The command returns the ID of the
newly created aggregate. Hosts can be made available to multiple host
aggregates. Be careful when adding a host to an additional host aggregate
when the host is also in an availability zone. Pay attention when using the
:command:`nova aggregate-set-metadata` and :command:`nova aggregate-update`
commands to avoid user confusion when they boot instances in different
availability zones. An error occurs if you cannot add a particular host to
an aggregate zone for which it is not intended.
nova aggregate-delete <aggregate>
Delete an aggregate with its ``<id>`` or ``<name>``.
nova aggregate-show <aggregate>
Show details of the aggregate with its ``<id>`` or ``<name>``.
nova aggregate-add-host <aggregate> <host>
Add host with name ``<host>`` to aggregate with its ``<id>`` or ``<name>``.
nova aggregate-remove-host <aggregate> <host>
Remove the host with name ``<host>`` from the aggregate with its ``<id>``
or ``<name>``.
nova aggregate-set-metadata <aggregate> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]
Add or update metadata (key-value pairs) associated with the aggregate with
its ``<id>`` or ``<name>``.
nova aggregate-update [--name <name>] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] <aggregate>
Update the name and/or availability zone for the aggregate.
nova host-list
List all hosts by service. It has been deprecated since microversion 2.43.
Use :command:`nova hypervisor-list` instead.
nova hypervisor-list [--matching <hostname>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>]
List hypervisors.
nova host-update [--status <enable|disable>] [--maintenance <enable|disable>] <hostname>
Put/resume host into/from maintenance. It has been deprecated since
microversion 2.43. To enable or disable a service,
use :command:`nova service-enable` or :command:`nova service-disable` instead.
nova service-enable <id>
Enable the service.
nova service-disable [--reason <reason>] <id>
Disable the service.
.. note::
Only administrators can access these commands. If you try to use these
commands and the user name and tenant that you use to access the Compute
service do not have the ``admin`` role or the appropriate privileges, these
errors occur:
.. code-block:: console
ERROR: Policy doesn't allow compute_extension:aggregates to be performed. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-299fbff6-6729-4cef-93b2-e7e1f96b4864)
.. code-block:: console
ERROR: Policy doesn't allow compute_extension:hosts to be performed. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-ef2400f6-6776-4ea3-b6f1-7704085c27d1)
.. _config-sch-for-aggs:
Configure scheduler to support host aggregates
One common use case for host aggregates is when you want to support scheduling
instances to a subset of compute hosts because they have a specific capability.
For example, you may want to allow users to request compute hosts that have SSD
drives if they need access to faster disk I/O, or access to compute hosts that
have GPU cards to take advantage of GPU-accelerated code.
To configure the scheduler to support host aggregates, the
:oslo.config:option:`filter_scheduler.enabled_filters` configuration option must
contain the ``AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter`` in addition to the other filters
used by the scheduler. Add the following line to ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` on the
host that runs the ``nova-scheduler`` service to enable host aggregates filtering,
as well as the other filters that are typically enabled:
.. code-block:: ini
Example: Specify compute hosts with SSDs
This example configures the Compute service to enable users to request nodes
that have solid-state drives (SSDs). You create a ``fast-io`` host aggregate in
the ``nova`` availability zone and you add the ``ssd=true`` key-value pair to
the aggregate. Then, you add the ``node1``, and ``node2`` compute nodes to it.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack aggregate create --zone nova fast-io
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.013466 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | 1 |
| name | fast-io |
| updated_at | None |
$ openstack aggregate set --property ssd=true 1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [] |
| id | 1 |
| name | fast-io |
| properties | ssd='true' |
| updated_at | None |
$ openstack aggregate add host 1 node1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1'] |
| id | 1 |
| metadata | {u'ssd': u'true', u'availability_zone': u'nova'} |
| name | fast-io |
| updated_at | None |
$ openstack aggregate add host 1 node2
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2016-12-22T07:31:13.000000 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1', u'node2'] |
| id | 1 |
| metadata | {u'ssd': u'true', u'availability_zone': u'nova'} |
| name | fast-io |
| updated_at | None |
Use the :command:`openstack flavor create` command to create the ``ssd.large``
flavor called with an ID of 6, 8 GB of RAM, 80 GB root disk, and 4 vCPUs.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor create --id 6 --ram 8192 --disk 80 --vcpus 4 ssd.large
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 80 |
| id | 6 |
| name | ssd.large |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| ram | 8192 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 4 |
Once the flavor is created, specify one or more key-value pairs that match the
key-value pairs on the host aggregates with scope
``aggregate_instance_extra_specs``. In this case, that is the
``aggregate_instance_extra_specs:ssd=true`` key-value pair. Setting a
key-value pair on a flavor is done using the :command:`openstack flavor set`
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor set --property aggregate_instance_extra_specs:ssd=true ssd.large
Once it is set, you should see the ``extra_specs`` property of the
``ssd.large`` flavor populated with a key of ``ssd`` and a corresponding value
of ``true``.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack flavor show ssd.large
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| disk | 80 |
| id | 6 |
| name | ssd.large |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | aggregate_instance_extra_specs:ssd='true' |
| ram | 8192 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 4 |
Now, when a user requests an instance with the ``ssd.large`` flavor,
the scheduler only considers hosts with the ``ssd=true`` key-value pair.
In this example, these are ``node1`` and ``node2``.
Aggregates in Placement
Aggregates also exist in placement and are not the same thing as host
aggregates in nova. These aggregates are defined (purely) as groupings
of related resource providers. Since compute nodes in nova are
represented in placement as resource providers, they can be added to a
placement aggregate as well. For example, get the uuid of the compute
node using :command:`openstack hypervisor list` and add it to an
aggregate in placement using :command:`openstack resource provider aggregate
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 hypervisor list
| ID | Hypervisor Hostname | Hypervisor Type | Host IP | State |
| 815a5634-86fb-4e1e-8824-8a631fee3e06 | node1 | QEMU | | up |
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version=1.2 resource provider aggregate set --aggregate df4c74f3-d2c4-4991-b461-f1a678e1d161 815a5634-86fb-4e1e-8824-8a631fee3e06
Some scheduling filter operations can be performed by placement for
increased speed and efficiency.
.. note::
The nova-api service attempts (as of nova 18.0.0) to automatically mirror
the association of a compute host with an aggregate when an administrator
adds or removes a host to/from a nova host aggregate. This should alleviate
the need to manually create those association records in the placement API
using the ``openstack resource provider aggregate set`` CLI invocation.
Tenant Isolation with Placement
In order to use placement to isolate tenants, there must be placement
aggregates that match the membership and UUID of nova host aggregates
that you want to use for isolation. The same key pattern in aggregate
metadata used by the `AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation`_ filter controls
this function, and is enabled by setting
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate create myagg
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | 4 |
| name | myagg |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate add host myagg node1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1'] |
| id | 4 |
| name | myagg |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack project list -f value | grep 'demo'
9691591f913949818a514f95286a6b90 demo
$ openstack aggregate set --property filter_tenant_id=9691591f913949818a514f95286a6b90 myagg
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version=1.2 resource provider aggregate set --aggregate 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 815a5634-86fb-4e1e-8824-8a631fee3e06
Note that the ``filter_tenant_id`` metadata key can be optionally suffixed
with any string for multiple tenants, such as ``filter_tenant_id3=$tenantid``.
Availability Zones with Placement
In order to use placement to honor availability zone requests, there must be
placement aggregates that match the membership and UUID of nova host aggregates
that you assign as availability zones. The same key in aggregate metadata used
by the `AvailabilityZoneFilter` filter controls this function, and is enabled by
setting `[scheduler]/query_placement_for_availability_zone=True`.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate create myaz
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | 4 |
| name | myaz |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack --os-compute-api-version=2.53 aggregate add host myaz node1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2018-03-29T16:22:23.175884 |
| deleted | False |
| deleted_at | None |
| hosts | [u'node1'] |
| id | 4 |
| name | myagg |
| updated_at | None |
| uuid | 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 |
$ openstack aggregate set --property availability_zone=az002 myaz
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version=1.2 resource provider aggregate set --aggregate 019e2189-31b3-49e1-aff2-b220ebd91c24 815a5634-86fb-4e1e-8824-8a631fee3e06
With the above configuration, the `AvailabilityZoneFilter` filter can be disabled
in `[filter_scheduler]/enabled_filters` while retaining proper behavior (and doing
so with the higher performance of placement's implementation).
XenServer hypervisor pools to support live migration
XenServer hypervisor pools to support live migration
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ Qemu
Memory overcommit
Memory overcommit
File-backed memory is not compatible with memory overcommit.
File-backed memory is not compatible with memory overcommit.
``ram_allocation_ratio`` must be set to ``1.0`` in ``nova.conf``, and the
``ram_allocation_ratio`` must be set to ``1.0`` in ``nova.conf``, and the
host must not be added to a host aggregate with ``ram_allocation_ratio``
host must not be added to a :doc:`host aggregate </admin/aggregates>`
set to anything but ``1.0``.
with ``ram_allocation_ratio`` set to anything but ``1.0``.
Huge pages
Huge pages
File-backed memory is not compatible with huge pages. Instances with huge
File-backed memory is not compatible with huge pages. Instances with huge
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ operating system, and exposes functionality over a web-based API.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Configure a flavor to request one virtual GPU:
The enabled vGPU types on the compute hosts are not exposed to API users.
The enabled vGPU types on the compute hosts are not exposed to API users.
Flavors configured for vGPU support can be tied to host aggregates as a means
Flavors configured for vGPU support can be tied to host aggregates as a means
to properly schedule those flavors onto the compute hosts that support them.
to properly schedule those flavors onto the compute hosts that support them.
See the :doc:`/user/aggregates` for more information.
See :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
Create instances with virtual GPU devices
Create instances with virtual GPU devices
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Once you are running nova, the following information is extremely useful.
* :doc:`Upgrades </user/upgrade>`: How nova is designed to be upgraded for minimal
* :doc:`Upgrades </user/upgrade>`: How nova is designed to be upgraded for minimal
service impact, and the order you should do them in.
service impact, and the order you should do them in.
* :doc:`Quotas </user/quotas>`: Managing project quotas in nova.
* :doc:`Quotas </user/quotas>`: Managing project quotas in nova.
* :doc:`Aggregates </user/aggregates>`: Aggregates are a useful way of grouping
* :doc:`Aggregates </admin/aggregates>`: Aggregates are a useful way of grouping
hosts together for scheduling purposes.
hosts together for scheduling purposes.
* :doc:`Filter Scheduler </user/filter-scheduler>`: How the filter scheduler is
* :doc:`Filter Scheduler </user/filter-scheduler>`: How the filter scheduler is
configured, and how that will impact where compute instances land in your
configured, and how that will impact where compute instances land in your
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ looking parts of our architecture. These are collected below.
@ -242,8 +243,8 @@ looking parts of our architecture. These are collected below.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.. glossary::
Availability Zone
Availability zones are a logical subdivision of cloud block storage,
compute and network services. They provide a way for cloud operators to
logically segment their compute based on arbitrary factors like
location (country, datacenter, rack), network layout and/or power
For more information, refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates`.
Host Aggregate
Host aggregates can be regarded as a mechanism to further partition an
:term:`availability zone`; while availability zones are visible to
users, host aggregates are only visible to administrators. Host
aggregates provide a mechanism to allow administrators to assign
key-value pairs to groups of machines. Each node can have multiple
aggregates, each aggregate can have multiple key-value pairs, and the
same key-value pair can be assigned to multiple aggregates.
For more information, refer to :doc:`/admin/aggregates`.
@ -61,3 +61,9 @@ these are a great place to start reading up on the current plans.
* :doc:`/reference/stable-api`: What stable api means to nova
* :doc:`/reference/stable-api`: What stable api means to nova
* :doc:`/reference/scheduler-evolution`: Motivation behind the scheduler /
* :doc:`/reference/scheduler-evolution`: Motivation behind the scheduler /
placement evolution
placement evolution
Additional Information
* :doc:`/reference/glossary`: A quick reference guide to some of the terms you
might encounter working on or using nova.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Extra Specs
In general flavor extra specs are specific to the cloud and how it is
In general flavor extra specs are specific to the cloud and how it is
organized for capabilities, and should be abstracted from the end user.
organized for capabilities, and should be abstracted from the end user.
Extra specs are tied to :doc:`host aggregates </user/aggregates>` and a lot
Extra specs are tied to :doc:`host aggregates </admin/aggregates>` and a lot
of them also define how a guest is created in the hypervisor, for example
of them also define how a guest is created in the hypervisor, for example
what the watchdog action is for a VM. Extra specs are also generally
what the watchdog action is for a VM. Extra specs are also generally
interchangeable with `image properties`_ when it comes to VM behavior, like
interchangeable with `image properties`_ when it comes to VM behavior, like
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ different extra specs mean as they are just a key/value pair. There is some
documentation for some "standard" extra specs though [3]_. However, that is
documentation for some "standard" extra specs though [3]_. However, that is
not an exhaustive list and it does not include anything that different
not an exhaustive list and it does not include anything that different
deployments would define for things like linking a flavor to a set of
deployments would define for things like linking a flavor to a set of
host aggregates, for example, when creating flavors
:doc:`host aggregates </admin/aggregates>`, for example, when creating flavors
for baremetal instances, or what the chosen
for baremetal instances, or what the chosen
:doc:`hypervisor driver </admin/configuration/hypervisors>` might support for
:doc:`hypervisor driver </admin/configuration/hypervisors>` might support for
flavor extra specs.
flavor extra specs.
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc.
Copyright 2012, The Cloudscaling Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Host Aggregates
Host aggregates can be regarded as a mechanism to further partition an
availability zone; while availability zones are visible to users, host
aggregates are only visible to administrators. Host aggregates started out as
a way to use Xen hypervisor resource pools, but have been generalized to provide
a mechanism to allow administrators to assign key-value pairs to groups of
machines. Each node can have multiple aggregates, each aggregate can have
multiple key-value pairs, and the same key-value pair can be assigned to
multiple aggregates. This information can be used in the scheduler to enable
advanced scheduling, to set up Xen hypervisor resource pools or to define
logical groups for migration. For more information, including an example of
associating a group of hosts to a flavor, see :ref:`host-aggregates`.
Availability Zones (AZs)
Availability Zones are the end-user visible logical abstraction for
partitioning a cloud without knowing the physical infrastructure.
That abstraction doesn't come up in Nova with an actual database model since
the availability zone is actually a specific metadata information attached to
an aggregate. Adding that specific metadata to an aggregate makes the aggregate
visible from an end-user perspective and consequently allows to schedule upon a
specific set of hosts (the ones belonging to the aggregate).
That said, there are a few rules to know that diverge from an API perspective
between aggregates and availability zones:
- one host can be in multiple aggregates, but it can only be in one
availability zone
- by default a host is part of a default availability zone even if it doesn't
belong to an aggregate (the configuration option is named
.. warning:: That last rule can be very error-prone. Since the user can see the
list of availability zones, they have no way to know whether the default
availability zone name (currently *nova*) is provided because an host
belongs to an aggregate whose AZ metadata key is set to *nova*, or because
there is at least one host not belonging to any aggregate. Consequently, it is
highly recommended for users to never ever ask for booting an instance by
specifying an explicit AZ named *nova* and for operators to never set the
AZ metadata for an aggregate to *nova*. That leads to some problems
due to the fact that the instance AZ information is explicitly attached to
*nova* which could break further move operations when either the host is
moved to another aggregate or when the user would like to migrate the
.. note:: Availability zone name must NOT contain ':' since it is used by admin
users to specify hosts where instances are launched in server creation.
See :doc:`Select hosts where instances are launched </admin/availability-zones>` for more detail.
There is a nice educational video about availability zones from the Rocky
summit which can be found here:
Implications for moving servers
There are several ways to move a server to another host: evacuate, resize,
cold migrate, live migrate, and unshelve. Move operations typically go through
the scheduler to pick the target host *unless* a target host is specified and
the request forces the server to that host by bypassing the scheduler. Only
evacuate and live migrate can forcefully bypass the scheduler and move a
server to a specified host and even then it is highly recommended to *not*
force and bypass the scheduler.
With respect to availability zones, a server is restricted to a zone if:
1. The server was created in a specific zone with the ``POST /servers`` request
containing the ``availability_zone`` parameter.
2. If the server create request did not contain the ``availability_zone``
parameter but the API service is configured for
:oslo.config:option:`default_schedule_zone` then by default the server will
be scheduled to that zone.
3. The shelved offloaded server was unshelved by specifying the
``availability_zone`` with the ``POST /servers/{server_id}/action`` request
using microversion 2.77 or greater.
If the server was not created in a specific zone then it is free to be moved
to other zones, i.e. the :ref:`AvailabilityZoneFilter <AvailabilityZoneFilter>`
is a no-op.
Knowing this, it is dangerous to force a server to another host with evacuate
or live migrate if the server is restricted to a zone and is then forced to
move to a host in another zone, because that will create an inconsistency in
the internal tracking of where that server should live and may require manually
updating the database for that server. For example, if a user creates a server
in zone A and then the admin force live migrates the server to zone B, and then
the user resizes the server, the scheduler will try to move it back to zone A
which may or may not work, e.g. if the admin deleted or renamed zone A in the
Resource affinity
The :oslo.config:option:`cinder.cross_az_attach` configuration option can be
used to restrict servers and the volumes attached to servers to the same
availability zone.
A typical use case for setting ``cross_az_attach=False`` is to enforce compute
and block storage affinity, for example in a High Performance Compute cluster.
By default ``cross_az_attach`` is True meaning that the volumes attached to
a server can be in a different availability zone than the server. If set to
False, then when creating a server with pre-existing volumes or attaching a
volume to a server, the server and volume zone must match otherwise the
request will fail. In addition, if the nova-compute service creates the volumes
to attach to the server during server create, it will request that those
volumes are created in the same availability zone as the server, which must
exist in the block storage (cinder) service.
As noted in the `Implications for moving servers`_ section, forcefully moving
a server to another zone could also break affinity with attached volumes.
.. note:: ``cross_az_attach=False`` is not widely used nor tested extensively
and thus suffers from some known issues:
* `Bug 1694844 <>`_
* `Bug 1781421 <>`_
The OSAPI Admin API is extended to support the following operations:
* Aggregates
* list aggregates: returns a list of all the host-aggregates
* create aggregate: creates an aggregate, takes a friendly name, etc. returns an id
* show aggregate: shows the details of an aggregate (id, name, availability_zone, hosts and metadata)
* update aggregate: updates the name and availability zone of an aggregate
* set metadata: sets the metadata on an aggregate to the values supplied
* delete aggregate: deletes an aggregate, it fails if the aggregate is not empty
* add host: adds a host to the aggregate
* remove host: removes a host from the aggregate
* Hosts
* list all hosts by service
* It has been deprecated since microversion 2.43. Use `list hypervisors` instead.
* start host maintenance (or evacuate-host): disallow a host to serve API requests and migrate instances to other hosts of the aggregate
* It has been deprecated since microversion 2.43. Use `disable service` instead.
* stop host maintenance (or rebalance-host): put the host back into operational mode, migrating instances back onto that host
* It has been deprecated since microversion 2.43. Use `enable service` instead.
* Hypervisors
* list hypervisors: list hypervisors with hypervisor hostname
* Compute services
* enable service
* disable service
Using the Nova CLI
Using the nova command you can create, delete and manage aggregates. The following section outlines the list of available commands.
* aggregate-list Print a list of all aggregates.
* aggregate-create <name> [<availability_zone>] Create a new aggregate with the specified details.
* aggregate-delete <aggregate> Delete the aggregate by its ID or name.
* aggregate-show <aggregate> Show details of the aggregate specified by its ID or name.
* aggregate-add-host <aggregate> <host> Add the host to the aggregate specified by its ID or name.
* aggregate-remove-host <aggregate> <host> Remove the specified host from the aggregate specified by its ID or name.
* aggregate-set-metadata <aggregate> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]
Update the metadata associated with the aggregate specified by its ID or name.
* aggregate-update [--name <name>] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] <aggregate>
Update the aggregate's name or availability zone.
* host-list List all hosts by service.
* hypervisor-list [--matching <hostname>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>]
List hypervisors.
* host-update [--status <enable|disable>] [--maintenance <enable|disable>] <hostname>
Put/resume host into/from maintenance.
* service-enable <id> Enable the service.
* service-disable [--reason <reason>] <id> Disable the service.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Availability zones
Availability Zones are an end-user visible logical abstraction for partitioning
a cloud without knowing the physical infrastructure. Availability zones can be
used to partition a cloud on arbitrary factors, such as location (country,
datacenter, rack), network layout and/or power source. Because of the
flexibility, the names and purposes of availability zones can vary massively
between clouds.
In addition, other services, such as the :neutron-doc:`networking service <>`
and the :cinder-doc:`block storage service <>`, also provide an availability
zone feature. However, the implementation of these features differs vastly
between these different services. Consult the documentation for these other
services for more information on their implementation of this feature.
Availability zones can only be created and configured by an admin but they can
be used by an end-user when creating an instance. For example:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack server create --availability-zone ZONE ... SERVER
It is also possible to specify a destination host and/or node using this
command; however, this is an admin-only operation by default. For more
information, see :ref:`using-availability-zones-to-select-hosts`.
@ -72,8 +72,11 @@ Once you are running nova, the following information is extremely useful.
* :doc:`Quotas </user/quotas>`: Managing project quotas in nova.
* :doc:`Quotas </user/quotas>`: Managing project quotas in nova.
* :doc:`Aggregates </user/aggregates>`: Aggregates are a useful way of grouping
* :doc:`Availablity Zones </admin/availability-zones>`: Availability Zones are
hosts together for scheduling purposes.
an end-user visible logical abstraction for partitioning a cloud without
knowing the physical infrastructure. They can be used to partition a cloud on
arbitrary factors, such as location (country, datacenter, rack), network
layout and/or power source.
* :doc:`Filter Scheduler </user/filter-scheduler>`: How the filter scheduler is
* :doc:`Filter Scheduler </user/filter-scheduler>`: How the filter scheduler is
configured, and how that will impact where compute instances land in your
configured, and how that will impact where compute instances land in your
Reference in New Issue
Block a user