Add nova-manage placement heal_allocations CLI

This adds a new CLI which will iterate all non-cell0
cells looking for instances that (1) have a host,
(2) aren't undergoing a task state transition and
(3) don't have allocations in placement and try
to allocate resources, based on the instance embedded
flavor, against the compute node resource provider
on which the instance is currently running.

This is meant as a way to help migrate CachingScheduler
users off the CachingScheduler by first shoring up
instance allocations in placement for any instances
created after Pike, when the nova-compute resource
tracker code stopped creating allocations in placement
since the FilterScheduler does it at the time of
scheduling (but the CachingScheduler doesn't).

This will be useful beyond just getting deployments
off the CachingScheduler, however, since operators
will be able to use it to fix incorrect allocations
resulting from failed operations.

There are several TODOs and NOTEs inline about things
we could build on top of this or improve, but for now
this is the basic idea.

Change-Id: Iab67fd56ab4845f8ee19ca36e7353730638efb21
This commit is contained in:
Matt Riedemann 2018-05-02 15:44:21 -04:00
parent 20b99f6998
commit 95106d2fa1
8 changed files with 618 additions and 3 deletions

@ -276,6 +276,38 @@ Nova Cells v2
found, 3 if a host with that name is not in a cell with that uuid, 4 if
a host with that name has instances (host not empty).
``nova-manage placement heal_allocations [--max-count <max_count>] [--verbose]``
Iterates over non-cell0 cells looking for instances which do not have
allocations in the Placement service and which are not undergoing a task
state transition. For each instance found, allocations are created against
the compute node resource provider for that instance based on the flavor
associated with the instance.
Specify ``--max-count`` to control the maximum number of instances to
process. If not specified, all instances in each cell will be mapped in
batches of 50. If you have a large number of instances, consider
specifying a custom value and run the command until it exits with 0 or 4.
Specify ``--verbose`` to get detailed progress output during execution.
This command requires that the ``[api_database]/connection`` and
``[placement]`` configuration options are set.
Return codes:
* 0: Command completed successfully and allocations were created.
* 1: --max-count was reached and there are more instances to process.
* 2: Unable to find a compute node record for a given instance.
* 3: Unable to create allocations for an instance against its
compute node resource provider.
* 4: Command completed successfully but no allocations were created.
* 127: Invalid input.
See Also

