--- other: - | The ``[workarounds]/rbd_volume_local_attach`` configuration option has been introduced. This can be used by operators to ensure RBD volumes are connected to compute hosts as block devices. This can be used with the ``[worarounds]/disable_native_luksv1`` configuration option to workaround recently discovered performance issues found within the `libgcrypt library`__ used by QEMU when natively decrypting LUKSv1 encrypted disks. This workaround does not currently support extending attached volumes. This workaround is temporary and will be removed during the W release once all impacted distributions have been able to update their versions of the libgcrypt library. .. warning:: Operators must ensure no instances are running on the compute host before enabling this workaround. Any instances with attached RBD volumes left running on the hosts will fail to migrate or stop after this workaround has been enabled. .. __: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1762765