# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack, LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Manage hosts in the current zone. """ import datetime import UserDict from nova import db from nova import exception from nova import flags from nova import log as logging from nova.openstack.common import cfg from nova.scheduler import filters from nova import utils host_manager_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('reserved_host_disk_mb', default=0, help='Amount of disk in MB to reserve for host/dom0'), cfg.IntOpt('reserved_host_memory_mb', default=512, help='Amount of memory in MB to reserve for host/dom0'), cfg.MultiStrOpt('scheduler_available_filters', default=['nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters'], help='Filter classes available to the scheduler which may ' 'be specified more than once. An entry of ' '"nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters" ' 'maps to all filters included with nova.'), cfg.ListOpt('scheduler_default_filters', default=[ 'AvailabilityZoneFilter', 'RamFilter', 'ComputeFilter' ], help='Which filter class names to use for filtering hosts ' 'when not specified in the request.'), ] FLAGS = flags.FLAGS FLAGS.register_opts(host_manager_opts) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ReadOnlyDict(UserDict.IterableUserDict): """A read-only dict.""" def __init__(self, source=None): self.data = {} self.update(source) def __setitem__(self, key, item): raise TypeError def __delitem__(self, key): raise TypeError def clear(self): raise TypeError def pop(self, key, *args): raise TypeError def popitem(self): raise TypeError def update(self, source=None): if source is None: return elif isinstance(source, UserDict.UserDict): self.data = source.data elif isinstance(source, type({})): self.data = source else: raise TypeError class HostState(object): """Mutable and immutable information tracked for a host. This is an attempt to remove the ad-hoc data structures previously used and lock down access. """ def __init__(self, host, topic, capabilities=None, service=None): self.host = host self.topic = topic # Read-only capability dicts if capabilities is None: capabilities = {} self.capabilities = ReadOnlyDict(capabilities.get(topic, None)) if service is None: service = {} self.service = ReadOnlyDict(service) # Mutable available resources. # These will change as resources are virtually "consumed". self.free_ram_mb = 0 self.free_disk_mb = 0 self.vcpus_total = 0 self.vcpus_used = 0 def update_from_compute_node(self, compute): """Update information about a host from its compute_node info.""" all_disk_mb = compute['local_gb'] * 1024 all_ram_mb = compute['memory_mb'] vcpus_total = compute['vcpus'] if FLAGS.reserved_host_disk_mb > 0: all_disk_mb -= FLAGS.reserved_host_disk_mb if FLAGS.reserved_host_memory_mb > 0: all_ram_mb -= FLAGS.reserved_host_memory_mb self.free_ram_mb = all_ram_mb self.free_disk_mb = all_disk_mb self.vcpus_total = vcpus_total def consume_from_instance(self, instance): """Update information about a host from instance info.""" disk_mb = (instance['root_gb'] + instance['ephemeral_gb']) * 1024 ram_mb = instance['memory_mb'] vcpus = instance['vcpus'] self.free_ram_mb -= ram_mb self.free_disk_mb -= disk_mb self.vcpus_used += vcpus def passes_filters(self, filter_fns, filter_properties): """Return whether or not this host passes filters.""" if self.host in filter_properties.get('ignore_hosts', []): LOG.debug(_('Host filter fails for ignored host %(host)s'), {'host': self.host}) return False force_hosts = filter_properties.get('force_hosts', []) if force_hosts: if not self.host in force_hosts: LOG.debug(_('Host filter fails for non-forced host %(host)s'), {'host': self.host}) return self.host in force_hosts for filter_fn in filter_fns: if not filter_fn(self, filter_properties): LOG.debug(_('Host filter function %(func)s failed for ' '%(host)s'), {'func': repr(filter_fn), 'host': self.host}) return False LOG.debug(_('Host filter passes for %(host)s'), {'host': self.host}) return True def __repr__(self): return ("host '%s': free_ram_mb:%s free_disk_mb:%s" % (self.host, self.free_ram_mb, self.free_disk_mb)) class HostManager(object): """Base HostManager class.""" # Can be overriden in a subclass host_state_cls = HostState def __init__(self): self.service_states = {} # { : { : { cap k : v }}} self.filter_classes = filters.get_filter_classes( FLAGS.scheduler_available_filters) def _choose_host_filters(self, filters): """Since the caller may specify which filters to use we need to have an authoritative list of what is permissible. This function checks the filter names against a predefined set of acceptable filters. """ if filters is None: filters = FLAGS.scheduler_default_filters if not isinstance(filters, (list, tuple)): filters = [filters] good_filters = [] bad_filters = [] for filter_name in filters: found_class = False for cls in self.filter_classes: if cls.__name__ == filter_name: found_class = True filter_instance = cls() # Get the filter function filter_func = getattr(filter_instance, 'host_passes', None) if filter_func: good_filters.append(filter_func) break if not found_class: bad_filters.append(filter_name) if bad_filters: msg = ", ".join(bad_filters) raise exception.SchedulerHostFilterNotFound(filter_name=msg) return good_filters def filter_hosts(self, hosts, filter_properties, filters=None): """Filter hosts and return only ones passing all filters""" filtered_hosts = [] filter_fns = self._choose_host_filters(filters) for host in hosts: if host.passes_filters(filter_fns, filter_properties): filtered_hosts.append(host) return filtered_hosts def get_host_list(self): """Returns a list of dicts for each host that the Zone Manager knows about. Each dict contains the host_name and the service for that host. """ all_hosts = self.service_states.keys() ret = [] for host in self.service_states: for svc in self.service_states[host]: ret.append({"service": svc, "host_name": host}) return ret def get_service_capabilities(self): """Roll up all the individual host info to generic 'service' capabilities. Each capability is aggregated into _min and _max values.""" hosts_dict = self.service_states # TODO(sandy) - be smarter about fabricating this structure. # But it's likely to change once we understand what the Best-Match # code will need better. combined = {} # { _ : (min, max), ... } stale_host_services = {} # { host1 : [svc1, svc2], host2 :[svc1]} for host, host_dict in hosts_dict.iteritems(): for service_name, service_dict in host_dict.iteritems(): if not service_dict.get("enabled", True): # Service is disabled; do no include it continue # Check if the service capabilities became stale if self.host_service_caps_stale(host, service_name): if host not in stale_host_services: stale_host_services[host] = [] # Adding host key once stale_host_services[host].append(service_name) continue for cap, value in service_dict.iteritems(): if cap == "timestamp": # Timestamp is not needed continue key = "%s_%s" % (service_name, cap) min_value, max_value = combined.get(key, (value, value)) min_value = min(min_value, value) max_value = max(max_value, value) combined[key] = (min_value, max_value) # Delete the expired host services self.delete_expired_host_services(stale_host_services) return combined def update_service_capabilities(self, service_name, host, capabilities): """Update the per-service capabilities based on this notification.""" LOG.debug(_("Received %(service_name)s service update from " "%(host)s.") % locals()) service_caps = self.service_states.get(host, {}) # Copy the capabilities, so we don't modify the original dict capab_copy = dict(capabilities) capab_copy["timestamp"] = utils.utcnow() # Reported time service_caps[service_name] = capab_copy self.service_states[host] = service_caps def host_service_caps_stale(self, host, service): """Check if host service capabilites are not recent enough.""" allowed_time_diff = FLAGS.periodic_interval * 3 caps = self.service_states[host][service] if ((utils.utcnow() - caps["timestamp"]) <= datetime.timedelta(seconds=allowed_time_diff)): return False return True def delete_expired_host_services(self, host_services_dict): """Delete all the inactive host services information.""" for host, services in host_services_dict.iteritems(): service_caps = self.service_states[host] for service in services: del service_caps[service] if len(service_caps) == 0: # Delete host if no services del self.service_states[host] def get_all_host_states(self, context, topic): """Returns a dict of all the hosts the HostManager knows about. Also, each of the consumable resources in HostState are pre-populated and adjusted based on data in the db. For example: {'': HostState(), ...} Note: this can be very slow with a lot of instances. InstanceType table isn't required since a copy is stored with the instance (in case the InstanceType changed since the instance was created).""" if topic != 'compute': raise NotImplementedError(_( "host_manager only implemented for 'compute'")) host_state_map = {} # Make a compute node dict with the bare essential metrics. compute_nodes = db.compute_node_get_all(context) for compute in compute_nodes: service = compute['service'] if not service: LOG.warn(_("No service for compute ID %s") % compute['id']) continue host = service['host'] capabilities = self.service_states.get(host, None) host_state = self.host_state_cls(host, topic, capabilities=capabilities, service=dict(service.iteritems())) host_state.update_from_compute_node(compute) host_state_map[host] = host_state # "Consume" resources from the host the instance resides on. instances = db.instance_get_all(context) for instance in instances: host = instance['host'] if not host: continue host_state = host_state_map.get(host, None) if not host_state: continue host_state.consume_from_instance(instance) return host_state_map