# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Configuration for libvirt objects. Classes to represent the configuration of various libvirt objects and support conversion to/from XML. These classes are solely concerned by providing direct Object <-> XML document conversions. No policy or operational decisions should be made by code in these classes. Such policy belongs in the 'designer.py' module which provides simplified helpers for populating up config object instances. """ import time import typing as ty from collections import OrderedDict from lxml import etree from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import units from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova.objects import fields from nova.pci import utils as pci_utils from nova.virt import hardware # Namespace to use for Nova specific metadata items in XML NOVA_NS = "http://openstack.org/xmlns/libvirt/nova/1.1" def make_libvirt_device_alias(identifier): return 'ua-%s' % identifier def parse_libvirt_device_alias(alias): if alias.startswith('ua-'): return alias.split('-', 1)[1] else: return alias class LibvirtConfigObject(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigObject, self).__init__() self.root_name = kwargs.pop("root_name") self.ns_prefix = kwargs.pop("ns_prefix", None) self.ns_uri = kwargs.pop("ns_uri", None) # handle programmer error assert not kwargs def _new_node(self, node_name, **kwargs): if self.ns_uri is None: return etree.Element(node_name, **kwargs) else: return etree.Element("{" + self.ns_uri + "}" + node_name, nsmap={self.ns_prefix: self.ns_uri}, **kwargs) def _text_node(self, node_name, value, **kwargs): child = self._new_node(node_name, **kwargs) if value is not None: child.text = str(value) return child def format_dom(self): return self._new_node(self.root_name) def parse_str(self, xmlstr): self.parse_dom(etree.fromstring(xmlstr)) def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): if self.root_name != xmldoc.tag: msg = (_("Root element name should be '%(name)s' not '%(tag)s'") % {'name': self.root_name, 'tag': xmldoc.tag}) raise exception.InvalidInput(msg) def to_xml(self, pretty_print=True): root = self.format_dom() xml_str = etree.tostring(root, encoding='unicode', pretty_print=pretty_print) return xml_str @classmethod def parse_on_off_str(self, value: ty.Optional[str]) -> bool: if value is not None and value not in ('on', 'off'): msg = _( "Element should contain either 'on' or 'off'; " "found: '%(value)s'" ) raise exception.InvalidInput(msg % {'value': value}) return value == 'on' @classmethod def get_yes_no_str(self, value: bool) -> str: return 'yes' if value else 'no' @classmethod def get_on_off_str(self, value: bool) -> str: return 'on' if value else 'off' def __repr__(self): return self.to_xml(pretty_print=False) class LibvirtConfigCaps(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCaps, self).__init__(root_name="capabilities", **kwargs) self.host = None self.guests = [] def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCaps, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "host": host = LibvirtConfigCapsHost() host.parse_dom(c) self.host = host elif c.tag == "guest": guest = LibvirtConfigCapsGuest() guest.parse_dom(c) self.guests.append(guest) def format_dom(self): caps = super(LibvirtConfigCaps, self).format_dom() if self.host: caps.append(self.host.format_dom()) for g in self.guests: caps.append(g.format_dom()) return caps class LibvirtConfigDomainCaps(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCaps, self).__init__( root_name="domainCapabilities", **kwargs) self._features = None self._machine = None self._alias = None self._devices = None self._os = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCaps, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "features": features = LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatures() features.parse_dom(c) self._features = features elif c.tag == "machine": self._machine = c.text elif c.tag == "devices": devices = LibvirtConfigDomainCapsDevices() devices.parse_dom(c) self._devices = devices elif c.tag == "os": os = LibvirtConfigDomainCapsOS() os.parse_dom(c) self._os = os @property def features(self): if self._features is None: return [] return self._features.features @property def machine_type(self): if self._machine is None: return "" return self._machine @property def machine_type_alias(self): if self._alias is None: return self._machine return self._alias @machine_type_alias.setter def machine_type_alias(self, alias): self._alias = alias @property def devices(self): if self._devices is None: return [] return self._devices @property def os(self): return self._os class LibvirtConfigDomainCapsVideoModels(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(root_name='video', **kwargs) self.supported = False self.models = set() def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super().parse_dom(xmldoc) if xmldoc.get('supported') == 'yes': self.supported = True self.models = {str(node) for node in xmldoc.xpath("//enum[@name='modelType']/value/text()")} class LibvirtConfigDomainCapsDiskBuses(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(root_name='disk', **kwargs) self.supported = False self.buses = set() def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCapsDiskBuses, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) if xmldoc.get('supported') == 'yes': self.supported = True self.buses = {str(node) for node in xmldoc.xpath("//enum[@name='bus']/value/text()")} class LibvirtConfigDomainCapsDevices(LibvirtConfigObject): DEVICE_PARSERS = { 'video': LibvirtConfigDomainCapsVideoModels, 'disk': LibvirtConfigDomainCapsDiskBuses, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(root_name='devices', **kwargs) self.devices = set() def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super().parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in list(xmldoc): device = self.DEVICE_PARSERS.get(c.tag) if device: device = device() device.parse_dom(c) self.devices.add(device) def _get_device(self, device_type): for device in self.devices: if type(device) is self.DEVICE_PARSERS.get(device_type): return device return None @property def disk(self): return self._get_device('disk') @property def video(self): return self._get_device('video') class LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatures(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatures, self).__init__( root_name="features", **kwargs) self.features = [] def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatures, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: feature = None if c.tag == "sev": feature = LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatureSev() if feature: feature.parse_dom(c) self.features.append(feature) # There are many other features and domain capabilities, # but we don't need to regenerate the XML (it's read-only # data provided by libvirtd), so there's no point parsing # them until we actually need their values. # For the same reason, we do not need a format_dom() method, but # it's a bug if this ever gets called and we inherited one from # the base class, so override that to watch out for accidental # calls. def format_dom(self): raise RuntimeError(_('BUG: tried to generate domainCapabilities XML')) class LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatureSev(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatureSev, self).__init__( root_name='sev', **kwargs) self.supported = False self.cbitpos = None self.reduced_phys_bits = None self.max_guests = None self.max_es_guests = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigDomainCapsFeatureSev, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) if xmldoc.get('supported') == 'yes': self.supported = True for c in list(xmldoc): if c.tag == 'reducedPhysBits': self.reduced_phys_bits = int(c.text) elif c.tag == 'cbitpos': self.cbitpos = int(c.text) elif c.tag == 'maxGuests': self.max_guests = int(c.text) elif c.tag == 'maxESGuests': self.max_es_guests = int(c.text) class LibvirtConfigDomainCapsOS(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(root_name='os', **kwargs) self.supported = False self.loader_supported = None self.uefi_autoconfig_supported = None self.loader_paths = [] self.uefi_supported = None self.secure_boot_supported = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super().parse_dom(xmldoc) self.supported = xmldoc.get('supported') for c in xmldoc: self.loader_supported = c.get('supported') if c.tag == 'enum': if c.get('name') == 'firmware': # theoretically we can also do autoconfiguration of BIOS # but it's unlikely that anything supports this yet self.uefi_autoconfig_supported = 'efi' in [ child.text for child in c if child.tag == 'value' ] elif c.tag == 'loader': for c2 in c: if c2.tag == 'value': self.loader_paths.append(c2.text) elif c2.tag == 'enum': if c2.get('name') == 'type': self.uefi_supported = 'pflash' in [ val.text for val in c2 if val.tag == 'value' ] elif c2.get('name') == 'secure': # we might want to ensure 'no' is also supported, # but a platform that only supports SB sounds odd self.secure_boot_supported = 'yes' in [ val.text for val in c2 if val.tag == 'value' ] class LibvirtConfigCapsNUMATopology(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMATopology, self).__init__( root_name="topology", **kwargs) self.cells = [] def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMATopology, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) xmlcells = xmldoc[0] for xmlcell in xmlcells: cell = LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACell() cell.parse_dom(xmlcell) self.cells.append(cell) def format_dom(self): topo = super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMATopology, self).format_dom() cells = etree.Element("cells") cells.set("num", str(len(self.cells))) topo.append(cells) for cell in self.cells: cells.append(cell.format_dom()) return topo class LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACell(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACell, self).__init__(root_name="cell", **kwargs) self.id = None self.memory = 0 self.mempages = [] self.cpus = [] def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACell, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.id = int(xmldoc.get("id")) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "memory": self.memory = int(c.text) elif c.tag == "pages": pages = LibvirtConfigCapsNUMAPages() pages.parse_dom(c) self.mempages.append(pages) elif c.tag == "cpus": for c2 in c: cpu = LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACPU() cpu.parse_dom(c2) self.cpus.append(cpu) def format_dom(self): cell = super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACell, self).format_dom() cell.set("id", str(self.id)) mem = etree.Element("memory") mem.set("unit", "KiB") mem.text = str(self.memory) cell.append(mem) for pages in self.mempages: cell.append(pages.format_dom()) cpus = etree.Element("cpus") cpus.set("num", str(len(self.cpus))) for cpu in self.cpus: cpus.append(cpu.format_dom()) cell.append(cpus) return cell class LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACPU(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACPU, self).__init__(root_name="cpu", **kwargs) self.id = None self.socket_id = None self.core_id = None self.siblings = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACPU, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.id = int(xmldoc.get("id")) if xmldoc.get("socket_id") is not None: self.socket_id = int(xmldoc.get("socket_id")) if xmldoc.get("core_id") is not None: self.core_id = int(xmldoc.get("core_id")) if xmldoc.get("siblings") is not None: self.siblings = hardware.parse_cpu_spec( xmldoc.get("siblings")) def format_dom(self): cpu = super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMACPU, self).format_dom() cpu.set("id", str(self.id)) if self.socket_id is not None: cpu.set("socket_id", str(self.socket_id)) if self.core_id is not None: cpu.set("core_id", str(self.core_id)) if self.siblings is not None: cpu.set("siblings", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.siblings)) return cpu class LibvirtConfigCapsNUMAPages(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMAPages, self).__init__( root_name="pages", **kwargs) self.size = None self.total = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMAPages, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.size = int(xmldoc.get("size")) self.total = int(xmldoc.text) def format_dom(self): pages = super(LibvirtConfigCapsNUMAPages, self).format_dom() pages.text = str(self.total) pages.set("size", str(self.size)) pages.set("unit", "KiB") return pages class LibvirtConfigCapsHost(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsHost, self).