diff --git a/nova/api/ec2/admin.py b/nova/api/ec2/admin.py
index 57d0a0339878..343bc61c4d19 100644
--- a/nova/api/ec2/admin.py
+++ b/nova/api/ec2/admin.py
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ Admin API controller, exposed through http via the api worker.
import base64
+import datetime
+import netaddr
+import urllib
+from nova import compute
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
@@ -117,6 +121,9 @@ class AdminController(object):
def __str__(self):
return 'AdminController'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.compute_api = compute.API()
def describe_instance_types(self, context, **_kwargs):
"""Returns all active instance types data (vcpus, memory, etc.)"""
return {'instanceTypeSet': [instance_dict(v) for v in
@@ -324,3 +331,41 @@ class AdminController(object):
rv.append(host_dict(host, compute, instances, volume, volumes,
return {'hosts': rv}
+ def _provider_fw_rule_exists(self, context, rule):
+ # TODO(todd): we call this repeatedly, can we filter by protocol?
+ for old_rule in db.provider_fw_rule_get_all(context):
+ if all([rule[k] == old_rule[k] for k in ('cidr', 'from_port',
+ 'to_port', 'protocol')]):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def block_external_addresses(self, context, cidr):
+ """Add provider-level firewall rules to block incoming traffic."""
+ LOG.audit(_('Blocking traffic to all projects incoming from %s'),
+ cidr, context=context)
+ cidr = urllib.unquote(cidr).decode()
+ # raise if invalid
+ netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr)
+ rule = {'cidr': cidr}
+ tcp_rule = rule.copy()
+ tcp_rule.update({'protocol': 'tcp', 'from_port': 1, 'to_port': 65535})
+ udp_rule = rule.copy()
+ udp_rule.update({'protocol': 'udp', 'from_port': 1, 'to_port': 65535})
+ icmp_rule = rule.copy()
+ icmp_rule.update({'protocol': 'icmp', 'from_port': -1,
+ 'to_port': None})
+ rules_added = 0
+ if not self._provider_fw_rule_exists(context, tcp_rule):
+ db.provider_fw_rule_create(context, tcp_rule)
+ rules_added += 1
+ if not self._provider_fw_rule_exists(context, udp_rule):
+ db.provider_fw_rule_create(context, udp_rule)
+ rules_added += 1
+ if not self._provider_fw_rule_exists(context, icmp_rule):
+ db.provider_fw_rule_create(context, icmp_rule)
+ rules_added += 1
+ if not rules_added:
+ raise exception.ApiError(_('Duplicate rule'))
+ self.compute_api.trigger_provider_fw_rules_refresh(context)
+ return {'status': 'OK', 'message': 'Added %s rules' % rules_added}
diff --git a/nova/compute/api.py b/nova/compute/api.py
index 593a16a1f6ab..af18741b60b2 100644
--- a/nova/compute/api.py
+++ b/nova/compute/api.py
@@ -496,6 +496,16 @@ class API(base.Base):
{"method": "refresh_security_group_members",
"args": {"security_group_id": group_id}})
+ def trigger_provider_fw_rules_refresh(self, context):
+ """Called when a rule is added to or removed from a security_group"""
+ hosts = [x['host'] for (x, idx)
+ in db.service_get_all_compute_sorted(context)]
+ for host in hosts:
+ rpc.cast(context,
+ self.db.queue_get_for(context, FLAGS.compute_topic, host),
+ {'method': 'refresh_provider_fw_rules', 'args': {}})
def update(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):
"""Updates the instance in the datastore.
diff --git a/nova/compute/manager.py b/nova/compute/manager.py
index 54eaf2082fa8..5aed2c677414 100644
--- a/nova/compute/manager.py
+++ b/nova/compute/manager.py
@@ -215,6 +215,11 @@ class ComputeManager(manager.SchedulerDependentManager):
return self.driver.refresh_security_group_members(security_group_id)
+ @exception.wrap_exception
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self, context, **_kwargs):
+ """This call passes straight through to the virtualization driver."""
