Extend FilterScheduler documentation.

Added more specific information on filters and weight functions.

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Dina Belova 2012-04-04 19:36:22 +04:00
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commit 6ca171810e
6 changed files with 226 additions and 84 deletions

@ -1,103 +1,245 @@
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Filter Scheduler Filter Scheduler
===================== ================
The Scheduler is akin to a Dating Service. Requests for the creation of new instances come in and the most applicable Compute nodes are selected from a large pool of potential candidates. In a small deployment we may be happy with the currently available Chance Scheduler which randomly selects a Host from the available pool. Or if you need something a little more fancy you may want to use the Filter Scheduler, which selects Compute hosts from a logical partitioning of available hosts. The **Filter Scheduler** supports `filtering` and `weighting` to make informed
decisions on where a new instance should be created. This Scheduler supports
only working with Compute Nodes.
.. image:: /images/dating_service.png Filtering
The Filter Scheduler supports filtering and weighing to make informed decisions on where a new instance should be created. .. image:: /images/filteringWorkflow1.png
So, how does this all work? During its work Filter Scheduler firstly makes dictionary of unfiltered hosts,
then filters them using filter properties and finally chooses hosts for the
requested number of instances (each time it chooses the least costed host and
appends it to the list of selected costs).
Costs & Weights If it turns up, that it can't find candidates for the next instance, it means
--------------- that there are no more appropriate instances locally.
When deciding where to place an Instance, we compare a Weighted Cost for each Host. The Weighting, currently, is just the sum of each Cost. Costs are nothing more than integers from `0 - max_int`. Costs are computed by looking at the various Capabilities of the Host relative to the specs of the Instance being asked for. Trying to put a plain vanilla instance on a high performance host should have a very high cost. But putting a vanilla instance on a vanilla Host should have a low cost.
Some Costs are more esoteric. Consider a rule that says we should prefer Hosts that don't already have an instance on it that is owned by the user requesting it (to mitigate against machine failures). Here we have to look at all the other Instances on the host to compute our cost. If we speak about `filtering` and `weighting`, their work is quite flexible
in the Filter Scheduler. There are a lot of filtering strategies for the
Scheduler to support. Also you can even implement `your own algorithm of
An example of some other costs might include selecting: There are some standard filter classes to use (:mod:`nova.scheduler.filters`):
* a GPU-based host over a standard CPU
* a host with fast ethernet over a 10mbps line
* a host that can run Windows instances
* a host in the EU vs North America
* etc
This Weight is computed for each Instance requested. If the customer asked for 1000 instances, the consumed resources on each Host are "virtually" depleted so the Cost can change accordingly. * |AllHostsFilter| - frankly speaking, this filter does no operation. It
returns all the available hosts after its work.
* |AvailabilityZoneFilter| - filters hosts by availability zone. It returns
hosts with the same availability zone as the requested instance has in its
* |ComputeFilter| - checks that the capabilities provided by the compute
service satisfy the extra specifications, associated with the instance type.
It returns a list of hosts that can create instance type.
* |CoreFilter| - filters based on CPU core utilization. It will approve host if
it has sufficient number of CPU cores.
* |IsolatedHostsFilter| - filter based on "image_isolated" and "host_isolated"
* |JsonFilter| - allows simple JSON-based grammar for selecting hosts.
* |RamFilter| - filters hosts by their RAM. So, it returns only the hosts with
enough available RAM.
* |SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter| - allows to put a new instance on a host within
the same IP block.
.. image:: /images/costs_weights.png Now we can focus on these standard filter classes in details. I will pass the
simplest ones, such as |AllHostsFilter|, |CoreFilter| and |RamFilter| are,
Filtering and Weighing because their functionality is quite simple and can be understood just from the
---------------------- code. For example class |RamFilter| has the next realization:
The filtering (excluding compute nodes incapable of fulfilling the request) and weighing (computing the relative "fitness" of a compute node to fulfill the request) rules used are very subjective operations ... Service Providers will probably have a very different set of filtering and weighing rules than private cloud administrators. The filtering and weighing aspects of the `FilterScheduler` are flexible and extensible.
.. image:: /images/filtering.png
class RamFilter(filters.BaseHostFilter):
Host Filter """Ram Filter with over subscription flag"""
def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
As we mentioned earlier, filtering hosts is a very deployment-specific process. Service Providers may have a different set of criteria for filtering Compute nodes than a University. To facilitate this, the `FilterScheduler` supports a variety of filtering strategies as well as an easy means for plugging in your own algorithms. Specifying filters involves 2 settings. One makes filters available for use. The second specifies which filters to use by default (out of the filters available). The reason for this second option is that there may be support to allow end-users to specify specific filters during a build at some point in the future. """Only return hosts with sufficient available RAM."""
instance_type = filter_properties.get('instance_type')
Making filters available: requested_ram = instance_type['memory_mb']
free_ram_mb = host_state.free_ram_mb
Filters are made available to the scheduler via the `--scheduler_available_filters` setting. This setting can be specified more than once and should contain lists of filter class names (with full paths) to make available. Specifying 'nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters' will cause all standard filters under 'nova.scheduler.filters' to be made available. That is the default setting. Additionally, you can specify your own classes to be made available. For example, 'myfilter.MyFilterClass' can be specified. Now that you've configured which filters are available, you should set which ones you actually want to use by default. return free_ram_mb * FLAGS.ram_allocation_ratio >= requested_ram
Setting the default filtering classes: Here `ram_allocation_ratio` means the virtual RAM to physical RAM allocation
ratio (it is 1.5 by default). Really, nice and simple.
The default filters to use are set via the `--scheduler_default_filters` setting. This setting should contain a list of class names. You should not specify the full paths with these class names. By default this flag is set to `['AvailabilityZoneFilter', 'RamFilter', 'ComputeFilter']`. Below is a list of standard filter classes:
Next standard filter to describe is |AvailabilityZoneFilter| and it isn't
* `AllHostsFilter` includes all hosts (essentially is a No-op filter) difficult too. This filter just looks at the availability zone of compute node
* `AvailabilityZoneFilter` provides host filtering based on availability_zone and availability zone from the properties of the request. Each compute service
* `ComputeFilter` provides host filtering based on `InstanceType` extra_specs, comparing against host capability announcements has its own availability zone. So deployment engineers have an option to run
* `CoreFilter` provides host filtering based on number of cpu cores scheduler with availability zones support and can configure availability zones
* `DifferentHostFilter` provides host filtering based on scheduler_hint's 'different_host' value. With the scheduler_hints extension, this allows one to put a new instance on a different host from another instance on each compute host. This classes method `host_passes` returns `True` if
* `IsolatedHostsFilter` provides host filtering based on the 'isolated_hosts' and 'isolated_images' flags/settings. availability zone mentioned in request is the same on the current compute host.
* `JSONFilter` filters hosts based on simple JSON expression grammar. Using a LISP-like JSON structure the caller can request instances based on criteria well beyond what `ComputeFilter` specifies. See `nova.tests.scheduler.test_host_filters` for examples.
* `RamFilter` provides host filtering based on the memory needed vs memory free |ComputeFilter| checks if host can create `instance_type`. Let's note that
* `SameHostFilter` provides host filtering based on scheduler_hint's 'same_host' value. With the scheduler_hints extension, this allows one to put a new instance on the same host as another instance instance types describe the compute, memory and storage capacity of nova
* `SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter` provides host filtering based on scheduler_hint's 'build_near_host_ip' value. With the scheduler_hints extension, this allows one to put a new instance on a host within the same IP block. compute nodes, it is the list of characteristics such as number of vCPUs,
amount RAM and so on. So |ComputeFilter| looks at hosts' capabilities (host
To create your own `HostFilter` the user simply has to derive from `nova.scheduler.filters.BaseHostFilter` and implement one method: `host_passes`. This method accepts a `HostState` instance describing a host as well as a `filter_properties` dictionary. Host capabilities can be found in `HostState`.capabilities and other properites can be found in `filter_properties` like `instance_type`, etc. Your method should return True if it passes the filter. without requested specifications can't be chosen for the creating of the
instance), checks if the hosts service is up based on last heartbeat. Finally,
Flags this Scheduler can verify if host satisfies some `extra specifications`
----- associated with the instance type (of course if there are no such extra
specifications, every host suits them).
Here are some of the main flags you should set in your `nova.conf` file:
Now we are going to |IsolatedHostsFilter|. There can be some special hosts
reserved for specific images. These hosts are called **isolated**. So the
images to run on the isolated hosts are also called isolated. This Scheduler
checks if `image_isolated` flag named in instance specifications is the same
that the host has.
|SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter| looks at the subnet mask and investigates if
the network address of the current host is in the same sub network as it was
defined in the request.
|JsonFilter| - this filter provides the opportunity to write complicated
queries for the hosts capabilities filtering, based on simple JSON-like syntax.
There can be used the following operations for the host states properties:
'=', '<', '>', 'in', '<=', '>=', that can be combined with the following
logical operations: 'not', 'or', 'and'. For example, there is the query you can
find in tests:
['>=', '$free_ram_mb', 1024],
['>=', '$free_disk_mb', 200 * 1024]
This query will filter all hosts with free RAM greater or equal than 1024 MB
and at the same time with free disk space greater or equal than 200 GB.
Many filters use data from `scheduler_hints`, that is defined in the moment of
creation of the new server for the user. The only exeption for this rule is
|JsonFilter|, that takes data in some strange difficult to understand way.
To use filters you specify next two settings:
* `scheduler_available_filters` - points available filters.
* `scheduler_default_filters` - points filters to be used by default from the
list of available ones.
Host Manager sets up these flags in `nova.conf` by default on the next values:
:: ::
--scheduler_available_filters=nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters --scheduler_available_filters=nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters
# --scheduler_available_filters=myfilter.MyOwnFilter --scheduler_default_filters=RamFilter,ComputeFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter
`scheduler_driver` is the real workhorse of the operation. For Filter Scheduler, you need to specify a class derived from `nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler`. These two lines mean, that all the filters in the `nova.scheduler.filters`
`scheduler_default_filters` are the host filters to be used for filtering candidate Compute nodes. would be available, and the default ones would be |RamFilter|, |ComputeFilter|
and |AvailabilityZoneFilter|.
