Merge "Fix VMware fakes"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2013-09-02 13:02:37 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit c3e8517a46
3 changed files with 169 additions and 102 deletions

@ -592,11 +592,13 @@ class VMwareAPIVMTestCase(test.TestCase):
def test_get_vnc_console(self):
fake_vm = vmwareapi_fake._get_objects("VirtualMachine").objects[0]
fake_vm_id = int(fake_vm.obj.value.replace('vm-', ''))
vnc_dict = self.conn.get_vnc_console(self.instance)
self.assertEquals(vnc_dict['host'], "ha-host")
self.assertEquals(vnc_dict['port'], 5910)
self.assertEquals(vnc_dict['port'], cfg.CONF.vmware.vnc_port +
fake_vm_id % cfg.CONF.vmware.vnc_port_total)
def test_host_ip_addr(self):
self.assertEquals(self.conn.get_host_ip_addr(), "test_url")

@ -107,12 +107,9 @@ class VMwareVMUtilTestCase(test.TestCase):
fake_session(), cluster="fake-cluster")
def test_get_host_ref_from_id(self):
fake_host_sys = fake.HostSystem(
fake.ManagedObjectReference("HostSystem", "host-123"))
fake_host_id = fake_host_sys.obj.value
fake_host_name = "ha-host"
fake_host_sys = fake.HostSystem(fake_host_name)
fake_host_id = fake_host_sys.obj.value
fake_objects = fake.FakeRetrieveResult()
ref = vm_util.get_host_ref_from_id(
@ -126,12 +123,10 @@ class VMwareVMUtilTestCase(test.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(fake_host_name, host_name)
def test_get_host_name_for_vm(self):
fake_vm = fake.ManagedObject(
"VirtualMachine", fake.ManagedObjectReference(
"vm-123", "VirtualMachine"))
fake.Property('name', 'vm-123'))
fake_host = fake.HostSystem()
fake_host_id = fake_host.obj.value
fake_vm = fake.VirtualMachine(name='vm-123',
fake_objects = fake.FakeRetrieveResult()
@ -140,22 +135,10 @@ class VMwareVMUtilTestCase(test.TestCase):
fake_results = [
None, [
'host-123', 'HostSystem'))
fake_objects = fake.FakeRetrieveResult()
for results in fake_results:
host_id = vm_util.get_host_id_from_vm_ref(
fake_session(fake_objects), vm_ref)
self.assertEqual('host-123', host_id)
self.assertEqual(fake_host_id, host_id)
def test_property_from_property_set(self):

@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ def _create_object(table, table_obj):
_db_content[table][table_obj.obj] = table_obj
def _get_object(obj_ref):
"""Get object for the give reference."""
return _db_content[obj_ref.type][obj_ref]
def _get_objects(obj_type):
"""Get objects of the type."""
lst_objs = FakeRetrieveResult()
@ -85,6 +90,13 @@ def _get_objects(obj_type):
return lst_objs
def _convert_to_array_of_mor(mors):
"""Wraps the given array into a DataObject."""
array_of_mors = DataObject()
array_of_mors.ManagedObjectReference = mors
return array_of_mors
class FakeRetrieveResult(object):
"""Object to retrieve a ObjectContent list."""
@ -95,7 +107,20 @@ class FakeRetrieveResult(object):
class Property(object):
def _get_object_refs(obj_type):
"""Get object References of the type."""
lst_objs = []
for key in _db_content[obj_type]:
return lst_objs
def _update_object(table, table_obj):
"""Update objects of the type."""
_db_content[table][table_obj.obj] = table_obj
class Prop(object):
"""Property Object base class."""
def __init__(self, name=None, val=None):
@ -106,17 +131,18 @@ class Property(object):
class ManagedObjectReference(object):
"""A managed object reference is a remote identifier."""
def __init__(self, value="object-123", _type="ManagedObject"):
def __init__(self, name="ManagedObject", value=None):
super(ManagedObjectReference, self)
# Managed Object Reference value attributes
# typically have values like vm-123 or
# host-232 and not UUID.
self.value = value
# Managed Object Reference _type
# Managed Object Reference type
# attributes hold the name of the type
# of the vCenter object the value
# attribute is the identifier for
self._type = _type
self.type = name
self._type = name
class ObjectContent(object):
@ -146,23 +172,15 @@ class ObjectContent(object):
class ManagedObject(object):
"""Managed Object base class."""
