# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import glob import jsonschema import logging import microversion_parse import os import yaml import os_resource_classes import os_traits from nova import exception as nova_exc from nova.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # A dictionary with keys for all supported major versions with lists of # corresponding minor versions as values. SUPPORTED_SCHEMA_VERSIONS = { 1: {0} } # Supported provider config file schema SCHEMA_V1 = { # This definition uses JSON Schema Draft 7. # https://json-schema.org/draft-07/json-schema-release-notes.html 'type': 'object', 'properties': { # This property is used to track where the provider.yaml file # originated. It is reserved for internal use and should never be # set in a provider.yaml file supplied by an end user. '__source_file': {'not': {}}, 'meta': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { # Version ($Major, $minor) of the schema must successfully # parse documents conforming to ($Major, 0..N). # Any breaking schema change (e.g. removing fields, adding # new required fields, imposing a stricter pattern on a value, # etc.) must bump $Major. 'schema_version': { 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^1.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$' } }, 'required': ['schema_version'], 'additionalProperties': True }, 'providers': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'identification': { '$ref': '#/$defs/providerIdentification' }, 'inventories': { '$ref': '#/$defs/providerInventories' }, 'traits': { '$ref': '#/$defs/providerTraits' } }, 'required': ['identification'], 'additionalProperties': True } } }, 'required': ['meta'], 'additionalProperties': True, '$defs': { 'providerIdentification': { # Identify a single provider to configure. # Exactly one identification method should be used. Currently # `uuid` or `name` are supported, but future versions may # support others. The uuid can be set to the sentinel value # `$COMPUTE_NODE` which will cause the consuming compute service to # apply the configuration to all compute node root providers # it manages that are not otherwise specified using a uuid or name. 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'uuid': { 'oneOf': [ { # TODO(sean-k-mooney): replace this with type uuid # when we can depend on a version of the jsonschema # lib that implements draft 8 or later of the # jsonschema spec. 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-' '[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-' '[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$' }, { 'type': 'string', 'const': '$COMPUTE_NODE' } ] }, 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'minLength': 1, 'maxLength': 200 } }, # This introduces the possibility of an unsupported key name being # used to get by schema validation, but is necessary to support # forward compatibility with new identification methods. # This should be checked after schema validation. 'minProperties': 1, 'maxProperties': 1, 'additionalProperties': False }, 'providerInventories': { # Allows the admin to specify various adjectives to create and # manage providers' inventories. This list of adjectives can be # extended in the future as the schema evolves to meet new use # cases. As of v1.0, only one adjective, `additional`, is # supported. 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'additional': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'patternProperties': { # Allows any key name matching the resource class # pattern, check to prevent conflicts with virt # driver owned resources classes will be done after # schema validation. '^[A-Z0-9_]{1,255}$': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { # Any optional properties not populated # will be given a default value by # placement. If overriding a pre-existing # provider values will not be preserved # from the existing inventory. 'total': { 'type': 'integer' }, 'reserved': { 'type': 'integer' }, 'min_unit': { 'type': 'integer' }, 'max_unit': { 'type': 'integer' }, 'step_size': { 'type': 'integer' }, 'allocation_ratio': { 'type': 'number' } }, 'required': ['total'], # The defined properties reflect the current # placement data model. While defining those # in the schema and not allowing additional # properties means we will need to bump the # schema version if they change, that is likely # to be part of a large change that may have # other impacts anyway. The benefit of stricter # validation of property names outweighs the # (small) chance of having to bump the schema # version as described above. 'additionalProperties': False } }, # This ensures only keys matching the pattern # above are allowed. 'additionalProperties': False } } }, 'additionalProperties': True }, 'providerTraits': { # Allows the admin to specify various adjectives to create and # manage providers' traits. This list of adjectives can be extended # in the future as the schema evolves to meet new use cases. # As of v1.0, only one adjective, `additional`, is supported. 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'additional': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { # Allows any value matching the trait pattern here, # additional validation will be done after schema # validation. 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^[A-Z0-9_]{1,255}$' } } }, 'additionalProperties': True } } } def _load_yaml_file(path): """Loads and parses a provider.yaml config file into a dict. :param path: Path to the yaml file to load. :return: Dict representing the yaml file requested. :raise: ProviderConfigException if the path provided cannot be read or the file is not valid yaml. """ try: with open(path) as open_file: try: return yaml.safe_load(open_file) except yaml.YAMLError as ex: message = _("Unable to load yaml file: %s ") % ex if hasattr(ex, 'problem_mark'): pos = ex.problem_mark message += _("File: %s ") % open_file.name message += _("Error position: " "({line}:{column})").format( line=pos.line + 1, column=pos.column + 1) raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) except OSError: message = _("Unable to read yaml config file: %s") % path raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) def _validate_provider_config(config, provider_config_path): """Accepts a schema-verified provider config in the form of a dict and performs additional checks for format and required keys. :param config: Dict containing a provider config file :param provider_config_path: Path to the provider config, used for logging :return: List of valid providers :raise nova.exception.ProviderConfigException: If provider id is missing, or a resource class or trait name is invalid. """ def _validate_traits(provider): # Check that traits are custom additional_traits = set(provider.get("traits", {}).get( "additional", [])) trait_conflicts = [trait for trait in additional_traits if not os_traits.is_custom(trait)] if trait_conflicts: # sort for more predictable message for testing message = _( "Invalid traits, only custom traits are allowed: %s" ) % sorted(trait_conflicts) raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) return additional_traits def _validate_rc(provider): # Check that resource classes are custom additional_inventories = provider.get("inventories", {}).get( "additional", []) all_inventory_conflicts = [] for inventory in additional_inventories: inventory_conflicts = [rc for rc in inventory if not os_resource_classes.is_custom(rc)] all_inventory_conflicts += inventory_conflicts if all_inventory_conflicts: # sort for more predictable message for testing message = _( "Invalid resource class, only custom resource classes " "are allowed: %s") % ', '.join(sorted(all_inventory_conflicts)) raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) return additional_inventories # store valid providers valid_providers = [] for provider in config.get("providers", []): # Check that the identification method is known since # the schema only requires that some property be present pid = provider["identification"] provider_id = pid.get("name") or pid.get("uuid") # Not checking the validity of provider_id since # the schema has already ensured that. additional_traits = _validate_traits(provider) additional_inventories = _validate_rc(provider) # filter out no-op providers so they will not be returned if not additional_traits and not additional_inventories: message = ( "Provider %(provider_id)s defined in %(provider_config_path)s " "has no additional inventories or traits and will be ignored." ) % { "provider_id": provider_id, "provider_config_path": provider_config_path } LOG.warning(message) else: valid_providers.append(provider) return valid_providers def _parse_provider_yaml(path): """Loads schema, parses a provider.yaml file and validates the content. :param path: File system path to the file to parse. :return: dict representing the contents of the file. :raise ProviderConfigException: If the specified file does not validate against the schema, the schema version is not supported, or if unable to read configuration or schema files. """ yaml_file = _load_yaml_file(path) try: schema_version = microversion_parse.parse_version_string( yaml_file['meta']['schema_version']) except (KeyError, TypeError): message = _("Unable to detect schema version: %s") % yaml_file raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) if schema_version.major not in SUPPORTED_SCHEMA_VERSIONS: message = _( "Unsupported schema major version: %d") % schema_version.major raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) if schema_version.minor not in \ SUPPORTED_SCHEMA_VERSIONS[schema_version.major]: # TODO(sean-k-mooney): We should try to provide a better # message that identifies which fields may be ignored # and the max minor version supported by this version of nova. message = ( "Provider config file [%(path)s] is at schema version " "%(schema_version)s. Nova supports the major version, " "but not the minor. Some fields may be ignored." % {"path": path, "schema_version": schema_version}) LOG.warning(message) try: jsonschema.validate(yaml_file, SCHEMA_V1) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e: message = _( "The provider config file %(path)s did not pass validation " "for schema version %(schema_version)s: %(reason)s") % { "path": path, "schema_version": schema_version, "reason": e} raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException(error=message) return yaml_file def get_provider_configs(provider_config_dir): """Gathers files in the provided path and calls the parser for each file and merges them into a list while checking for a number of possible conflicts. :param provider_config_dir: Path to a directory containing provider config files to be loaded. :raise nova.exception.ProviderConfigException: If unable to read provider config directory or if one of a number of validation checks fail: - Unknown, unsupported, or missing schema major version. - Unknown, unsupported, or missing resource provider identification. - A specific resource provider is identified twice with the same method. If the same provider identified by *different* methods, such conflict will be detected in a later stage. - A resource class or trait name is invalid or not custom. - A general schema validation error occurs (required fields, types, etc). :return: A dict of dicts keyed by uuid_or_name with the parsed and validated contents of all files in the provided dir. Each value in the dict will include the source file name the value of the __source_file key. """ provider_configs = {} provider_config_paths = glob.glob( os.path.join(provider_config_dir, "*.yaml")) provider_config_paths.sort() if not provider_config_paths: message = ( "No provider configs found in %s. If files are present, " "ensure the Nova process has access." ) LOG.info(message, provider_config_dir) # return an empty dict as no provider configs found return provider_configs for provider_config_path in provider_config_paths: provider_config = _parse_provider_yaml(provider_config_path) for provider in _validate_provider_config( provider_config, provider_config_path, ): provider['__source_file'] = os.path.basename(provider_config_path) pid = provider["identification"] uuid_or_name = pid.get("uuid") or pid.get("name") # raise exception if this provider was already processed if uuid_or_name in provider_configs: raise nova_exc.ProviderConfigException( error=_( "Provider %(provider_id)s has multiple definitions " "in source file(s): %(source_files)s." ) % { "provider_id": uuid_or_name, # sorted set for deduplication and consistent order "source_files": sorted({ provider_configs[uuid_or_name]["__source_file"], provider_config_path }) } ) provider_configs[uuid_or_name] = provider return provider_configs