Count server groups to check quota

This changes server groups from a ReservableResource to a
CountableResource and replaces quota reserve/commit/rollback with
check_deltas accordingly.

A new configuration option [quota]/recheck_quota has also been added
to control whether quota should be checked a second time after
resources have been created, to prevent allowing quota to be exceeded
as a result of racing requests.

Co-Authored-By: melanie witt <>

Part of blueprint cells-count-resources-to-check-quota-in-api

Change-Id: If87c84001673e5e463136435327044cc06f87a17
This commit is contained in:
Dan Smith 2017-03-15 16:18:10 -07:00 committed by melanie witt
parent b1647af290
commit eab1d4b5cc
6 changed files with 111 additions and 62 deletions

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from nova.api.openstack.compute.schemas import server_groups as schema
from nova.api.openstack import extensions
from nova.api.openstack import wsgi
from nova.api import validation
import nova.conf
from nova import context as nova_context
import nova.exception
from nova.i18n import _
@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ALIAS = "os-server-groups"
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
def _authorize_context(req, action):
context = req.environ['nova.context']
@ -124,28 +127,11 @@ class ServerGroupController(wsgi.Controller):
sg = objects.InstanceGroup.get_by_uuid(context, id)
except nova.exception.InstanceGroupNotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
quotas = objects.Quotas(context=context)
project_id, user_id = objects.quotas.ids_from_server_group(context, sg)
# We have to add the quota back to the user that created
# the server group
user_id=user_id, server_groups=-1)
except Exception:
quotas = None
LOG.exception("Failed to update usages deallocating server group")
except nova.exception.InstanceGroupNotFound as e:
if quotas:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
if quotas:
def index(self, req):
"""Returns a list of server groups."""
@ -169,10 +155,9 @@ class ServerGroupController(wsgi.Controller):
"""Creates a new server group."""
context = _authorize_context(req, 'create')
quotas = objects.Quotas(context=context)
user_id=context.user_id, server_groups=1)
objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'server_groups': 1},
context.project_id, context.user_id)
except nova.exception.OverQuota:
msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many server groups.")
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)
@ -186,10 +171,22 @@ class ServerGroupController(wsgi.Controller):
sg.policies = vals.get('policies')
except ValueError as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e)
# NOTE(melwitt): We recheck the quota after creating the object to
# prevent users from allocating more resources than their allowed quota
# in the event of a race. This is configurable because it can be
# expensive if strict quota limits are not required in a deployment.
if CONF.quota.recheck_quota:
objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'server_groups': 0},
except nova.exception.OverQuota:
msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many server groups.")
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)
return {'server_group': self._format_server_group(context, sg, req)}

@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ to help keep quota usage up-to-date and reduce the impact of out of sync usage
issues. Note that quotas are not updated on a periodic task, they will update
on a new reservation if max_age has passed since the last reservation.
# TODO(pumaranikar): Add a new config to select between the db_driver and
# the no_op driver using stevedore.
@ -306,6 +305,31 @@ Possible values:
* nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver (default) or any string representing fully
qualified class name.
Recheck quota after resource creation to prevent allowing quota to be exceeded.
This defaults to True (recheck quota after resource creation) but can be set to
False to avoid additional load if allowing quota to be exceeded because of
racing requests is considered acceptable. For example, when set to False, if a
user makes highly parallel REST API requests to create servers, it will be
possible for them to create more servers than their allowed quota during the
race. If their quota is 10 servers, they might be able to create 50 during the
burst. After the burst, they will not be able to create any more servers but
they will be able to keep their 50 servers until they delete them.
The initial quota check is done before resources are created, so if multiple
parallel requests arrive at the same time, all could pass the quota check and
create resources, potentially exceeding quota. When recheck_quota is True,
quota will be checked a second time after resources have been created and if
the resource is over quota, it will be deleted and OverQuota will be raised,
usually resulting in a 403 response to the REST API user. This makes it
impossible for a user to exceed their quota with the caveat that it will,
however, be possible for a REST API user to be rejected with a 403 response in
the event of a collision close to reaching their quota limit, even if the user
has enough quota available when they made the request.

