# Copyright (c) 2011 Openstack, LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ The AbsractScheduler is an abstract class Scheduler for creating instances locally or across zones. Two methods should be overridden in order to customize the behavior: filter_hosts() and weigh_hosts(). The default behavior is to simply select all hosts and weight them the same. """ import json import operator import M2Crypto from novaclient import v1_1 as novaclient from novaclient import exceptions as novaclient_exceptions from nova import crypto from nova import db from nova import exception from nova import flags from nova import log as logging from nova import rpc from nova.compute import api as compute_api from nova.scheduler import api from nova.scheduler import driver FLAGS = flags.FLAGS LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.scheduler.abstract_scheduler') class InvalidBlob(exception.NovaException): message = _("Ill-formed or incorrectly routed 'blob' data sent " "to instance create request.") class AbstractScheduler(driver.Scheduler): """Base class for creating Schedulers that can work across any nova deployment, from simple designs to multiply-nested zones. """ def _call_zone_method(self, context, method, specs, zones): """Call novaclient zone method. Broken out for testing.""" return api.call_zone_method(context, method, specs=specs, zones=zones) def _provision_resource_locally(self, context, build_plan_item, request_spec, kwargs): """Create the requested resource in this Zone.""" host = build_plan_item['hostname'] instance = self.create_instance_db_entry(context, request_spec) driver.cast_to_compute_host(context, host, 'run_instance', instance_id=instance['id'], **kwargs) return driver.encode_instance(instance, local=True) def _decrypt_blob(self, blob): """Returns the decrypted blob or None if invalid. Broken out for testing. """ decryptor = crypto.decryptor(FLAGS.build_plan_encryption_key) try: json_entry = decryptor(blob) return json.dumps(json_entry) except M2Crypto.EVP.EVPError: pass return None def _ask_child_zone_to_create_instance(self, context, zone_info, request_spec, kwargs): """Once we have determined that the request should go to one of our children, we need to fabricate a new POST /servers/ call with the same parameters that were passed into us. Note that we have to reverse engineer from our args to get back the image, flavor, ipgroup, etc. since the original call could have come in from EC2 (which doesn't use these things). """ instance_type = request_spec['instance_type'] instance_properties = request_spec['instance_properties'] name = instance_properties['display_name'] image_ref = instance_properties['image_ref'] meta = instance_properties['metadata'] flavor_id = instance_type['flavorid'] reservation_id = instance_properties['reservation_id'] files = kwargs['injected_files'] child_zone = zone_info['child_zone'] child_blob = zone_info['child_blob'] zone = db.zone_get(context.elevated(), child_zone) url = zone.api_url LOG.debug(_("Forwarding instance create call to child zone %(url)s" ". ReservationID=%(reservation_id)s") % locals()) nova = None try: nova = novaclient.Client(zone.username, zone.password, None, url, token=context.auth_token) nova.authenticate() except novaclient_exceptions.BadRequest, e: raise exception.NotAuthorized(_("Bad credentials attempting " "to talk to zone at %(url)s.") % locals()) # NOTE(Vek): Novaclient has two different calling conventions # for this call, depending on whether you're using # 1.0 or 1.1 API: in 1.0, there's an ipgroups # argument after flavor_id which isn't present in # 1.1. To work around this, all the extra # arguments are passed as keyword arguments # (there's a reasonable default for ipgroups in the # novaclient call). instance = nova.servers.create(name, image_ref, flavor_id, meta=meta, files=files, zone_blob=child_blob, reservation_id=reservation_id) return driver.encode_instance(instance._info, local=False) def _provision_resource_from_blob(self, context, build_plan_item, request_spec, kwargs): """Create the requested resource locally or in a child zone based on what is stored in the zone blob info. Attempt to decrypt the blob to see if this request is: 1. valid, and 2. intended for this zone or a child zone. Note: If we have "blob" that means the request was passed into us from a parent zone. If we have "child_blob" that means we gathered the info from one of our children. It's possible that, when we decrypt the 'blob' field, it contains "child_blob" data. In which case we forward the request. """ host_info = None if "blob" in build_plan_item: # Request was passed in from above. Is it for us? host_info = self._decrypt_blob(build_plan_item['blob']) elif "child_blob" in build_plan_item: # Our immediate child zone provided this info ... host_info = build_plan_item if not host_info: raise InvalidBlob() # Valid data ... is it for us? if 'child_zone' in host_info and 'child_blob' in host_info: instance = self._ask_child_zone_to_create_instance(context, host_info, request_spec, kwargs) else: instance = self._provision_resource_locally(context, host_info, request_spec, kwargs) return instance def _provision_resource(self, context, build_plan_item, request_spec, kwargs): """Create the requested resource in this Zone or a child zone.""" if "hostname" in build_plan_item: return self._provision_resource_locally(context, build_plan_item, request_spec, kwargs) return self._provision_resource_from_blob(context, build_plan_item, request_spec, kwargs) def _adjust_child_weights(self, child_results, zones): """Apply the Scale and Offset values from the Zone definition to adjust the weights returned from the child zones. Alters child_results in place. """ for zone_id, result in child_results: if not result: continue for zone_rec in zones: if zone_rec['id'] != zone_id: continue for item in result: try: offset = zone_rec['weight_offset'] scale = zone_rec['weight_scale'] raw_weight = item['weight'] cooked_weight = offset + scale * raw_weight item['weight'] = cooked_weight item['raw_weight'] = raw_weight except KeyError: LOG.exception(_("Bad child zone scaling values " "for Zone: %(zone_id)s") % locals()) def schedule_run_instance(self, context, request_spec, *args, **kwargs): """This method is called from nova.compute.api to provision an instance. However we need to look at the parameters being passed in to see if this is a request to: 1. Create a Build Plan and then provision, or 2. Use the Build Plan information in the request parameters to simply create the instance (either in this zone or a child zone). returns list of instances created. """ # TODO(sandy): We'll have to look for richer specs at some point. blob = request_spec.get('blob') if blob: instance = self._provision_resource(context, request_spec, request_spec, kwargs) # Caller expects a list of instances return [instance] num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1) LOG.debug(_("Attempting to build %(num_instances)d instance(s)") % locals()) # Create build plan and provision ... build_plan = self.select(context, request_spec) if not build_plan: raise driver.NoValidHost(_('No hosts were available')) instances = [] for num in xrange(num_instances): if not build_plan: break build_plan_item = build_plan.pop(0) instance = self._provision_resource(context, build_plan_item, request_spec, kwargs) instances.append(instance) return instances def select(self, context, request_spec, *args, **kwargs): """Select returns a list of weights and zone/host information corresponding to the best hosts to service the request. Any child zone information has been encrypted so as not to reveal anything about the children. """ return self._schedule(context, "compute", request_spec, *args, **kwargs) def schedule(self, context, topic, method, *args, **kwargs): """The schedule() contract requires we return the one best-suited host for this request. """ # TODO(sandy): We're only focused on compute instances right now, # so we don't implement the default "schedule()" method required # of Schedulers. msg = _("No host selection for %s defined." % topic) raise driver.NoValidHost(msg) def _schedule(self, context, topic, request_spec, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a list of hosts that meet the required specs, ordered by their fitness. """ if topic != "compute": msg = _("Scheduler only understands Compute nodes (for now)") raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Get all available hosts. all_hosts = self.zone_manager.service_states.iteritems() unfiltered_hosts = [(host, services[topic]) for host, services in all_hosts if topic in services] # Filter local hosts based on requirements ... filtered_hosts = self.filter_hosts(topic, request_spec, unfiltered_hosts) # weigh the selected hosts. # weighted_hosts = [{weight=weight, hostname=hostname, # capabilities=capabs}, ...] weighted_hosts = self.weigh_hosts(request_spec, filtered_hosts) # Next, tack on the host weights from the child zones json_spec = json.dumps(request_spec) all_zones = db.zone_get_all(context.elevated()) child_results = self._call_zone_method(context, "select", specs=json_spec, zones=all_zones) self._adjust_child_weights(child_results, all_zones) for child_zone, result in child_results: for weighting in result: # Remember the child_zone so we can get back to # it later if needed. This implicitly builds a zone # path structure. host_dict = {"weight": weighting["weight"], "child_zone": child_zone, "child_blob": weighting["blob"]} weighted_hosts.append(host_dict) weighted_hosts.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('weight')) return weighted_hosts def filter_hosts(self, topic, request_spec, host_list): """Filter the full host list returned from the ZoneManager. By default, this method only applies the basic_ram_filter(), meaning all hosts with at least enough RAM for the requested instance are returned. Override in subclasses to provide greater selectivity. """ def basic_ram_filter(hostname, capabilities, request_spec): """Only return hosts with sufficient available RAM.""" instance_type = request_spec['instance_type'] requested_mem = instance_type['memory_mb'] * 1024 * 1024 return capabilities['host_memory_free'] >= requested_mem return [(host, services) for host, services in host_list if basic_ram_filter(host, services, request_spec)] def weigh_hosts(self, request_spec, hosts): """This version assigns a weight of 1 to all hosts, making selection of any host basically a random event. Override this method in your subclass to add logic to prefer one potential host over another. """ return [dict(weight=1, hostname=hostname, capabilities=capabilities) for hostname, capabilities in hosts]