# Copyright (c) 2011 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc. # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Implementation of SQLAlchemy backend.""" import collections import copy import datetime import functools import inspect import sys from oslo_db import api as oslo_db_api from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import update_match from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as sqlalchemyutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_utils import timeutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import six import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import and_ from sqlalchemy import Boolean from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy import or_ from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from sqlalchemy.orm import noload from sqlalchemy.orm import subqueryload from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer from sqlalchemy.schema import Table from sqlalchemy import sql from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import asc from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import desc from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import UpdateBase from sqlalchemy.sql import false from sqlalchemy.sql import func from sqlalchemy.sql import null from sqlalchemy.sql import true from nova import block_device from nova.compute import task_states from nova.compute import vm_states import nova.conf import nova.context from nova.db.sqlalchemy import models from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova import safe_utils profiler_sqlalchemy = importutils.try_import('osprofiler.sqlalchemy') CONF = nova.conf.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) main_context_manager = enginefacade.transaction_context() api_context_manager = enginefacade.transaction_context() def _get_db_conf(conf_group, connection=None): kw = dict(conf_group.items()) if connection is not None: kw['connection'] = connection return kw def _context_manager_from_context(context): if context: try: return context.db_connection except AttributeError: pass def _joinedload_all(column): elements = column.split('.') joined = joinedload(elements.pop(0)) for element in elements: joined = joined.joinedload(element) return joined def configure(conf): main_context_manager.configure(**_get_db_conf(conf.database)) api_context_manager.configure(**_get_db_conf(conf.api_database)) if profiler_sqlalchemy and CONF.profiler.enabled \ and CONF.profiler.trace_sqlalchemy: main_context_manager.append_on_engine_create( lambda eng: profiler_sqlalchemy.add_tracing(sa, eng, "db")) api_context_manager.append_on_engine_create( lambda eng: profiler_sqlalchemy.add_tracing(sa, eng, "db")) def create_context_manager(connection=None): """Create a database context manager object. : param connection: The database connection string """ ctxt_mgr = enginefacade.transaction_context() ctxt_mgr.configure(**_get_db_conf(CONF.database, connection=connection)) return ctxt_mgr def get_context_manager(context): """Get a database context manager object. :param context: The request context that can contain a context manager """ return _context_manager_from_context(context) or main_context_manager def get_engine(use_slave=False, context=None): """Get a database engine object. :param use_slave: Whether to use the slave connection :param context: The request context that can contain a context manager """ ctxt_mgr = get_context_manager(context) if use_slave: return ctxt_mgr.reader.get_engine() return ctxt_mgr.writer.get_engine() def get_api_engine(): return api_context_manager.writer.get_engine() _SHADOW_TABLE_PREFIX = 'shadow_' _DEFAULT_QUOTA_NAME = 'default' PER_PROJECT_QUOTAS = ['fixed_ips', 'floating_ips', 'networks'] # NOTE(stephenfin): This is required and used by oslo.db def get_backend(): """The backend is this module itself.""" return sys.modules[__name__] def require_context(f): """Decorator to require *any* user or admin context. This does no authorization for user or project access matching, see :py:func:`nova.context.authorize_project_context` and :py:func:`nova.context.authorize_user_context`. The first argument to the wrapped function must be the context. """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): nova.context.require_context(args[0]) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def select_db_reader_mode(f): """Decorator to select synchronous or asynchronous reader mode. The kwarg argument 'use_slave' defines reader mode. Asynchronous reader will be used if 'use_slave' is True and synchronous reader otherwise. If 'use_slave' is not specified default value 'False' will be used. Wrapped function must have a context in the arguments. """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): wrapped_func = safe_utils.get_wrapped_function(f) keyed_args = inspect.getcallargs(wrapped_func, *args, **kwargs) context = keyed_args['context'] use_slave = keyed_args.get('use_slave', False) if use_slave: reader_mode = get_context_manager(context).async_ else: reader_mode = get_context_manager(context).reader with reader_mode.using(context): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def pick_context_manager_writer(f): """Decorator to use a writer db context manager. The db context manager will be picked from the RequestContext. Wrapped function must have a RequestContext in the arguments. """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(context, *args, **kwargs): ctxt_mgr = get_context_manager(context) with ctxt_mgr.writer.using(context): return f(context, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped def pick_context_manager_reader(f): """Decorator to use a reader db context manager. The db context manager will be picked from the RequestContext. Wrapped function must have a RequestContext in the arguments. """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(context, *args, **kwargs): ctxt_mgr = get_context_manager(context) with ctxt_mgr.reader.using(context): return f(context, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped def pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async(f): """Decorator to use a reader.allow_async db context manager. The db context manager will be picked from the RequestContext. Wrapped function must have a RequestContext in the arguments. """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(context, *args, **kwargs): ctxt_mgr = get_context_manager(context) with ctxt_mgr.reader.allow_async.using(context): return f(context, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped def model_query(context, model, args=None, read_deleted=None, project_only=False): """Query helper that accounts for context's `read_deleted` field. :param context: NovaContext of the query. :param model: Model to query. Must be a subclass of ModelBase. :param args: Arguments to query. If None - model is used. :param read_deleted: If not None, overrides context's read_deleted field. Permitted values are 'no', which does not return deleted values; 'only', which only returns deleted values; and 'yes', which does not filter deleted values. :param project_only: If set and context is user-type, then restrict query to match the context's project_id. If set to 'allow_none', restriction includes project_id = None. """ if read_deleted is None: read_deleted = context.read_deleted query_kwargs = {} if 'no' == read_deleted: query_kwargs['deleted'] = False elif 'only' == read_deleted: query_kwargs['deleted'] = True elif 'yes' == read_deleted: pass else: raise ValueError(_("Unrecognized read_deleted value '%s'") % read_deleted) query = sqlalchemyutils.model_query( model, context.session, args, **query_kwargs) # We can't use oslo.db model_query's project_id here, as it doesn't allow # us to return both our projects and unowned projects. if nova.context.is_user_context(context) and project_only: if project_only == 'allow_none': query = query.\ filter(or_(model.project_id == context.project_id, model.project_id == null())) else: query = query.filter_by(project_id=context.project_id) return query def convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, *datetime_keys): if not datetime_keys: datetime_keys = ('created_at', 'deleted_at', 'updated_at') for key in datetime_keys: if key in values and values[key]: if isinstance(values[key], six.string_types): try: values[key] = timeutils.parse_strtime(values[key]) except ValueError: # Try alternate parsing since parse_strtime will fail # with say converting '2015-05-28T19:59:38+00:00' values[key] = timeutils.parse_isotime(values[key]) # NOTE(danms): Strip UTC timezones from datetimes, since they're # stored that way in the database values[key] = values[key].replace(tzinfo=None) return values ################### def constraint(**conditions): return Constraint(conditions) def equal_any(*values): return EqualityCondition(values) def not_equal(*values): return InequalityCondition(values) class Constraint(object): def __init__(self, conditions): self.conditions = conditions def apply(self, model, query): for key, condition in self.conditions.items(): for clause in condition.clauses(getattr(model, key)): query = query.filter(clause) return query class EqualityCondition(object): def __init__(self, values): self.values = values def clauses(self, field): # method signature requires us to return an iterable even if for OR # operator this will actually be a single clause return [or_(*[field == value for value in self.values])] class InequalityCondition(object): def __init__(self, values): self.values = values def clauses(self, field): return [field != value for value in self.values] class DeleteFromSelect(UpdateBase): def __init__(self, table, select, column): self.table = table self.select = select self.column = column # NOTE(guochbo): some versions of MySQL doesn't yet support subquery with # 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME' We need work around this with nesting select . @compiles(DeleteFromSelect) def visit_delete_from_select(element, compiler, **kw): return "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s in (SELECT T1.%s FROM (%s) as T1)" % ( compiler.process(element.table, asfrom=True), compiler.process(element.column), element.column.name, compiler.process(element.select)) ################### @pick_context_manager_writer def service_destroy(context, service_id): service = service_get(context, service_id) model_query(context, models.Service).\ filter_by(id=service_id).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) if service.binary == 'nova-compute': # TODO(sbauza): Remove the service_id filter in a later release # once we are sure that all compute nodes report the host field model_query(context, models.ComputeNode).\ filter(or_(models.ComputeNode.service_id == service_id, models.ComputeNode.host == service['host'])).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get(context, service_id): query = model_query(context, models.Service).filter_by(id=service_id) result = query.first() if not result: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_id) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_by_uuid(context, service_uuid): query = model_query(context, models.Service).filter_by(uuid=service_uuid) result = query.first() if not result: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_uuid) return result @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def service_get_minimum_version(context, binaries): min_versions = context.session.query( models.Service.binary, func.min(models.Service.version)).\ filter(models.Service.binary.in_(binaries)).\ filter(models.Service.deleted == 0).\ filter(models.Service.forced_down == false()).\ group_by(models.Service.binary) return dict(min_versions) @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_all(context, disabled=None): query = model_query(context, models.Service) if disabled is not None: query = query.filter_by(disabled=disabled) return query.all() @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_all_by_topic(context, topic): return model_query(context, models.Service, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(disabled=False).\ filter_by(topic=topic).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_by_host_and_topic(context, host, topic): return model_query(context, models.Service, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(disabled=False).\ filter_by(host=host).\ filter_by(topic=topic).\ first() @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_all_by_binary(context, binary, include_disabled=False): query = model_query(context, models.Service).filter_by(binary=binary) if not include_disabled: query = query.filter_by(disabled=False) return query.all() @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_all_computes_by_hv_type(context, hv_type, include_disabled=False): query = model_query(context, models.Service, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(binary='nova-compute') if not include_disabled: query = query.filter_by(disabled=False) query = query.join(models.ComputeNode, models.Service.host == models.ComputeNode.host).\ filter(models.ComputeNode.hypervisor_type == hv_type).\ distinct() return query.all() @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_by_host_and_binary(context, host, binary): result = model_query(context, models.Service, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(host=host).\ filter_by(binary=binary).\ first() if not result: raise exception.HostBinaryNotFound(host=host, binary=binary) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def service_get_all_by_host(context, host): return model_query(context, models.Service, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(host=host).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def service_get_by_compute_host(context, host): result = model_query(context, models.Service, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(host=host).\ filter_by(binary='nova-compute').\ first() if not result: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=host) return result @pick_context_manager_writer def service_create(context, values): service_ref = models.Service() service_ref.update(values) # We only auto-disable nova-compute services since those are the only # ones that can be enabled using the os-services REST API and they are # the only ones where being disabled means anything. It does # not make sense to be able to disable non-compute services like # nova-scheduler or nova-osapi_compute since that does nothing. if not CONF.enable_new_services and values.get('binary') == 'nova-compute': msg = _("New compute service disabled due to config option.") service_ref.disabled = True service_ref.disabled_reason = msg try: service_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as e: if 'binary' in e.columns: raise exception.ServiceBinaryExists(host=values.get('host'), binary=values.get('binary')) raise exception.ServiceTopicExists(host=values.get('host'), topic=values.get('topic')) return service_ref @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def service_update(context, service_id, values): service_ref = service_get(context, service_id) # Only servicegroup.drivers.db.DbDriver._report_state() updates # 'report_count', so if that value changes then store the timestamp # as the last time we got a state report. if 'report_count' in values: if values['report_count'] > service_ref.report_count: service_ref.last_seen_up = timeutils.utcnow() service_ref.update(values) return service_ref ################### def _compute_node_select(context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None): if filters is None: filters = {} cn_tbl = sa.alias(models.ComputeNode.__table__, name='cn') select = sa.select([cn_tbl]) if context.read_deleted == "no": select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.deleted == 0) if "compute_id" in filters: select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.id == filters["compute_id"]) if "service_id" in filters: select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.service_id == filters["service_id"]) if "host" in filters: select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.host == filters["host"]) if "hypervisor_hostname" in filters: hyp_hostname = filters["hypervisor_hostname"] select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.hypervisor_hostname == hyp_hostname) if "mapped" in filters: select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.mapped < filters['mapped']) if marker is not None: try: compute_node_get(context, marker) except exception.ComputeHostNotFound: raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker=marker) select = select.where(cn_tbl.c.id > marker) if limit is not None: select = select.limit(limit) # Explicitly order by id, so we're not dependent on the native sort # order of the underlying DB. select = select.order_by(asc("id")) return select def _compute_node_fetchall(context, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None): select = _compute_node_select(context, filters, limit=limit, marker=marker) engine = get_engine(context=context) conn = engine.connect() results = conn.execute(select).fetchall() # Callers expect dict-like objects, not SQLAlchemy RowProxy objects... results = [dict(r) for r in results] conn.close() return results @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get(context, compute_id): results = _compute_node_fetchall(context, {"compute_id": compute_id}) if not results: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=compute_id) return results[0] @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get_model(context, compute_id): # TODO(edleafe): remove once the compute node resource provider migration # is complete, and this distinction is no longer necessary. result = model_query(context, models.ComputeNode).\ filter_by(id=compute_id).\ first() if not result: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=compute_id) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_nodes_get_by_service_id(context, service_id): results = _compute_node_fetchall(context, {"service_id": service_id}) if not results: raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_id) return results @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get_by_host_and_nodename(context, host, nodename): results = _compute_node_fetchall(context, {"host": host, "hypervisor_hostname": nodename}) if not results: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=host) return results[0] @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get_by_nodename(context, hypervisor_hostname): results = _compute_node_fetchall(context, {"hypervisor_hostname": hypervisor_hostname}) if not results: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=hypervisor_hostname) return results[0] @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def compute_node_get_all_by_host(context, host): results = _compute_node_fetchall(context, {"host": host}) if not results: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=host) return results @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get_all(context): return _compute_node_fetchall(context) @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get_all_mapped_less_than(context, mapped_less_than): return _compute_node_fetchall(context, {'mapped': mapped_less_than}) @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_get_all_by_pagination(context, limit=None, marker=None): return _compute_node_fetchall(context, limit=limit, marker=marker) @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_search_by_hypervisor(context, hypervisor_match): field = models.ComputeNode.hypervisor_hostname return model_query(context, models.ComputeNode).\ filter(field.like('%%%s%%' % hypervisor_match)).\ all() @pick_context_manager_writer def compute_node_create(context, values): """Creates a new ComputeNode and populates the capacity fields with the most recent data. """ convert_objects_related_datetimes(values) compute_node_ref = models.ComputeNode() compute_node_ref.update(values) try: compute_node_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(logger=LOG) as err_ctx: # Check to see if we have a (soft) deleted ComputeNode with the # same UUID and if so just update it and mark as no longer (soft) # deleted. See bug 1839560 for details. if 'uuid' in values: # Get a fresh context for a new DB session and allow it to # get a deleted record. ctxt = nova.context.get_admin_context(read_deleted='yes') compute_node_ref = _compute_node_get_and_update_deleted( ctxt, values) # If we didn't get anything back we failed to find the node # by uuid and update it so re-raise the DBDuplicateEntry. if compute_node_ref: err_ctx.reraise = False return compute_node_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def _compute_node_get_and_update_deleted(context, values): """Find a ComputeNode by uuid, update and un-delete it. This is a special case from the ``compute_node_create`` method which needs to be separate to get a new Session. This method will update the ComputeNode, if found, to have deleted=0 and deleted_at=None values. :param context: request auth context which should be able to read deleted records :param values: values used to update the ComputeNode record - must include uuid :return: updated ComputeNode sqlalchemy model object if successfully found and updated, None otherwise """ cn = model_query( context, models.ComputeNode).filter_by(uuid=values['uuid']).first() if cn: # Update with the provided values but un-soft-delete. update_values = copy.deepcopy(values) update_values['deleted'] = 0 update_values['deleted_at'] = None return compute_node_update(context, cn.id, update_values) @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def compute_node_update(context, compute_id, values): """Updates the ComputeNode record with the most recent data.""" compute_ref = compute_node_get_model(context, compute_id) # Always update this, even if there's going to be no other # changes in data. This ensures that we invalidate the # scheduler cache of compute node data in case of races. values['updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() convert_objects_related_datetimes(values) compute_ref.update(values) return compute_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def compute_node_delete(context, compute_id): """Delete a ComputeNode record.""" result = model_query(context, models.ComputeNode).\ filter_by(id=compute_id).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) if not result: raise exception.ComputeHostNotFound(host=compute_id) @pick_context_manager_reader def compute_node_statistics(context): """Compute statistics over all compute nodes.""" engine = get_engine(context=context) services_tbl = models.Service.__table__ inner_sel = sa.alias(_compute_node_select(context), name='inner_sel') # TODO(sbauza): Remove the service_id filter in a later release # once we are sure that all compute nodes report the host field j = sa.join( inner_sel, services_tbl, sql.and_( sql.or_( inner_sel.c.host == services_tbl.c.host, inner_sel.c.service_id == services_tbl.c.id ), services_tbl.c.disabled == false(), services_tbl.c.binary == 'nova-compute', services_tbl.c.deleted == 0 ) ) # NOTE(jaypipes): This COALESCE() stuff is temporary while the data # migration to the new resource providers inventories and allocations # tables is completed. agg_cols = [ func.count().label('count'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.vcpus ).label('vcpus'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.memory_mb ).label('memory_mb'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.local_gb ).label('local_gb'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.vcpus_used ).label('vcpus_used'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.memory_mb_used ).label('memory_mb_used'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.local_gb_used ).label('local_gb_used'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.free_ram_mb ).label('free_ram_mb'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.free_disk_gb ).label('free_disk_gb'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.current_workload ).label('current_workload'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.running_vms ).label('running_vms'), sql.func.sum( inner_sel.c.disk_available_least ).label('disk_available_least'), ] select = sql.select(agg_cols).select_from(j) conn = engine.connect() results = conn.execute(select).fetchone() # Build a dict of the info--making no assumptions about result fields = ('count', 'vcpus', 'memory_mb', 'local_gb', 'vcpus_used', 'memory_mb_used', 'local_gb_used', 'free_ram_mb', 'free_disk_gb', 'current_workload', 'running_vms', 'disk_available_least') results = {field: int(results[idx] or 0) for idx, field in enumerate(fields)} conn.close() return results ################### @pick_context_manager_writer def certificate_create(context, values): certificate_ref = models.Certificate() for (key, value) in values.items(): certificate_ref[key] = value certificate_ref.save(context.session) return certificate_ref @pick_context_manager_reader def certificate_get_all_by_project(context, project_id): return model_query(context, models.Certificate, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def certificate_get_all_by_user(context, user_id): return model_query(context, models.Certificate, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def certificate_get_all_by_user_and_project(context, user_id, project_id): return model_query(context, models.Certificate, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ all() ################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def virtual_interface_create(context, values): """Create a new virtual interface record in the database. :param values: = dict containing column values """ try: vif_ref = models.VirtualInterface() vif_ref.update(values) vif_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.exception("VIF creation failed with a database error.") raise exception.VirtualInterfaceCreateException() return vif_ref def _virtual_interface_query(context): return model_query(context, models.VirtualInterface, read_deleted="no") @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def virtual_interface_update(context, address, values): vif_ref = virtual_interface_get_by_address(context, address) vif_ref.update(values) vif_ref.save(context.session) return vif_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def virtual_interface_get(context, vif_id): """Gets a virtual interface from the table. :param vif_id: = id of the virtual interface """ vif_ref = _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(id=vif_id).\ first() return vif_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def virtual_interface_get_by_address(context, address): """Gets a virtual interface from the table. :param address: = the address of the interface you're looking to get """ try: vif_ref = _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(address=address).\ first() except db_exc.DBError: msg = _("Invalid virtual interface address %s in request") % address LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.InvalidIpAddressError(msg) return vif_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def virtual_interface_get_by_uuid(context, vif_uuid): """Gets a virtual interface from the table. :param vif_uuid: the uuid of the interface you're looking to get """ vif_ref = _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(uuid=vif_uuid).\ first() return vif_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def virtual_interface_get_by_instance(context, instance_uuid): """Gets all virtual interfaces for instance. :param instance_uuid: = uuid of the instance to retrieve vifs for """ vif_refs = _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ order_by(asc("created_at"), asc("id")).\ all() return vif_refs @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def virtual_interface_get_by_instance_and_network(context, instance_uuid, network_id): """Gets virtual interface for instance that's associated with network.""" vif_ref = _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter_by(network_id=network_id).\ first() return vif_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def virtual_interface_delete_by_instance(context, instance_uuid): """Delete virtual interface records that are associated with the instance given by instance_id. :param instance_uuid: = uuid of instance """ _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ soft_delete() @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def virtual_interface_delete(context, id): """Delete virtual interface records. :param id: id of the interface """ _virtual_interface_query(context).\ filter_by(id=id).\ soft_delete() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def virtual_interface_get_all(context): """Get all vifs.""" vif_refs = _virtual_interface_query(context).all() return vif_refs ################### def _metadata_refs(metadata_dict, meta_class): metadata_refs = [] if metadata_dict: for k, v in metadata_dict.items(): metadata_ref = meta_class() metadata_ref['key'] = k metadata_ref['value'] = v metadata_refs.append(metadata_ref) return metadata_refs def _validate_unique_server_name(context, name): if not CONF.osapi_compute_unique_server_name_scope: return lowername = name.lower() base_query = model_query(context, models.Instance, read_deleted='no').\ filter(func.lower(models.Instance.hostname) == lowername) if CONF.osapi_compute_unique_server_name_scope == 'project': instance_with_same_name = base_query.\ filter_by(project_id=context.project_id).\ count() elif CONF.osapi_compute_unique_server_name_scope == 'global': instance_with_same_name = base_query.count() else: return if instance_with_same_name > 0: raise exception.InstanceExists(name=lowername) def _handle_objects_related_type_conversions(values): """Make sure that certain things in values (which may have come from an objects.instance.Instance object) are in suitable form for the database. """ # NOTE(danms): Make sure IP addresses are passed as strings to # the database engine for key in ('access_ip_v4', 'access_ip_v6'): if key in values and values[key] is not None: values[key] = str(values[key]) datetime_keys = ('created_at', 'deleted_at', 'updated_at', 'launched_at', 'terminated_at') convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, *datetime_keys) def _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid): if not model_query(context, models.Instance, read_deleted="no", project_only=True).filter_by( uuid=instance_uuid).first(): raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_uuid) @require_context @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_create(context, values): """Create a new Instance record in the database. context - request context object values - dict containing column values. """ default_group = security_group_ensure_default(context) values = values.copy() values['metadata'] = _metadata_refs( values.get('metadata'), models.InstanceMetadata) values['system_metadata'] = _metadata_refs( values.get('system_metadata'), models.InstanceSystemMetadata) _handle_objects_related_type_conversions(values) instance_ref = models.Instance() if not values.get('uuid'): values['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() instance_ref['info_cache'] = models.InstanceInfoCache() info_cache = values.pop('info_cache', None) if info_cache is not None: instance_ref['info_cache'].update(info_cache) security_groups = values.pop('security_groups', []) instance_ref['extra'] = models.InstanceExtra() instance_ref['extra'].update( {'numa_topology': None, 'pci_requests': None, 'vcpu_model': None, 'trusted_certs': None, 'resources': None, }) instance_ref['extra'].update(values.pop('extra', {})) instance_ref.update(values) # Gather the security groups for the instance sg_models = [] if 'default' in security_groups: sg_models.append(default_group) # Generate a new list, so we don't modify the original security_groups = [x for x in security_groups if x != 'default'] if security_groups: sg_models.extend(_security_group_get_by_names( context, security_groups)) if 'hostname' in values: _validate_unique_server_name(context, values['hostname']) instance_ref.security_groups = sg_models context.session.add(instance_ref) # create the instance uuid to ec2_id mapping entry for instance ec2_instance_create(context, instance_ref['uuid']) # Parity with the return value of instance_get_all_by_filters_sort() # Obviously a newly-created instance record can't already have a fault # record because of the FK constraint, so this is fine. instance_ref.fault = None return instance_ref @require_context @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_destroy(context, instance_uuid, constraint=None, hard_delete=False): if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(instance_uuid): instance_ref = _instance_get_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid) else: raise exception.InvalidUUID(uuid=instance_uuid) query = model_query(context, models.Instance).\ filter_by(uuid=instance_uuid) if constraint is not None: query = constraint.apply(models.Instance, query) # Either in hard or soft delete, we soft delete the instance first # to make sure that the constraints were met. count = query.soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.ConstraintNotMet() models_to_delete = [ models.SecurityGroupInstanceAssociation, models.InstanceInfoCache, models.InstanceMetadata, models.InstanceFault, models.InstanceExtra, models.InstanceSystemMetadata, models.BlockDeviceMapping, models.Migration, models.VirtualInterface ] # For most referenced models we filter by the instance_uuid column, but for # these models we filter by the uuid column. filtered_by_uuid = [models.InstanceIdMapping] for model in models_to_delete + filtered_by_uuid: key = 'instance_uuid' if model not in filtered_by_uuid else 'uuid' filter_ = {key: instance_uuid} if hard_delete: # We need to read any soft-deleted related records to make sure # and clean those up as well otherwise we can fail with ForeignKey # constraint errors when hard deleting the instance. model_query(context, model, read_deleted='yes').filter_by( **filter_).delete() else: model_query(context, model).filter_by(**filter_).soft_delete() # NOTE(snikitin): We can't use model_query here, because there is no # column 'deleted' in 'tags' or 'console_auth_tokens' tables. context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid).delete() context.session.query(models.ConsoleAuthToken).filter_by( instance_uuid=instance_uuid).delete() # NOTE(cfriesen): We intentionally do not soft-delete entries in the # instance_actions or instance_actions_events tables because they # can be used by operators to find out what actions were performed on a # deleted instance. Both of these tables are special-cased in # _archive_deleted_rows_for_table(). if hard_delete: # NOTE(ttsiousts): In case of hard delete, we need to remove the # instance actions too since instance_uuid is a foreign key and # for this we need to delete the corresponding InstanceActionEvents actions = context.session.query(models.InstanceAction).filter_by( instance_uuid=instance_uuid).all() for action in actions: context.session.query(models.InstanceActionEvent).filter_by( action_id=action.id).delete() context.session.query(models.InstanceAction).filter_by( instance_uuid=instance_uuid).delete() # NOTE(ttsiouts): The instance is the last thing to be deleted in # order to respect all constraints context.session.query(models.Instance).filter_by( uuid=instance_uuid).delete() return instance_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def instance_get_by_uuid(context, uuid, columns_to_join=None): return _instance_get_by_uuid(context, uuid, columns_to_join=columns_to_join) def _instance_get_by_uuid(context, uuid, columns_to_join=None): result = _build_instance_get(context, columns_to_join=columns_to_join).\ filter_by(uuid=uuid).\ first() if not result: raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=uuid) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_get(context, instance_id, columns_to_join=None): try: result = _build_instance_get(context, columns_to_join=columns_to_join ).filter_by(id=instance_id).first() if not result: raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_id) return result except db_exc.DBError: # NOTE(sdague): catch all in case the db engine chokes on the # id because it's too long of an int to store. LOG.warning("Invalid instance id %s in request", instance_id) raise exception.InvalidID(id=instance_id) def _build_instance_get(context, columns_to_join=None): query = model_query(context, models.Instance, project_only=True).\ options(_joinedload_all('security_groups.rules')).\ options(joinedload('info_cache')) if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join = ['metadata', 'system_metadata'] for column in columns_to_join: if column in ['info_cache', 'security_groups']: # Already always joined above continue if 'extra.' in column: query = query.options(undefer(column)) elif column in ['metadata', 'system_metadata']: # NOTE(melwitt): We use subqueryload() instead of joinedload() for # metadata and system_metadata because of the one-to-many # relationship of the data. Directly joining these columns can # result in a large number of additional rows being queried if an # instance has a large number of (system_)metadata items, resulting # in a large data transfer. Instead, the subqueryload() will # perform additional queries to obtain metadata and system_metadata # for the instance. query = query.options(subqueryload(column)) else: query = query.options(joinedload(column)) # NOTE(alaski) Stop lazy loading of columns not needed. for col in ['metadata', 'system_metadata']: if col not in columns_to_join: query = query.options(noload(col)) # NOTE(melwitt): We need to use order_by() so that the # additional queries emitted by subqueryload() include the same ordering as # used by the parent query. # https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/loading_relationships.html#the-importance-of-ordering return query.order_by(models.Instance.id) def _instances_fill_metadata(context, instances, manual_joins=None): """Selectively fill instances with manually-joined metadata. Note that instance will be converted to a dict. :param context: security context :param instances: list of instances to fill :param manual_joins: list of tables to manually join (can be any combination of 'metadata' and 'system_metadata' or None to take the default of both) """ uuids = [inst['uuid'] for inst in instances] if manual_joins is None: manual_joins = ['metadata', 'system_metadata'] meta = collections.defaultdict(list) if 'metadata' in manual_joins: for row in _instance_metadata_get_multi(context, uuids): meta[row['instance_uuid']].append(row) sys_meta = collections.defaultdict(list) if 'system_metadata' in manual_joins: for row in _instance_system_metadata_get_multi(context, uuids): sys_meta[row['instance_uuid']].append(row) pcidevs = collections.defaultdict(list) if 'pci_devices' in manual_joins: for row in _instance_pcidevs_get_multi(context, uuids): pcidevs[row['instance_uuid']].append(row) if 'fault' in manual_joins: faults = instance_fault_get_by_instance_uuids(context, uuids, latest=True) else: faults = {} filled_instances = [] for inst in instances: inst = dict(inst) inst['system_metadata'] = sys_meta[inst['uuid']] inst['metadata'] = meta[inst['uuid']] if 'pci_devices' in manual_joins: inst['pci_devices'] = pcidevs[inst['uuid']] inst_faults = faults.get(inst['uuid']) inst['fault'] = inst_faults and inst_faults[0] or None filled_instances.append(inst) return filled_instances def _manual_join_columns(columns_to_join): """Separate manually joined columns from columns_to_join If columns_to_join contains 'metadata', 'system_metadata', 'fault', or 'pci_devices' those columns are removed from columns_to_join and added to a manual_joins list to be used with the _instances_fill_metadata method. The columns_to_join formal parameter is copied and not modified, the return tuple has the modified columns_to_join list to be used with joinedload in a model query. :param:columns_to_join: List of columns to join in a model query. :return: tuple of (manual_joins, columns_to_join) """ manual_joins = [] columns_to_join_new = copy.copy(columns_to_join) for column in ('metadata', 'system_metadata', 'pci_devices', 'fault'): if column in columns_to_join_new: columns_to_join_new.remove(column) manual_joins.append(column) return manual_joins, columns_to_join_new @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_get_all(context, columns_to_join=None): if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join_new = ['info_cache', 'security_groups'] manual_joins = ['metadata', 'system_metadata'] else: manual_joins, columns_to_join_new = ( _manual_join_columns(columns_to_join)) query = model_query(context, models.Instance) for column in columns_to_join_new: query = query.options(joinedload(column)) if not context.is_admin: # If we're not admin context, add appropriate filter.. if context.project_id: query = query.filter_by(project_id=context.project_id) else: query = query.filter_by(user_id=context.user_id) instances = query.all() return _instances_fill_metadata(context, instances, manual_joins) @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def instance_get_all_by_filters(context, filters, sort_key, sort_dir, limit=None, marker=None, columns_to_join=None): """Return instances matching all filters sorted by the primary key. See instance_get_all_by_filters_sort for more information. """ # Invoke the API with the multiple sort keys and directions using the # single sort key/direction return instance_get_all_by_filters_sort(context, filters, limit=limit, marker=marker, columns_to_join=columns_to_join, sort_keys=[sort_key], sort_dirs=[sort_dir]) def _get_query_nova_resource_by_changes_time(query, filters, model_object): """Filter resources by changes-since or changes-before. Special keys are used to tweek the query further:: | 'changes-since' - only return resources updated after | 'changes-before' - only return resources updated before Return query results. :param query: query to apply filters to. :param filters: dictionary of filters with regex values. :param model_object: object of the operation target. """ for change_filter in ['changes-since', 'changes-before']: if filters and filters.get(change_filter): changes_filter_time = timeutils.normalize_time( filters.get(change_filter)) updated_at = getattr(model_object, 'updated_at') if change_filter == 'changes-since': query = query.filter(updated_at >= changes_filter_time) else: query = query.filter(updated_at <= changes_filter_time) return query @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def instance_get_all_by_filters_sort(context, filters, limit=None, marker=None, columns_to_join=None, sort_keys=None, sort_dirs=None): """Return instances that match all filters sorted by the given keys. Deleted instances will be returned by default, unless there's a filter that says otherwise. Depending on the name of a filter, matching for that filter is performed using either exact matching or as regular expression matching. Exact matching is applied for the following filters:: | ['project_id', 'user_id', 'image_ref', | 'vm_state', 'instance_type_id', 'uuid', | 'metadata', 'host', 'system_metadata', 'locked', 'hidden'] Hidden instances will *not* be returned by default, unless there's a filter that says otherwise. A third type of filter (also using exact matching), filters based on instance metadata tags when supplied under a special key named 'filter':: | filters = { | 'filter': [ | {'name': 'tag-key', 'value': ''}, | {'name': 'tag-value', 'value': ''}, | {'name': 'tag:', 'value': ''} | ] | } Special keys are used to tweek the query further:: | 'changes-since' - only return instances updated after | 'changes-before' - only return instances updated before | 'deleted' - only return (or exclude) deleted instances | 'soft_deleted' - modify behavior of 'deleted' to either | include or exclude instances whose | vm_state is SOFT_DELETED. A fourth type of filter (also using exact matching), filters based on instance tags (not metadata tags). There are two types of these tags: `tags` -- One or more strings that will be used to filter results in an AND expression: T1 AND T2 `tags-any` -- One or more strings that will be used to filter results in an OR expression: T1 OR T2 `not-tags` -- One or more strings that will be used to filter results in an NOT AND expression: NOT (T1 AND T2) `not-tags-any` -- One or more strings that will be used to filter results in an NOT OR expression: NOT (T1 OR T2) Tags should be represented as list:: | filters = { | 'tags': [some-tag, some-another-tag], | 'tags-any: [some-any-tag, some-another-any-tag], | 'not-tags: [some-not-tag, some-another-not-tag], | 'not-tags-any: [some-not-any-tag, some-another-not-any-tag] | } """ # NOTE(mriedem): If the limit is 0 there is no point in even going # to the database since nothing is going to be returned anyway. if limit == 0: return [] sort_keys, sort_dirs = process_sort_params(sort_keys, sort_dirs, default_dir='desc') if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join_new = ['info_cache', 'security_groups'] manual_joins = ['metadata', 'system_metadata'] else: manual_joins, columns_to_join_new = ( _manual_join_columns(columns_to_join)) query_prefix = context.session.query(models.Instance) for column in columns_to_join_new: if 'extra.' in column: query_prefix = query_prefix.options(undefer(column)) else: query_prefix = query_prefix.options(joinedload(column)) # Note: order_by is done in the sqlalchemy.utils.py paginate_query(), # no need to do it here as well # Make a copy of the filters dictionary to use going forward, as we'll # be modifying it and we shouldn't affect the caller's use of it. filters = copy.deepcopy(filters) model_object = models.Instance query_prefix = _get_query_nova_resource_by_changes_time(query_prefix, filters, model_object) if 'deleted' in filters: # Instances can be soft or hard deleted and the query needs to # include or exclude both deleted = filters.pop('deleted') if deleted: if filters.pop('soft_deleted', True): delete = or_( models.Instance.deleted == models.Instance.id, models.Instance.vm_state == vm_states.SOFT_DELETED ) query_prefix = query_prefix.\ filter(delete) else: query_prefix = query_prefix.\ filter(models.Instance.deleted == models.Instance.id) else: query_prefix = query_prefix.\ filter_by(deleted=0) if not filters.pop('soft_deleted', False): # It would be better to have vm_state not be nullable # but until then we test it explicitly as a workaround. not_soft_deleted = or_( models.Instance.vm_state != vm_states.SOFT_DELETED, models.Instance.vm_state == null() ) query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(not_soft_deleted) if 'cleaned' in filters: cleaned = 1 if filters.pop('cleaned') else 0 query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(models.Instance.cleaned == cleaned) if 'tags' in filters: tags = filters.pop('tags') # We build a JOIN ladder expression for each tag, JOIN'ing # the first tag to the instances table, and each subsequent # tag to the last JOIN'd tags table first_tag = tags.pop(0) query_prefix = query_prefix.join(models.Instance.tags) query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(models.Tag.tag == first_tag) for tag in tags: tag_alias = aliased(models.Tag) query_prefix = query_prefix.join(tag_alias, models.Instance.tags) query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(tag_alias.tag == tag) if 'tags-any' in filters: tags = filters.pop('tags-any') tag_alias = aliased(models.Tag) query_prefix = query_prefix.join(tag_alias, models.Instance.tags) query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(tag_alias.tag.in_(tags)) if 'not-tags' in filters: tags = filters.pop('not-tags') first_tag = tags.pop(0) subq = query_prefix.session.query(models.Tag.resource_id) subq = subq.join(models.Instance.tags) subq = subq.filter(models.Tag.tag == first_tag) for tag in tags: tag_alias = aliased(models.Tag) subq = subq.join(tag_alias, models.Instance.tags) subq = subq.filter(tag_alias.tag == tag) query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(~models.Instance.uuid.in_(subq)) if 'not-tags-any' in filters: tags = filters.pop('not-tags-any') query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(~models.Instance.tags.any( models.Tag.tag.in_(tags))) if not context.is_admin: # If we're not admin context, add appropriate filter.. if context.project_id: filters['project_id'] = context.project_id else: filters['user_id'] = context.user_id if filters.pop('hidden', False): query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(models.Instance.hidden == true()) else: # If the query should not include hidden instances, then # filter instances with hidden=False or hidden=NULL because # older records may have no value set. query_prefix = query_prefix.filter(or_( models.Instance.hidden == false(), models.Instance.hidden == null())) # Filters for exact matches that we can do along with the SQL query... # For other filters that don't match this, we will do regexp matching exact_match_filter_names = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'image_ref', 'vm_state', 'instance_type_id', 'uuid', 'metadata', 'host', 'task_state', 'system_metadata', 'locked', 'hidden'] # Filter the query query_prefix = _exact_instance_filter(query_prefix, filters, exact_match_filter_names) if query_prefix is None: return [] query_prefix = _regex_instance_filter(query_prefix, filters) # paginate query if marker is not None: try: marker = _instance_get_by_uuid( context.elevated(read_deleted='yes'), marker) except exception.InstanceNotFound: raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker=marker) try: query_prefix = sqlalchemyutils.paginate_query(query_prefix, models.Instance, limit, sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dirs=sort_dirs) except db_exc.InvalidSortKey: raise exception.InvalidSortKey() return _instances_fill_metadata(context, query_prefix.all(), manual_joins) @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def instance_get_by_sort_filters(context, sort_keys, sort_dirs, values): """Attempt to get a single instance based on a combination of sort keys, directions and filter values. This is used to try to find a marker instance when we don't have a marker uuid. This returns just a uuid of the instance that matched. """ model = models.Instance return _model_get_uuid_by_sort_filters(context, model, sort_keys, sort_dirs, values) def _model_get_uuid_by_sort_filters(context, model, sort_keys, sort_dirs, values): query = context.session.query(model.uuid) # NOTE(danms): Below is a re-implementation of our # oslo_db.sqlalchemy.utils.paginate_query() utility. We can't use that # directly because it does not return the marker and we need it to. # The below is basically the same algorithm, stripped down to just what # we need, and augmented with the filter criteria required for us to # get back the instance that would correspond to our query. # This is our position in sort_keys,sort_dirs,values for the loop below key_index = 0 # We build a list of criteria to apply to the query, which looks # approximately like this (assuming all ascending): # # OR(row.key1 > val1, # AND(row.key1 == val1, row.key2 > val2), # AND(row.key1 == val1, row.key2 == val2, row.key3 >= val3), # ) # # The final key is compared with the "or equal" variant so that # a complete match instance is still returned. criteria = [] for skey, sdir, val in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs, values): # Apply ordering to our query for the key, direction we're processing if sdir == 'desc': query = query.order_by(desc(getattr(model, skey))) else: query = query.order_by(asc(getattr(model, skey))) # Build a list of equivalence requirements on keys we've already # processed through the loop. In other words, if we're adding # key2 > val2, make sure that key1 == val1 crit_attrs = [] for equal_attr in range(0, key_index): crit_attrs.append( (getattr(model, sort_keys[equal_attr]) == values[equal_attr])) model_attr = getattr(model, skey) if isinstance(model_attr.type, Boolean): model_attr = cast(model_attr, Integer) val = int(val) if skey == sort_keys[-1]: # If we are the last key, then we should use or-equal to # allow a complete match to be returned if sdir == 'asc': crit = (model_attr >= val) else: crit = (model_attr <= val) else: # If we're not the last key, then strict greater or less than # so we order strictly. if sdir == 'asc': crit = (model_attr > val) else: crit = (model_attr < val) # AND together all the above crit_attrs.append(crit) criteria.append(and_(*crit_attrs)) key_index += 1 # OR together all the ANDs query = query.filter(or_(*criteria)) # We can't raise InstanceNotFound because we don't have a uuid to # be looking for, so just return nothing if no match. result = query.limit(1).first() if result: # We're querying for a single column, which means we get back a # tuple of one thing. Strip that out and just return the uuid # for our caller. return result[0] else: return result def _db_connection_type(db_connection): """Returns a lowercase symbol for the db type. This is useful when we need to change what we are doing per DB (like handling regexes). In a CellsV2 world it probably needs to do something better than use the database configuration string. """ db_string = db_connection.split(':')[0].split('+')[0] return db_string.lower() def _safe_regex_mysql(raw_string): """Make regex safe to mysql. Certain items like '|' are interpreted raw by mysql REGEX. If you search for a single | then you trigger an error because it's expecting content on either side. For consistency sake we escape all '|'. This does mean we wouldn't support something like foo|bar to match completely different things, however, one can argue putting such complicated regex into name search probably means you are doing this wrong. """ return raw_string.replace('|', '\\|') def _get_regexp_ops(connection): """Return safety filter and db opts for regex.""" regexp_op_map = { 'postgresql': '~', 'mysql': 'REGEXP', 'sqlite': 'REGEXP' } regex_safe_filters = { 'mysql': _safe_regex_mysql } db_type = _db_connection_type(connection) return (regex_safe_filters.get(db_type, lambda x: x), regexp_op_map.get(db_type, 'LIKE')) def _regex_instance_filter(query, filters): """Applies regular expression filtering to an Instance query. Returns the updated query. :param query: query to apply filters to :param filters: dictionary of filters with regex values """ model = models.Instance safe_regex_filter, db_regexp_op = _get_regexp_ops(CONF.database.connection) for filter_name in filters: try: column_attr = getattr(model, filter_name) except AttributeError: continue if 'property' == type(column_attr).__name__: continue filter_val = filters[filter_name] # Sometimes the REGEX filter value is not a string if not isinstance(filter_val, six.string_types): filter_val = str(filter_val) if db_regexp_op == 'LIKE': query = query.filter(column_attr.op(db_regexp_op)( u'%' + filter_val + u'%')) else: filter_val = safe_regex_filter(filter_val) query = query.filter(column_attr.op(db_regexp_op)( filter_val)) return query def _exact_instance_filter(query, filters, legal_keys): """Applies exact match filtering to an Instance query. Returns the updated query. Modifies filters argument to remove filters consumed. :param query: query to apply filters to :param filters: dictionary of filters; values that are lists, tuples, sets, or frozensets cause an 'IN' test to be performed, while exact matching ('==' operator) is used for other values :param legal_keys: list of keys to apply exact filtering to """ filter_dict = {} model = models.Instance # Walk through all the keys for key in legal_keys: # Skip ones we're not filtering on if key not in filters: continue # OK, filtering on this key; what value do we search for? value = filters.pop(key) if key in ('metadata', 'system_metadata'): column_attr = getattr(model, key) if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: for k, v in item.items(): query = query.filter(column_attr.any(key=k)) query = query.filter(column_attr.any(value=v)) else: for k, v in value.items(): query = query.filter(column_attr.any(key=k)) query = query.filter(column_attr.any(value=v)) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): if not value: return None # empty IN-predicate; short circuit # Looking for values in a list; apply to query directly column_attr = getattr(model, key) query = query.filter(column_attr.in_(value)) else: # OK, simple exact match; save for later filter_dict[key] = value # Apply simple exact matches if filter_dict: query = query.filter(*[getattr(models.Instance, k) == v for k, v in filter_dict.items()]) return query def process_sort_params(sort_keys, sort_dirs, default_keys=['created_at', 'id'], default_dir='asc'): """Process the sort parameters to include default keys. Creates a list of sort keys and a list of sort directions. Adds the default keys to the end of the list if they are not already included. When adding the default keys to the sort keys list, the associated direction is: 1) The first element in the 'sort_dirs' list (if specified), else 2) 'default_dir' value (Note that 'asc' is the default value since this is the default in sqlalchemy.utils.paginate_query) :param sort_keys: List of sort keys to include in the processed list :param sort_dirs: List of sort directions to include in the processed list :param default_keys: List of sort keys that need to be included in the processed list, they are added at the end of the list if not already specified. :param default_dir: Sort direction associated with each of the default keys that are not supplied, used when they are added to the processed list :returns: list of sort keys, list of sort directions :raise exception.InvalidInput: If more sort directions than sort keys are specified or if an invalid sort direction is specified """ # Determine direction to use for when adding default keys if sort_dirs and len(sort_dirs) != 0: default_dir_value = sort_dirs[0] else: default_dir_value = default_dir # Create list of keys (do not modify the input list) if sort_keys: result_keys = list(sort_keys) else: result_keys = [] # If a list of directions is not provided, use the default sort direction # for all provided keys if sort_dirs: result_dirs = [] # Verify sort direction for sort_dir in sort_dirs: if sort_dir not in ('asc', 'desc'): msg = _("Unknown sort direction, must be 'desc' or 'asc'") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) result_dirs.append(sort_dir) else: result_dirs = [default_dir_value for _sort_key in result_keys] # Ensure that the key and direction length match while len(result_dirs) < len(result_keys): result_dirs.append(default_dir_value) # Unless more direction are specified, which is an error if len(result_dirs) > len(result_keys): msg = _("Sort direction size exceeds sort key size") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # Ensure defaults are included for key in default_keys: if key not in result_keys: result_keys.append(key) result_dirs.append(default_dir_value) return result_keys, result_dirs @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def instance_get_active_by_window_joined(context, begin, end=None, project_id=None, host=None, columns_to_join=None, limit=None, marker=None): """Return instances and joins that were active during window.""" query = context.session.query(models.Instance) if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join_new = ['info_cache', 'security_groups'] manual_joins = ['metadata', 'system_metadata'] else: manual_joins, columns_to_join_new = ( _manual_join_columns(columns_to_join)) for column in columns_to_join_new: if 'extra.' in column: query = query.options(undefer(column)) else: query = query.options(joinedload(column)) query = query.filter(or_(models.Instance.terminated_at == null(), models.Instance.terminated_at > begin)) if end: query = query.filter(models.Instance.launched_at < end) if project_id: query = query.filter_by(project_id=project_id) if host: query = query.filter_by(host=host) if marker is not None: try: marker = _instance_get_by_uuid( context.elevated(read_deleted='yes'), marker) except exception.InstanceNotFound: raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker=marker) query = sqlalchemyutils.paginate_query( query, models.Instance, limit, ['project_id', 'uuid'], marker=marker) return _instances_fill_metadata(context, query.all(), manual_joins) def _instance_get_all_query(context, project_only=False, joins=None): if joins is None: joins = ['info_cache', 'security_groups'] query = model_query(context, models.Instance, project_only=project_only) for column in joins: if 'extra.' in column: query = query.options(undefer(column)) else: query = query.options(joinedload(column)) return query @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def instance_get_all_by_host(context, host, columns_to_join=None): query = _instance_get_all_query(context, joins=columns_to_join) return _instances_fill_metadata(context, query.filter_by(host=host).all(), manual_joins=columns_to_join) def _instance_get_all_uuids_by_hosts(context, hosts): itbl = models.Instance.__table__ default_deleted_value = itbl.c.deleted.default.arg sel = sql.select([itbl.c.host, itbl.c.uuid]) sel = sel.where(sql.and_( itbl.c.deleted == default_deleted_value, itbl.c.host.in_(sa.bindparam('hosts', expanding=True)))) # group the instance UUIDs by hostname res = collections.defaultdict(list) for rec in context.session.execute(sel, {'hosts': hosts}).fetchall(): res[rec[0]].append(rec[1]) return res @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_get_all_uuids_by_hosts(context, hosts): """Return a dict, keyed by hostname, of a list of the instance uuids on the host for each supplied hostname, not Instance model objects. The dict is a defaultdict of list, thus inspecting the dict for a host not in the dict will return an empty list not a KeyError. """ return _instance_get_all_uuids_by_hosts(context, hosts) @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_get_all_by_host_and_node(context, host, node, columns_to_join=None): if columns_to_join is None: manual_joins = [] else: candidates = ['system_metadata', 'metadata'] manual_joins = [x for x in columns_to_join if x in candidates] columns_to_join = list(set(columns_to_join) - set(candidates)) return _instances_fill_metadata(context, _instance_get_all_query( context, joins=columns_to_join).filter_by(host=host). filter_by(node=node).all(), manual_joins=manual_joins) @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_get_all_by_host_and_not_type(context, host, type_id=None): return _instances_fill_metadata(context, _instance_get_all_query(context).filter_by(host=host). filter(models.Instance.instance_type_id != type_id).all()) # NOTE(hanlind): This method can be removed as conductor RPC API moves to v2.0. @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_get_all_hung_in_rebooting(context, reboot_window): reboot_window = (timeutils.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=reboot_window)) # NOTE(danms): this is only used in the _poll_rebooting_instances() # call in compute/manager, so we can avoid the metadata lookups # explicitly return _instances_fill_metadata(context, model_query(context, models.Instance). filter(models.Instance.updated_at <= reboot_window). filter_by(task_state=task_states.REBOOTING).all(), manual_joins=[]) def _retry_instance_update(): """Wrap with oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry, and also retry on UnknownInstanceUpdateConflict. """ exception_checker = \ lambda exc: isinstance(exc, (exception.UnknownInstanceUpdateConflict,)) return oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True, exception_checker=exception_checker) @require_context @_retry_instance_update() @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_update(context, instance_uuid, values, expected=None): return _instance_update(context, instance_uuid, values, expected) @require_context @_retry_instance_update() @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_update_and_get_original(context, instance_uuid, values, columns_to_join=None, expected=None): """Set the given properties on an instance and update it. Return a shallow copy of the original instance reference, as well as the updated one. :param context: = request context object :param instance_uuid: = instance uuid :param values: = dict containing column values If "expected_task_state" exists in values, the update can only happen when the task state before update matches expected_task_state. Otherwise a UnexpectedTaskStateError is thrown. :returns: a tuple of the form (old_instance_ref, new_instance_ref) Raises NotFound if instance does not exist. """ instance_ref = _instance_get_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid, columns_to_join=columns_to_join) return (copy.copy(instance_ref), _instance_update( context, instance_uuid, values, expected, original=instance_ref)) # NOTE(danms): This updates the instance's metadata list in-place and in # the database to avoid stale data and refresh issues. It assumes the # delete=True behavior of instance_metadata_update(...) def _instance_metadata_update_in_place(context, instance, metadata_type, model, metadata): metadata = dict(metadata) to_delete = [] for keyvalue in instance[metadata_type]: key = keyvalue['key'] if key in metadata: keyvalue['value'] = metadata.pop(key) elif key not in metadata: to_delete.append(keyvalue) # NOTE: we have to hard_delete here otherwise we will get more than one # system_metadata record when we read deleted for an instance; # regular metadata doesn't have the same problem because we don't # allow reading deleted regular metadata anywhere. if metadata_type == 'system_metadata': for condemned in to_delete: context.session.delete(condemned) instance[metadata_type].remove(condemned) else: for condemned in to_delete: condemned.soft_delete(context.session) for key, value in metadata.items(): newitem = model() newitem.update({'key': key, 'value': value, 'instance_uuid': instance['uuid']}) context.session.add(newitem) instance[metadata_type].append(newitem) def _instance_update(context, instance_uuid, values, expected, original=None): if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(instance_uuid): raise exception.InvalidUUID(uuid=instance_uuid) # NOTE(mdbooth): We pop values from this dict below, so we copy it here to # ensure there are no side effects for the caller or if we retry the # function due to a db conflict. updates = copy.copy(values) if expected is None: expected = {} else: # Coerce all single values to singleton lists expected = {k: [None] if v is None else sqlalchemyutils.to_list(v) for (k, v) in expected.items()} # Extract 'expected_' values from values dict, as these aren't actually # updates for field in ('task_state', 'vm_state'): expected_field = 'expected_%s' % field if expected_field in updates: value = updates.pop(expected_field, None) # Coerce all single values to singleton lists if value is None: expected[field] = [None] else: expected[field] = sqlalchemyutils.to_list(value) # Values which need to be updated separately metadata = updates.pop('metadata', None) system_metadata = updates.pop('system_metadata', None) _handle_objects_related_type_conversions(updates) # Hostname is potentially unique, but this is enforced in code rather # than the DB. The query below races, but the number of users of # osapi_compute_unique_server_name_scope is small, and a robust fix # will be complex. This is intentionally left as is for the moment. if 'hostname' in updates: _validate_unique_server_name(context, updates['hostname']) compare = models.Instance(uuid=instance_uuid, **expected) try: instance_ref = model_query(context, models.Instance, project_only=True).