+ return self.driver.refresh_provider_fw_rules()
def _setup_block_device_mapping(self, context, instance_id):
"""setup volumes for block device mapping"""
diff --git a/nova/db/api.py b/nova/db/api.py
index 8f8e856b8e54..97ae9aba356d 100644
--- a/nova/db/api.py
+++ b/nova/db/api.py
@@ -1034,6 +1034,19 @@ def security_group_rule_destroy(context, security_group_rule_id):
+def provider_fw_rule_create(context, rule):
+ """Add a firewall rule at the provider level (all hosts & instances)."""
+ return IMPL.provider_fw_rule_create(context, rule)
+def provider_fw_rule_get_all(context):
+ """Get all provider-level firewall rules."""
+ return IMPL.provider_fw_rule_get_all(context)
def user_get(context, id):
"""Get user by id."""
return IMPL.user_get(context, id)
diff --git a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py
index a2500a38d41f..e10d02a4e7ac 100644
--- a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py
+++ b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py
@@ -2180,6 +2180,25 @@ def security_group_rule_destroy(context, security_group_rule_id):
+def provider_fw_rule_create(context, rule):
+ fw_rule_ref = models.ProviderFirewallRule()
+ fw_rule_ref.update(rule)
+ fw_rule_ref.save()
+ return fw_rule_ref
+def provider_fw_rule_get_all(context):
+ session = get_session()
+ return session.query(models.ProviderFirewallRule).\
+ filter_by(deleted=can_read_deleted(context)).\
+ all()
def user_get(context, id, session=None):
if not session:
diff --git a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/027_add_provider_firewall_rules.py b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/027_add_provider_firewall_rules.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5aa30f7a8b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/027_add_provider_firewall_rules.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
+# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from sqlalchemy import *
+from migrate import *
+from nova import log as logging
+meta = MetaData()
+# Just for the ForeignKey and column creation to succeed, these are not the
+# actual definitions of instances or services.
+instances = Table('instances', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ )
+services = Table('services', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ )
+networks = Table('networks', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ )
+# New Tables
+provider_fw_rules = Table('provider_fw_rules', meta,
+ Column('created_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('updated_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('deleted', Boolean(create_constraint=True, name=None)),
+ Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ Column('protocol',
+ String(length=5, convert_unicode=False, assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None, _warn_on_bytestring=False)),
+ Column('from_port', Integer()),
+ Column('to_port', Integer()),
+ Column('cidr',
+ String(length=255, convert_unicode=False, assert_unicode=None,
+ unicode_error=None, _warn_on_bytestring=False))
+ )
+def upgrade(migrate_engine):
+ # Upgrade operations go here. Don't create your own engine;
+ # bind migrate_engine to your metadata
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ for table in (provider_fw_rules,):
+ try:
+ table.create()
+ except Exception:
+ logging.info(repr(table))
+ logging.exception('Exception while creating table')
+ raise
diff --git a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/models.py b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/models.py
index f9375960db1d..a5e2b100891c 100644
--- a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/models.py
+++ b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/models.py
@@ -493,6 +493,17 @@ class SecurityGroupIngressRule(BASE, NovaBase):
group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('security_groups.id'))
+class ProviderFirewallRule(BASE, NovaBase):
+ """Represents a rule in a security group."""
+ __tablename__ = 'provider_fw_rules'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ protocol = Column(String(5)) # "tcp", "udp", or "icmp"
+ from_port = Column(Integer)
+ to_port = Column(Integer)
+ cidr = Column(String(255))
class KeyPair(BASE, NovaBase):
"""Represents a public key pair for ssh."""
__tablename__ = 'key_pairs'
diff --git a/nova/network/linux_net.py b/nova/network/linux_net.py
index 815cd29c3a75..b9d9838f41f2 100644
--- a/nova/network/linux_net.py
+++ b/nova/network/linux_net.py
@@ -191,6 +191,13 @@ class IptablesTable(object):
{'chain': chain, 'rule': rule,
'top': top, 'wrap': wrap})
+ def empty_chain(self, chain, wrap=True):
+ """Remove all rules from a chain."""