__init__(root_name="host", **kwargs) self.cpu = None self.uuid = None self.topology = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsHost, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "cpu": cpu = LibvirtConfigCPU() cpu.parse_dom(c) self.cpu = cpu elif c.tag == "uuid": self.uuid = c.text elif c.tag == "topology": self.topology = LibvirtConfigCapsNUMATopology() self.topology.parse_dom(c) def format_dom(self): caps = super(LibvirtConfigCapsHost, self).format_dom() if self.uuid: caps.append(self._text_node("uuid", self.uuid)) if self.cpu: caps.append(self.cpu.format_dom()) if self.topology: caps.append(self.topology.format_dom()) return caps class LibvirtConfigCapsGuest(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsGuest, self).__init__(root_name="guest", **kwargs) self.arch = None self.ostype = None # Map domain types such as 'qemu' and 'kvm' to # LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain instances. self.domains = OrderedDict() self.default_domain = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsGuest, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for child in xmldoc: if child.tag == "os_type": self.ostype = child.text elif child.tag == "arch": self.parse_arch(child) def parse_arch(self, xmldoc): self.arch = xmldoc.get("name") # NOTE(aspiers): The data relating to each element # under (such as and many # elements) is structured in a slightly odd way. There is one # "default" domain such as # # # # which has no child elements, and all its data is provided in # sibling elements. Then others such as # # # # will have their and elements as # children. So we need to handle the two cases separately. self.default_domain = LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain() for child in xmldoc: if child.tag == "domain": if list(child): # This domain has children, so create a new instance, # parse it, and register it in the dict of domains. domain = LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain() domain.parse_dom(child) self.domains[domain.domtype] = domain else: # This is the childless element for the # default domain self.default_domain.parse_domain(child) self.domains[self.default_domain.domtype] = \ self.default_domain else: # Sibling element of the default domain self.default_domain.parse_child(child) def format_dom(self): caps = super(LibvirtConfigCapsGuest, self).format_dom() if self.ostype is not None: caps.append(self._text_node("os_type", self.ostype)) if self.arch: arch = self.format_arch() caps.append(arch) return caps def format_arch(self): arch = etree.Element("arch", name=self.arch) for c in self.default_domain.format_dom(): arch.append(c) arch.append(self._new_node("domain", type=self.default_domain.domtype)) for domtype, domain in self.domains.items(): if domtype == self.default_domain.domtype: # We've already added this domain at the top level continue arch.append(domain.format_dom()) return arch class LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain, self).__init__( root_name="domain", **kwargs) self.domtype = None # Track values, which we need in order to be able # to call virConnectGetDomainCapabilities() - typically # something like '/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386'. self.emulator = None self.machines = {} self.aliases = {} def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.parse_domain(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: self.parse_child(c) def parse_child(self, xmldoc): if xmldoc.tag == "emulator": self.emulator = xmldoc.text elif xmldoc.tag == "machine": self.parse_machine(xmldoc) def parse_domain(self, xmldoc): self.domtype = xmldoc.get("type") if self.domtype is None: raise exception.InvalidInput( "Didn't find domain type in %s", xmldoc) def parse_machine(self, xmldoc): if 'canonical' in xmldoc.attrib: self.aliases[xmldoc.text] = xmldoc.attrib else: self.machines[xmldoc.text] = xmldoc.attrib def format_dom(self): domain = super(LibvirtConfigCapsGuestDomain, self).format_dom() if self.domtype is not None: domain.set("type", self.domtype) if self.emulator is not None: domain.append(self._text_node("emulator", self.emulator)) for mach_type, machine in self.machines.items(): domain.append(self._text_node("machine", mach_type, **machine)) for alias, machine in self.aliases.items(): domain.append(self._text_node("machine", alias, **machine)) return domain class LibvirtConfigGuestTimer(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestTimer, self).__init__(root_name="timer", **kwargs) self.name = "platform" self.track = None self.tickpolicy = None self.present = None def format_dom(self): tm = super(LibvirtConfigGuestTimer, self).format_dom() tm.set("name", self.name) if self.track is not None: tm.set("track", self.track) if self.tickpolicy is not None: tm.set("tickpolicy", self.tickpolicy) if self.present is not None: tm.set("present", self.get_yes_no_str(self.present)) return tm class LibvirtConfigGuestClock(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestClock, self).__init__(root_name="clock", **kwargs) self.offset = "utc" self.adjustment = None self.timezone = None self.timers = [] def format_dom(self): clk = super(LibvirtConfigGuestClock, self).format_dom() clk.set("offset", self.offset) if self.adjustment: clk.set("adjustment", self.adjustment) elif self.timezone: clk.set("timezone", self.timezone) for tm in self.timers: clk.append(tm.format_dom()) return clk def add_timer(self, tm): self.timers.append(tm) class LibvirtConfigCPUFeature(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCPUFeature, self).__init__(root_name='feature', **kwargs) self.name = name self.policy = "require" def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCPUFeature, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.name = xmldoc.get("name") self.policy = xmldoc.get("policy", "require") def format_dom(self): ft = super(LibvirtConfigCPUFeature, self).format_dom() ft.set("name", self.name) return ft def __eq__(self, obj): return obj.name == self.name def __ne__(self, obj): return obj.name != self.name def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name) class LibvirtConfigCPUMaxPhysAddr(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCPUMaxPhysAddr, self).__init__( root_name='maxphysaddr', **kwargs) self.mode = None self.bits = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCPUMaxPhysAddr, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.mode = xmldoc.get("mode") self.bits = int(xmldoc.get("bits")) def format_dom(self): m = super(LibvirtConfigCPUMaxPhysAddr, self).format_dom() m.set("mode", self.mode) if self.bits: m.set("bits", str(self.bits)) return m class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUMaxPhysAddr(LibvirtConfigCPUMaxPhysAddr): pass class LibvirtConfigCPU(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigCPU, self).__init__(root_name='cpu', **kwargs) self.arch = None self.vendor = None self.model = None self.sockets = None self.cores = None self.threads = None self.maxphysaddr = None self.features = set() def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigCPU, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "arch": self.arch = c.text elif c.tag == "model": self.model = c.text elif c.tag == "vendor": self.vendor = c.text elif c.tag == "topology": self.sockets = int(c.get("sockets")) self.cores = int(c.get("cores")) self.threads = int(c.get("threads")) elif c.tag == "maxphysaddr": self.maxphysaddr = LibvirtConfigCPUMaxPhysAddr() self.maxphysaddr.parse_dom(c) elif c.tag == "feature": f = LibvirtConfigCPUFeature() f.parse_dom(c) if f.policy != "disable": self.add_feature(f) def format_dom(self): cpu = super(LibvirtConfigCPU, self).format_dom() if self.arch is not None: cpu.append(self._text_node("arch", self.arch)) if self.model is not None: cpu.append(self._text_node("model", self.model)) if self.vendor is not None: cpu.append(self._text_node("vendor", self.vendor)) if (self.sockets is not None and self.cores is not None and self.threads is not None): top = etree.Element("topology") top.set("sockets", str(self.sockets)) top.set("cores", str(self.cores)) top.set("threads", str(self.threads)) cpu.append(top) if self.maxphysaddr is not None: cpu.append(self.maxphysaddr.format_dom()) # sorting the features to allow more predictable tests for f in sorted(self.features, key=lambda x: x.name): cpu.append(f.format_dom()) return cpu def add_feature(self, feat): self.features.add(feat) class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeature(LibvirtConfigCPUFeature): def __init__(self, name=None, policy="require", **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeature, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) self.policy = policy def format_dom(self): ft = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeature, self).format_dom() ft.set("policy", self.policy) return ft class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell, self).__init__(root_name="cell", **kwargs) self.id = None self.cpus = None self.memory = None self.memAccess = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): if xmldoc.get("id") is not None: self.id = int(xmldoc.get("id")) if xmldoc.get("memory") is not None: self.memory = int(xmldoc.get("memory")) if xmldoc.get("cpus") is not None: self.cpus = hardware.parse_cpu_spec(xmldoc.get("cpus")) self.memAccess = xmldoc.get("memAccess") def format_dom(self): cell = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell, self).format_dom() if self.id is not None: cell.set("id", str(self.id)) if self.cpus is not None: cell.set("cpus", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.cpus)) if self.memory is not None: cell.set("memory", str(self.memory)) if self.memAccess is not None: cell.set("memAccess", self.memAccess) return cell class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA, self).__init__(root_name="numa", **kwargs) self.cells = [] def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for child in xmldoc: if child.tag == "cell": cell = LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell() cell.parse_dom(child) self.cells.append(cell) def format_dom(self): numa = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA, self).format_dom() for cell in self.cells: numa.append(cell.format_dom()) return numa class LibvirtConfigGuestCPU(LibvirtConfigCPU): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPU, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.mode = None self.match = "exact" self.numa = None self.maxphysaddr = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPU, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.mode = xmldoc.get('mode') self.match = xmldoc.get('match') for child in xmldoc: if child.tag == "numa": numa = LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA() numa.parse_dom(child) self.numa = numa elif child.tag == "maxphysaddr": m = LibvirtConfigGuestCPUMaxPhysAddr() m.parse_dom(child) self.maxphysaddr = m def format_dom(self): cpu = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPU, self).format_dom() if self.mode: cpu.set("mode", self.mode) cpu.set("match", self.match) if self.numa is not None: cpu.append(self.numa.format_dom()) return cpu class LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOS(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOS, self).__init__(root_name="smbios", **kwargs) self.mode = "sysinfo" def format_dom(self): smbios = super(LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOS, self).format_dom() smbios.set("mode", self.mode) return smbios class LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo, self).__init__(root_name="sysinfo", **kwargs) self.type = "smbios" self.bios_vendor = None self.bios_version = None self.system_manufacturer = None self.system_product = None self.system_version = None self.system_serial = None self.system_uuid = None self.system_family = None def format_dom(self): sysinfo = super(LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo, self).format_dom() sysinfo.set("type", self.type) bios = etree.Element("bios") system = etree.Element("system") if self.bios_vendor is not None: bios.append(self._text_node("entry", self.bios_vendor, name="vendor")) if self.bios_version is not None: bios.append(self._text_node("entry", self.bios_version, name="version")) if self.system_manufacturer is not None: system.append(self._text_node("entry", self.system_manufacturer, name="manufacturer")) if self.system_product is not None: system.append(self._text_node("entry", self.system_product, name="product")) if self.system_version is not None: system.append(self._text_node("entry", self.system_version, name="version")) if self.system_serial is not None: system.append(self._text_node("entry", self.system_serial, name="serial")) if self.system_uuid is not None: system.append(self._text_node("entry", self.system_uuid, name="uuid")) if self.system_family is not None: system.append(self._text_node("entry", self.system_family, name="family")) if len(list(bios)) > 0: sysinfo.append(bios) if len(list(system)) > 0: sysinfo.append(system) return sysinfo class LibvirtConfigGuestDevice(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def uses_virtio(self): return False class LibvirtConfigGuestVTPM(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, vtpm_config, vtpm_secret_uuid, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestVTPM, self).