prelude: |
    Nova 13.0.0 release is including a lot of new features and bugfixes. It can
    be extremely hard to mention all the changes we introduced during that
    release but we beg you to read at least the upgrade section which describes
    the required modifications that you need to do for upgrading your cloud
    from 12.0.0 (Liberty) to 13.0.0 (Mitaka).

    That said, a few major changes are worth to notice here. This is not an
    exhaustive list of things to notice, rather just important things you need
    to know :

        - Latest API microversion supported for Mitaka is v2.25
        - Nova now requires a second database (called 'API DB').
        - A new nova-manage script allows you to perform all online DB
          migrations once you upgrade your cloud
        - EC2 API support is fully removed.