+ chained_rules = [rule for rule in self.rules
+ if rule.chain == chain and rule.wrap == wrap]
+ for rule in chained_rules:
+ self.rules.remove(rule)
class IptablesManager(object):
"""Wrapper for iptables.
diff --git a/nova/tests/test_adminapi.py b/nova/tests/test_adminapi.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7ecaf1c095ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/tests/test_adminapi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
+# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from eventlet import greenthread
+from nova import context
+from nova import db
+from nova import flags
+from nova import log as logging
+from nova import rpc
+from nova import test
+from nova import utils
+from nova.auth import manager
+from nova.api.ec2 import admin
+from nova.image import fake
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.tests.adminapi')
+class AdminApiTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(AdminApiTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.flags(connection_type='fake')
+ self.conn = rpc.Connection.instance()
+ # set up our cloud
+ self.api = admin.AdminController()
+ # set up services
+ self.compute = self.start_service('compute')
+ self.scheduter = self.start_service('scheduler')
+ self.network = self.start_service('network')
+ self.volume = self.start_service('volume')
+ self.image_service = utils.import_object(FLAGS.image_service)
+ self.manager = manager.AuthManager()
+ self.user = self.manager.create_user('admin', 'admin', 'admin', True)
+ self.project = self.manager.create_project('proj', 'admin', 'proj')
+ self.context = context.RequestContext(user=self.user,
+ project=self.project)
+ host = self.network.get_network_host(self.context.elevated())
+ def fake_show(meh, context, id):
+ return {'id': 1, 'properties': {'kernel_id': 1, 'ramdisk_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'machine', 'image_state': 'available'}}
+ self.stubs.Set(fake._FakeImageService, 'show', fake_show)
+ self.stubs.Set(fake._FakeImageService, 'show_by_name', fake_show)
+ # NOTE(vish): set up a manual wait so rpc.cast has a chance to finish
+ rpc_cast = rpc.cast
+ def finish_cast(*args, **kwargs):
+ rpc_cast(*args, **kwargs)
+ greenthread.sleep(0.2)
+ self.stubs.Set(rpc, 'cast', finish_cast)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ network_ref = db.project_get_network(self.context,
+ self.project.id)
+ db.network_disassociate(self.context, network_ref['id'])
+ self.manager.delete_project(self.project)
+ self.manager.delete_user(self.user)
+ super(AdminApiTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def test_block_external_ips(self):
+ """Make sure provider firewall rules are created."""
+ result = self.api.block_external_addresses(self.context, '')
+ self.assertEqual('OK', result['status'])
+ self.assertEqual('Added 3 rules', result['message'])
diff --git a/nova/tests/test_libvirt.py b/nova/tests/test_libvirt.py
index 8b41831644ae..ee94d3c171b0 100644
--- a/nova/tests/test_libvirt.py
+++ b/nova/tests/test_libvirt.py
@@ -799,7 +799,9 @@ class IptablesFirewallTestCase(test.TestCase):
self.network = utils.import_object(FLAGS.network_manager)
class FakeLibvirtConnection(object):
- pass
+ def nwfilterDefineXML(*args, **kwargs):
+ """setup_basic_rules in nwfilter calls this."""