Some optional flags which are handy for debugging are: If you want to create **your own filter** you just need to inherit from
|BaseHostFilter| and implement one method:
`host_passes`. This method should return `True` if host passes the filter. It
takes `host_state` (describes host) and `filter_properties` dictionary as the
So in the end file nova.conf should contain lines like these:
:: ::
--connection_type=fake --scheduler_driver=nova.scheduler.distributed_scheduler.FilterScheduler
--verbose --scheduler_available_filters=nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters
Using the `Fake` virtualization driver is handy when you're setting this stuff up so you're not dealing with a million possible issues at once. When things seem to working correctly, switch back to whatever hypervisor your deployment uses. As you see, flag `scheduler_driver` is set up for the `FilterSchedule`,
available filters can be specified more than once and description of the
default filters should not contain full paths with class names you need, only
class names.
Costs and weights
Filter Scheduler uses so-called **weights** and **costs** during its work.
`Costs` are the computed integers, expressing hosts measure of fitness to be
chosen as a result of the request. Of course, costs are computed due to hosts
characteristics compared with characteristics from the request. So trying to
put instance on a not appropriate host (for example, trying to put really
simple and plain instance on a high performance host) would have high cost, and
putting instance on an appropriate host would have low.
So let's find out, how does all this computing work happen.
Before weighting Filter Scheduler creates the list of tuples containing weights
and cost functions to use for weighing hosts. These functions can be got from
cache, if this operation had been done before (this cache depends on `topic` of
node, Filter Scheduler works with only the Compute Nodes, so the topic would be
"`compute`" here). If there is no cost functions in cache associated with
"compute", Filter Scheduler tries to get these cost functions from `nova.conf`.
Weight in tuple means weight of cost function matching with it. It also can be
got from `nova.conf`. After that Scheduler weights host, using selected cost
functions. It does this using `weighted_sum` method, which parameters are:
* `weighted_fns` - list of cost functions created with their weights;
* `host_states` - hosts to be weighted;
* `weighing_properties` - dictionary of values that can influence weights.
This method firstly creates a grid of function results (it just counts value of
each function using `host_state` and `weighing_properties`) - `scores`, where
it would be one row per host and one function per column. The next step is to
multiply value from the each cell of the grid by the weight of appropriate cost
function. And the final step is to sum values in the each row - it would be the
weight of host, described in this line. This method returns the host with the
lowest weight - the best one.
If we concentrate on cost functions, it would be important to say that we use
`compute_fill_first_cost_fn` function by default, which simply returns hosts
free RAM:
def compute_fill_first_cost_fn(host_state, weighing_properties):
"""More free ram = higher weight. So servers will less free ram will be
return host_state.free_ram_mb
You can implement your own variant of cost function for the hosts capabilities
you would like to mention. Using different cost functions (as you understand,
there can be a lot of ones used in the same time) can make the chose of next
host for the creating of the new instance flexible.
These cost functions should be set up in the `nova.conf` with the flag
`least_cost_functions` (there can be more than one functions separated by
commas). By default this line would look like this:
As for weights of cost functions, they also should be described in `nova.conf`.
The line with this description looks the following way:
As for default cost function, it would be: `compute_fill_first_cost_fn_weight`,
and by default it is 1.0.
Filter Scheduler finds local list of acceptable hosts by repeated filtering and
weighing. Each time it chooses a host, it virtually consumes resources on it,
so subsequent selections can adjust accordingly. It is useful if the customer
asks for the some large amount of instances, because weight is computed for
each instance requested.
.. image:: /images/filteringWorkflow2.png
In the end Filter Scheduler sorts selected hosts by their weight and provisions
instances on them.
P.S.: you can find more examples of using Filter Scheduler and standard filters
in :mod:`nova.tests.scheduler`.
.. |AllHostsFilter| replace:: :class:`AllHostsFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.all_hosts_filter.AllHostsFilter>`
.. |AvailabilityZoneFilter| replace:: :class:`AvailabilityZoneFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.availability_zone_filter.AvailabilityZoneFilter>`
.. |BaseHostFilter| replace:: :class:`BaseHostFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.BaseHostFilter>`
.. |ComputeFilter| replace:: :class:`ComputeFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.compute_filter.ComputeFilter>`
.. |CoreFilter| replace:: :class:`CoreFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.core_filter.CoreFilter>`
.. |IsolatedHostsFilter| replace:: :class:`IsolatedHostsFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.isolated_hosts_filter>`
.. |JsonFilter| replace:: :class:`JsonFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.json_filter.JsonFilter>`
.. |RamFilter| replace:: :class:`RamFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.ram_filter.RamFilter>`
.. |SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter| replace:: :class:`SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter <nova.scheduler.filters.affinity_filter.SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter>`

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