@ -1857,6 +1857,22 @@ def _server_group_count_members_by_user(context, group, user_id):
return {'user': {'server_group_members': count}}
def _server_group_count(context, project_id, user_id=None):
"""Get the counts of server groups in the database.
:param context: The request context for database access
:param project_id: The project_id to count across
:param user_id: The user_id to count across
:returns: A dict containing the project-scoped counts and user-scoped
counts if user_id is specified. For example:
{'project': {'server_groups': <count across project>},
'user': {'server_groups': <count across user>}}
return objects.InstanceGroupList.get_counts(context, project_id,
def _security_group_rule_count_by_group(context, security_group_id):
count = db.security_group_rule_count_by_group(context, security_group_id)
# NOTE(melwitt): Neither 'project' nor 'user' fit perfectly here as
@ -1888,8 +1904,7 @@ resources = [
CountableResource('key_pairs', _keypair_get_count_by_user, 'key_pairs'),
ReservableResource('server_groups', '_sync_server_groups',
CountableResource('server_groups', _server_group_count, 'server_groups'),

@ -13,13 +13,14 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import webob
from nova.api.openstack.compute import server_groups as sg_v21
from nova import context
from nova import quota
from nova import objects
from nova import test
from nova.tests.unit.api.openstack import fakes
from nova.tests import uuidsentinel as uuids
@ -84,8 +85,10 @@ class ServerGroupQuotasTestV21(test.TestCase):
def _assert_server_groups_in_use(self, project_id, user_id, in_use):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
result = quota.QUOTAS.get_user_quotas(ctxt, project_id, user_id)
self.assertEqual(result['server_groups']['in_use'], in_use)
counts = objects.InstanceGroupList.get_counts(ctxt, project_id,
self.assertEqual(in_use, counts['project']['server_groups'])
self.assertEqual(in_use, counts['user']['server_groups'])
def test_create_server_group_normal(self):
@ -112,6 +115,18 @@ class ServerGroupQuotasTestV21(test.TestCase):
self.req, body={'server_group': sgroup})
def test_create_server_group_recheck_disabled(self, mock_check):
self.flags(recheck_quota=False, group='quota')
sgroup = server_group_template()
policies = ['anti-affinity']
sgroup['policies'] = policies
self.controller.create(self.req, body={'server_group': sgroup})
ctxt = self.req.environ['nova.context']
mock_check.assert_called_once_with(ctxt, {'server_groups': 1},
ctxt.project_id, ctxt.user_id)
def test_delete_server_group_by_admin(self):
sgroup = server_group_template()

@ -2329,8 +2329,7 @@ class DbQuotaDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
['instances', 'cores', 'ram',
'floating_ips', 'security_groups',
'floating_ips', 'security_groups'],
@ -2341,7 +2340,6 @@ class DbQuotaDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
ram=50 * 1024,
def test_get_quotas_no_sync(self):
@ -2353,7 +2351,8 @@ class DbQuotaDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
'server_group_members'], False,
'server_groups'], False,
self.assertEqual(self.calls, ['get_project_quotas'])
@ -2364,6 +2363,7 @@ class DbQuotaDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
def test_limit_check_under(self):
@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@ class QuotaSqlAlchemyBase(test.TestCase):
for res_name in ('instances', 'cores', 'ram', 'fixed_ips',
'security_groups', 'server_groups', 'floating_ips'):
'security_groups', 'floating_ips'):
method_name = '_sync_%s' % res_name
sqa_api.QUOTA_SYNC_FUNCTIONS[method_name] = make_sync(res_name)
res = quota.ReservableResource(res_name, '_sync_%s' % res_name)
@ -3085,8 +3085,7 @@ class QuotaReserveSqlAlchemyTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
def _init_usages(self, *in_use, **kwargs):
for i, option in enumerate(('instances', 'cores', 'ram', 'fixed_ips',
'server_groups', 'security_groups',
'security_groups', 'floating_ips')):
self.init_usage('test_project', 'fake_user',
option, in_use[i], **kwargs)
return FakeContext('test_project', 'test_class')
@ -3107,15 +3106,8 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
# 1 cores user
# 2 ram user
# 3 fixed_ips project
# 4 server_groups user
# 5 security_groups user
# 6 floating_ips project
# 4 security_groups user
# 5 floating_ips project
@ -3136,7 +3128,6 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
self.usages_list[3]['reserved'] = 0
self.usages_list[4]['reserved'] = 0
self.usages_list[5]['reserved'] = 0
self.usages_list[6]['reserved'] = 0
def fake_quota_get_all_by_project_and_user(context, project_id,
@ -3182,7 +3173,7 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
quota.QUOTAS.usage_refresh(ctxt, 'test_project', 'fake_user')
self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['instances', 'server_groups',
self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['instances',
# Compare the expected usages with the actual usages.
@ -3190,8 +3181,8 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
self.usages_list[3]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[3]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect floating_ips not to change since it is project scoped.
self.usages_list[6]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[6]['until_refresh'] = 5
self.usages_list[5]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[5]['until_refresh'] = 5
self.compare_usage(self.usages, self.usages_list)
# No usages were created.
@ -3200,11 +3191,12 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
def test_usage_refresh_user_two_keys(self):
context = self._init_usages(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
until_refresh = 5)
keys = ['server_groups', 'ram']
keys = ['security_groups', 'ram']
# Let the context determine the project_id and user_id
quota.QUOTAS.usage_refresh(context, None, None, keys)
self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['instances', 'server_groups']))
self.assertEqual(self.sync_called, set(['instances',
# Compare the expected usages with the actual usages.
# Expect fixed_ips not to change since it is project scoped.
@ -3213,9 +3205,9 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
# Expect security_groups not to change since it is not in keys list.
self.usages_list[5]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[5]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect fixed_ips not to change since it is project scoped.
self.usages_list[6]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[6]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect floating_ips not to change since it is project scoped.
self.usages_list[5]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[5]['until_refresh'] = 5
self.compare_usage(self.usages, self.usages_list)
# No usages were created.
@ -3259,12 +3251,9 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
# Expect ram not to change since it is user scoped.
self.usages_list[2]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[2]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect server_groups not to change since it is user scoped.
# Expect security_groups not to change since it is user scoped.
self.usages_list[4]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[4]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect security_groups not to change since it is user scoped.
self.usages_list[5]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[5]['until_refresh'] = 5
self.compare_usage(self.usages, self.usages_list)
self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
@ -3291,12 +3280,9 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
# Expect fixed_ips not to change since it is not in the keys list.
self.usages_list[3]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[3]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect server_groups not to change since it is user scoped.
# Expect security_groups not to change since it is user scoped.
self.usages_list[4]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[4]['until_refresh'] = 5
# Expect security_groups not to change since it is user scoped.
self.usages_list[5]['in_use'] = 3
self.usages_list[5]['until_refresh'] = 5
self.compare_usage(self.usages, self.usages_list)
self.assertEqual(self.usages_created, {})
@ -3312,7 +3298,7 @@ class QuotaEngineUsageRefreshTestCase(QuotaSqlAlchemyBase):
# Compare the expected usages with the created usages.
# Expect floating_ips to be created and initialized to 0
self.usages_list[6]['in_use'] = 0
self.usages_list[5]['in_use'] = 0
self.compare_usage(self.usages_created, self.usages_list[6:])
self.assertEqual(len(self.usages_created), 1)

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- |
A new configuration option ``[quota]/recheck_quota`` has been added to
recheck quota after resource creation to prevent allowing quota to be
exceeded as a result of racing requests. It defaults to True, which makes
it impossible for a user to exceed their quota. However, it will be
possible for a REST API user to be rejected with an over quota 403 error
response in the event of a collision close to reaching their quota limit,
even if the user has enough quota available when they made the request.
Operators may want to set the option to False to avoid additional load on
the system if allowing quota to be exceeded because of racing requests is
considered acceptable.