+ pass
self.fake_libvirt_connection = FakeLibvirtConnection()
self.fw = firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver(
get_connection=lambda: self.fake_libvirt_connection)
@@ -1035,7 +1037,6 @@ class IptablesFirewallTestCase(test.TestCase):
self.fw.nwfilter._conn.nwfilterLookupByName =\
instance_ref = self._create_instance_ref()
inst_id = instance_ref['id']
instance = db.instance_get(self.context, inst_id)
@@ -1057,6 +1058,63 @@ class IptablesFirewallTestCase(test.TestCase):
db.instance_destroy(admin_ctxt, instance_ref['id'])
+ def test_provider_firewall_rules(self):
+ # setup basic instance data
+ instance_ref = self._create_instance_ref()
+ nw_info = _create_network_info(1)
+ ip = ''
+ network_ref = db.project_get_network(self.context, 'fake')
+ admin_ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ fixed_ip = {'address': ip, 'network_id': network_ref['id']}
+ db.fixed_ip_create(admin_ctxt, fixed_ip)
+ db.fixed_ip_update(admin_ctxt, ip, {'allocated': True,
+ 'instance_id': instance_ref['id']})
+ # FRAGILE: peeks at how the firewall names chains
+ chain_name = 'inst-%s' % instance_ref['id']
+ # create a firewall via setup_basic_filtering like libvirt_conn.spawn
+ # should have a chain with 0 rules
+ self.fw.setup_basic_filtering(instance_ref, network_info=nw_info)
+ self.assertTrue('provider' in self.fw.iptables.ipv4['filter'].chains)
+ rules = [rule for rule in self.fw.iptables.ipv4['filter'].rules
+ if rule.chain == 'provider']
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(rules))
+ # add a rule and send the update message, check for 1 rule
+ provider_fw0 = db.provider_fw_rule_create(admin_ctxt,
+ {'protocol': 'tcp',
+ 'cidr': '',
+ 'from_port': 1,
+ 'to_port': 65535})
+ self.fw.refresh_provider_fw_rules()
+ rules = [rule for rule in self.fw.iptables.ipv4['filter'].rules
+ if rule.chain == 'provider']
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(rules))
+ # Add another, refresh, and make sure number of rules goes to two
+ provider_fw1 = db.provider_fw_rule_create(admin_ctxt,
+ {'protocol': 'udp',
+ 'cidr': '',
+ 'from_port': 1,
+ 'to_port': 65535})
+ self.fw.refresh_provider_fw_rules()
+ rules = [rule for rule in self.fw.iptables.ipv4['filter'].rules
+ if rule.chain == 'provider']
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(rules))
+ # create the instance filter and make sure it has a jump rule
+ self.fw.prepare_instance_filter(instance_ref, network_info=nw_info)
+ self.fw.apply_instance_filter(instance_ref)
+ inst_rules = [rule for rule in self.fw.iptables.ipv4['filter'].rules
+ if rule.chain == chain_name]
+ jump_rules = [rule for rule in inst_rules if '-j' in rule.rule]
+ provjump_rules = []
+ # IptablesTable doesn't make rules unique internally
+ for rule in jump_rules:
+ if 'provider' in rule.rule and rule not in provjump_rules:
+ provjump_rules.append(rule)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(provjump_rules))
class NWFilterTestCase(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
diff --git a/nova/tests/test_network.py b/nova/tests/test_network.py
index 77f6aaff35c1..a67c846dd6c0 100644
--- a/nova/tests/test_network.py
+++ b/nova/tests/test_network.py
@@ -164,3 +164,33 @@ class IptablesManagerTestCase(test.TestCase):
self.assertTrue('-A %s -j run_tests.py-%s' \
% (chain, chain) in new_lines,
"Built-in chain %s not wrapped" % (chain,))
+ def test_will_empty_chain(self):
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_chain('test-chain')
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_rule('test-chain', '-j DROP')
+ old_count = len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules)
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].empty_chain('test-chain')
+ self.assertEqual(old_count - 1, len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules))
+ def test_will_empty_unwrapped_chain(self):
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_chain('test-chain', wrap=False)
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_rule('test-chain', '-j DROP',
+ wrap=False)
+ old_count = len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules)
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].empty_chain('test-chain', wrap=False)
+ self.assertEqual(old_count - 1, len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules))
+ def test_will_not_empty_wrapped_when_unwrapped(self):
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_chain('test-chain')
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_rule('test-chain', '-j DROP')
+ old_count = len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules)
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].empty_chain('test-chain', wrap=False)
+ self.assertEqual(old_count, len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules))
+ def test_will_not_empty_unwrapped_when_wrapped(self):
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_chain('test-chain', wrap=False)
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].add_rule('test-chain', '-j DROP',
+ wrap=False)
+ old_count = len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules)
+ self.manager.ipv4['filter'].empty_chain('test-chain')
+ self.assertEqual(old_count, len(self.manager.ipv4['filter'].rules))
diff --git a/nova/virt/driver.py b/nova/virt/driver.py
index 8dd7057a3497..2c7c0cfcc15a 100644
--- a/nova/virt/driver.py
+++ b/nova/virt/driver.py
@@ -191,6 +191,10 @@ class ComputeDriver(object):
def refresh_security_group_members(self, security_group_id):
raise NotImplementedError()
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self, security_group_id):
+ """See: nova/virt/fake.py for docs."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
def reset_network(self, instance):
"""reset networking for specified instance"""
raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/nova/virt/fake.py b/nova/virt/fake.py
index 94aecec24a88..f78c29bd002c 100644
--- a/nova/virt/fake.py
+++ b/nova/virt/fake.py
@@ -466,6 +466,22 @@ class FakeConnection(driver.ComputeDriver):
return True
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """This triggers a firewall update based on database changes.