\ update_on_match(compare, 'uuid', updates) except update_match.NoRowsMatched: # Update failed. Try to find why and raise a specific error. # We should get here only because our expected values were not current # when update_on_match executed. Having failed, we now have a hint that # the values are out of date and should check them. # This code is made more complex because we are using repeatable reads. # If we have previously read the original instance in the current # transaction, reading it again will return the same data, even though # the above update failed because it has changed: it is not possible to # determine what has changed in this transaction. In this case we raise # UnknownInstanceUpdateConflict, which will cause the operation to be # retried in a new transaction. # Because of the above, if we have previously read the instance in the # current transaction it will have been passed as 'original', and there # is no point refreshing it. If we have not previously read the # instance, we can fetch it here and we will get fresh data. if original is None: original = _instance_get_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid) conflicts_expected = {} conflicts_actual = {} for (field, expected_values) in expected.items(): actual = original[field] if actual not in expected_values: conflicts_expected[field] = expected_values conflicts_actual[field] = actual # Exception properties exc_props = { 'instance_uuid': instance_uuid, 'expected': conflicts_expected, 'actual': conflicts_actual } # There was a conflict, but something (probably the MySQL read view, # but possibly an exceptionally unlikely second race) is preventing us # from seeing what it is. When we go round again we'll get a fresh # transaction and a fresh read view. if len(conflicts_actual) == 0: raise exception.UnknownInstanceUpdateConflict(**exc_props) # Task state gets special handling for convenience. We raise the # specific error UnexpectedDeletingTaskStateError or # UnexpectedTaskStateError as appropriate if 'task_state' in conflicts_actual: conflict_task_state = conflicts_actual['task_state'] if conflict_task_state == task_states.DELETING: exc = exception.UnexpectedDeletingTaskStateError else: exc = exception.UnexpectedTaskStateError # Everything else is an InstanceUpdateConflict else: exc = exception.InstanceUpdateConflict raise exc(**exc_props) if metadata is not None: _instance_metadata_update_in_place(context, instance_ref, 'metadata', models.InstanceMetadata, metadata) if system_metadata is not None: _instance_metadata_update_in_place(context, instance_ref, 'system_metadata', models.InstanceSystemMetadata, system_metadata) return instance_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_add_security_group(context, instance_uuid, security_group_id): """Associate the given security group with the given instance.""" sec_group_ref = models.SecurityGroupInstanceAssociation() sec_group_ref.update({'instance_uuid': instance_uuid, 'security_group_id': security_group_id}) sec_group_ref.save(context.session) @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_remove_security_group(context, instance_uuid, security_group_id): """Disassociate the given security group from the given instance.""" model_query(context, models.SecurityGroupInstanceAssociation).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter_by(security_group_id=security_group_id).\ soft_delete() ################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_info_cache_get(context, instance_uuid): """Gets an instance info cache from the table. :param instance_uuid: = uuid of the info cache's instance """ return model_query(context, models.InstanceInfoCache).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ first() @require_context @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_info_cache_update(context, instance_uuid, values): """Update an instance info cache record in the table. :param instance_uuid: = uuid of info cache's instance :param values: = dict containing column values to update """ convert_objects_related_datetimes(values) info_cache = model_query(context, models.InstanceInfoCache).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ first() needs_create = False if info_cache and info_cache['deleted']: raise exception.InstanceInfoCacheNotFound( instance_uuid=instance_uuid) elif not info_cache: # NOTE(tr3buchet): just in case someone blows away an instance's # cache entry, re-create it. values['instance_uuid'] = instance_uuid info_cache = models.InstanceInfoCache(**values) needs_create = True try: with get_context_manager(context).writer.savepoint.using(context): if needs_create: info_cache.save(context.session) else: info_cache.update(values) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: # NOTE(sirp): Possible race if two greenthreads attempt to # recreate the instance cache entry at the same time. First one # wins. pass return info_cache @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_info_cache_delete(context, instance_uuid): """Deletes an existing instance_info_cache record :param instance_uuid: = uuid of the instance tied to the cache record """ model_query(context, models.InstanceInfoCache).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ soft_delete() ################### def _instance_extra_create(context, values): inst_extra_ref = models.InstanceExtra() inst_extra_ref.update(values) inst_extra_ref.save(context.session) return inst_extra_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_extra_update_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid, values): rows_updated = model_query(context, models.InstanceExtra).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ update(values) if not rows_updated: LOG.debug("Created instance_extra for %s", instance_uuid) create_values = copy.copy(values) create_values["instance_uuid"] = instance_uuid _instance_extra_create(context, create_values) rows_updated = 1 return rows_updated @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_extra_get_by_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid, columns=None): query = model_query(context, models.InstanceExtra).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid) if columns is None: columns = ['numa_topology', 'pci_requests', 'flavor', 'vcpu_model', 'trusted_certs', 'resources', 'migration_context'] for column in columns: query = query.options(undefer(column)) instance_extra = query.first() return instance_extra ################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def key_pair_create(context, values): try: key_pair_ref = models.KeyPair() key_pair_ref.update(values) key_pair_ref.save(context.session) return key_pair_ref except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.KeyPairExists(key_name=values['name']) @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def key_pair_destroy(context, user_id, name): result = model_query(context, models.KeyPair).\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ filter_by(name=name).\ soft_delete() if not result: raise exception.KeypairNotFound(user_id=user_id, name=name) @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def key_pair_get(context, user_id, name): result = model_query(context, models.KeyPair).\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ filter_by(name=name).\ first() if not result: raise exception.KeypairNotFound(user_id=user_id, name=name) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def key_pair_get_all_by_user(context, user_id, limit=None, marker=None): marker_row = None if marker is not None: marker_row = model_query(context, models.KeyPair, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(name=marker).filter_by(user_id=user_id).first() if not marker_row: raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker=marker) query = model_query(context, models.KeyPair, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(user_id=user_id) query = sqlalchemyutils.paginate_query( query, models.KeyPair, limit, ['name'], marker=marker_row) return query.all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def key_pair_count_by_user(context, user_id): return model_query(context, models.KeyPair, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ count() ################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_get(context, project_id, resource, user_id=None): model = models.ProjectUserQuota if user_id else models.Quota query = model_query(context, model).\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ filter_by(resource=resource) if user_id: query = query.filter_by(user_id=user_id) result = query.first() if not result: if user_id: raise exception.ProjectUserQuotaNotFound(project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id) else: raise exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound(project_id=project_id) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_get_all_by_project_and_user(context, project_id, user_id): user_quotas = model_query(context, models.ProjectUserQuota, (models.ProjectUserQuota.resource, models.ProjectUserQuota.hard_limit)).\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ all() result = {'project_id': project_id, 'user_id': user_id} for user_quota in user_quotas: result[user_quota.resource] = user_quota.hard_limit return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_get_all_by_project(context, project_id): rows = model_query(context, models.Quota, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ all() result = {'project_id': project_id} for row in rows: result[row.resource] = row.hard_limit return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_get_all(context, project_id): result = model_query(context, models.ProjectUserQuota).\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ all() return result def quota_get_per_project_resources(): return PER_PROJECT_QUOTAS @pick_context_manager_writer def quota_create(context, project_id, resource, limit, user_id=None): per_user = user_id and resource not in PER_PROJECT_QUOTAS quota_ref = models.ProjectUserQuota() if per_user else models.Quota() if per_user: quota_ref.user_id = user_id quota_ref.project_id = project_id quota_ref.resource = resource quota_ref.hard_limit = limit try: quota_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.QuotaExists(project_id=project_id, resource=resource) return quota_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def quota_update(context, project_id, resource, limit, user_id=None): per_user = user_id and resource not in PER_PROJECT_QUOTAS model = models.ProjectUserQuota if per_user else models.Quota query = model_query(context, model).\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ filter_by(resource=resource) if per_user: query = query.filter_by(user_id=user_id) result = query.update({'hard_limit': limit}) if not result: if per_user: raise exception.ProjectUserQuotaNotFound(project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id) else: raise exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound(project_id=project_id) ################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_class_get(context, class_name, resource): result = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(class_name=class_name).\ filter_by(resource=resource).\ first() if not result: raise exception.QuotaClassNotFound(class_name=class_name) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_class_get_default(context): rows = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(class_name=_DEFAULT_QUOTA_NAME).\ all() result = {'class_name': _DEFAULT_QUOTA_NAME} for row in rows: result[row.resource] = row.hard_limit return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def quota_class_get_all_by_name(context, class_name): rows = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(class_name=class_name).\ all() result = {'class_name': class_name} for row in rows: result[row.resource] = row.hard_limit return result @pick_context_manager_writer def quota_class_create(context, class_name, resource, limit): quota_class_ref = models.QuotaClass() quota_class_ref.class_name = class_name quota_class_ref.resource = resource quota_class_ref.hard_limit = limit quota_class_ref.save(context.session) return quota_class_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def quota_class_update(context, class_name, resource, limit): result = model_query(context, models.QuotaClass, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(class_name=class_name).\ filter_by(resource=resource).\ update({'hard_limit': limit}) if not result: raise exception.QuotaClassNotFound(class_name=class_name) ################### @pick_context_manager_writer def quota_destroy_all_by_project_and_user(context, project_id, user_id): model_query(context, models.ProjectUserQuota, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ filter_by(user_id=user_id).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) @pick_context_manager_writer def quota_destroy_all_by_project(context, project_id): model_query(context, models.Quota, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) model_query(context, models.ProjectUserQuota, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) ################### def _block_device_mapping_get_query(context, columns_to_join=None): if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join = [] query = model_query(context, models.BlockDeviceMapping) for column in columns_to_join: query = query.options(joinedload(column)) return query def _scrub_empty_str_values(dct, keys_to_scrub): """Remove any keys found in sequence keys_to_scrub from the dict if they have the value ''. """ for key in keys_to_scrub: if key in dct and dct[key] == '': del dct[key] def _from_legacy_values(values, legacy, allow_updates=False): if legacy: if allow_updates and block_device.is_safe_for_update(values): return values else: return block_device.BlockDeviceDict.from_legacy(values) else: return values def _set_or_validate_uuid(values): uuid = values.get('uuid') # values doesn't contain uuid, or it's blank if not uuid: values['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() # values contains a uuid else: if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(uuid): raise exception.InvalidUUID(uuid=uuid) @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def block_device_mapping_create(context, values, legacy=True): _scrub_empty_str_values(values, ['volume_size']) values = _from_legacy_values(values, legacy) convert_objects_related_datetimes(values) _set_or_validate_uuid(values) bdm_ref = models.BlockDeviceMapping() bdm_ref.update(values) bdm_ref.save(context.session) return bdm_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def block_device_mapping_update(context, bdm_id, values, legacy=True): _scrub_empty_str_values(values, ['volume_size']) values = _from_legacy_values(values, legacy, allow_updates=True) convert_objects_related_datetimes(values) query = _block_device_mapping_get_query(context).filter_by(id=bdm_id) query.update(values) return query.first() @pick_context_manager_writer def block_device_mapping_update_or_create(context, values, legacy=True): # TODO(mdbooth): Remove this method entirely. Callers should know whether # they require update or create, and call the appropriate method. _scrub_empty_str_values(values, ['volume_size']) values = _from_legacy_values(values, legacy, allow_updates=True) convert_objects_related_datetimes(values) result = None # NOTE(xqueralt,danms): Only update a BDM when device_name or # uuid was provided. Prefer the uuid, if available, but fall # back to device_name if no uuid is provided, which can happen # for BDMs created before we had a uuid. We allow empty device # names so they will be set later by the manager. if 'uuid' in values: query = _block_device_mapping_get_query(context) result = query.filter_by(instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid'], uuid=values['uuid']).one_or_none() if not result and values['device_name']: query = _block_device_mapping_get_query(context) result = query.filter_by(instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid'], device_name=values['device_name']).first() if result: result.update(values) else: # Either the device_name or uuid doesn't exist in the database yet, or # neither was provided. Both cases mean creating a new BDM. _set_or_validate_uuid(values) result = models.BlockDeviceMapping(**values) result.save(context.session) # NOTE(xqueralt): Prevent from having multiple swap devices for the # same instance. This will delete all the existing ones. if block_device.new_format_is_swap(values): query = _block_device_mapping_get_query(context) query = query.filter_by(instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid'], source_type='blank', guest_format='swap') query = query.filter(models.BlockDeviceMapping.id != result.id) query.soft_delete() return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def block_device_mapping_get_all_by_instance_uuids(context, instance_uuids): if not instance_uuids: return [] return _block_device_mapping_get_query(context).filter( models.BlockDeviceMapping.instance_uuid.in_(instance_uuids)).all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def block_device_mapping_get_all_by_instance(context, instance_uuid): return _block_device_mapping_get_query(context).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def block_device_mapping_get_all_by_volume_id(context, volume_id, columns_to_join=None): return _block_device_mapping_get_query(context, columns_to_join=columns_to_join).\ filter_by(volume_id=volume_id).\ all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def block_device_mapping_get_by_instance_and_volume_id(context, volume_id, instance_uuid, columns_to_join=None): return _block_device_mapping_get_query(context, columns_to_join=columns_to_join).\ filter_by(volume_id=volume_id).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ first() @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def block_device_mapping_destroy(context, bdm_id): _block_device_mapping_get_query(context).\ filter_by(id=bdm_id).\ soft_delete() @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def block_device_mapping_destroy_by_instance_and_volume(context, instance_uuid, volume_id): _block_device_mapping_get_query(context).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter_by(volume_id=volume_id).\ soft_delete() @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def block_device_mapping_destroy_by_instance_and_device(context, instance_uuid, device_name): _block_device_mapping_get_query(context).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter_by(device_name=device_name).\ soft_delete() ################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def security_group_create(context, values): security_group_ref = models.SecurityGroup() # FIXME(devcamcar): Unless I do this, rules fails with lazy load exception # once save() is called. This will get cleaned up in next orm pass. security_group_ref.rules = [] security_group_ref.update(values) try: with get_context_manager(context).writer.savepoint.using(context): security_group_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.SecurityGroupExists( project_id=values['project_id'], security_group_name=values['name']) return security_group_ref def _security_group_get_query(context, read_deleted=None, project_only=False, join_rules=True): query = model_query(context, models.SecurityGroup, read_deleted=read_deleted, project_only=project_only) if join_rules: query = query.options(_joinedload_all('rules.grantee_group')) return query def _security_group_get_by_names(context, group_names): """Get security group models for a project by a list of names. Raise SecurityGroupNotFoundForProject for a name not found. """ query = _security_group_get_query(context, read_deleted="no", join_rules=False).\ filter_by(project_id=context.project_id).\ filter(models.SecurityGroup.name.in_(group_names)) sg_models = query.all() if len(sg_models) == len(group_names): return sg_models # Find the first one missing and raise group_names_from_models = [x.name for x in sg_models] for group_name in group_names: if group_name not in group_names_from_models: raise exception.SecurityGroupNotFoundForProject( project_id=context.project_id, security_group_id=group_name) # Not Reached @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def security_group_get_all(context): return _security_group_get_query(context).all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def security_group_get(context, security_group_id, columns_to_join=None): join_rules = columns_to_join and 'rules' in columns_to_join if join_rules: columns_to_join.remove('rules') query = _security_group_get_query(context, project_only=True, join_rules=join_rules).\ filter_by(id=security_group_id) if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join = [] for column in columns_to_join: if column.startswith('instances'): query = query.options(_joinedload_all(column)) result = query.first() if not result: raise exception.SecurityGroupNotFound( security_group_id=security_group_id) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def security_group_get_by_name(context, project_id, group_name, columns_to_join=None): query = _security_group_get_query(context, read_deleted="no", join_rules=False).\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ filter_by(name=group_name) if columns_to_join is None: columns_to_join = ['instances', 'rules.grantee_group'] for column in columns_to_join: query = query.options(_joinedload_all(column)) result = query.first() if not result: raise exception.SecurityGroupNotFoundForProject( project_id=project_id, security_group_id=group_name) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def security_group_get_by_project(context, project_id): return _security_group_get_query(context, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(project_id=project_id).\ all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def security_group_get_by_instance(context, instance_uuid): return _security_group_get_query(context, read_deleted="no").\ join(models.SecurityGroup.instances).\ filter_by(uuid=instance_uuid).\ all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def security_group_in_use(context, group_id): # Are there any instances that haven't been deleted # that include this group? inst_assoc = model_query(context, models.SecurityGroupInstanceAssociation, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(security_group_id=group_id).\ all() for ia in inst_assoc: num_instances = model_query(context, models.Instance, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(uuid=ia.instance_uuid).\ count() if num_instances: return True return False @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def security_group_update(context, security_group_id, values, columns_to_join=None): query = model_query(context, models.SecurityGroup).filter_by( id=security_group_id) if columns_to_join: for column in columns_to_join: query = query.options(_joinedload_all(column)) security_group_ref = query.first() if not security_group_ref: raise exception.SecurityGroupNotFound( security_group_id=security_group_id) security_group_ref.update(values) name = security_group_ref['name'] project_id = security_group_ref['project_id'] try: security_group_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.SecurityGroupExists( project_id=project_id, security_group_name=name) return security_group_ref def security_group_ensure_default(context): """Ensure default security group exists for a project_id.""" try: # NOTE(rpodolyaka): create the default security group, if it doesn't # exist. This must be done in a separate transaction, so that # this one is not aborted in case a concurrent one succeeds first # and the unique constraint for security group names is violated # by a concurrent INSERT with get_context_manager(context).writer.independent.using(context): return _security_group_ensure_default(context) except exception.SecurityGroupExists: # NOTE(rpodolyaka): a concurrent transaction has succeeded first, # suppress the error and proceed return security_group_get_by_name(context, context.project_id, 'default') @pick_context_manager_writer def _security_group_ensure_default(context): try: default_group = _security_group_get_by_names(context, ['default'])[0] except exception.NotFound: values = {'name': 'default', 'description': 'default', 'user_id': context.user_id, 'project_id': context.project_id} default_group = security_group_create(context, values) return default_group @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def security_group_destroy(context, security_group_id): model_query(context, models.SecurityGroup).\ filter_by(id=security_group_id).\ soft_delete() model_query(context, models.SecurityGroupInstanceAssociation).\ filter_by(security_group_id=security_group_id).\ soft_delete() model_query(context, models.SecurityGroupIngressRule).\ filter_by(group_id=security_group_id).\ soft_delete() model_query(context, models.SecurityGroupIngressRule).\ filter_by(parent_group_id=security_group_id).\ soft_delete() ################### @pick_context_manager_writer def migration_create(context, values): migration = models.Migration() migration.update(values) migration.save(context.session) return migration @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def migration_update(context, id, values): migration = migration_get(context, id) migration.update(values) return migration @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get(context, id): result = model_query(context, models.Migration, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(id=id).\ first() if not result: raise exception.MigrationNotFound(migration_id=id) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_by_uuid(context, migration_uuid): result = model_query(context, models.Migration, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(uuid=migration_uuid).\ first() if not result: raise exception.MigrationNotFound(migration_id=migration_uuid) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_by_id_and_instance(context, id, instance_uuid): result = model_query(context, models.Migration).\ filter_by(id=id).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ first() if not result: raise exception.MigrationNotFoundForInstance(migration_id=id, instance_id=instance_uuid) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_by_instance_and_status(context, instance_uuid, status): result = model_query(context, models.Migration, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter_by(status=status).\ first() if not result: raise exception.MigrationNotFoundByStatus(instance_id=instance_uuid, status=status) return result @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def migration_get_unconfirmed_by_dest_compute(context, confirm_window, dest_compute): confirm_window = (timeutils.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=confirm_window)) return model_query(context, models.Migration, read_deleted="yes").\ filter(models.Migration.updated_at <= confirm_window).\ filter_by(status="finished").\ filter_by(dest_compute=dest_compute).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_in_progress_by_host_and_node(context, host, node): # TODO(mriedem): Tracking what various code flows set for # migration status is nutty, since it happens all over the place # and several of the statuses are redundant (done and completed). # We need to define these in an enum somewhere and just update # that one central place that defines what "in progress" means. # NOTE(mriedem): The 'finished' status is not in this list because # 'finished' means a resize is finished on the destination host # and the instance is in VERIFY_RESIZE state, so the end state # for a resize is actually 'confirmed' or 'reverted'. return model_query(context, models.Migration).\ filter(or_(and_(models.Migration.source_compute == host, models.Migration.source_node == node), and_(models.Migration.dest_compute == host, models.Migration.dest_node == node))).\ filter(~models.Migration.status.in_(['confirmed', 'reverted', 'error', 'failed', 'completed', 'cancelled', 'done'])).\ options(_joinedload_all('instance.system_metadata')).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_in_progress_by_instance(context, instance_uuid, migration_type=None): # TODO(Shaohe Feng) we should share the in-progress list. # TODO(Shaohe Feng) will also summarize all status to a new # MigrationStatus class. query = model_query(context, models.Migration).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter(models.Migration.status.in_(['queued', 'preparing', 'running', 'post-migrating'])) if migration_type: query = query.filter(models.Migration.migration_type == migration_type) return query.all() @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_all_by_filters(context, filters, sort_keys=None, sort_dirs=None, limit=None, marker=None): if limit == 0: return [] query = model_query(context, models.Migration) if "uuid" in filters: # The uuid filter is here for the MigrationLister and multi-cell # paging support in the compute API. uuid = filters["uuid"] uuid = [uuid] if isinstance(uuid, six.string_types) else uuid query = query.filter(models.Migration.uuid.in_(uuid)) model_object = models.Migration query = _get_query_nova_resource_by_changes_time(query, filters, model_object) if "status" in filters: status = filters["status"] status = [status] if isinstance(status, six.string_types) else status query = query.filter(models.Migration.status.in_(status)) if "host" in filters: host = filters["host"] query = query.filter(or_(models.Migration.source_compute == host, models.Migration.dest_compute == host)) elif "source_compute" in filters: host = filters['source_compute'] query = query.filter(models.Migration.source_compute == host) if "node" in filters: node = filters['node'] query = query.filter(or_(models.Migration.source_node == node, models.Migration.dest_node == node)) if "migration_type" in filters: migtype = filters["migration_type"] query = query.filter(models.Migration.migration_type == migtype) if "hidden" in filters: hidden = filters["hidden"] query = query.filter(models.Migration.hidden == hidden) if "instance_uuid" in filters: instance_uuid = filters["instance_uuid"] query = query.filter(models.Migration.instance_uuid == instance_uuid) if 'user_id' in filters: user_id = filters['user_id'] query = query.filter(models.Migration.user_id == user_id) if 'project_id' in filters: project_id = filters['project_id'] query = query.filter(models.Migration.project_id == project_id) if marker: try: marker = migration_get_by_uuid(context, marker) except exception.MigrationNotFound: raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker=marker) if limit or marker or sort_keys or sort_dirs: # Default sort by desc(['created_at', 'id']) sort_keys, sort_dirs = process_sort_params(sort_keys, sort_dirs, default_dir='desc') return sqlalchemyutils.paginate_query(query, models.Migration, limit=limit, sort_keys=sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dirs=sort_dirs).all() else: return query.all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def migration_get_by_sort_filters(context, sort_keys, sort_dirs, values): """Attempt to get a single migration based on a combination of sort keys, directions and filter values. This is used to try to find a marker migration when we don't have a marker uuid. This returns just a uuid of the migration that matched. """ model = models.Migration return _model_get_uuid_by_sort_filters(context, model, sort_keys, sort_dirs, values) @pick_context_manager_writer def migration_migrate_to_uuid(context, count): # Avoid circular import from nova import objects db_migrations = model_query(context, models.Migration).filter_by( uuid=None).limit(count).all() done = 0 for db_migration in db_migrations: mig = objects.Migration(context) mig._from_db_object(context, mig, db_migration) done += 1 # We don't have any situation where we can (detectably) not # migrate a thing, so report anything that matched as "completed". return done, done @pick_context_manager_reader def migration_get_in_progress_and_error_by_host_and_node(context, host, node): return model_query(context, models.Migration).\ filter(or_(and_(models.Migration.source_compute == host, models.Migration.source_node == node), and_(models.Migration.dest_compute == host, models.Migration.dest_node == node))).\ filter(~models.Migration.status.in_(['confirmed', 'reverted', 'failed', 'completed', 'cancelled', 'done'])).\ options(_joinedload_all('instance.system_metadata')).\ all() ######################## # User-provided metadata def _instance_metadata_get_multi(context, instance_uuids): if not instance_uuids: return [] return model_query(context, models.InstanceMetadata).filter( models.InstanceMetadata.instance_uuid.in_(instance_uuids)) def _instance_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid): return model_query(context, models.InstanceMetadata, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid) @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_metadata_get(context, instance_uuid): rows = _instance_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).all() return {row['key']: row['value'] for row in rows} @require_context @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_metadata_delete(context, instance_uuid, key): _instance_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).\ filter_by(key=key).\ soft_delete() @require_context @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_metadata_update(context, instance_uuid, metadata, delete): all_keys = metadata.keys() if delete: _instance_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).\ filter(~models.InstanceMetadata.key.in_(all_keys)).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) already_existing_keys = [] meta_refs = _instance_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).\ filter(models.InstanceMetadata.key.in_(all_keys)).\ all() for meta_ref in meta_refs: already_existing_keys.append(meta_ref.key) meta_ref.update({"value": metadata[meta_ref.key]}) new_keys = set(all_keys) - set(already_existing_keys) for key in new_keys: meta_ref = models.InstanceMetadata() meta_ref.update({"key": key, "value": metadata[key], "instance_uuid": instance_uuid}) context.session.add(meta_ref) return metadata ####################### # System-owned metadata def _instance_system_metadata_get_multi(context, instance_uuids): if not instance_uuids: return [] return model_query(context, models.InstanceSystemMetadata, read_deleted='yes').filter( models.InstanceSystemMetadata.instance_uuid.in_(instance_uuids)) def _instance_system_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid): return model_query(context, models.InstanceSystemMetadata).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid) @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_system_metadata_get(context, instance_uuid): rows = _instance_system_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).all() return {row['key']: row['value'] for row in rows} @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_system_metadata_update(context, instance_uuid, metadata, delete): all_keys = metadata.keys() if delete: _instance_system_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).\ filter(~models.InstanceSystemMetadata.key.in_(all_keys)).\ soft_delete(synchronize_session=False) already_existing_keys = [] meta_refs = _instance_system_metadata_get_query(context, instance_uuid).\ filter(models.InstanceSystemMetadata.key.in_(all_keys)).\ all() for meta_ref in meta_refs: already_existing_keys.append(meta_ref.key) meta_ref.update({"value": metadata[meta_ref.key]}) new_keys = set(all_keys) - set(already_existing_keys) for key in new_keys: meta_ref = models.InstanceSystemMetadata() meta_ref.update({"key": key, "value": metadata[key], "instance_uuid": instance_uuid}) context.session.add(meta_ref) return metadata #################### @pick_context_manager_writer def agent_build_create(context, values): agent_build_ref = models.AgentBuild() agent_build_ref.update(values) try: agent_build_ref.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.AgentBuildExists(hypervisor=values['hypervisor'], os=values['os'], architecture=values['architecture']) return agent_build_ref @pick_context_manager_reader def agent_build_get_by_triple(context, hypervisor, os, architecture): return model_query(context, models.AgentBuild, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(hypervisor=hypervisor).\ filter_by(os=os).\ filter_by(architecture=architecture).\ first() @pick_context_manager_reader def agent_build_get_all(context, hypervisor=None): if hypervisor: return model_query(context, models.AgentBuild, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(hypervisor=hypervisor).\ all() else: return model_query(context, models.AgentBuild, read_deleted="no").\ all() @pick_context_manager_writer def agent_build_destroy(context, agent_build_id): rows_affected = model_query(context, models.AgentBuild).filter_by( id=agent_build_id).soft_delete() if rows_affected == 0: raise exception.AgentBuildNotFound(id=agent_build_id) @pick_context_manager_writer def agent_build_update(context, agent_build_id, values): rows_affected = model_query(context, models.AgentBuild).\ filter_by(id=agent_build_id).\ update(values) if rows_affected == 0: raise exception.AgentBuildNotFound(id=agent_build_id) #################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def bw_usage_get(context, uuid, start_period, mac): values = {'start_period': start_period} values = convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, 'start_period') return model_query(context, models.BandwidthUsage, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(start_period=values['start_period']).\ filter_by(uuid=uuid).\ filter_by(mac=mac).\ first() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader_allow_async def bw_usage_get_by_uuids(context, uuids, start_period): values = {'start_period': start_period} values = convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, 'start_period') return ( model_query(context, models.BandwidthUsage, read_deleted="yes"). filter(models.BandwidthUsage.uuid.in_(uuids)). filter_by(start_period=values['start_period']). all() ) @require_context @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def bw_usage_update(context, uuid, mac, start_period, bw_in, bw_out, last_ctr_in, last_ctr_out, last_refreshed=None): if last_refreshed is None: last_refreshed = timeutils.utcnow() # NOTE(comstud): More often than not, we'll be updating records vs # creating records. Optimize accordingly, trying to update existing # records. Fall back to creation when no rows are updated. ts_values = {'last_refreshed': last_refreshed, 'start_period': start_period} ts_keys = ('start_period', 'last_refreshed') ts_values = convert_objects_related_datetimes(ts_values, *ts_keys) values = {'last_refreshed': ts_values['last_refreshed'], 'last_ctr_in': last_ctr_in, 'last_ctr_out': last_ctr_out, 'bw_in': bw_in, 'bw_out': bw_out} # NOTE(pkholkin): order_by() is needed here to ensure that the # same record is updated every time. It can be removed after adding # unique constraint to this model. bw_usage = model_query(context, models.BandwidthUsage, read_deleted='yes').\ filter_by(start_period=ts_values['start_period']).\ filter_by(uuid=uuid).\ filter_by(mac=mac).\ order_by(asc(models.BandwidthUsage.id)).first() if bw_usage: bw_usage.update(values) return bw_usage bwusage = models.BandwidthUsage() bwusage.start_period = ts_values['start_period'] bwusage.uuid = uuid bwusage.mac = mac bwusage.last_refreshed = ts_values['last_refreshed'] bwusage.bw_in = bw_in bwusage.bw_out = bw_out bwusage.last_ctr_in = last_ctr_in bwusage.last_ctr_out = last_ctr_out bwusage.save(context.session) return bwusage #################### @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def vol_get_usage_by_time(context, begin): """Return volumes usage that have been updated after a specified time.""" return model_query(context, models.VolumeUsage, read_deleted="yes").\ filter(or_(models.VolumeUsage.tot_last_refreshed == null(), models.VolumeUsage.tot_last_refreshed > begin, models.VolumeUsage.curr_last_refreshed == null(), models.VolumeUsage.curr_last_refreshed > begin, )).all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def vol_usage_update(context, id, rd_req, rd_bytes, wr_req, wr_bytes, instance_id, project_id, user_id, availability_zone, update_totals=False): refreshed = timeutils.utcnow() values = {} # NOTE(dricco): We will be mostly updating current usage records vs # updating total or creating records. Optimize accordingly. if not update_totals: values = {'curr_last_refreshed': refreshed, 'curr_reads': rd_req, 'curr_read_bytes': rd_bytes, 'curr_writes': wr_req, 'curr_write_bytes': wr_bytes, 'instance_uuid': instance_id, 'project_id': project_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'availability_zone': availability_zone} else: values = {'tot_last_refreshed': refreshed, 'tot_reads': models.VolumeUsage.tot_reads + rd_req, 'tot_read_bytes': models.VolumeUsage.tot_read_bytes + rd_bytes, 'tot_writes': models.VolumeUsage.tot_writes + wr_req, 'tot_write_bytes': models.VolumeUsage.tot_write_bytes + wr_bytes, 'curr_reads': 0, 'curr_read_bytes': 0, 'curr_writes': 0, 'curr_write_bytes': 0, 'instance_uuid': instance_id, 'project_id': project_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'availability_zone': availability_zone} current_usage = model_query(context, models.VolumeUsage, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(volume_id=id).\ first() if current_usage: if (rd_req < current_usage['curr_reads'] or rd_bytes < current_usage['curr_read_bytes'] or wr_req < current_usage['curr_writes'] or wr_bytes < current_usage['curr_write_bytes']): LOG.info("Volume(%s) has lower stats then what is in " "the database. Instance must have been rebooted " "or crashed. Updating totals.", id) if not update_totals: values['tot_reads'] = (models.VolumeUsage.tot_reads + current_usage['curr_reads']) values['tot_read_bytes'] = ( models.VolumeUsage.tot_read_bytes + current_usage['curr_read_bytes']) values['tot_writes'] = (models.VolumeUsage.tot_writes + current_usage['curr_writes']) values['tot_write_bytes'] = ( models.VolumeUsage.tot_write_bytes + current_usage['curr_write_bytes']) else: values['tot_reads'] = (models.VolumeUsage.tot_reads + current_usage['curr_reads'] + rd_req) values['tot_read_bytes'] = ( models.VolumeUsage.tot_read_bytes + current_usage['curr_read_bytes'] + rd_bytes) values['tot_writes'] = (models.VolumeUsage.tot_writes + current_usage['curr_writes'] + wr_req) values['tot_write_bytes'] = ( models.VolumeUsage.tot_write_bytes + current_usage['curr_write_bytes'] + wr_bytes) current_usage.update(values) current_usage.save(context.session) context.session.refresh(current_usage) return current_usage vol_usage = models.VolumeUsage() vol_usage.volume_id = id vol_usage.instance_uuid = instance_id vol_usage.project_id = project_id vol_usage.user_id = user_id vol_usage.availability_zone = availability_zone if not update_totals: vol_usage.curr_last_refreshed = refreshed vol_usage.curr_reads = rd_req vol_usage.curr_read_bytes = rd_bytes vol_usage.curr_writes = wr_req vol_usage.curr_write_bytes = wr_bytes else: vol_usage.tot_last_refreshed = refreshed vol_usage.tot_reads = rd_req vol_usage.tot_read_bytes = rd_bytes vol_usage.tot_writes = wr_req vol_usage.tot_write_bytes = wr_bytes vol_usage.save(context.session) return vol_usage #################### @pick_context_manager_reader def s3_image_get(context, image_id): """Find local s3 image represented by the provided id.""" result = model_query(context, models.S3Image, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(id=image_id).\ first() if not result: raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id) return result @pick_context_manager_reader def s3_image_get_by_uuid(context, image_uuid): """Find local s3 image represented by the provided uuid.""" result = model_query(context, models.S3Image, read_deleted="yes").\ filter_by(uuid=image_uuid).\ first() if not result: raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_uuid) return result @pick_context_manager_writer def s3_image_create(context, image_uuid): """Create local s3 image represented by provided uuid.""" try: s3_image_ref = models.S3Image() s3_image_ref.update({'uuid': image_uuid}) s3_image_ref.save(context.session) except Exception as e: raise db_exc.DBError(e) return s3_image_ref #################### @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_fault_create(context, values): """Create a new InstanceFault.""" fault_ref = models.InstanceFault() fault_ref.update(values) fault_ref.save(context.session) return dict(fault_ref) @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_fault_get_by_instance_uuids(context, instance_uuids, latest=False): """Get all instance faults for the provided instance_uuids. :param instance_uuids: List of UUIDs of instances to grab faults for :param latest: Optional boolean indicating we should only return the latest fault for the instance """ if not instance_uuids: return {} faults_tbl = models.InstanceFault.__table__ # NOTE(rpodolyaka): filtering by instance_uuids is performed in both # code branches below for the sake of a better query plan. On change, # make sure to update the other one as well. query = model_query(context, models.InstanceFault, [faults_tbl], read_deleted='no') if latest: # NOTE(jaypipes): We join instance_faults to a derived table of the # latest faults per instance UUID. The SQL produced below looks like # this: # # SELECT instance_faults.* # FROM instance_faults # JOIN ( # SELECT instance_uuid, MAX(id) AS max_id # FROM instance_faults # WHERE instance_uuid IN ( ... ) # AND deleted = 0 # GROUP BY instance_uuid # ) AS latest_faults # ON instance_faults.id = latest_faults.max_id; latest_faults = model_query( context, models.InstanceFault, [faults_tbl.c.instance_uuid, sql.func.max(faults_tbl.c.id).label('max_id')], read_deleted='no' ).filter( faults_tbl.c.instance_uuid.in_(instance_uuids) ).group_by( faults_tbl.c.instance_uuid ).subquery(name="latest_faults") query = query.join(latest_faults, faults_tbl.c.id == latest_faults.c.max_id) else: query = query.filter(models.InstanceFault.instance_uuid.in_( instance_uuids)).order_by(desc("id")) output = {} for instance_uuid in instance_uuids: output[instance_uuid] = [] for row in query: output[row.instance_uuid].append(row._asdict()) return output ################## @pick_context_manager_writer def action_start(context, values): convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, 'start_time', 'updated_at') action_ref = models.InstanceAction() action_ref.update(values) action_ref.save(context.session) return action_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def action_finish(context, values): convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'updated_at') query = model_query(context, models.InstanceAction).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid']).\ filter_by(request_id=values['request_id']) if query.update(values) != 1: raise exception.InstanceActionNotFound( request_id=values['request_id'], instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid']) return query.one() @pick_context_manager_reader def actions_get(context, instance_uuid, limit=None, marker=None, filters=None): """Get all instance actions for the provided uuid and filters.""" if limit == 0: return [] sort_keys = ['created_at', 'id'] sort_dirs = ['desc', 'desc'] query_prefix = model_query(context, models.InstanceAction).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid) model_object = models.InstanceAction query_prefix = _get_query_nova_resource_by_changes_time(query_prefix, filters, model_object) if marker is not None: marker = action_get_by_request_id(context, instance_uuid, marker) if not marker: raise exception.MarkerNotFound(marker=marker) actions = sqlalchemyutils.paginate_query(query_prefix, models.InstanceAction, limit, sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dirs=sort_dirs).all() return actions @pick_context_manager_reader def action_get_by_request_id(context, instance_uuid, request_id): """Get the action by request_id and given instance.""" action = _action_get_by_request_id(context, instance_uuid, request_id) return action def _action_get_by_request_id(context, instance_uuid, request_id): result = model_query(context, models.InstanceAction).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ filter_by(request_id=request_id).\ order_by(desc("created_at"), desc("id")).\ first() return result def _action_get_last_created_by_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid): result = (model_query(context, models.InstanceAction). filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid). order_by(desc("created_at"), desc("id")). first()) return result @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def action_event_start(context, values): """Start an event on an instance action.""" convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, 'start_time') action = _action_get_by_request_id(context, values['instance_uuid'], values['request_id']) # When nova-compute restarts, the context is generated again in # init_host workflow, the request_id was different with the request_id # recorded in InstanceAction, so we can't get the original record # according to request_id. Try to get the last created action so that # init_instance can continue to finish the recovery action, like: # powering_off, unpausing, and so on. update_action = True if not action and not context.project_id: action = _action_get_last_created_by_instance_uuid( context, values['instance_uuid']) # If we couldn't find an action by the request_id, we don't want to # update this action since it likely represents an inactive action. update_action = False if not action: raise exception.InstanceActionNotFound( request_id=values['request_id'], instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid']) values['action_id'] = action['id'] event_ref = models.InstanceActionEvent() event_ref.update(values) context.session.add(event_ref) # Update action updated_at. if update_action: action.update({'updated_at': values['start_time']}) action.save(context.session) return event_ref # NOTE: We need the retry_on_deadlock decorator for cases like resize where # a lot of events are happening at once between multiple hosts trying to # update the same action record in a small time window. @oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True) @pick_context_manager_writer def action_event_finish(context, values): """Finish an event on an instance action.""" convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, 'start_time', 'finish_time') action = _action_get_by_request_id(context, values['instance_uuid'], values['request_id']) # When nova-compute restarts, the context is generated again in # init_host workflow, the request_id was different with the request_id # recorded in InstanceAction, so we can't get the original record # according to request_id. Try to get the last created action so that # init_instance can continue to finish the recovery action, like: # powering_off, unpausing, and so on. update_action = True if not action and not context.project_id: action = _action_get_last_created_by_instance_uuid( context, values['instance_uuid']) # If we couldn't find an action by the request_id, we don't want to # update this action since it likely represents an inactive action. update_action = False if not action: raise exception.InstanceActionNotFound( request_id=values['request_id'], instance_uuid=values['instance_uuid']) event_ref = model_query(context, models.InstanceActionEvent).\ filter_by(action_id=action['id']).\ filter_by(event=values['event']).\ first() if not event_ref: raise exception.InstanceActionEventNotFound(action_id=action['id'], event=values['event']) event_ref.update(values) if values['result'].lower() == 'error': action.update({'message': 'Error'}) # Update action updated_at. if update_action: action.update({'updated_at': values['finish_time']}) action.save(context.session) return event_ref @pick_context_manager_reader def action_events_get(context, action_id): events = model_query(context, models.InstanceActionEvent).\ filter_by(action_id=action_id).\ order_by(desc("created_at"), desc("id")).\ all() return events @pick_context_manager_reader def action_event_get_by_id(context, action_id, event_id): event = model_query(context, models.InstanceActionEvent).\ filter_by(action_id=action_id).\ filter_by(id=event_id).\ first() return event ################## @require_context @pick_context_manager_writer def ec2_instance_create(context, instance_uuid, id=None): """Create ec2 compatible instance by provided uuid.""" ec2_instance_ref = models.InstanceIdMapping() ec2_instance_ref.update({'uuid': instance_uuid}) if id is not None: ec2_instance_ref.update({'id': id}) ec2_instance_ref.save(context.session) return ec2_instance_ref @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def ec2_instance_get_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid): result = _ec2_instance_get_query(context).\ filter_by(uuid=instance_uuid).\ first() if not result: raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_uuid) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def ec2_instance_get_by_id(context, instance_id): result = _ec2_instance_get_query(context).\ filter_by(id=instance_id).\ first() if not result: raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_id) return result @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def get_instance_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, ec2_id): result = ec2_instance_get_by_id(context, ec2_id) return result['uuid'] def _ec2_instance_get_query(context): return model_query(context, models.InstanceIdMapping, read_deleted='yes') ################## def _task_log_get_query(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host=None, state=None): values = {'period_beginning': period_beginning, 'period_ending': period_ending} values = convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, *values.keys()) query = model_query(context, models.TaskLog).\ filter_by(task_name=task_name).\ filter_by(period_beginning=values['period_beginning']).\ filter_by(period_ending=values['period_ending']) if host is not None: query = query.filter_by(host=host) if state is not None: query = query.filter_by(state=state) return query @pick_context_manager_reader def task_log_get(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host, state=None): return _task_log_get_query(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host, state).first() @pick_context_manager_reader def task_log_get_all(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host=None, state=None): return _task_log_get_query(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host, state).all() @pick_context_manager_writer def task_log_begin_task(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host, task_items=None, message=None): values = {'period_beginning': period_beginning, 'period_ending': period_ending} values = convert_objects_related_datetimes(values, *values.keys()) task = models.TaskLog() task.task_name = task_name task.period_beginning = values['period_beginning'] task.period_ending = values['period_ending'] task.host = host task.state = "RUNNING" if message: task.message = message if task_items: task.task_items = task_items try: task.save(context.session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.TaskAlreadyRunning(task_name=task_name, host=host) @pick_context_manager_writer def task_log_end_task(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host, errors, message=None): values = dict(state="DONE", errors=errors) if message: values["message"] = message rows = _task_log_get_query(context, task_name, period_beginning, period_ending, host).update(values) if rows == 0: # It's not running! raise exception.TaskNotRunning(task_name=task_name, host=host) ################## def _archive_if_instance_deleted(table, shadow_table, instances, conn, max_rows, before): """Look for records that pertain to deleted instances, but may not be deleted themselves. This catches cases where we delete an instance, but leave some residue because of a failure in a cleanup path or similar. Logic is: if I have a column called instance_uuid, and that instance is deleted, then I can be deleted. """ # NOTE(jake): handle instance_actions_events differently as it relies on # instance_actions.id not instances.uuid if table.name == "instance_actions_events": instance_actions = models.BASE.metadata.tables["instance_actions"] query_select = sql.select( [table], and_(instances.c.deleted != instances.c.deleted.default.arg, instances.c.uuid == instance_actions.c.instance_uuid, instance_actions.c.id == table.c.action_id)) else: query_select = sql.select( [table], and_(instances.c.deleted != instances.c.deleted.default.arg, instances.c.uuid == table.c.instance_uuid)) if before: query_select = query_select.where(instances.c.deleted_at < before) query_select = query_select.order_by(table.c.id).limit(max_rows) query_insert = shadow_table.insert(inline=True).\ from_select([c.name for c in table.c], query_select) delete_statement = DeleteFromSelect(table, query_select, table.c.id) try: with conn.begin(): conn.execute(query_insert) result_delete = conn.execute(delete_statement) return result_delete.rowcount except db_exc.DBReferenceError as ex: LOG.warning('Failed to archive %(table)s: %(error)s', {'table': table.name, 'error': six.text_type(ex)}) return 0 def _archive_deleted_rows_for_table(metadata, tablename, max_rows, before): """Move up to max_rows rows from one tables to the corresponding shadow table. :returns: 2-item tuple: - number of rows archived - list of UUIDs of instances that were archived """ conn = metadata.bind.connect() # NOTE(tdurakov): table metadata should be received # from models, not db tables. Default value specified by SoftDeleteMixin # is known only by models, not DB layer. # IMPORTANT: please do not change source of metadata information for table. table = models.BASE.metadata.tables[tablename] shadow_tablename = _SHADOW_TABLE_PREFIX + tablename rows_archived = 0 deleted_instance_uuids = [] try: shadow_table = Table(shadow_tablename, metadata, autoload=True) except NoSuchTableError: # No corresponding shadow table; skip it. return rows_archived, deleted_instance_uuids # TODO(stephenfin): Drop this when we drop the table if tablename == "dns_domains": # We have one table (dns_domains) where the key is called # "domain" rather than "id" column = table.c.domain else: column = table.c.id # NOTE(guochbo): Use DeleteFromSelect to avoid # database's limit of maximum parameter in one SQL statement. deleted_column = table.c.deleted columns = [c.name for c in table.c] select = sql.select([column], deleted_column != deleted_column.default.arg) if before: select = select.where(table.c.deleted_at < before) select = select.order_by(column).limit(max_rows) rows = conn.execute(select).fetchall() records = [r[0] for r in rows] if records: insert = shadow_table.insert(inline=True).\ from_select(columns, sql.select([table], column.in_(records))) delete = table.delete().where(column.in_(records)) # NOTE(tssurya): In order to facilitate the deletion of records from # instance_mappings, request_specs and instance_group_member tables in # the nova_api DB, the rows of deleted instances from the instances # table are stored prior to their deletion. Basically the uuids of the # archived instances are queried and returned. if tablename == "instances": query_select = sql.select([table.c.uuid], table.c.id.in_(records)) rows = conn.execute(query_select).fetchall() deleted_instance_uuids = [r[0] for r in rows] try: # Group the insert and delete in a transaction. with conn.begin(): conn.execute(insert) result_delete = conn.execute(delete) rows_archived = result_delete.rowcount except db_exc.DBReferenceError as ex: # A foreign key constraint keeps us from deleting some of # these rows until we clean up a dependent table. Just # skip this table for now; we'll come back to it later. LOG.warning("IntegrityError detected when archiving table " "%(tablename)s: %(error)s", {'tablename': tablename, 'error': six.text_type(ex)}) # NOTE(jake): instance_actions_events doesn't have a instance_uuid column # but still needs to be archived as it is a FK constraint if ((max_rows is None or rows_archived < max_rows) and # NOTE(melwitt): The pci_devices table uses the 'instance_uuid' # column to track the allocated association of a PCI device and its # records are not tied to the lifecycles of instance records. (tablename != 'pci_devices' and 'instance_uuid' in columns or tablename == 'instance_actions_events')): instances = models.BASE.metadata.tables['instances'] limit = max_rows - rows_archived if max_rows is not None else None extra = _archive_if_instance_deleted(table, shadow_table, instances, conn, limit, before) rows_archived += extra return rows_archived, deleted_instance_uuids def archive_deleted_rows(context=None, max_rows=None, before=None): """Move up to max_rows rows from production tables to the corresponding shadow tables. :param context: nova.context.RequestContext for database access :param max_rows: Maximum number of rows to archive (required) :param before: optional datetime which when specified filters the records to only archive those records deleted before the given date :returns: 3-item tuple: - dict that maps table name to number of rows archived from that table, for example:: { 'instances': 5, 'block_device_mapping': 5, 'pci_devices': 2, } - list of UUIDs of instances that were archived - total number of rows that were archived """ table_to_rows_archived = {} deleted_instance_uuids = [] total_rows_archived = 0 meta = MetaData(get_engine(use_slave=True, context=context)) meta.reflect() # Reverse sort the tables so we get the leaf nodes first for processing. for table in reversed(meta.sorted_tables): tablename = table.name rows_archived = 0 # skip the special sqlalchemy-migrate migrate_version table and any # shadow tables if (tablename == 'migrate_version' or tablename.startswith(_SHADOW_TABLE_PREFIX)): continue rows_archived, _deleted_instance_uuids = ( _archive_deleted_rows_for_table( meta, tablename, max_rows=max_rows - total_rows_archived, before=before)) total_rows_archived += rows_archived if tablename == 'instances': deleted_instance_uuids = _deleted_instance_uuids # Only report results for tables that had updates. if rows_archived: table_to_rows_archived[tablename] = rows_archived if total_rows_archived >= max_rows: break return table_to_rows_archived, deleted_instance_uuids, total_rows_archived def _purgeable_tables(metadata): return [t for t in metadata.sorted_tables if (t.name.startswith(_SHADOW_TABLE_PREFIX) and not t.name.endswith('migrate_version'))] def purge_shadow_tables(context, before_date, status_fn=None): engine = get_engine(context=context) conn = engine.connect() metadata = MetaData() metadata.bind = engine metadata.reflect() total_deleted = 0 if status_fn is None: status_fn = lambda m: None # Some things never get formally deleted, and thus deleted_at # is never set. So, prefer specific timestamp columns here # for those special cases. overrides = { 'shadow_instance_actions': 'created_at', 'shadow_instance_actions_events': 'created_at', } for table in _purgeable_tables(metadata): if before_date is None: col = None elif table.name in overrides: col = getattr(table.c, overrides[table.name]) elif hasattr(table.c, 'deleted_at'): col = table.c.deleted_at elif hasattr(table.c, 'updated_at'): col = table.c.updated_at elif hasattr(table.c, 'created_at'): col = table.c.created_at else: status_fn(_('Unable to purge table %(table)s because it ' 'has no timestamp column') % { 'table': table.name}) continue if col is not None: delete = table.delete().where(col < before_date) else: delete = table.delete() deleted = conn.execute(delete) if deleted.rowcount > 0: status_fn(_('Deleted %(rows)i rows from %(table)s based on ' 'timestamp column %(col)s') % { 'rows': deleted.rowcount, 'table': table.name, 'col': col is None and '(n/a)' or col.name}) total_deleted += deleted.rowcount return total_deleted #################### @pick_context_manager_reader def pci_device_get_by_addr(context, node_id, dev_addr): pci_dev_ref = model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(compute_node_id=node_id).\ filter_by(address=dev_addr).\ first() if not pci_dev_ref: raise exception.PciDeviceNotFound(node_id=node_id, address=dev_addr) return pci_dev_ref @pick_context_manager_reader def pci_device_get_by_id(context, id): pci_dev_ref = model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(id=id).\ first() if not pci_dev_ref: raise exception.PciDeviceNotFoundById(id=id) return pci_dev_ref @pick_context_manager_reader def pci_device_get_all_by_node(context, node_id): return model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(compute_node_id=node_id).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def pci_device_get_all_by_parent_addr(context, node_id, parent_addr): return model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(compute_node_id=node_id).\ filter_by(parent_addr=parent_addr).\ all() @require_context @pick_context_manager_reader def pci_device_get_all_by_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid): return model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(status='allocated').\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).\ all() @pick_context_manager_reader def _instance_pcidevs_get_multi(context, instance_uuids): if not instance_uuids: return [] return model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(status='allocated').\ filter(models.PciDevice.instance_uuid.in_(instance_uuids)) @pick_context_manager_writer def pci_device_destroy(context, node_id, address): result = model_query(context, models.PciDevice).\ filter_by(compute_node_id=node_id).\ filter_by(address=address).\ soft_delete() if not result: raise exception.PciDeviceNotFound(node_id=node_id, address=address) @pick_context_manager_writer def pci_device_update(context, node_id, address, values): query = model_query(context, models.PciDevice, read_deleted="no").\ filter_by(compute_node_id=node_id).\ filter_by(address=address) if query.update(values) == 0: device = models.PciDevice() device.update(values) context.session.add(device) return query.one() #################### @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_tag_add(context, instance_uuid, tag): tag_ref = models.Tag() tag_ref.resource_id = instance_uuid tag_ref.tag = tag try: _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) with get_context_manager(context).writer.savepoint.using(context): context.session.add(tag_ref) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: # NOTE(snikitin): We should ignore tags duplicates pass return tag_ref @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_tag_set(context, instance_uuid, tags): _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) existing = context.session.query(models.Tag.tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid).all() existing = set(row.tag for row in existing) tags = set(tags) to_delete = existing - tags to_add = tags - existing if to_delete: context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid).filter( models.Tag.tag.in_(to_delete)).delete( synchronize_session=False) if to_add: data = [ {'resource_id': instance_uuid, 'tag': tag} for tag in to_add] context.session.execute(models.Tag.__table__.insert(None), data) return context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid).all() @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_tag_get_by_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid): _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) return context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid).all() @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_tag_delete(context, instance_uuid, tag): _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) result = context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid, tag=tag).delete() if not result: raise exception.InstanceTagNotFound(instance_id=instance_uuid, tag=tag) @pick_context_manager_writer def instance_tag_delete_all(context, instance_uuid): _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid).delete() @pick_context_manager_reader def instance_tag_exists(context, instance_uuid, tag): _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) q = context.session.query(models.Tag).filter_by( resource_id=instance_uuid, tag=tag) return context.session.query(q.exists()).scalar() #################### @pick_context_manager_writer def console_auth_token_create(context, values): instance_uuid = values.get('instance_uuid') _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) token_ref = models.ConsoleAuthToken() token_ref.update(values) context.session.add(token_ref) return token_ref @pick_context_manager_reader def console_auth_token_get_valid(context, token_hash, instance_uuid=None): if instance_uuid is not None: _check_instance_exists_in_project(context, instance_uuid) query = context.session.query(models.ConsoleAuthToken).\ filter_by(token_hash=token_hash) if instance_uuid is not None: query = query.filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid) return query.filter( models.ConsoleAuthToken.expires > timeutils.utcnow_ts()).first() @pick_context_manager_writer def console_auth_token_destroy_all_by_instance(context, instance_uuid): context.session.query(models.ConsoleAuthToken).\ filter_by(instance_uuid=instance_uuid).delete() @pick_context_manager_writer def console_auth_token_destroy_expired(context): context.session.query(models.ConsoleAuthToken).\ filter(models.ConsoleAuthToken.expires <= timeutils.utcnow_ts()).\ delete() @pick_context_manager_writer def console_auth_token_destroy_expired_by_host(context, host): context.session.query(models.ConsoleAuthToken).\ filter_by(host=host).\ filter(models.ConsoleAuthToken.expires <= timeutils.utcnow_ts()).\ delete()