__init__(root_name="tpm", **kwargs) self.version = vtpm_config.version self.model = vtpm_config.model self.secret_uuid = vtpm_secret_uuid def format_dom(self): # dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestVTPM, self).format_dom() dev.set("model", self.model) # back = etree.Element("backend") back.set("type", "emulator") back.set("version", self.version) # enc = etree.Element("encryption") enc.set("secret", self.secret_uuid) back.append(enc) dev.append(back) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestDisk(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDisk, self).__init__(root_name="disk", **kwargs) self.source_type = "file" self.source_device = "disk" self.driver_name = None self.driver_format = None self.driver_cache = None self.driver_discard = None self.driver_io = None self.driver_iommu = False self.source_path = None self.source_protocol = None self.source_name = None self.source_hosts = [] self.source_ports = [] self.target_dev = None self.target_path = None self.target_bus = None self.auth_username = None self.auth_secret_type = None self.auth_secret_uuid = None self.serial = None self.disk_read_bytes_sec = None self.disk_read_iops_sec = None self.disk_write_bytes_sec = None self.disk_write_iops_sec = None self.disk_total_bytes_sec = None self.disk_total_iops_sec = None self.disk_read_bytes_sec_max = None self.disk_write_bytes_sec_max = None self.disk_total_bytes_sec_max = None self.disk_read_iops_sec_max = None self.disk_write_iops_sec_max = None self.disk_total_iops_sec_max = None self.disk_size_iops_sec = None self.logical_block_size = None self.physical_block_size = None self.readonly = False self.shareable = False self.snapshot = None self.backing_store = None self.device_addr = None self.boot_order = None self.mirror = None self.volume_encryption = None self.ephemeral_encryption = None self.alias = None def _format_iotune(self, dev): iotune = etree.Element("iotune") if self.disk_read_bytes_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("read_bytes_sec", self.disk_read_bytes_sec)) if self.disk_read_iops_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("read_iops_sec", self.disk_read_iops_sec)) if self.disk_write_bytes_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("write_bytes_sec", self.disk_write_bytes_sec)) if self.disk_write_iops_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("write_iops_sec", self.disk_write_iops_sec)) if self.disk_total_bytes_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("total_bytes_sec", self.disk_total_bytes_sec)) if self.disk_total_iops_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("total_iops_sec", self.disk_total_iops_sec)) if self.disk_read_bytes_sec_max is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("read_bytes_sec_max", self.disk_read_bytes_sec_max)) if self.disk_write_bytes_sec_max is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("write_bytes_sec_max", self.disk_write_bytes_sec_max)) if self.disk_total_bytes_sec_max is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("total_bytes_sec_max", self.disk_total_bytes_sec_max)) if self.disk_read_iops_sec_max is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("read_iops_sec_max", self.disk_read_iops_sec_max)) if self.disk_write_iops_sec_max is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("write_iops_sec_max", self.disk_write_iops_sec_max)) if self.disk_total_iops_sec_max is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("total_iops_sec_max", self.disk_total_iops_sec_max)) if self.disk_size_iops_sec is not None: iotune.append(self._text_node("size_iops_sec", self.disk_size_iops_sec)) if len(iotune) > 0: dev.append(iotune) @property def uses_virtio(self): return 'virtio' == self.target_bus def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestDisk, self).format_dom() dev.set("type", self.source_type) dev.set("device", self.source_device) if any((self.driver_name, self.driver_format, self.driver_cache, self.driver_discard, self.driver_iommu)): drv = etree.Element("driver") if self.driver_name is not None: drv.set("name", self.driver_name) if self.driver_format is not None: drv.set("type", self.driver_format) if self.driver_cache is not None: drv.set("cache", self.driver_cache) if self.driver_discard is not None: drv.set("discard", self.driver_discard) if self.driver_io is not None: drv.set("io", self.driver_io) if self.driver_iommu: drv.set("iommu", "on") dev.append(drv) if self.alias: alias = etree.Element("alias") alias.set("name", self.alias) dev.append(alias) if self.source_type == "file": source = etree.Element("source", file=self.source_path) dev.append(source) elif self.source_type == "block": source = etree.Element("source", dev=self.source_path) dev.append(source) elif self.source_type == "mount": source = etree.Element("source", dir=self.source_path) dev.append(source) elif self.source_type == "network" and self.source_protocol: source = etree.Element("source", protocol=self.source_protocol) if self.source_name is not None: source.set('name', self.source_name) hosts_info = zip(self.source_hosts, self.source_ports) for name, port in hosts_info: host = etree.Element('host', name=name) if port is not None: host.set('port', port) source.append(host) dev.append(source) if self.ephemeral_encryption: # NOTE(melwitt): should be a sub element of # in order to ensure the image uses encryption. # See the following for more details: # https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#hard-drives-floppy-disks-cdroms # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1371022#c13 source.append(self.ephemeral_encryption.format_dom()) if self.auth_secret_type is not None: auth = etree.Element("auth") auth.set("username", self.auth_username) auth.append(etree.Element("secret", type=self.auth_secret_type, uuid=self.auth_secret_uuid)) dev.append(auth) if self.source_type == "mount": dev.append(etree.Element("target", dir=self.target_path)) else: dev.append(etree.Element("target", dev=self.target_dev, bus=self.target_bus)) if self.serial is not None and self.source_device != 'lun': dev.append(self._text_node("serial", self.serial)) self._format_iotune(dev) # Block size tuning if (self.logical_block_size is not None or self.physical_block_size is not None): blockio = etree.Element("blockio") if self.logical_block_size is not None: blockio.set('logical_block_size', self.logical_block_size) if self.physical_block_size is not None: blockio.set('physical_block_size', self.physical_block_size) dev.append(blockio) if self.readonly: dev.append(etree.Element("readonly")) if self.shareable: dev.append(etree.Element("shareable")) if self.boot_order: dev.append(etree.Element("boot", order=self.boot_order)) if self.device_addr: dev.append(self.device_addr.format_dom()) if self.volume_encryption: dev.append(self.volume_encryption.format_dom()) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDisk, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.source_type = xmldoc.get('type') self.snapshot = xmldoc.get('snapshot') for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'driver': self.driver_name = c.get('name') self.driver_format = c.get('type') self.driver_cache = c.get('cache') self.driver_discard = c.get('discard') self.driver_io = c.get('io') self.driver_iommu = c.get('iommu', '') == "on" elif c.tag == 'source': if self.source_type == 'file': self.source_path = c.get('file') elif self.source_type == 'block': self.source_path = c.get('dev') elif self.source_type == 'mount': self.source_path = c.get('dir') elif self.source_type == 'network': self.source_protocol = c.get('protocol') self.source_name = c.get('name') for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'host': self.source_hosts.append(sub.get('name')) self.source_ports.append(sub.get('port')) for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'encryption': e = LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryption() e.parse_dom(sub) self.ephemeral_encryption = e elif c.tag == 'serial': self.serial = c.text elif c.tag == 'target': if self.source_type == 'mount': self.target_path = c.get('dir') else: self.target_dev = c.get('dev') self.target_bus = c.get('bus', None) elif c.tag == 'backingStore': b = LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore() b.parse_dom(c) self.backing_store = b elif c.tag == 'readonly': self.readonly = True elif c.tag == 'shareable': self.shareable = True elif c.tag == 'address': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress.parse_dom(c) self.device_addr = obj elif c.tag == 'boot': self.boot_order = c.get('order') elif c.tag == 'mirror': m = LibvirtConfigGuestDiskMirror() m.parse_dom(c) self.mirror = m elif c.tag == 'encryption': e = LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryption() e.parse_dom(c) self.volume_encryption = e elif c.tag == 'alias': self.alias = c.get('name') class LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore, self).__init__( root_name="backingStore", **kwargs) self.index = None self.source_type = None self.source_file = None self.source_protocol = None self.source_name = None self.source_hosts = [] self.source_ports = [] self.driver_name = None self.driver_format = None self.backing_store = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.source_type = xmldoc.get('type') self.index = xmldoc.get('index') for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'driver': self.driver_name = c.get('name') self.driver_format = c.get('type') elif c.tag == 'source': self.source_file = c.get('file') self.source_protocol = c.get('protocol') self.source_name = c.get('name') for d in c: if d.tag == 'host': self.source_hosts.append(d.get('name')) self.source_ports.append(d.get('port')) elif c.tag == 'backingStore': if len(c): self.backing_store = LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore() self.backing_store.parse_dom(c) class LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk(LibvirtConfigObject): """Disk class for handling disk information in snapshots. Similar to LibvirtConfigGuestDisk, but used to represent disk entities in structures rather than real devices. These typically have fewer members, and different expectations for which fields are required. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk, self).__init__(root_name="disk", **kwargs) self.source_type = None self.source_device = None self.name = None self.snapshot = None self.driver_name = None self.driver_format = None self.driver_cache = None self.source_path = None self.source_protocol = None self.source_name = None self.source_hosts = [] self.source_ports = [] self.target_dev = None self.target_path = None self.target_bus = None self.auth_username = None self.auth_secret_type = None self.auth_secret_uuid = None self.serial = None def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk, self).format_dom() if self.name: dev.attrib['name'] = self.name if self.snapshot: dev.attrib['snapshot'] = self.snapshot if self.source_type: dev.set("type", self.source_type) if self.source_device: dev.set("device", self.source_device) if (self.driver_name is not None or self.driver_format is not None or self.driver_cache is not None): drv = etree.Element("driver") if self.driver_name is not None: drv.set("name", self.driver_name) if self.driver_format is not None: drv.set("type", self.driver_format) if self.driver_cache is not None: drv.set("cache", self.driver_cache) dev.append(drv) if self.source_type == "file": dev.append(etree.Element("source", file=self.source_path)) elif self.source_type == "block": dev.append(etree.Element("source", dev=self.source_path)) elif self.source_type == "mount": dev.append(etree.Element("source", dir=self.source_path)) elif self.source_type == "network": source = etree.Element("source", protocol=self.source_protocol) if self.source_name is not None: source.set('name', self.source_name) hosts_info = zip(self.source_hosts, self.source_ports) for name, port in hosts_info: host = etree.Element('host', name=name) if port is not None: host.set('port', port) source.append(host) dev.append(source) if self.auth_secret_type is not None: auth = etree.Element("auth") auth.set("username", self.auth_username) auth.append(etree.Element("secret", type=self.auth_secret_type, uuid=self.auth_secret_uuid)) dev.append(auth) if self.source_type == "mount": dev.append(etree.Element("target", dir=self.target_path)) else: if self.target_bus and self.target_dev: dev.append(etree.Element("target", dev=self.target_dev, bus=self.target_bus)) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.source_type = xmldoc.get('type') self.snapshot = xmldoc.get('snapshot') for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'driver': self.driver_name = c.get('name') self.driver_format = c.get('type') self.driver_cache = c.get('cache') elif c.tag == 'source': if self.source_type == 'file': self.source_path = c.get('file') elif self.source_type == 'block': self.source_path = c.get('dev') elif self.source_type == 'mount': self.source_path = c.get('dir') elif self.source_type == 'network': self.source_protocol = c.get('protocol') self.source_name = c.get('name') for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'host': self.source_hosts.append(sub.get('name')) self.source_ports.append(sub.get('port')) elif c.tag == 'serial': self.serial = c.text for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'target': if self.source_type == 'mount': self.target_path = c.get('dir') else: self.target_dev = c.get('dev') self.target_bus = c.get('bus', None) class LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys, self).__init__(root_name="filesystem", **kwargs) self.source_type = "mount" self.accessmode = None self.source_dir = None self.source_file = None self.source_dev = None self.target_dir = "/" self.driver_type = "loop" self.driver_format = "raw" def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys, self).format_dom() dev.set("type", self.source_type) if self.accessmode: dev.set("accessmode", self.accessmode) if self.source_type == "file": dev.append(etree.Element("driver", type = self.driver_type, format = self.driver_format)) dev.append(etree.Element("source", file=self.source_file)) elif self.source_type == "block": dev.append(etree.Element("source", dev=self.source_dev)) elif self.source_type == "mount" and self.driver_type == "virtiofs": dev.append(etree.Element("driver", type=self.driver_type)) dev.append(etree.Element("source", dir=self.source_dir)) else: dev.append(etree.Element("source", dir=self.source_dir)) dev.append(etree.Element("target", dir=self.target_dir)) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.source_type = xmldoc.get('type') self.accessmode = xmldoc.get('accessmode') for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'driver': if self.source_type == 'file': self.driver_type = c.get('type') self.driver_format = c.get('format') if self.source_type == 'mount': self.driver_type = c.get('type') elif c.tag == 'source': if self.source_type == 'file': self.source_file = c.get('file') elif self.source_type == 'block': self.source_dev = c.get('dev') else: self.source_dir = c.get('dir') elif c.tag == 'target': self.target_dir = c.get('dir') class LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryptionSecret(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryptionSecret, self).__init__( root_name='diskencryptionsecret', **kwargs) self.type = None self.uuid = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.type = xmldoc.get('type') self.uuid = xmldoc.get('uuid') def format_dom(self): obj = etree.Element("secret") obj.set("type", self.type) obj.set("uuid", self.uuid) return obj class LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryption(LibvirtConfigObject): """https://libvirt.org/formatstorageencryption.html """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryption, self).__init__( root_name='diskencryption', **kwargs) self.format = None self.secret = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.format = xmldoc.get('format') for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'secret': m = LibvirtConfigGuestDiskEncryptionSecret() m.parse_dom(c) self.secret = m def format_dom(self): obj = etree.Element("encryption") obj.set("format", self.format) obj.append(self.secret.format_dom()) return obj class LibvirtConfigGuestDiskMirror(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDiskMirror, self).__init__( root_name='diskmirror', **kwargs) self.ready = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.ready = xmldoc.get('ready') class LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'root_name' not in kwargs: kwargs['root_name'] = 'id' super(LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.start = 0 self.target = 0 self.count = 10000 def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.start = int(xmldoc.get('start')) self.target = int(xmldoc.get('target')) self.count = int(xmldoc.get('count')) def format_dom(self): obj = super(LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap, self).format_dom() obj.set("start", str(self.start)) obj.set("target", str(self.target)) obj.set("count", str(self.count)) return obj class LibvirtConfigGuestUIDMap(LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestUIDMap, self).__init__(root_name="uid", **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestGIDMap(LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestGIDMap, self).__init__(root_name="gid", **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, type=None, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress, self).__init__( root_name='address', **kwargs) self.type = type def format_dom(self): xml = super(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress, self).format_dom() xml.set("type", self.type) return xml @staticmethod def parse_dom(xmldoc): addr_type = xmldoc.get('type') if addr_type == 'pci': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressPCI() elif addr_type == 'drive': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressDrive() else: return None obj.parse_dom(xmldoc) return obj class LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressDrive(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressDrive, self).\ __init__(type='drive', **kwargs) self.controller = None self.bus = None self.target = None self.unit = None def format_dom(self): xml = super(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressDrive, self).format_dom() if self.controller is not None: xml.set("controller", str(self.controller)) if self.bus is not None: xml.set("bus", str(self.bus)) if self.target is not None: xml.set("target", str(self.target)) if self.unit is not None: xml.set("unit", str(self.unit)) return xml def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.controller = xmldoc.get('controller') self.bus = xmldoc.get('bus') self.target = xmldoc.get('target') self.unit = xmldoc.get('unit') def format_address(self): return None class LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressPCI(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressPCI, self).\ __init__(type='pci', **kwargs) self.domain = None self.bus = None self.slot = None self.function = None def format_dom(self): xml = super(LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddressPCI, self).format_dom() if self.domain is not None: xml.set("domain", str(self.domain)) if self.bus is not None: xml.set("bus", str(self.bus)) if self.slot is not None: xml.set("slot", str(self.slot)) if self.function is not None: xml.set("function", str(self.function)) return xml def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.domain = xmldoc.get('domain') self.bus = xmldoc.get('bus') self.slot = xmldoc.get('slot') self.function = xmldoc.get('function') def format_address(self): if self.domain is not None: return pci_utils.get_pci_address(self.domain[2:], self.bus[2:], self.slot[2:], self.function[2:]) class LibvirtConfigGuestInterface(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestInterface, self).__init__( root_name="interface", **kwargs) self.net_type = None self.target_dev = None self.model = None self.mac_addr = None self.script = None self.source_dev = None self.source_mode = "private" self.vporttype = None self.vportparams = [] self.filtername = None self.filterparams = [] self.driver_name = None self.driver_iommu = False self.driver_packed = False self.vhostuser_mode = None self.vhostuser_path = None self.vhostuser_type = None self.vhost_queues = None self.vhost_rx_queue_size = None self.vhost_tx_queue_size = None self.vif_inbound_peak = None self.vif_inbound_burst = None self.vif_inbound_average = None self.vif_outbound_peak = None self.vif_outbound_burst = None self.vif_outbound_average = None self.vlan = None self.device_addr = None self.mtu = None self.alias = None def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, LibvirtConfigGuestInterface): return False # NOTE(arches) Skip checking target_dev for vhostuser # vif type; target_dev is not a valid value for vhostuser. # NOTE(gibi): For macvtap cases the domain has a target_dev # generated by libvirt. It is not set by the vif driver code # so it is not in config returned by the vif driver so we # should not match on that. return ( self.mac_addr == other.mac_addr and self.net_type == other.net_type and self.source_dev == other.source_dev and (self.net_type == 'vhostuser' or not self.target_dev or self.target_dev == other.target_dev) and self.vhostuser_path == other.vhostuser_path) @property def uses_virtio(self): return 'virtio' == self.model def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestInterface, self).format_dom() dev.set("type", self.net_type) if self.net_type == "hostdev": dev.set("managed", "yes") dev.append(etree.Element("mac", address=self.mac_addr)) if self.model: dev.append(etree.Element("model", type=self.model)) drv_elem = None if (self.driver_name or self.driver_iommu or self.driver_packed or self.net_type == "vhostuser"): drv_elem = etree.Element("driver") if self.driver_name and self.net_type != "vhostuser": # For vhostuser interface we should not set the driver name. drv_elem.set("name", self.driver_name) if self.driver_iommu: drv_elem.set("iommu", "on") if self.driver_packed: drv_elem.set("packed", "on") if drv_elem is not None: if self.vhost_queues is not None: drv_elem.set('queues', str(self.vhost_queues)) if self.vhost_rx_queue_size is not None: drv_elem.set('rx_queue_size', str(self.vhost_rx_queue_size)) if self.vhost_tx_queue_size is not None: drv_elem.set('tx_queue_size', str(self.vhost_tx_queue_size)) if (drv_elem.get('name') or drv_elem.get('queues') or drv_elem.get('rx_queue_size') or drv_elem.get('tx_queue_size') or drv_elem.get('iommu') or drv_elem.get('packed')): # Append the driver element into the dom only if name # or queues or tx/rx or iommu attributes are set. dev.append(drv_elem) if self.net_type == "ethernet": if self.script is not None: dev.append(etree.Element("script", path=self.script)) if self.mtu is not None: dev.append(etree.Element("mtu", size=str(self.mtu))) elif self.net_type == "direct": dev.append(etree.Element("source", dev=self.source_dev, mode=self.source_mode)) elif self.net_type == "vdpa": dev.append(etree.Element("source", dev=self.source_dev)) elif self.net_type == "hostdev": source_elem = etree.Element("source") domain, bus, slot, func = \ pci_utils.get_pci_address_fields(self.source_dev) addr_elem = etree.Element("address", type='pci') addr_elem.set("domain", "0x%s" % (domain)) addr_elem.set("bus", "0x%s" % (bus)) addr_elem.set("slot", "0x%s" % (slot)) addr_elem.set("function", "0x%s" % (func)) source_elem.append(addr_elem) dev.append(source_elem) elif self.net_type == "vhostuser": dev.append(etree.Element("source", type=self.vhostuser_type, mode=self.vhostuser_mode, path=self.vhostuser_path)) elif self.net_type == "bridge": dev.append(etree.Element("source", bridge=self.source_dev)) if self.script is not None: dev.append(etree.Element("script", path=self.script)) if self.mtu is not None: dev.append(etree.Element("mtu", size=str(self.mtu))) else: dev.append(etree.Element("source", bridge=self.source_dev)) if self.vlan and self.net_type in ("direct", "hostdev"): vlan_elem = etree.Element("vlan") tag_elem = etree.Element("tag", id=str(self.vlan)) vlan_elem.append(tag_elem) dev.append(vlan_elem) if self.target_dev is not None: dev.append(etree.Element("target", dev=self.target_dev)) if self.vporttype is not None: vport = etree.Element("virtualport", type=self.vporttype) for p in self.vportparams: param = etree.Element("parameters") param.set(p['key'], p['value']) vport.append(param) dev.append(vport) if self.filtername is not None: filter = etree.Element("filterref", filter=self.filtername) for p in self.filterparams: filter.append(etree.Element("parameter", name=p['key'], value=p['value'])) dev.append(filter) if self.vif_inbound_average or self.vif_outbound_average: bandwidth = etree.Element("bandwidth") if self.vif_inbound_average is not None: vif_inbound = etree.Element("inbound", average=str(self.vif_inbound_average)) if self.vif_inbound_peak is not None: vif_inbound.set("peak", str(self.vif_inbound_peak)) if self.vif_inbound_burst is not None: vif_inbound.set("burst", str(self.vif_inbound_burst)) bandwidth.append(vif_inbound) if self.vif_outbound_average is not None: vif_outbound = etree.Element("outbound", average=str(self.vif_outbound_average)) if self.vif_outbound_peak is not None: vif_outbound.set("peak", str(self.vif_outbound_peak)) if self.vif_outbound_burst is not None: vif_outbound.set("burst", str(self.vif_outbound_burst)) bandwidth.append(vif_outbound) dev.append(bandwidth) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestInterface, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.net_type = xmldoc.get('type') for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'mac': self.mac_addr = c.get('address') elif c.tag == 'model': self.model = c.get('type') elif c.tag == 'driver': self.driver_name = c.get('name') self.driver_iommu = (c.get('iommu', '') == 'on') self.driver_packed = (c.get('packed', '') == 'on') self.vhost_queues = c.get('queues') self.vhost_rx_queue_size = c.get('rx_queue_size') self.vhost_tx_queue_size = c.get('tx_queue_size') elif c.tag == 'source': if self.net_type == 'direct': self.source_dev = c.get('dev') self.source_mode = c.get('mode', 'private') elif self.net_type == 'vdpa': self.source_dev = c.get('dev') elif self.net_type == 'vhostuser': self.vhostuser_type = c.get('type') self.vhostuser_mode = c.get('mode') self.vhostuser_path = c.get('path') elif self.net_type == 'hostdev': for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'address' and sub.get('type') == 'pci': # strip the 0x prefix on each attribute since # format_dom puts them back on - note that # LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI does not do this... self.source_dev = ( pci_utils.get_pci_address( sub.get('domain')[2:], sub.get('bus')[2:], sub.get('slot')[2:], sub.get('function')[2:] ) ) else: self.source_dev = c.get('bridge') elif c.tag == 'target': self.target_dev = c.get('dev') elif c.tag == 'script': self.script = c.get('path') elif c.tag == 'vlan': # NOTE(mriedem): The vlan element can have multiple tag # sub-elements but we're currently only storing a single tag # id in the vlan attribute. for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'tag' and sub.get('id'): self.vlan = int(sub.get('id')) break elif c.tag == 'virtualport': self.vporttype = c.get('type') for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'parameters': for k, v in dict(sub.attrib).items(): self.add_vport_param(k, v) elif c.tag == 'filterref': self.filtername = c.get('filter') for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'parameter': self.add_filter_param(sub.get('name'), sub.get('value')) elif c.tag == 'bandwidth': for sub in c: # Note that only average is mandatory, burst and peak are # optional (and all are ints). if sub.tag == 'inbound': self.vif_inbound_average = int(sub.get('average')) if sub.get('burst'): self.vif_inbound_burst = int(sub.get('burst')) if sub.get('peak'): self.vif_inbound_peak = int(sub.get('peak')) elif sub.tag == 'outbound': self.vif_outbound_average = int(sub.get('average')) if sub.get('burst'): self.vif_outbound_burst = int(sub.get('burst')) if sub.get('peak'): self.vif_outbound_peak = int(sub.get('peak')) elif c.tag == 'address': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestDeviceAddress.parse_dom(c) self.device_addr = obj elif c.tag == 'mtu': self.mtu = int(c.get('size')) elif c.tag == 'alias': self.alias = c.get('name') def add_filter_param(self, key, value): self.filterparams.append({'key': key, 'value': value}) def add_vport_param(self, key, value): self.vportparams.append({'key': key, 'value': value}) class LibvirtConfigGuestInput(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestInput, self).__init__(root_name="input", **kwargs) self.type = "tablet" self.bus = "usb" self.driver_iommu = False def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestInput, self).format_dom() dev.set("type", self.type) dev.set("bus", self.bus) if self.driver_iommu: dev.append(etree.Element('driver', iommu="on")) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestGraphics(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestGraphics, self).__init__(root_name="graphics", **kwargs) self.type = "vnc" self.autoport = True self.keymap = None self.listen = None self.image_compression = None self.jpeg_compression = None self.zlib_compression = None self.playback_compression = None self.streaming_mode = None def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestGraphics, self).format_dom() dev.set("type", self.type) dev.set("autoport", self.get_yes_no_str(self.autoport)) if self.keymap: dev.set("keymap", self.keymap) if self.listen: dev.set("listen", self.listen) if self.type == "spice": if self.image_compression is not None: dev.append(etree.Element( 'image', compression=self.image_compression)) if self.jpeg_compression is not None: dev.append(etree.Element( 'jpeg', compression=self.jpeg_compression)) if self.zlib_compression is not None: dev.append(etree.Element( 'zlib', compression=self.zlib_compression)) if self.playback_compression is not None: dev.append(etree.Element( 'playback', compression=self.get_on_off_str( self.playback_compression))) if self.streaming_mode is not None: dev.append(etree.Element( 'streaming', mode=self.streaming_mode)) return dev class LibvirtConfigSeclabel(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigSeclabel, self).__init__(root_name="seclabel", **kwargs) self.type = 'dynamic' self.baselabel = None def format_dom(self): seclabel = super(LibvirtConfigSeclabel, self).format_dom() seclabel.set('type', self.type) if self.baselabel: seclabel.append(self._text_node("baselabel", self.baselabel)) return seclabel class LibvirtConfigGuestVideo(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestVideo, self).__init__(root_name="video", **kwargs) self.type = 'virtio' self.vram = None self.heads = None self.driver_iommu = False @property def uses_virtio(self): return 'virtio' == self.type def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestVideo, self).format_dom() model = etree.Element("model") model.set("type", self.type) if self.vram: model.set("vram", str(self.vram)) if self.heads: model.set("heads", str(self.heads)) dev.append(model) if self.driver_iommu: dev.append(etree.Element("driver", iommu="on")) return dev class LibvirtConfigMemoryBalloon(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigMemoryBalloon, self).__init__( root_name='memballoon', **kwargs) self.model = None self.period = None self.driver_iommu = False @property def uses_virtio(self): return 'virtio' == self.model def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigMemoryBalloon, self).format_dom() dev.set('model', str(self.model)) if self.period is not None: dev.append(etree.Element('stats', period=str(self.period))) if self.driver_iommu: dev.append(etree.Element('driver', iommu='on')) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestController(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestController, self).__init__(root_name="controller", **kwargs) self.type = None self.index = None self.model = None self.driver_iommu = False @property def uses_virtio(self): model_is_virtio = 'virtio-scsi' == self.model type_is_virtio = 'virtio-serial' == self.type return model_is_virtio or type_is_virtio def format_dom(self): controller = super(LibvirtConfigGuestController, self).format_dom() controller.set("type", self.type) if self.index is not None: controller.set("index", str(self.index)) if self.model: controller.set("model", str(self.model)) if self.driver_iommu: controller.append(etree.Element("driver", iommu="on")) return controller class LibvirtConfigGuestUSBHostController(LibvirtConfigGuestController): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestUSBHostController, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'usb' class LibvirtConfigGuestPCIeRootController(LibvirtConfigGuestController): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestPCIeRootController, self).\ __init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'pci' self.model = 'pcie-root' class LibvirtConfigGuestPCIeRootPortController(LibvirtConfigGuestController): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestPCIeRootPortController, self).\ __init__(**kwargs) self.type = 'pci' self.model = 'pcie-root-port' class LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev, self).__init__( root_name="hostdev", **kwargs, ) self.mode = None self.type = None # managed attribute is only used by PCI devices but mediated devices # need to say managed=no self.managed = "yes" def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev, self).format_dom() dev.set("mode", self.mode) dev.set("type", self.type) dev.set("managed", self.managed) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.mode = xmldoc.get('mode') self.type = xmldoc.get('type') self.managed = xmldoc.get('managed') return list(xmldoc) class LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI, self).\ __init__(**kwargs) self.mode = 'subsystem' self.type = 'pci' # These are returned from libvirt as hexadecimal strings with 0x prefix # even if they have a different meaningful range: domain 16 bit, # bus 8 bit, slot 5 bit, and function 3 bit # On the other hand nova generates these values without the 0x prefix self.domain = None self.bus = None self.slot = None self.function = None self.alias = None def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI): return False # NOTE(gibi): nova generates hexa string without 0x prefix but # libvirt uses that prefix when returns the config so we need to # normalize the strings before comparison return ( int(self.domain, 16) == int(other.domain, 16) and int(self.bus, 16) == int(other.bus, 16) and int(self.slot, 16) == int(other.slot, 16) and int(self.function, 16) == int(other.function, 16)) def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI, self).format_dom() address = etree.Element( "address", domain=self.domain if self.domain.startswith('0x') else '0x' + self.domain, bus=self.bus if self.bus.startswith('0x') else '0x' + self.bus, slot=self.slot if self.slot.startswith('0x') else '0x' + self.slot, function=self.function if self.function.startswith('0x') else '0x' + self.function) source = etree.Element("source") source.append(address) dev.append(source) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): childs = super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in childs: if c.tag == "source": for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'address': self.domain = sub.get('domain') self.bus = sub.get('bus') self.slot = sub.get('slot') self.function = sub.get('function') elif c.tag == 'alias': self.alias = c.get('name') class LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevMDEV(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevMDEV, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.mode = 'subsystem' self.type = 'mdev' self.managed = 'no' # model attribute is only supported by mediated devices self.model = 'vfio-pci' self.uuid = None def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevMDEV, self).format_dom() if self.model: dev.set("model", self.model) address = etree.Element("address", uuid=self.uuid) source = etree.Element("source") source.append(address) dev.append(source) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): children = super(LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevMDEV, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) if xmldoc.get('model'): self.model = xmldoc.get('model') for c in children: if c.tag == "source": for sub in c: if sub.tag == 'address': self.uuid = sub.get('uuid') return class LibvirtConfigGuestCharBase(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCharBase, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.type = "pty" self.source_path = None self.listen_port = None self.listen_host = None self.log = None def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCharBase, self).format_dom() dev.set("type", self.type) if self.type == "file": dev.append(etree.Element("source", path=self.source_path)) elif self.type == "unix": dev.append(etree.Element("source", mode="bind", path=self.source_path)) elif self.type == "tcp": dev.append(etree.Element("source", mode="bind", host=self.listen_host, service=str(self.listen_port))) if self.log: dev.append(self.log.format_dom()) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestChar(LibvirtConfigGuestCharBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestChar, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.target_port = None self.target_type = None def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestChar, self).format_dom() if self.target_port is not None or self.target_type is not None: target = etree.Element("target") if self.target_port is not None: target.set("port", str(self.target_port)) if self.target_type is not None: target.set("type", self.target_type) dev.append(target) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestCharDeviceLog(LibvirtConfigObject): """Represents a sub-element to a character device.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCharDeviceLog, self).__init__(root_name="log", **kwargs) self.file = None self.append = "off" def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCharDeviceLog, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.file = xmldoc.get("file") self.append = xmldoc.get("append") def format_dom(self): log = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCharDeviceLog, self).format_dom() log.set("file", self.file) log.set("append", self.append) return log class LibvirtConfigGuestSerial(LibvirtConfigGuestChar): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSerial, self).__init__(root_name="serial", **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestConsole(LibvirtConfigGuestChar): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestConsole, self).__init__(root_name="console", **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestChannel(LibvirtConfigGuestCharBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestChannel, self).__init__(root_name="channel", **kwargs) self.target_type = "virtio" self.target_name = None def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestChannel, self).format_dom() target = etree.Element("target", type=self.target_type) if self.target_name is not None: target.set("name", self.target_name) dev.append(target) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestWatchdog(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestWatchdog, self).__init__(root_name="watchdog", **kwargs) self.model = 'i6300esb' self.action = 'reset' def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestWatchdog, self).format_dom() dev.set('model', self.model) dev.set('action', self.action) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin, self).__init__( root_name="vcpupin", **kwargs) self.id = None self.cpuset = None def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin, self).format_dom() root.set("vcpu", str(self.id)) if self.cpuset is not None: root.set("cpuset", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.cpuset)) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneEmulatorPin(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneEmulatorPin, self).__init__( root_name="emulatorpin", **kwargs) self.cpuset = None def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneEmulatorPin, self).format_dom() if self.cpuset is not None: root.set("cpuset", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.cpuset)) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUSched(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUSched, self).__init__( root_name="vcpusched", **kwargs) self.vcpus = None self.scheduler = None self.priority = None def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUSched, self).format_dom() if self.vcpus is not None: root.set("vcpus", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.vcpus)) if self.scheduler is not None: root.set("scheduler", self.scheduler) if self.priority is not None: root.set("priority", str(self.priority)) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTune(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTune, self).__init__(root_name="cputune", **kwargs) self.shares = None self.quota = None self.period = None self.vcpupin = [] self.emulatorpin = None self.vcpusched = [] def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTune, self).format_dom() if self.shares is not None: root.append(self._text_node("shares", str(self.shares))) if self.quota is not None: root.append(self._text_node("quota", str(self.quota))) if self.period is not None: root.append(self._text_node("period", str(self.period))) if self.emulatorpin is not None: root.append(self.emulatorpin.format_dom()) for vcpu in self.vcpupin: root.append(vcpu.format_dom()) for sched in self.vcpusched: root.append(sched.format_dom()) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBacking(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBacking, self).__init__( root_name="memoryBacking", **kwargs) self.hugepages = [] self.sharedpages = True self.locked = False self.filesource = False self.sharedaccess = False self.allocateimmediate = False self.discard = False def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBacking, self).format_dom() if self.hugepages: hugepages = etree.Element("hugepages") for item in self.hugepages: hugepages.append(item.format_dom()) root.append(hugepages) if not self.sharedpages: root.append(etree.Element("nosharepages")) if self.locked: root.append(etree.Element("locked")) if self.filesource: root.append(etree.Element("source", type="file")) if self.sharedaccess: root.append(etree.Element("access", mode="shared")) if self.allocateimmediate: root.append(etree.Element("allocation", mode="immediate")) if self.discard: root.append(etree.Element("discard")) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBackingPage(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBackingPage, self).__init__( root_name="page", **kwargs) self.size_kb = None self.nodeset = None def format_dom(self): page = super(LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBackingPage, self).format_dom() page.set("size", str(self.size_kb)) page.set("nodeset", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.nodeset)) page.set("unit", "KiB") return page class LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTune(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTune, self).__init__( root_name="memtune", **kwargs) self.hard_limit = None self.soft_limit = None self.swap_hard_limit = None self.min_guarantee = None def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTune, self).format_dom() if self.hard_limit is not None: root.append(self._text_node("hard_limit", str(self.hard_limit), unit="KiB")) if self.soft_limit is not None: root.append(self._text_node("soft_limit", str(self.soft_limit), unit="KiB")) if self.swap_hard_limit is not None: root.append(self._text_node("swap_hard_limit", str(self.swap_hard_limit), unit="KiB")) if self.min_guarantee is not None: root.append(self._text_node("min_guarantee", str(self.min_guarantee), unit="KiB")) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATuneMemory(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATuneMemory, self).__init__( root_name="memory", **kwargs) self.mode = "strict" self.nodeset = [] def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATuneMemory, self).format_dom() root.set("mode", self.mode) root.set("nodeset", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.nodeset)) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATuneMemNode(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATuneMemNode, self).__init__( root_name="memnode", **kwargs) self.cellid = 0 self.mode = "strict" self.nodeset = [] def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATuneMemNode, self).format_dom() root.set("cellid", str(self.cellid)) root.set("mode", self.mode) root.set("nodeset", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.nodeset)) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATune(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATune, self).__init__( root_name="numatune", **kwargs) self.memory = None self.memnodes = [] def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestNUMATune, self).format_dom() if self.memory is not None: root.append(self.memory.format_dom()) for node in self.memnodes: root.append(node.format_dom()) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeature(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature, self).__init__(root_name=name, **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureACPI(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureACPI, self).__init__("acpi", **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureAPIC(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureAPIC, self).__init__("apic", **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureKvmHidden(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureKvmHidden, self).__init__("kvm", **kwargs) def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureKvmHidden, self).format_dom() root.append(etree.Element("hidden", state="on")) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureSMM(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureSMM, self).__init__("smm", **kwargs) def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureSMM, self).format_dom() root.append(etree.Element("smm", state="on")) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureTCG(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, cache_size, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureTCG, self).__init__("tcg", **kwargs) self.cache_size = str(cache_size) def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureTCG, self).format_dom() root.append(self._text_node("tb-cache", self.cache_size, unit="MiB")) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, state, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU, self).__init__("pmu", **kwargs) # NOTE(sean-k-mooney): bool_from_string is needed to handle the raw # flavor exta_sepc value. bool_from_string internally checks if the # value is already a bool and returns it. As such it's safe to use # with the image metadata property too, so we call it unconditionally. self.state = strutils.bool_from_string(state) def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeaturePMU, self).format_dom() root.attrib['state'] = "on" if self.state else "off" return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureIOAPIC(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__("ioapic", **kwargs) self.driver = "qemu" def format_dom(self): root = super().format_dom() root.set('driver', self.driver) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureHyperV(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): # QEMU requires at least this value to be set MIN_SPINLOCK_RETRIES = 4095 # The spoofed vendor_id can be any alphanumeric string SPOOFED_VENDOR_ID = "1234567890ab" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureHyperV, self).__init__("hyperv", **kwargs) self.relaxed = False self.vapic = False self.spinlocks = False self.spinlock_retries = self.MIN_SPINLOCK_RETRIES self.vpindex = False self.runtime = False self.synic = False self.reset = False self.frequencies = False self.reenlightenment = False self.tlbflush = False self.ipi = False self.evmcs = False self.vendorid_spoof = False self.vendorid = self.SPOOFED_VENDOR_ID def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureHyperV, self).format_dom() if self.relaxed: root.append(etree.Element("relaxed", state="on")) if self.vapic: root.append(etree.Element("vapic", state="on")) if self.spinlocks: root.append(etree.Element("spinlocks", state="on", retries=str(self.spinlock_retries))) if self.vendorid_spoof: root.append(etree.Element("vendor_id", state="on", value=self.vendorid)) if self.vpindex: root.append(etree.Element('vpindex', state='on')) if self.runtime: root.append(etree.Element('runtime', state='on')) if self.synic: root.append(etree.Element('synic', state='on')) if self.reset: root.append(etree.Element('reset', state='on')) if self.frequencies: root.append(etree.Element('frequencies', state='on')) if self.reenlightenment: root.append(etree.Element('reenlightenment', state='on')) if self.tlbflush: root.append(etree.Element('tlbflush', state='on')) if self.ipi: root.append(etree.Element('ipi', state='on')) if self.evmcs: root.append(etree.Element('evmcs', state='on')) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestSEVLaunchSecurity(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSEVLaunchSecurity, self).__init__( root_name='launchSecurity', **kwargs) self.cbitpos = None self.reduced_phys_bits = None def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuestSEVLaunchSecurity, self).format_dom() root.set('type', 'sev') policy = etree.Element('policy') policy.text = '0x0033' # hardcoded default according to the spec root.append(policy) cbitpos = etree.Element('cbitpos') cbitpos.text = str(self.cbitpos) root.append(cbitpos) reducedPhysBits = etree.Element('reducedPhysBits') reducedPhysBits.text = str(self.reduced_phys_bits) root.append(reducedPhysBits) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestFeatureVMCoreInfo(LibvirtConfigGuestFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__('vmcoreinfo', **kwargs) class LibvirtConfigGuest(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuest, self).__init__(root_name="domain", **kwargs) self.virt_type = None self.uuid = None self.name = None self.memory = 500 * units.Mi self.max_memory_size = None self.max_memory_slots = 0 self.membacking = None self.memtune = None self.numatune = None self.vcpus = 1 self.cpuset = None self.cpu = None self.cputune = None self.features = [] self.clock = None self.sysinfo = None self.os_type = None self.os_loader = None self.os_firmware = None self.os_loader_type = None self.os_loader_secure = None self.os_nvram = None self.os_nvram_template = None self.os_kernel = None self.os_initrd = None self.os_cmdline = None self.os_init_env = {} self.os_root = None self.os_init_path = None self.os_boot_dev = [] self.os_smbios = None self.os_arch = None self.os_mach_type = None self.os_bootmenu = False self.devices = [] self.metadata = [] self.idmaps = [] self.perf_events = [] self.launch_security = None def _format_basic_props(self, root): root.append(self._text_node("uuid", self.uuid)) root.append(self._text_node("name", self.name)) root.append(self._text_node("memory", self.memory)) if self.max_memory_size is not None: max_memory = self._text_node("maxMemory", self.max_memory_size) max_memory.set("slots", str(self.max_memory_slots)) root.append(max_memory) if self.membacking is not None: root.append(self.membacking.format_dom()) if self.memtune is not None: root.append(self.memtune.format_dom()) if self.numatune is not None: root.append(self.numatune.format_dom()) if self.cpuset is not None: vcpu = self._text_node("vcpu", self.vcpus) vcpu.set("cpuset", hardware.format_cpu_spec(self.cpuset)) root.append(vcpu) else: root.append(self._text_node("vcpu", self.vcpus)) if len(self.metadata) > 0: metadata = etree.Element("metadata") for m in self.metadata: metadata.append(m.format_dom()) root.append(metadata) def _format_os(self, root): os = etree.Element("os") if self.os_firmware is not None: os.set("firmware", self.os_firmware) type_node = self._text_node("type", self.os_type) if self.os_arch is not None: type_node.set("arch", self.os_arch) if self.os_mach_type is not None: type_node.set("machine", self.os_mach_type) os.append(type_node) if self.os_kernel is not None: os.append(self._text_node("kernel", self.os_kernel)) if ( self.os_loader is not None or self.os_loader_type is not None or self.os_loader_secure is not None ): loader = self._text_node("loader", self.os_loader) if self.os_loader_type is not None: loader.set("type", self.os_loader_type) loader.set("readonly", "yes") if self.os_loader_secure is not None: loader.set( "secure", self.get_yes_no_str(self.os_loader_secure)) os.append(loader) if ( self.os_nvram is not None or self.os_nvram_template is not None ): nvram = self._text_node("nvram", self.os_nvram) nvram.set("template", self.os_nvram_template) os.append(nvram) if self.os_initrd is not None: os.append(self._text_node("initrd", self.os_initrd)) if self.os_cmdline is not None: os.append(self._text_node("cmdline", self.os_cmdline)) if self.os_root is not None: os.append(self._text_node("root", self.os_root)) if self.os_init_path is not None: os.append(self._text_node("init", self.os_init_path)) for name, value in self.os_init_env.items(): initenv = self._text_node("initenv", value) initenv.set("name", name) os.append(initenv) for boot_dev in self.os_boot_dev: os.append(etree.Element("boot", dev=boot_dev)) if self.os_smbios is not None: os.append(self.os_smbios.format_dom()) if self.os_bootmenu: os.append(etree.Element("bootmenu", enable="yes")) root.append(os) def _format_features(self, root): if len(self.features) > 0: features = etree.Element("features") for feat in self.features: features.append(feat.format_dom()) root.append(features) def _format_devices(self, root): if len(self.devices) == 0: return devices = etree.Element("devices") for dev in self.devices: devices.append(dev.format_dom()) root.append(devices) def _format_idmaps(self, root): if len(self.idmaps) == 0: return idmaps = etree.Element("idmap") for idmap in self.idmaps: idmaps.append(idmap.format_dom()) root.append(idmaps) def _format_perf_events(self, root): if len(self.perf_events) == 0: return perfs = etree.Element("perf") for pe in self.perf_events: event = etree.Element("event", name=pe, enabled="yes") perfs.append(event) root.append(perfs) def _format_sev(self, root): if self.launch_security is not None: root.append(self.launch_security.format_dom()) def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigGuest, self).format_dom() root.set("type", self.virt_type) self._format_basic_props(root) if self.sysinfo is not None: root.append(self.sysinfo.format_dom()) self._format_os(root) self._format_features(root) if self.cputune is not None: root.append(self.cputune.format_dom()) if self.clock is not None: root.append(self.clock.format_dom()) if self.cpu is not None: root.append(self.cpu.format_dom()) self._format_devices(root) self._format_idmaps(root) self._format_perf_events(root) self._format_sev(root) return root def _parse_basic_props(self, xmldoc): # memmbacking, memtune, numatune, metadata are skipped just because # corresponding config types do not implement parse_dom method if xmldoc.tag == 'uuid': self.uuid = xmldoc.text elif xmldoc.tag == 'name': self.name = xmldoc.text elif xmldoc.tag == 'memory': self.memory = int(xmldoc.text) elif xmldoc.tag == 'vcpu': self.vcpus = int(xmldoc.text) if xmldoc.get('cpuset') is not None: self.cpuset = hardware.parse_cpu_spec(xmldoc.get('cpuset')) def _parse_os(self, xmldoc): if xmldoc.get('firmware'): self.os_firmware = xmldoc.get('firmware') # smbios is skipped just because LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOS # does not implement parse_dom method for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'type': self.os_type = c.text self.os_mach_type = c.get('machine') elif c.tag == 'kernel': self.os_kernel = c.text elif c.tag == 'loader': self.os_loader = c.text if c.get('type') == 'pflash': self.os_loader_type = 'pflash' elif c.tag == 'initrd': self.os_initrd = c.text elif c.tag == 'cmdline': self.os_cmdline = c.text elif c.tag == 'root': self.os_root = c.text elif c.tag == 'init': self.os_init_path = c.text elif c.tag == 'boot': self.os_boot_dev.append(c.get('dev')) elif c.tag == 'bootmenu': if c.get('enable') == 'yes': self.os_bootmenu = True elif c.tag == 'initenv': self.os_init_env[c.get('name')] = c.text def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): self.virt_type = xmldoc.get('type') # Note: This cover only for: LibvirtConfigGuestDisks # LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys # LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI # LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevMDEV # LibvirtConfigGuestInterface # LibvirtConfigGuestUidMap # LibvirtConfigGuestGidMap # LibvirtConfigGuestCPU # LibvirtConfigGuestVPMEM # LibvirtConfigGuestIOMMU for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == 'devices': for d in c: if d.tag == 'disk': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestDisk() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) elif d.tag == 'filesystem': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) elif d.tag == 'hostdev' and d.get('type') == 'pci': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) elif d.tag == 'hostdev' and d.get('type') == 'mdev': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevMDEV() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) elif d.tag == 'interface': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestInterface() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) elif d.tag == 'memory' and d.get('model') == 'nvdimm': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestVPMEM() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) elif d.tag == 'iommu': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestIOMMU() obj.parse_dom(d) self.devices.append(obj) if c.tag == 'idmap': for idmap in c: obj = None if idmap.tag == 'uid': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestUIDMap() elif idmap.tag == 'gid': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestGIDMap() if obj: obj.parse_dom(idmap) self.idmaps.append(obj) elif c.tag == 'cpu': obj = LibvirtConfigGuestCPU() obj.parse_dom(c) self.cpu = obj elif c.tag == 'perf': for p in c: if p.get('enabled') and p.get('enabled') == 'yes': self.add_perf_event(p.get('name')) elif c.tag == 'os': self._parse_os(c) else: self._parse_basic_props(c) def add_feature(self, dev: LibvirtConfigGuestFeature) -> None: self.features.append(dev) def add_device(self, dev: LibvirtConfigGuestDevice) -> None: self.devices.append(dev) def add_perf_event(self, event): self.perf_events.append(event) def set_clock(self, clk): self.clock = clk class LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshot(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshot, self).__init__( root_name="domainsnapshot", **kwargs) self.name = None self.disks = [] def format_dom(self): ss = super(LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshot, self).format_dom() if self.name: ss.append(self._text_node("name", self.name)) disks = etree.Element('disks') for disk in self.disks: disks.append(disk.format_dom()) ss.append(disks) return ss def add_disk(self, disk): self.disks.append(disk) class LibvirtConfigNodeDevice(LibvirtConfigObject): """Libvirt Node Devices parser.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDevice, self).__init__(root_name="device", **kwargs) self.name = None self.parent = None self.pci_capability = None self.mdev_information = None self.vdpa_capability = None self.vpd_capability = None def format_dom(self): dev = super().format_dom() if self.name: dev.append(self._text_node('name', str(self.name))) if self.parent: dev.append(self._text_node('parent', str(self.parent))) if self.mdev_information: dev.append(self.mdev_information.format_dom()) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDevice, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "name": self.name = c.text elif c.tag == "parent": self.parent = c.text elif c.tag == "capability" and c.get("type") in ['pci', 'net']: pcicap = LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap() pcicap.parse_dom(c) self.pci_capability = pcicap elif c.tag == "capability" and c.get("type") in ['mdev']: mdev_info = LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevInformation() mdev_info.parse_dom(c) self.mdev_information = mdev_info elif c.tag == "capability" and c.get("type") in ['vdpa']: vdpa_caps = LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceVDPACap() vdpa_caps.parse_dom(c) self.vdpa_capability = vdpa_caps class LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceVDPACap(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( root_name="capability", **kwargs) self.dev_path = None def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super().parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "chardev": self.dev_path = c.text class LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap(LibvirtConfigObject): """Libvirt Node Devices pci capability parser.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap, self).__init__( root_name="capability", **kwargs) self.domain = None self.bus = None self.slot = None self.function = None self.product = None self.product_id = None self.vendor = None self.vendor_id = None self.numa_node = None self.fun_capability = [] self.mdev_capability = [] self.vpd_capability = None self.interface = None self.address = None self.link_state = None self.features = [] def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "domain": self.domain = int(c.text) elif c.tag == "slot": self.slot = int(c.text) elif c.tag == "bus": self.bus = int(c.text) elif c.tag == "function": self.function = int(c.text) elif c.tag == "product": self.product = c.text self.product_id = int(c.get('id'), 16) elif c.tag == "vendor": self.vendor = c.text self.vendor_id = int(c.get('id'), 16) elif c.tag == "numa": self.numa_node = int(c.get('node')) elif c.tag == "interface": self.interface = c.text elif c.tag == "address": self.address = c.text elif c.tag == "link": self.link_state = c.get('state') elif c.tag == "feature": self.features.append(c.get('name')) elif c.tag == "capability" and c.get('type') in \ ('virt_functions', 'phys_function'): funcap = LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap() funcap.parse_dom(c) self.fun_capability.append(funcap) elif c.tag == "capability" and c.get('type') in ('mdev_types',): mdevcap = LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevCapableSubFunctionCap() mdevcap.parse_dom(c) self.mdev_capability.append(mdevcap) elif c.tag == "capability" and c.get('type') in ('vpd',): vpdcap = LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceVpdCap() vpdcap.parse_dom(c) self.vpd_capability = vpdcap def pci_address(self): return "%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x" % ( self.domain, self.bus, self.slot, self.function) class LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap, self).__init__( root_name="capability", **kwargs) self.type = None self.device_addrs = list() # list of tuple (domain,bus,slot,function) def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.type = xmldoc.get("type") for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "address": self.device_addrs.append((int(c.get('domain'), 16), int(c.get('bus'), 16), int(c.get('slot'), 16), int(c.get('function'), 16))) class LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevCapableSubFunctionCap(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevCapableSubFunctionCap, self).__init__( root_name="capability", **kwargs) # mdev_types is a list of dictionaries where each item looks like: # {'type': 'nvidia-11', 'name': 'GRID M60-0B', 'deviceAPI': 'vfio-pci', # 'availableInstances': 16} self.mdev_types = list() def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevCapableSubFunctionCap, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "type": mdev_type = {'type': c.get('id')} for e in c: mdev_type[e.tag] = (int(e.text) if e.tag == 'availableInstances' else e.text) self.mdev_types.append(mdev_type) class LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevInformation(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevInformation, self).__init__( root_name="capability", **kwargs) self.type = None self.iommu_group = None self.uuid = None def format_dom(self): dev = super().format_dom() dev.set('type', 'mdev') if self.type: mdev_type = self._new_node('type') mdev_type.set('id', self.type) dev.append(mdev_type) if self.uuid: dev.append(self._text_node('uuid', self.uuid)) if self.iommu_group: iommu_group = self._new_node('iommuGroup') iommu_group.set('number', str(self.iommu_group)) dev.append(iommu_group) return dev def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceMdevInformation, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "type": self.type = c.get('id') if c.tag == "iommuGroup": self.iommu_group = int(c.get('number')) if c.tag == "uuid": self.uuid = c.text class LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceVpdCap(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( root_name="capability", **kwargs) self._card_name = None self._change_level = None self._manufacture_id = None self._part_number = None self._serial_number = None self._asset_tag = None self._ro_vendor_fields = {} self._rw_vendor_fields = {} self._rw_system_fields = {} @staticmethod def _process_custom_field(fields_dict, field_element): index = field_element.get('index') if index: fields_dict[index] = field_element.text def _parse_ro_fields(self, fields_element): for e in fields_element: if e.tag == 'change_level': self._change_level = e.text elif e.tag == 'manufacture_id': self._manufacture_id = e.text elif e.tag == 'part_number': self._part_number = e.text elif e.tag == 'serial_number': self._serial_number = e.text elif e.tag == 'vendor_field': self._process_custom_field(self._ro_vendor_fields, e) def _parse_rw_fields(self, fields_element): for e in fields_element: if e.tag == 'asset_tag': self._asset_tag = e.text elif e.tag == 'vendor_field': self._process_custom_field(self._rw_vendor_fields, e) elif e.tag == 'system_field': self._process_custom_field(self._rw_system_fields, e) def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceVpdCap, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) for c in xmldoc: if c.tag == "name": self._card_name = c.text if c.tag == "fields": access = c.get('access') if access: if access == 'readonly': self._parse_ro_fields(c) elif access == 'readwrite': self._parse_rw_fields(c) else: continue @property def card_name(self): return self._card_name @property def change_level(self): return self._change_level @property def manufacture_id(self): return self._manufacture_id @property def part_number(self): return self._part_number @property def card_serial_number(self): return self._serial_number @property def asset_tag(self): return self._asset_tag @property def ro_vendor_fields(self): return self._ro_vendor_fields @property def rw_vendor_fields(self): return self._rw_vendor_fields @property def rw_system_fields(self): return self._rw_system_fields class LibvirtConfigGuestRng(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestRng, self).__init__(root_name="rng", **kwargs) self.device_model = 'virtio' self.model = 'random' self.backend = None self.rate_period = None self.rate_bytes = None self.driver_iommu = False @property def uses_virtio(self): return 'virtio' == self.device_model def format_dom(self): dev = super(LibvirtConfigGuestRng, self).format_dom() dev.set('model', self.device_model) backend = etree.Element("backend") backend.set("model", self.model) backend.text = self.backend if self.rate_period and self.rate_bytes: rate = etree.Element("rate") rate.set("period", str(self.rate_period)) rate.set("bytes", str(self.rate_bytes)) dev.append(rate) dev.append(backend) if self.driver_iommu: dev.append(etree.Element('driver', iommu="on")) return dev class LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaInstance(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaInstance, self).__init__(root_name="instance", ns_prefix="nova", ns_uri=NOVA_NS) self.package = None self.flavor = None self.name = None self.creationTime = None self.owner = None self.roottype = None self.rootid = None self.ports = None def format_dom(self): meta = super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaInstance, self).format_dom() pkg = self._new_node("package") pkg.set("version", self.package) meta.append(pkg) if self.name is not None: meta.append(self._text_node("name", self.name)) if self.creationTime is not None: timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(self.creationTime)) meta.append(self._text_node("creationTime", timestr)) if self.flavor is not None: meta.append(self.flavor.format_dom()) if self.owner is not None: meta.append(self.owner.format_dom()) if self.roottype is not None and self.rootid is not None: root = self._new_node("root") root.set("type", self.roottype) root.set("uuid", str(self.rootid)) meta.append(root) if self.ports is not None: meta.append(self.ports.format_dom()) return meta class LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaFlavor(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaFlavor, self).__init__(root_name="flavor", ns_prefix="nova", ns_uri=NOVA_NS) self.name = None self.memory = None self.disk = None self.swap = None self.ephemeral = None self.vcpus = None def format_dom(self): meta = super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaFlavor, self).format_dom() meta.set("name", self.name) if self.memory is not None: meta.append(self._text_node("memory", str(self.memory))) if self.disk is not None: meta.append(self._text_node("disk", str(self.disk))) if self.swap is not None: meta.append(self._text_node("swap", str(self.swap))) if self.ephemeral is not None: meta.append(self._text_node("ephemeral", str(self.ephemeral))) if self.vcpus is not None: meta.append(self._text_node("vcpus", str(self.vcpus))) return meta class LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaOwner(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaOwner, self).__init__(root_name="owner", ns_prefix="nova", ns_uri=NOVA_NS) self.userid = None self.username = None self.projectid = None self.projectname = None def format_dom(self): meta = super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaOwner, self).format_dom() if self.userid is not None and self.username is not None: user = self._text_node("user", self.username) user.set("uuid", self.userid) meta.append(user) if self.projectid is not None and self.projectname is not None: project = self._text_node("project", self.projectname) project.set("uuid", self.projectid) meta.append(project) return meta class LibvirtConfigSecret(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self): super(LibvirtConfigSecret, self).__init__(root_name="secret") self.ephemeral = False self.private = False self.description = None self.uuid = None self.usage_type = None self.usage_id = None def format_dom(self): root = super(LibvirtConfigSecret, self).format_dom() root.set("ephemeral", self.get_yes_no_str(self.ephemeral)) root.set("private", self.get_yes_no_str(self.private)) if self.description is not None: root.append(self._text_node("description", str(self.description))) if self.uuid is not None: root.append(self._text_node("uuid", str(self.uuid))) usage = self._new_node("usage") usage.set("type", self.usage_type) if self.usage_type in ('ceph', 'vtpm'): usage.append(self._text_node('name', str(self.usage_id))) elif self.usage_type == 'iscsi': usage.append(self._text_node('target', str(self.usage_id))) elif self.usage_type == 'volume': usage.append(self._text_node('volume', str(self.usage_id))) root.append(usage) return root class LibvirtConfigGuestVPMEM(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LibvirtConfigGuestVPMEM, self).__init__( root_name="memory", **kwargs) self.model = "nvdimm" self.access = "shared" self.source_path = "" self.align_size = 0 self.pmem = True self.target_size = 0 self.target_node = 0 self.label_size = 2 * units.Ki def format_dom(self): memory = super(LibvirtConfigGuestVPMEM, self).format_dom() memory.set("model", self.model) memory.set("access", self.access) source = etree.Element("source") source.append(self._text_node("path", self.source_path)) source.append(self._text_node("alignsize", self.align_size)) if self.pmem is True: source.append(etree.Element("pmem")) target = etree.Element("target") target.append(self._text_node("size", self.target_size)) target.append(self._text_node("node", self.target_node)) label = etree.Element("label") label.append(self._text_node("size", self.label_size)) target.append(label) memory.append(source) memory.append(target) return memory def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super(LibvirtConfigGuestVPMEM, self).parse_dom(xmldoc) self.model = xmldoc.get("model") self.access = xmldoc.get("access") for c in list(xmldoc): if c.tag == "source": for sub in list(c): if sub.tag == "path": self.source_path = sub.text if sub.tag == "alignsize": self.align_size = sub.text elif c.tag == "target": for sub in list(c): if sub.tag == "size": self.target_size = sub.text class LibvirtConfigGuestIOMMU(LibvirtConfigGuestDevice): """https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#iommu-devices""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(root_name="iommu", **kwargs) self.model: str = fields.VIOMMUModel.AUTO self.interrupt_remapping: bool = False self.caching_mode: bool = False self.eim: bool = False self.iotlb: bool = False def format_dom(self): iommu = super().format_dom() iommu.set("model", self.model) driver = etree.Element("driver") driver.set("intremap", self.get_on_off_str(self.interrupt_remapping)) driver.set("caching_mode", self.get_on_off_str(self.caching_mode)) # Set aw_bits to None when the Libvirt version not satisfy # MIN_LIBVIRT_VIOMMU_AW_BITS in driver. When it's None, means it's not # supported to have aw_bits. if hasattr(self, "aw_bits"): driver.set("aw_bits", str(self.aw_bits)) driver.set("eim", self.get_on_off_str(self.eim)) driver.set("iotlb", self.get_on_off_str(self.iotlb)) iommu.append(driver) return iommu def parse_dom(self, xmldoc): super().parse_dom(xmldoc) self.model = xmldoc.get("model") driver = xmldoc.find("./driver") if driver: self.interrupt_remapping = self.parse_on_off_str( driver.get("intremap")) self.caching_mode = self.parse_on_off_str( driver.get("caching_mode")) if driver.get("aw_bits") is not None: self.aw_bits = int(driver.get("aw_bits")) self.iotlb = self.parse_on_off_str(driver.get("iotlb")) self.eim = self.parse_on_off_str(driver.get("eim")) class LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaPorts(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, ports=None): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaPorts, self).__init__( root_name="ports", ns_prefix="nova", ns_uri=NOVA_NS) self.ports = ports def format_dom(self): meta = self._new_node("ports") for port in self.ports or []: meta.append(port.format_dom()) return meta class LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaPort(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, uuid, ips=None): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaPort, self).__init__( root_name="port", ns_prefix="nova", ns_uri=NOVA_NS) self.uuid = uuid self.ips = ips def format_dom(self): meta = self._new_node("port") meta.set("uuid", str(self.uuid)) for ip in self.ips or []: meta.append(ip.format_dom()) return meta class LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaIp(LibvirtConfigObject): def __init__(self, ip_type, address, ip_version): super(LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaIp, self).__init__( root_name="ip", ns_prefix="nova", ns_uri=NOVA_NS) self.ip_type = ip_type self.address = address self.ip_version = ip_version def format_dom(self): meta = self._new_node("ip") meta.set("type", str(self.ip_type)) meta.set("address", str(self.address)) meta.set("ipVersion", str(self.ip_version)) return meta