@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ from nova.objects import quotas as quotas_obj
from nova.objects import request_spec
from nova import quota
from nova import rpc
from nova.scheduler.client import report
from nova.scheduler import utils as scheduler_utils
from nova import utils
from nova import version
from nova.virt import ironic
@ -1707,6 +1709,246 @@ class CellV2Commands(object):
return 0
class PlacementCommands(object):
"""Commands for managing placement resources."""
def _get_compute_node_uuid(ctxt, instance, node_cache):
"""Find the ComputeNode.uuid for the given Instance
:param ctxt: cell-targeted nova.context.RequestContext
:param instance: the instance to lookup a compute node
:param node_cache: dict of Instance.node keys to ComputeNode.uuid
values; this cache is updated if a new node is processed.
:returns: ComputeNode.uuid for the given instance
:raises: nova.exception.ComputeHostNotFound
if instance.node in node_cache:
return node_cache[instance.node]
compute_node = objects.ComputeNode.get_by_host_and_nodename(
ctxt,, instance.node)
node_uuid = compute_node.uuid
node_cache[instance.node] = node_uuid
return node_uuid
def _heal_instances_in_cell(self, ctxt, max_count, unlimited, output,
"""Checks for instances to heal in a given cell.
:param ctxt: cell-targeted nova.context.RequestContext
:param max_count: batch size (limit per instance query)
:param unlimited: True if all instances in the cell should be
processed, else False to just process $max_count instances
:param outout: function that takes a single message for verbose output
:param placement:
to communicate with the Placement service API.
:return: Number of instances that had allocations created.
:raises: nova.exception.ComputeHostNotFound if a compute node for a
given instance cannot be found
:raises: AllocationCreateFailed if unable to create allocations for
a given instance against a given compute node resource provider
# Keep a cache of instance.node to compute node resource provider UUID.
# This will save some queries for non-ironic instances to the
# compute_nodes table.
node_cache = {}
# Track the total number of instances that have allocations created
# for them in this cell. We return when num_processed equals max_count
# and unlimited=True or we exhaust the number of instances to process
# in this cell.
num_processed = 0
# Get all instances from this cell which have a host and are not
# undergoing a task state transition. Go from oldest to newest.
# NOTE(mriedem): Unfortunately we don't have a marker to use
# between runs where the user is specifying --max-count.
# TODO(mriedem): Store a marker in system_metadata so we can
# automatically pick up where we left off without the user having
# to pass it in (if unlimited is False).
instances = objects.InstanceList.get_by_filters(
ctxt, filters={}, sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='asc',
limit=max_count, expected_attrs=['flavor'])
while instances:
output(_('Found %s candidate instances.') % len(instances))
# For each instance in this list, we need to see if it has
# allocations in placement and if so, assume it's correct and
# continue.
for instance in instances:
if instance.task_state is not None:
output(_('Instance %(instance)s is undergoing a task '
'state transition: %(task_state)s') %
{'instance': instance.uuid,
'task_state': instance.task_state})
if instance.node is None:
output(_('Instance %s is not on a host.') % instance.uuid)
allocations = placement.get_allocations_for_consumer(
ctxt, instance.uuid)
if allocations:
output(_('Instance %s already has allocations.') %
# TODO(mriedem): Check to see if the allocation project_id
# and user_id matches the instance project and user and
# fix the allocation project/user if they don't match; see
# blueprint add-consumer-generation for details.
# This instance doesn't have allocations so we need to find
# its compute node resource provider.
node_uuid = self._get_compute_node_uuid(
ctxt, instance, node_cache)
# Now get the resource allocations for the instance based
# on its embedded flavor.
resources = scheduler_utils.resources_from_flavor(
instance, instance.flavor)
if placement.put_allocations(
ctxt, node_uuid, instance.uuid, resources,
instance.project_id, instance.user_id):
num_processed += 1
output(_('Successfully created allocations for '
'instance %(instance)s against resource '
'provider %(provider)s.') %
{'instance': instance.uuid, 'provider': node_uuid})
raise exception.AllocationCreateFailed(
instance=instance.uuid, provider=node_uuid)
# Make sure we don't go over the max count. Note that we
# don't include instances that already have allocations in the
# max_count number, only the number of instances that have
# successfully created allocations.
if not unlimited and num_processed == max_count:
return num_processed
# Use a marker to get the next page of instances in this cell.
# Note that InstanceList doesn't support slice notation.
marker = instances[len(instances) - 1].uuid
instances = objects.InstanceList.get_by_filters(
ctxt, filters={}, sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='asc',
limit=max_count, marker=marker, expected_attrs=['flavor'])
return num_processed
_("Iterates over non-cell0 cells looking for instances which do "
"not have allocations in the Placement service and which are not "
"undergoing a task state transition. For each instance found, "
"allocations are created against the compute node resource provider "
"for that instance based on the flavor associated with the "
"instance. This command requires that the [api_database]/connection "
"and [placement] configuration options are set."))
@args('--max-count', metavar='<max_count>', dest='max_count',
help='Maximum number of instances to process. If not specified, all '
'instances in each cell will be mapped in batches of 50. '
'If you have a large number of instances, consider specifying '
'a custom value and run the command until it exits with '
'0 or 4.')
@args('--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False,
help='Provide verbose output during execution.')
def heal_allocations(self, max_count=None, verbose=False):
"""Heals instance allocations in the Placement service
Return codes:
* 0: Command completed successfully and allocations were created.
* 1: --max-count was reached and there are more instances to process.
* 2: Unable to find a compute node record for a given instance.
* 3: Unable to create allocations for an instance against its
compute node resource provider.
* 4: Command completed successfully but no allocations were created.
* 127: Invalid input.
# NOTE(mriedem): Thoughts on ways to expand this:
# - add a --dry-run option to just print which instances would have
# allocations created for them
# - allow passing a specific cell to heal
# - allow filtering on enabled/disabled cells
# - allow passing a specific instance to heal
# - add a force option to force allocations for instances which have
# task_state is not None (would get complicated during a migration);
# for example, this could cleanup ironic instances that have
# allocations on VCPU/MEMORY_MB/DISK_GB but are now using a custom
# resource class
# - add an option to overwrite allocations for instances which already
# have allocations (but the operator thinks might be wrong?); this
# would probably only be safe with a specific instance.
# - deal with nested resource providers?
output = lambda msg: None
if verbose:
output = lambda msg: print(msg)
# TODO(mriedem): Rather than --max-count being both a total and batch
# count, should we have separate options to be specific, i.e. --total
# and --batch-size? Then --batch-size defaults to 50 and --total
# defaults to None to mean unlimited.
if max_count is not None:
max_count = int(max_count)
except ValueError:
max_count = -1
unlimited = False
if max_count < 1:
print(_('Must supply a positive integer for --max-count.'))
return 127
max_count = 50
unlimited = True
output(_('Running batches of %i until complete') % max_count)
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
cells = objects.CellMappingList.get_all(ctxt)
if not cells:
output(_('No cells to process.'))
return 4
placement = report.SchedulerReportClient()
num_processed = 0
# TODO(mriedem): Use context.scatter_gather_skip_cell0.
for cell in cells:
# Skip cell0 since that is where instances go that do not get
# scheduled and hence would not have allocations against a host.
if cell.uuid == objects.CellMapping.CELL0_UUID:
output(_('Looking for instances in cell: %s') % cell.identity)
limit_per_cell = max_count
if not unlimited:
# Adjust the limit for the next cell. For example, if the user
# only wants to process a total of 100 instances and we did
# 75 in cell1, then we only need 25 more from cell2 and so on.
limit_per_cell = max_count - num_processed
with context.target_cell(ctxt, cell) as cctxt:
num_processed += self._heal_instances_in_cell(
cctxt, limit_per_cell, unlimited, output, placement)
except exception.ComputeHostNotFound as e:
return 2
except exception.AllocationCreateFailed as e:
return 3
# Make sure we don't go over the max count. Note that we
# don't include instances that already have allocations in the
# max_count number, only the number of instances that have
# successfully created allocations.
if num_processed == max_count:
output(_('Max count reached. Processed %s instances.')
% num_processed)
return 1
output(_('Processed %s instances.') % num_processed)
if not num_processed:
return 4
return 0
'api_db': ApiDbCommands,
'cell': CellCommands,
@ -1714,6 +1956,7 @@ CATEGORIES = {
'db': DbCommands,
'floating': FloatingIpCommands,
'network': NetworkCommands,
'placement': PlacementCommands