+ When this is called, rules have either been added or removed from the
+ datastore. You can retrieve rules with
+ :method:`nova.db.api.provider_fw_rule_get_all`.
+ Provider rules take precedence over security group rules. If an IP
+ would be allowed by a security group ingress rule, but blocked by
+ a provider rule, then packets from the IP are dropped. This includes
+ intra-project traffic in the case of the allow_project_net_traffic
+ flag for the libvirt-derived classes.
+ """
+ pass
def update_available_resource(self, ctxt, host):
"""This method is supported only by libvirt."""
diff --git a/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py b/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py
index 96ef92825785..76541612acb4 100644
--- a/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py
+++ b/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py
@@ -1383,6 +1383,9 @@ class LibvirtConnection(driver.ComputeDriver):
def refresh_security_group_members(self, security_group_id):
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ self.firewall_driver.refresh_provider_fw_rules()
def update_available_resource(self, ctxt, host):
"""Updates compute manager resource info on ComputeNode table.
diff --git a/nova/virt/libvirt/firewall.py b/nova/virt/libvirt/firewall.py
index 84153fa1e05c..b99f2ffb0bde 100644
--- a/nova/virt/libvirt/firewall.py
+++ b/nova/virt/libvirt/firewall.py
@@ -76,6 +76,15 @@ class FirewallDriver(object):
the security group."""
raise NotImplementedError()
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """Refresh common rules for all hosts/instances from data store.
+ Gets called when a rule has been added to or removed from
+ the list of rules (via admin api).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance, network_info=None):
"""Create rules to block spoofing and allow dhcp.
@@ -207,6 +216,13 @@ class NWFilterFirewall(FirewallDriver):
def _ensure_static_filters(self):
+ """Static filters are filters that have no need to be IP aware.
+ There is no configuration or tuneability of these filters, so they
+ can be set up once and forgotten about.
+ """
if self.static_filters_configured:
@@ -310,19 +326,21 @@ class NWFilterFirewall(FirewallDriver):
'for %(instance_name)s is not found.') % locals())
def prepare_instance_filter(self, instance, network_info=None):
- """
- Creates an NWFilter for the given instance. In the process,
- it makes sure the filters for the security groups as well as
- the base filter are all in place.
+ """Creates an NWFilter for the given instance.
+ In the process, it makes sure the filters for the provider blocks,
+ security groups, and base filter are all in place.
if not network_info:
network_info = netutils.get_network_info(instance)
+ self.refresh_provider_fw_rules()
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
instance_secgroup_filter_name = \
'%s-secgroup' % (self._instance_filter_name(instance))
- #% (instance_filter_name,)
instance_secgroup_filter_children = ['nova-base-ipv4',
@@ -366,7 +384,7 @@ class NWFilterFirewall(FirewallDriver):
for (_n, mapping) in network_info:
nic_id = mapping['mac'].replace(':', '')
instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance, nic_id)
- instance_filter_children = [base_filter,
+ instance_filter_children = [base_filter, 'nova-provider-rules',
if FLAGS.allow_project_net_traffic:
@@ -388,6 +406,19 @@ class NWFilterFirewall(FirewallDriver):
return self._define_filter(
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """Update rules for all instances.
+ This is part of the FirewallDriver API and is called when the
+ provider firewall rules change in the database. In the
+ `prepare_instance_filter` we add a reference to the
+ 'nova-provider-rules' filter for each instance's firewall, and
+ by changing that filter we update them all.
+ """
+ xml = self.provider_fw_to_nwfilter_xml()
+ return self._define_filter(xml)
def security_group_to_nwfilter_xml(self, security_group_id):
security_group = db.security_group_get(context.get_admin_context(),
@@ -426,6 +457,43 @@ class NWFilterFirewall(FirewallDriver):
xml += "chain='ipv4'>%s" % rule_xml
return xml
+ def provider_fw_to_nwfilter_xml(self):
+ """Compose a filter of drop rules from specified cidrs."""
+ rule_xml = ""
+ v6protocol = {'tcp': 'tcp-ipv6', 'udp': 'udp-ipv6', 'icmp': 'icmpv6'}
+ rules = db.provider_fw_rule_get_all(context.get_admin_context())
+ for rule in rules:
+ rule_xml += ""
+ version = netutils.get_ip_version(rule.cidr)
+ if(FLAGS.use_ipv6 and version == 6):
+ net, prefixlen = netutils.get_net_and_prefixlen(rule.cidr)
+ rule_xml += "<%s srcipaddr='%s' srcipmask='%s' " % \
+ (v6protocol[rule.protocol], net, prefixlen)
+ else:
+ net, mask = netutils.get_net_and_mask(rule.cidr)
+ rule_xml += "<%s srcipaddr='%s' srcipmask='%s' " % \
+ (rule.protocol, net, mask)
+ if rule.protocol in ['tcp', 'udp']:
+ rule_xml += "dstportstart='%s' dstportend='%s' " % \
+ (rule.from_port, rule.to_port)
+ elif rule.protocol == 'icmp':
+ LOG.info('rule.protocol: %r, rule.from_port: %r, '
+ 'rule.to_port: %r', rule.protocol,
+ rule.from_port, rule.to_port)
+ if rule.from_port != -1:
+ rule_xml += "type='%s' " % rule.from_port
+ if rule.to_port != -1:
+ rule_xml += "code='%s' " % rule.to_port
+ rule_xml += '/>\n'
+ rule_xml += "\n"
+ xml = "%s" % rule_xml
+ else:
+ xml += "chain='ipv4'>%s" % rule_xml
+ return xml
def _instance_filter_name(self, instance, nic_id=None):
if not nic_id:
return 'nova-instance-%s' % (instance['name'])
@@ -453,6 +521,7 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
self.iptables = linux_net.iptables_manager
self.instances = {}
self.nwfilter = NWFilterFirewall(kwargs['get_connection'])
+ self.basicly_filtered = False
self.iptables.ipv4['filter'].add_rule('sg-fallback', '-j DROP')
@@ -460,10 +529,14 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
self.iptables.ipv6['filter'].add_rule('sg-fallback', '-j DROP')
def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance, network_info=None):
- """Use NWFilter from libvirt for this."""
+ """Set up provider rules and basic NWFilter."""
if not network_info:
network_info = netutils.get_network_info(instance)
- return self.nwfilter.setup_basic_filtering(instance, network_info)
+ self.nwfilter.setup_basic_filtering(instance, network_info)
+ if not self.basicly_filtered:
+ LOG.debug(_('iptables firewall: Setup Basic Filtering'))
+ self.refresh_provider_fw_rules()
+ self.basicly_filtered = True
def apply_instance_filter(self, instance):
"""No-op. Everything is done in prepare_instance_filter"""
@@ -543,6 +616,10 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
ipv4_rules += ['-m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT']
ipv6_rules += ['-m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT']
+ # Pass through provider-wide drops
+ ipv4_rules += ['-j $provider']
+ ipv6_rules += ['-j $provider']
dhcp_servers = [network['gateway'] for (network, _m) in network_info]
for dhcp_server in dhcp_servers:
@@ -560,7 +637,7 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
# they're not worth the clutter.
if FLAGS.use_ipv6:
# Allow RA responses
- gateways_v6 = [network['gateway_v6'] for (network, _) in
+ gateways_v6 = [network['gateway_v6'] for (network, _m) in
for gateway_v6 in gateways_v6:
@@ -583,7 +660,7 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
for rule in rules:
- logging.info('%r', rule)
+ LOG.debug(_('Adding security group rule: %r'), rule)
if not rule.cidr:
# Eventually, a mechanism to grant access for security
@@ -592,9 +669,9 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
version = netutils.get_ip_version(rule.cidr)
if version == 4:
- rules = ipv4_rules
+ fw_rules = ipv4_rules
- rules = ipv6_rules
+ fw_rules = ipv6_rules
protocol = rule.protocol
if version == 6 and rule.protocol == 'icmp':
@@ -629,7 +706,7 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
args += ['-j ACCEPT']
- rules += [' '.join(args)]
+ fw_rules += [' '.join(args)]
ipv4_rules += ['-j $sg-fallback']
ipv6_rules += ['-j $sg-fallback']
@@ -657,6 +734,85 @@ class IptablesFirewallDriver(FirewallDriver):
network_info = netutils.get_network_info(instance)
self.add_filters_for_instance(instance, network_info)
+ def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """See class:FirewallDriver: docs."""
+ self._do_refresh_provider_fw_rules()
+ self.iptables.apply()
+ @utils.synchronized('iptables', external=True)
+ def _do_refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """Internal, synchronized version of refresh_provider_fw_rules."""
+ self._purge_provider_fw_rules()
+ self._build_provider_fw_rules()
+ def _purge_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """Remove all rules from the provider chains."""
+ self.iptables.ipv4['filter'].empty_chain('provider')
+ if FLAGS.use_ipv6:
+ self.iptables.ipv6['filter'].empty_chain('provider')
+ def _build_provider_fw_rules(self):
+ """Create all rules for the provider IP DROPs."""
+ self.iptables.ipv4['filter'].add_chain('provider')
+ if FLAGS.use_ipv6:
+ self.iptables.ipv6['filter'].add_chain('provider')
+ ipv4_rules, ipv6_rules = self._provider_rules()
+ for rule in ipv4_rules:
+ self.iptables.ipv4['filter'].add_rule('provider', rule)
+ if FLAGS.use_ipv6:
+ for rule in ipv6_rules:
+ self.iptables.ipv6['filter'].add_rule('provider', rule)
+ def _provider_rules(self):
+ """Generate a list of rules from provider for IP4 & IP6."""
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ ipv4_rules = []
+ ipv6_rules = []
+ rules = db.provider_fw_rule_get_all(ctxt)
+ for rule in rules:
+ LOG.debug(_('Adding provider rule: %s'), rule['cidr'])
+ version = netutils.get_ip_version(rule['cidr'])
+ if version == 4:
+ fw_rules = ipv4_rules
+ else:
+ fw_rules = ipv6_rules
+ protocol = rule['protocol']
+ if version == 6 and protocol == 'icmp':
+ protocol = 'icmpv6'
+ args = ['-p', protocol, '-s', rule['cidr']]
+ if protocol in ['udp', 'tcp']:
+ if rule['from_port'] == rule['to_port']:
+ args += ['--dport', '%s' % (rule['from_port'],)]
+ else:
+ args += ['-m', 'multiport',
+ '--dports', '%s:%s' % (rule['from_port'],
+ rule['to_port'])]
+ elif protocol == 'icmp':
+ icmp_type = rule['from_port']
+ icmp_code = rule['to_port']
+ if icmp_type == -1:
+ icmp_type_arg = None
+ else:
+ icmp_type_arg = '%s' % icmp_type
+ if not icmp_code == -1:
+ icmp_type_arg += '/%s' % icmp_code
+ if icmp_type_arg:
+ if version == 4:
+ args += ['-m', 'icmp', '--icmp-type',
+ icmp_type_arg]
+ elif version == 6:
+ args += ['-m', 'icmp6', '--icmpv6-type',
+ icmp_type_arg]
+ args += ['-j DROP']
+ fw_rules += [' '.join(args)]
+ return ipv4_rules, ipv6_rules
def _security_group_chain_name(self, security_group_id):
return 'nova-sg-%s' % (security_group_id,)