_counter = 0
def __init__(self, name="ManagedObject", obj_ref=None, value=None):
def __init__(self, mo_id_prefix="obj"):
"""Sets the obj property which acts as a reference to the object."""
super(ManagedObject, self).__setattr__('objName', name)
# A managed object is a local representation of a
# remote object that you can reference using the
# object reference.
if obj_ref is None:
if value is None:
value = 'obj-123'
obj_ref = ManagedObjectReference(value, name)
# we use __setattr__ here because below the
# default setter has been altered for this class.
object.__setattr__(self, 'obj', obj_ref)
object.__setattr__(self, 'mo_id', self._generate_moid(mo_id_prefix))
object.__setattr__(self, 'propSet', [])
object.__setattr__(self, 'obj',
def set(self, attr, val):
@ -185,7 +203,7 @@ class ManagedObject(object):
if == attr:
prop.val = val
elem = Property()
elem = Prop() = attr
elem.val = val
@ -199,7 +217,12 @@ class ManagedObject(object):
return elem.val
msg = _("Property %(attr)s not set for the managed object %(name)s")
raise exception.NovaException(msg % {'attr': attr,
'name': self.objName})
'name': self.__class__.__name__})
def _generate_moid(self, prefix):
"""Generates a new Managed Object ID."""
self.__class__._counter += 1
return prefix + "-" + str(self.__class__._counter)
def __repr__(self):
return jsonutils.dumps(dict([(, elem.val)
@ -208,6 +231,7 @@ class ManagedObject(object):
class DataObject(object):
"""Data object base class."""
def __init__(self, obj_name=None):
self.obj_name = obj_name
@ -264,14 +288,13 @@ class VirtualMachine(ManagedObject):
"""Virtual Machine class."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(VirtualMachine, self).__init__("VirtualMachine", value='vm-10')
self.set("name", kwargs.get("name"))
super(VirtualMachine, self).__init__("vm")
self.set("name", kwargs.get("name", 'test-vm'))
kwargs.get("conn_state", "connected"))
self.set("summary.config.guestId", kwargs.get("guest", "otherGuest"))
ds_do = DataObject()
ds_do.ManagedObjectReference = [kwargs.get("ds").obj]
self.set("datastore", ds_do)
ds_do = kwargs.get("ds", None)
self.set("datastore", _convert_to_array_of_mor(ds_do))
self.set("summary.guest.toolsStatus", kwargs.get("toolsstatus",
self.set("summary.guest.toolsRunningStatus", kwargs.get(
@ -282,8 +305,7 @@ class VirtualMachine(ManagedObject):
self.set("summary.config.memorySizeMB", kwargs.get("mem", 1))
self.set("config.hardware.device", kwargs.get("virtual_device", None))
self.set("config.extraConfig", kwargs.get("extra_config", None))
ManagedObjectReference(value='host-123', _type="HostSystem"))
self.set('', kwargs.get("runtime_host", None))
self.device = kwargs.get("virtual_device")
def reconfig(self, factory, val):
@ -321,45 +343,98 @@ class Network(ManagedObject):
"""Network class."""
def __init__(self):
super(Network, self).__init__("Network")
super(Network, self).__init__("network")
self.set("", "vmnet0")
class ResourcePool(ManagedObject):
"""Resource Pool class."""
def __init__(self):
super(ResourcePool, self).__init__("ResourcePool")
self.set("name", "ResPool")
def __init__(self, name="test-rpool"):
super(ResourcePool, self).__init__("rp")
self.set("name", name)
class ClusterComputeResource(ManagedObject):
"""Cluster class."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ClusterComputeResource, self).__init__("ClusterComputeResource",
r_pool = DataObject()
obj = _get_objects("ResourcePool").objects[0].obj
r_pool.ManagedObjectReference = [obj]
self.set("resourcePool", r_pool)
host_sys = DataObject()
obj = _get_objects("HostSystem").objects[0].obj
host_sys.ManagedObjectReference = [obj]
self.set("host", host_sys)
self.set("name", "test_cluster")
def __init__(self, name="test_cluster"):
super(ClusterComputeResource, self).__init__("domain")
self.set("name", name)
self.set("host", None)
self.set("datastore", None)
self.set("resourcePool", None)
datastore = DataObject()
obj = _get_objects("Datastore").objects[0].obj
datastore.ManagedObjectReference = [obj]
self.set("datastore", datastore)
summary = DataObject()
summary.numHosts = 0
summary.numCpuCores = 0
summary.numCpuThreads = 0
summary.numEffectiveHosts = 0
summary.totalMemory = 0
summary.effectiveMemory = 0
self.set("summary", summary)
def _add_resource_pool(self, r_pool):
if r_pool:
r_pools = self.get("resourcePool")
if r_pools is None:
r_pools = DataObject()
r_pools.ManagedObjectReference = []
self.set("resourcePool", r_pools)
def _add_host(self, host_sys):
if host_sys:
hosts = self.get("host")
if hosts is None:
hosts = DataObject()
hosts.ManagedObjectReference = []
self.set("host", hosts)
# Update summary every time a new host is added
def _add_datastore(self, datastore):
if datastore:
datastores = self.get("datastore")
if datastores is None:
datastores = DataObject()
datastores.ManagedObjectReference = []
self.set("datastore", datastores)
# Method to update summary of a cluster upon host addition
def _update_summary(self):
summary = self.get("summary")
summary.numHosts = 0
summary.numCpuCores = 0
summary.numCpuThreads = 0
summary.numEffectiveHosts = 0
summary.totalMemory = 0
summary.effectiveMemory = 0
hosts = self.get("host")
# Compute the aggregate stats
summary.numHosts = len(hosts.ManagedObjectReference)
for host_ref in hosts.ManagedObjectReference:
host_sys = _get_object(host_ref)
connected = host_sys.get("connected")
host_summary = host_sys.get("summary")
summary.numCpuCores += host_summary.hardware.numCpuCores
summary.numCpuThreads += host_summary.hardware.numCpuThreads
summary.totalMemory += host_summary.hardware.memorySize
free_memory = (host_summary.hardware.memorySize / (1024 * 1024)
- host_summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage)
summary.effectiveMemory += free_memory if connected else 0
summary.numEffectiveHosts += 1 if connected else 0
self.set("summary", summary)
class Datastore(ManagedObject):
"""Datastore class."""