@ -2274,3 +2274,8 @@ class DeviceDeletionException(NovaException):
class OptRequiredIfOtherOptValue(NovaException):
msg_fmt = _("The %(then_opt)s option is required if %(if_opt)s is "
"specified as '%(if_value)s'.")
class AllocationCreateFailed(NovaException):
msg_fmt = _('Failed to create allocations for instance %(instance)s '
'against resource provider %(provider)s.')

@ -413,7 +413,8 @@ class TestCase(testtools.TestCase):
# otherwise we'll fail to update the scheduler while running
# the compute node startup routines below.
ctxt = context.get_context()
cell = self.cell_mappings[kwargs.pop('cell', CELL1_NAME)]
cell_name = kwargs.pop('cell', CELL1_NAME) or CELL1_NAME
cell = self.cell_mappings[cell_name]
hm = objects.HostMapping(context=ctxt,
host=host or name,

@ -10,10 +10,14 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fixtures
from six.moves import StringIO
from nova.cmd import manage
from nova import context
from nova import objects
from nova import test
from nova.tests.functional import test_servers
class NovaManageDBIronicTest(test.TestCase):
@ -348,3 +352,222 @@ class NovaManageCellV2Test(test.TestCase):
cns = objects.ComputeNodeList.get_all(self.context)
self.assertEqual(1, len(cns))
self.assertEqual(0, cns[0].mapped)
class TestNovaManagePlacementHealAllocations(
"""Functional tests for nova-manage placement heal_allocations"""
# This is required by the parent class.
compute_driver = 'fake.SmallFakeDriver'
# We want to test iterating across multiple cells.
def setUp(self):
# Since the CachingScheduler does not use Placement, we want to use
# the CachingScheduler to create instances and then we can heal their
# allocations via the CLI.
self.flags(driver='caching_scheduler', group='scheduler')
super(TestNovaManagePlacementHealAllocations, self).setUp()
self.cli = manage.PlacementCommands()
# We need to start a compute in each non-cell0 cell.
for cell_name, cell_mapping in self.cell_mappings.items():
if cell_mapping.uuid == objects.CellMapping.CELL0_UUID:
self._start_compute(cell_name, cell_name=cell_name)
# Make sure we have two hypervisors reported in the API.
hypervisors = self.admin_api.api_get(
self.assertEqual(2, len(hypervisors))
self.flavor = self.api.get_flavors()[0]
self.output = StringIO()
self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', self.output))
def _boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self, flavor, hostname):
"""Creates a server on the given host and asserts neither have usage
:param flavor: the flavor used to create the server
:param hostname: the host on which to create the server
:returns: two-item tuple of the server and the compute node resource
provider uuid
server_req = self._build_minimal_create_server_request(
self.api, 'some-server', flavor_id=flavor['id'],
server_req['availability_zone'] = 'nova:%s' % hostname
created_server = self.api.post_server({'server': server_req})
server = self._wait_for_state_change(
self.admin_api, created_server, 'ACTIVE')
# Verify that our source host is what the server ended up on
self.assertEqual(hostname, server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'])
# Check that the compute node resource provider has no allocations.
rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(hostname)
provider_usages = self._get_provider_usages(rp_uuid)
for resource_class, usage in provider_usages.items():
0, usage,
'Compute node resource provider %s should not have %s '
'usage when using the CachingScheduler.' %
(hostname, resource_class))
# Check that the server has no allocations.
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(server['id'])
self.assertEqual({}, allocations,
'Server should not have allocations when using '
'the CachingScheduler.')
return server, rp_uuid
def _assert_healed(self, server, rp_uuid):
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(server['id'])
self.assertIn(rp_uuid, allocations,
'Allocations not found for server %s and compute node '
'resource provider. %s\nOutput:%s' %
(server['id'], rp_uuid, self.output.getvalue()))
self.flavor, allocations[rp_uuid]['resources'])
def test_heal_allocations_paging(self):
"""This test runs the following scenario:
* Schedule server1 to cell1 and assert it doesn't have allocations.
* Schedule server2 to cell2 and assert it doesn't have allocations.
* Run "nova-manage placement heal_allocations --max-count 1" to make
sure we stop with just one instance and the return code is 1.
* Run "nova-manage placement heal_allocations" and assert both
both instances now have allocations against their respective compute
node resource providers.
server1, rp_uuid1 = self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(
self.flavor, 'cell1')
server2, rp_uuid2 = self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(
self.flavor, 'cell2')
# heal server1 and server2 in separate calls
for x in range(2):
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(max_count=1, verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(1, result, self.output.getvalue())
output = self.output.getvalue()
self.assertIn('Max count reached. Processed 1 instances.', output)
# If this is the 2nd call, we'll have skipped the first instance.
if x == 0:
self.assertNotIn('already has allocations', output)
self.assertIn('already has allocations', output)
self._assert_healed(server1, rp_uuid1)
self._assert_healed(server2, rp_uuid2)
# run it again to make sure nothing was processed
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(4, result, self.output.getvalue())
self.assertIn('already has allocations', self.output.getvalue())
def test_heal_allocations_paging_max_count_more_than_num_instances(self):
"""Sets up 2 instances in cell1 and 1 instance in cell2. Then specify
--max-count=10, processes 3 instances, rc is 0
servers = [] # This is really a list of 2-item tuples.
for x in range(2):
self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self.flavor, 'cell1'))
self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self.flavor, 'cell2'))
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(max_count=10, verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(0, result, self.output.getvalue())
self.assertIn('Processed 3 instances.', self.output.getvalue())
for server, rp_uuid in servers:
self._assert_healed(server, rp_uuid)
def test_heal_allocations_paging_more_instances_remain(self):
"""Tests that there is one instance in cell1 and two instances in
cell2, with a --max-count=2. This tests that we stop in cell2 once
max_count is reached.
servers = [] # This is really a list of 2-item tuples.
self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self.flavor, 'cell1'))
for x in range(2):
self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self.flavor, 'cell2'))
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(max_count=2, verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(1, result, self.output.getvalue())
self.assertIn('Max count reached. Processed 2 instances.',
# Assert that allocations were healed on the instances we expect. Order
# works here because cell mappings are retrieved by id in ascending
# order so oldest to newest, and instances are also retrieved from each
# cell by created_at in ascending order, which matches the order we put
# created servers in our list.
for x in range(2):
# And assert the remaining instance does not have allocations.
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(
self.assertEqual({}, allocations)
def test_heal_allocations_unlimited(self):
"""Sets up 2 instances in cell1 and 1 instance in cell2. Then
don't specify --max-count, processes 3 instances, rc is 0.
servers = [] # This is really a list of 2-item tuples.
for x in range(2):
self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self.flavor, 'cell1'))
self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(self.flavor, 'cell2'))
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(0, result, self.output.getvalue())
self.assertIn('Processed 3 instances.', self.output.getvalue())
for server, rp_uuid in servers:
self._assert_healed(server, rp_uuid)
def test_heal_allocations_shelved(self):
"""Tests the scenario that an instance with no allocations is shelved
so heal_allocations skips it (since the instance is not on a host).
server, rp_uuid = self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(
self.flavor, 'cell1')
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'shelve': None})
# The server status goes to SHELVED_OFFLOADED before the host/node
# is nulled out in the compute service, so we also have to wait for
# that so we don't race when we run heal_allocations.
server = self._wait_for_server_parameter(
self.admin_api, server,
{'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host': None, 'status': 'SHELVED_OFFLOADED'})
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(4, result, self.output.getvalue())
self.assertIn('Instance %s is not on a host.' % server['id'],
# Check that the server has no allocations.
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(server['id'])
self.assertEqual({}, allocations,
'Shelved-offloaded server should not have '
def test_heal_allocations_task_in_progress(self):
"""Tests the case that heal_allocations skips over an instance which
is undergoing a task state transition (in this case pausing).
server, rp_uuid = self._boot_and_assert_no_allocations(
self.flavor, 'cell1')
def fake_pause_instance(_self, ctxt, instance, *a, **kw):
self.assertEqual('pausing', instance.task_state)
# We have to stub out pause_instance so that the instance is stuck with
# task_state != None.
self.api.post_server_action(server['id'], {'pause': None})
result = self.cli.heal_allocations(verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(4, result, self.output.getvalue())
# Check that the server has no allocations.
allocations = self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(server['id'])
self.assertEqual({}, allocations,
'Server undergoing task state transition should '
'not have allocations.')
# Assert something was logged for this instance when it was skipped.
self.assertIn('Instance %s is undergoing a task state transition: '
'pausing' % server['id'], self.output.getvalue())

@ -1416,16 +1416,18 @@ class ProviderUsageBaseTestCase(test.TestCase,
self.computes = {}
def _start_compute(self, host):
def _start_compute(self, host, cell_name=None):
"""Start a nova compute service on the given host
:param host: the name of the host that will be associated to the
compute service.
:param cell_name: optional name of the cell in which to start the
compute service (defaults to cell1)
:return: the nova compute service object
compute = self.start_service('compute', host=host)
compute = self.start_service('compute', host=host, cell=cell_name)
self.computes[host] = compute
return compute

@ -2395,6 +2395,97 @@ class CellV2CommandsTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
class TestNovaManagePlacement(test.NoDBTestCase):
"""Unit tests for the nova-manage placement commands.
Tests in this class should be simple and can rely on mock, so they
are usually restricted to negative or side-effect type tests.
For more involved functional scenarios, use
def setUp(self):
super(TestNovaManagePlacement, self).setUp()
self.output = StringIO()
self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', self.output))
self.cli = manage.PlacementCommands(), 0, "one")
def test_heal_allocations_invalid_max_count(self, max_count):
self.assertEqual(127, self.cli.heal_allocations(max_count=max_count))
def test_heal_allocations_no_cells(self, mock_get_all_cells):
self.assertEqual(4, self.cli.heal_allocations(verbose=True))
self.assertIn('No cells to process', self.output.getvalue())
def test_heal_allocations_no_instances(
self, mock_get_instances, mock_get_all_cells):
self.assertEqual(4, self.cli.heal_allocations(verbose=True))
self.assertIn('Processed 0 instances.', self.output.getvalue())
uuid=uuidsentinel.instance, host='fake', node='fake',
'get_allocations_for_consumer', return_value={})
def test_heal_allocations_compute_host_not_found(
self, mock_get_compute_node, mock_get_allocs, mock_get_instances,
self.assertEqual(2, self.cli.heal_allocations())
self.assertIn('Compute host fake could not be found.',
uuid=uuidsentinel.instance, host='fake', node='fake',
task_state=None, flavor=objects.Flavor(),
project_id='fake-project', user_id='fake-user')]))
'get_allocations_for_consumer', return_value={})
'put_allocations', return_value=False)
def test_heal_allocations_put_allocations_fails(
self, mock_put_allocations, mock_res_from_flavor,
mock_get_compute_node, mock_get_allocs, mock_get_instances,
self.assertEqual(3, self.cli.heal_allocations())
self.assertIn('Failed to create allocations for instance',
instance = mock_get_instances.return_value[0]
instance, instance.flavor)
test.MatchType(context.RequestContext), uuidsentinel.node,
uuidsentinel.instance, mock.sentinel.resources, 'fake-project',
class TestNovaManageMain(test.NoDBTestCase):
"""Tests the nova-manage:main() setup code."""

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
- |
A new ``nova-manage placement heal_allocations`` CLI has been added to
help migrate users from the deprecated CachingScheduler. Starting in
16.0.0 (Pike), the nova-compute service no longer reports instance
allocations to the Placement service because the FilterScheduler does
that as part of scheduling. However, the CachingScheduler does not create
the allocations in the Placement service, so any instances created using
the CachingScheduler after Ocata will not have allocations in Placement.
The new CLI allows operators using the CachingScheduler to find all
instances in all cells which do not have allocations in Placement and
create those allocations. The CLI will skip any instances that are
undergoing a task state transition, so ideally this would be run when
the API is down but it can be run, if necessary, while the API is up.
For more details on CLI usage, see the man page entry: