Move our ObjectListBase to subclass from the Oslo one

This lets us drop a lot of the stuff in our object list base class
in favor of what is provided by oslo. Note that a couple of methods
have to be added in there temporarily because they are on the oslo
base object class, which we don't yet inherit from.

Related to blueprint use-oslo-objects

Change-Id: If5514804f6cd2f54eb103e887575f036edebfcee
This commit is contained in:
Dan Smith 2015-04-15 10:22:08 -07:00
parent 2a5b1db132
commit d5faff1ff2
2 changed files with 17 additions and 178 deletions

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@ -675,78 +675,21 @@ class NovaPersistentObject(object):
class ObjectListBase(object):
"""Mixin class for lists of objects.
class ObjectListBase(ovoo_base.ObjectListBase):
# NOTE(danms): These are for transition to using the oslo
# base object and can be removed when we move to it.
def _obj_primitive_key(cls, field):
return 'nova_object.%s' % field
This mixin class can be added as a base class for an object that
is implementing a list of objects. It adds a single field of 'objects',
which is the list store, and behaves like a list itself. It supports
serialization of the list of objects automatically.
fields = {
'objects': obj_fields.ListOfObjectsField('NovaObject'),
# This is a dictionary of my_version:child_version mappings so that
# we can support backleveling our contents based on the version
# requested of the list object.
child_versions = {}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ObjectListBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if 'objects' not in kwargs:
self.objects = []
def __iter__(self):
"""List iterator interface."""
return iter(self.objects)
def __len__(self):
"""List length."""
return len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""List index access."""
if isinstance(index, slice):
new_obj = self.__class__()
new_obj.objects = self.objects[index]
# NOTE(danms): We must be mixed in with a NovaObject!
new_obj._context = self._context
return new_obj
return self.objects[index]
def __contains__(self, value):
"""List membership test."""
return value in self.objects
def count(self, value):
"""List count of value occurrences."""
return self.objects.count(value)
def index(self, value):
"""List index of value."""
return self.objects.index(value)
def sort(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
self.objects.sort(cmp=cmp, key=key, reverse=reverse)
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
primitives = primitive['objects']
child_target_version = self.child_versions.get(target_version, '1.0')
for index, item in enumerate(self.objects):
primitives[index]['nova_object.version'] = child_target_version
def obj_what_changed(self):
changes = set(self._changed_fields)
for child in self.objects:
if child.obj_what_changed():
return changes
def _obj_primitive_field(cls, primitive, field,
key = cls._obj_primitive_key(field)
if default == obj_fields.UnspecifiedDefault:
return primitive[key]
return primitive.get(key, default)
class NovaObjectSerializer(messaging.NoOpSerializer):

View File

@ -253,7 +253,9 @@ class TestObjMakeList(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_obj_make_list(self):
class MyList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('MyObj'),
db_objs = [{'foo': 1, 'bar': 'baz', 'missing': 'banana'},
{'foo': 2, 'bar': 'bat', 'missing': 'apple'},
@ -972,112 +974,6 @@ class TestRemoteObject(_RemoteTest, _TestObject):
class TestObjectListBase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_list_like_operations(self):
class MyElement(base.NovaObject):
fields = {'foo': fields.IntegerField()}
def __init__(self, foo):
super(MyElement, self).__init__() = foo
class Foo(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
fields = {'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('MyElement')}
objlist = Foo(context='foo',
objects=[MyElement(1), MyElement(2), MyElement(3)])
self.assertEqual(list(objlist), objlist.objects)
self.assertEqual(len(objlist), 3)
self.assertIn(objlist.objects[0], objlist)
self.assertEqual(list(objlist[:1]), [objlist.objects[0]])
self.assertEqual(objlist[:1]._context, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(objlist[2], objlist.objects[2])
self.assertEqual(objlist.count(objlist.objects[0]), 1)
self.assertEqual(objlist.index(objlist.objects[1]), 1)
objlist.sort(key=lambda x:, reverse=True)
self.assertEqual([3, 2, 1],
[ for x in objlist])
def test_serialization(self):
class Foo(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
fields = {'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Bar')}
class Bar(base.NovaObject):
fields = {'foo': fields.Field(fields.String())}
obj = Foo(objects=[])
for i in 'abc':
bar = Bar(foo=i)
obj2 = base.NovaObject.obj_from_primitive(obj.obj_to_primitive())
self.assertFalse(obj is obj2)
self.assertEqual([ for x in obj],
[ for y in obj2])
def _test_object_list_version_mappings(self, list_obj_class):
# Figure out what sort of object this list is for
list_field = list_obj_class.fields['objects']
item_obj_field = list_field._type._element_type
item_obj_name = item_obj_field._type._obj_name
# Look through all object classes of this type and make sure that
# the versions we find are covered by the parent list class
for item_class in base.NovaObject._obj_classes[item_obj_name]:
'Version mapping is incomplete for %s' % (
def test_object_version_mappings(self):
# Find all object list classes and make sure that they at least handle
# all the current object versions
for obj_classes in base.NovaObject._obj_classes.values():
for obj_class in obj_classes:
if issubclass(obj_class, base.ObjectListBase):
def test_list_changes(self):
class Foo(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
fields = {'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Bar')}
class Bar(base.NovaObject):
fields = {'foo': fields.StringField()}
obj = Foo(objects=[])
self.assertEqual(set(['objects']), obj.obj_what_changed())
self.assertEqual(set(['objects']), obj.obj_what_changed())
# This should still look dirty because the child is dirty
self.assertEqual(set(['objects']), obj.obj_what_changed())
# This should now look clean because the child is clean
self.assertEqual(set(), obj.obj_what_changed())
def test_initialize_objects(self):
class Foo(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
fields = {'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Bar')}
class Bar(base.NovaObject):
fields = {'foo': fields.StringField()}
obj = Foo()
self.assertEqual([], obj.objects)
self.assertEqual(set(), obj.obj_what_changed())
def test_obj_repr(self):
class Foo(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
fields = {'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Bar')}
class Bar(base.NovaObject):
fields = {'uuid': fields.StringField()}
obj = Foo(objects=[Bar(uuid='fake-uuid')])
self.assertEqual('Foo(objects=[Bar(fake-uuid)])', repr(obj))
class TestObjectSerializer(_BaseTestCase):
def test_serialize_entity_primitive(self):
ser = base.NovaObjectSerializer()