def __init__(self, name="fake-ds"):
super(Datastore, self).__init__("Datastore")
super(Datastore, self).__init__("ds")
self.set("summary.type", "VMFS")
self.set("", name)
self.set("summary.capacity", 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
@ -370,9 +445,9 @@ class Datastore(ManagedObject):
class HostNetworkSystem(ManagedObject):
"""HostNetworkSystem class."""
def __init__(self):
super(HostNetworkSystem, self).__init__("HostNetworkSystem")
self.set("name", "networkSystem")
def __init__(self, name="networkSystem"):
super(HostNetworkSystem, self).__init__("ns")
self.set("name", name)
pnic_do = DataObject()
pnic_do.device = "vmnic0"
@ -386,9 +461,9 @@ class HostNetworkSystem(ManagedObject):
class HostSystem(ManagedObject):
"""Host System class."""
def __init__(self, obj_ref=None, value='host-123'):
super(HostSystem, self).__init__("HostSystem", obj_ref, value)
self.set("name", "ha-host")
def __init__(self, name="ha-host", connected=True):
super(HostSystem, self).__init__("host")
self.set("name", name)
if _db_content.get("HostNetworkSystem", None) is None:
host_net_key = _db_content["HostNetworkSystem"].keys()[0]
@ -422,7 +497,9 @@ class HostSystem(ManagedObject):
net_info_pnic.PhysicalNic = [pnic_do]
self.set("summary", summary)
self.set("summary.hardware", hardware)
self.set("", net_info_pnic)
self.set("connected", connected)
if _db_content.get("Network", None) is None:
@ -493,9 +570,9 @@ class HostSystem(ManagedObject):
class Datacenter(ManagedObject):
"""Datacenter class."""
def __init__(self):
super(Datacenter, self).__init__("Datacenter")
self.set("name", "ha-datacenter")
def __init__(self, name="ha-datacenter"):
super(Datacenter, self).__init__("dc")
self.set("name", name)
self.set("vmFolder", "vm_folder_ref")
if _db_content.get("Network", None) is None:
@ -548,6 +625,8 @@ def create_network():
def create_cluster():
cluster = ClusterComputeResource()
_create_object('ClusterComputeResource', cluster)
@ -653,6 +732,12 @@ class FakeVim(object):
service_content.fileManager = "FileManager"
service_content.rootFolder = "RootFolder"
service_content.sessionManager = "SessionManager"
about_info = DataObject() = "VMware vCenter Server"
about_info.version = "5.1.0"
service_content.about = about_info
self._service_content = service_content
def get_service_content(self):
@ -701,9 +786,11 @@ class FakeVim(object):
def _create_vm(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
"""Creates and registers a VM object with the Host System."""
config_spec = kwargs.get("config")
ds = _db_content["Datastore"][_db_content["Datastore"].keys()[0]]
ds = _db_content["Datastore"].keys()[0]
host = _db_content["HostSystem"].keys()[0]
vm_dict = {"name":,
"ds": ds,
"ds": [ds],
"runtime_host": host,
"powerstate": "poweredOff",
"vmPathName": config_spec.files.vmPathName,
"numCpu": config_spec.numCPUs,
@ -820,25 +907,20 @@ class FakeVim(object):
obj_ref = obj.obj
# This means that we are doing a search for the managed
# dataobjects of the type in the inventory
# data objects of the type in the inventory
if obj_ref == "RootFolder":
for mdo_ref in _db_content[type]:
mdo = _db_content[type][mdo_ref]
# Create a temp Managed object which has the same ref
# as the parent object and copies just the properties
# asked for. We need .obj along with the propSet of
# just the properties asked for
temp_mdo = ManagedObject(mdo.objName, mdo.obj)
for prop in properties:
temp_mdo.set(prop, mdo.get(prop))
mdo_refs = _db_content[type]
if obj_ref in _db_content[type]:
mdo = _db_content[type][obj_ref]
temp_mdo = ManagedObject(mdo.objName, obj_ref)
for prop in properties:
temp_mdo.set(prop, mdo.get(prop))
mdo_refs = [obj_ref]
for mdo_ref in mdo_refs:
mdo = _db_content[type][mdo_ref]
prop_list = []
for prop_name in properties:
prop = Prop(prop_name, mdo.get(prop_name))
obj_content = ObjectContent(mdo.obj, prop_list)
except Exception as exc: