Nova Style Commandments ======================= Step 1: Read Step 2: Read again Step 3: Read on Imports ------- - thou shalt not import objects, only modules - thou shalt not import more than one module per line - thou shalt not make relative imports - thou shalt "from nova import vendor" before importing third party code - thou shalt organize your imports according to the following template :: # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 {{stdlib imports in human alphabetical order}} \n from nova import vendor {{vendor imports in human alphabetical order}} \n {{nova imports in human alphabetical order}} \n \n {{begin your code}} General ------- - thou shalt put two newlines twixt toplevel code (funcs, classes, etc) - thou shalt put one newline twixt methods in classes and anywhere else - thou shalt not write "except:", use "except Exception:" at the very least - thou shalt include your name with TODOs as in "TODO(termie)" - thou shalt not name anything the same name as a builtin or reserved word - thou shalt not violate causality in our time cone, or else Human Alphabetical Order Examples --------------------------------- :: import httplib import logging import random import StringIO import time import unittest from nova import flags from nova import test from nova.auth import users from nova.endpoint import api from nova.endpoint import cloud