============================ Resource provider aggregates ============================ Each resource provider can be associated with one or more other resource providers in groups called aggregates. API calls in this section are used to list and update the aggregates that are associated with one resource provider. .. note:: Placement aggregates are *not* the same as Nova host aggregates and should not be considered equivalent. The primary differences between Nova's host aggregates and placement aggregates are the following: * In Nova, a host aggregate associates a *nova-compute service* with other nova-compute services. Placement aggregates are not specific to a nova-compute service and are, in fact, not compute-specific at all. A resource provider in the Placement API is generic, and placement aggregates are simply groups of generic resource providers. This is an important difference especially for Ironic, which when used with Nova, has many Ironic baremetal nodes attached to a single nova-compute service. In the Placement API, each Ironic baremetal node is its own resource provider and can therefore be associated to other Ironic baremetal nodes via a placement aggregate association. * In Nova, a host aggregate may have *metadata* key/value pairs attached to it. All nova-compute services associated with a Nova host aggregate share the same metadata. Placement aggregates have no such metadata because placement aggregates *only* represent the grouping of resource providers. In the Placement API, resource providers are individually decorated with *traits* that provide qualitative information about the resource provider. * In Nova, a host aggregate dictates the *availability zone* within which one or more nova-compute services reside. Placement aggregates have no concept of an availability zone. .. note:: Aggregates API requests are availiable starting from version 1.1. List resource provider aggregates ================================= .. rest_method:: GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates Return a list of aggregates associated with the resource provider identified by `{uuid}`. Normal Response Codes: 200 Error response codes: itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - uuid: resource_provider_uuid_path Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - aggregates: aggregates Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: get-aggregates.json :language: javascript Update resource provider aggregates =================================== Associate a list of aggregates with the resource provider identified by `{uuid}`. .. rest_method:: PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates Normal Response Codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - uuid: resource_provider_uuid_path - aggregates: aggregates Request example --------------- .. literalinclude:: update-aggregates-request.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - aggregates: aggregates Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: update-aggregates.json :language: javascript