# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids import nova.conf from nova import test from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures from nova.tests.functional.api import client from nova.tests.functional import fixtures as func_fixtures from nova.tests.functional import integrated_helpers from nova.tests.unit import utils as test_utils from nova import utils CONF = nova.conf.CONF class AggregatesTest(integrated_helpers._IntegratedTestBase): api_major_version = 'v2' ADMIN_API = True def _add_hosts_to_aggregate(self): """List all compute services and add them all to an aggregate.""" compute_services = [s for s in self.api.get_services() if s['binary'] == 'nova-compute'] agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) for service in compute_services: self.api.add_host_to_aggregate(agg['id'], service['host']) self._test_aggregate = agg return len(compute_services) def test_add_hosts(self): # Default case with one compute, mapped for us self.assertEqual(1, self._add_hosts_to_aggregate()) def test_add_unmapped_host(self): """Ensure that hosts without mappings are still found and added""" # Add another compute, but nuke its HostMapping self.start_service('compute', host='compute2') self.host_mappings['compute2'].destroy() self.assertEqual(2, self._add_hosts_to_aggregate()) class AggregatesV281Test(AggregatesTest): api_major_version = 'v2.1' microversion = '2.81' def setUp(self): self.flags(compute_driver='fake.FakeDriverWithCaching') super(AggregatesV281Test, self).setUp() def test_cache_images_on_aggregate(self): self._add_hosts_to_aggregate() agg = self._test_aggregate img = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6' self.assertEqual(set(), self.compute.driver.cached_images) body = {'cache': [ {'id': img}, ]} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%s/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[202]) self.assertEqual(set([img]), self.compute.driver.cached_images) def test_cache_images_on_aggregate_missing_image(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) # NOTE(danms): This image-id does not exist img = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e0' body = {'cache': [ {'id': img}, ]} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%s/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) def test_cache_images_on_missing_aggregate(self): img = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6' body = {'cache': [ {'id': img}, ]} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/123/images', body, check_response_status=[404]) def test_cache_images_with_duplicates(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) img = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6' body = {'cache': [ {'id': img}, {'id': img}, ]} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%i/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) def test_cache_images_with_no_images(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) body = {'cache': []} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%i/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) def test_cache_images_with_additional_in_image(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) img = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6' body = {'cache': [ {'id': img, 'power': '1.21 gigawatts'}, ]} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%i/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) def test_cache_images_with_missing_image_id(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) body = {'cache': [ {'power': '1.21 gigawatts'}, ]} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%i/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) def test_cache_images_with_missing_cache(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) body = {} self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%i/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) def test_cache_images_with_additional_in_cache(self): agg = {'aggregate': {'name': 'test-aggregate'}} agg = self.api.post_aggregate(agg) img = '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6' body = {'cache': [{'id': img}], 'power': '1.21 gigawatts', } self.api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%i/images' % agg['id'], body, check_response_status=[400]) class AggregateRequestFiltersTest( integrated_helpers.ProviderUsageBaseTestCase): microversion = 'latest' compute_driver = 'fake.MediumFakeDriver' def setUp(self): super(AggregateRequestFiltersTest, self).setUp() self.aggregates = {} self._start_compute('host1') self._start_compute('host2') self.flavors = self.api.get_flavors() # Aggregate with only host1 self._create_aggregate('only-host1') self._add_host_to_aggregate('only-host1', 'host1') # Aggregate with only host2 self._create_aggregate('only-host2') self._add_host_to_aggregate('only-host2', 'host2') # Aggregate with neither host self._create_aggregate('no-hosts') def _create_aggregate(self, name): agg = self.admin_api.post_aggregate({'aggregate': {'name': name}}) self.aggregates[name] = agg def _get_provider_uuid_by_host(self, host): """Return the compute node uuid for a named compute host.""" # NOTE(gibi): the compute node id is the same as the compute node # provider uuid on that compute resp = self.admin_api.api_get( 'os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname_pattern=%s' % host).body return resp['hypervisors'][0]['id'] def _add_host_to_aggregate(self, agg, host): """Add a compute host to both nova and placement aggregates. :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param host: Name of the compute host """ agg = self.aggregates[agg] self.admin_api.add_host_to_aggregate(agg['id'], host) def _remove_host_from_aggregate(self, agg, host): """Remove a compute host from both nova and placement aggregates. :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param host: Name of the compute host """ agg = self.aggregates[agg] self.admin_api.remove_host_from_aggregate(agg['id'], host) def _boot_server( self, az=None, host=None, flavor_id=None, image_id=None, end_status='ACTIVE', ): flavor_id = flavor_id or self.flavors[0]['id'] image_uuid = image_id or '155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6' server_req = self._build_server( image_uuid=image_uuid, flavor_id=flavor_id, networks='none', az=az, host=host) created_server = self.api.post_server({'server': server_req}) server = self._wait_for_state_change(created_server, end_status) return server def _get_instance_host(self, server): srv = self.admin_api.get_server(server['id']) return srv['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'] def _set_az_aggregate(self, agg, az): """Set the availability_zone of an aggregate :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param az: Availability zone name """ agg = self.aggregates[agg] action = { 'set_metadata': { 'metadata': { 'availability_zone': az, } }, } self.admin_api.post_aggregate_action(agg['id'], action) def _set_metadata(self, agg, metadata): """POST /os-aggregates/{aggregate_id}/action (set_metadata) :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param metadata: dict of aggregate metadata key/value pairs to add, update, or remove if value=None (note "availability_zone" cannot be nulled out once set). """ agg = self.aggregates[agg] action = { 'set_metadata': { 'metadata': metadata }, } self.admin_api.post_aggregate_action(agg['id'], action) def _grant_tenant_aggregate(self, agg, tenants): """Grant a set of tenants access to use an aggregate. :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param tenants: A list of all tenant ids that will be allowed access """ agg = self.aggregates[agg] action = { 'set_metadata': { 'metadata': { 'filter_tenant_id%i' % i: tenant for i, tenant in enumerate(tenants) } }, } self.admin_api.post_aggregate_action(agg['id'], action) def _set_traits_on_aggregate(self, agg, traits): """Set traits to aggregate. :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param traits: List of traits to be assigned to the aggregate """ action = { 'set_metadata': { 'metadata': { 'trait:' + trait: 'required' for trait in traits } } } self.admin_api.post_aggregate_action( self.aggregates[agg]['id'], action) class AggregatePostTest(AggregateRequestFiltersTest): def test_set_az_for_aggregate_no_instances(self): """Should be possible to update AZ for an empty aggregate. Check you can change the AZ name of an aggregate when it does not contain any servers. """ self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', 'fake-az') def test_rename_to_same_az(self): """AZ rename should pass successfully if AZ name is not changed""" az = 'fake-az' self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', az) self._boot_server(az=az) self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', az) def test_fail_set_az(self): """Check it is not possible to update a non-empty aggregate. Check you cannot change the AZ name of an aggregate when it contains any servers. """ az = 'fake-az' self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', az) server = self._boot_server(az=az) self.assertRaisesRegex( client.OpenStackApiException, 'One or more hosts contain instances in this zone.', self._set_az_aggregate, 'only-host1', 'new' + az) # Configure for the SOFT_DELETED scenario. self.flags(reclaim_instance_interval=300) self.api.delete_server(server['id']) server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'SOFT_DELETED') self.assertRaisesRegex( client.OpenStackApiException, 'One or more hosts contain instances in this zone.', self._set_az_aggregate, 'only-host1', 'new' + az) # Force delete the SOFT_DELETED server. self.api.api_post( '/servers/%s/action' % server['id'], {'forceDelete': None}) # Wait for it to be deleted since forceDelete is asynchronous. self._wait_until_deleted(server) # Now we can rename the AZ since the server is gone. self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', 'new' + az) def test_cannot_delete_az(self): az = 'fake-az' # Assign the AZ to the aggregate. self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', az) # Set some metadata on the aggregate; note the "availability_zone" # metadata key is not specified. self._set_metadata('only-host1', {'foo': 'bar'}) # Verify the AZ was retained. agg = self.admin_api.api_get( '/os-aggregates/%s' % self.aggregates['only-host1']['id']).body['aggregate'] self.assertEqual(az, agg['availability_zone']) class AggregateHostMoveTestCase(AggregateRequestFiltersTest): def setUp(self): super().setUp() # keep it separate from the parent class' setup self.host = 'host3' az = 'custom-az' self._start_compute(self.host) self._create_aggregate('ag1-no-az') self._create_aggregate('ag2-no-az') self._create_aggregate('ag3-custom-az') self._set_az_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', az) self._create_aggregate('ag4-custom-az') self._set_az_aggregate('ag4-custom-az', az) def test_add_host_with_instances_default_az_doesnt_change(self): # server will be in default AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # the AZ of the server does not change as the aggregate is also in # the default AZ. self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) def test_add_host_with_instances_custom_az_doesnt_change(self): self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) # server will be in custom AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # as the new aggregate also in the custom-az this does not need the # server to move between AZs, so this is OK. self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag4-custom-az', self.host) def test_cannot_add_host_with_instances_default_az_then_custom_az(self): # server will be in default AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # FIXME(stephenfin): This is bug #1907775, where we should reject the # request to add a host to an aggregate when and instance would need # to move between AZs # The server would need to move from default AZ to custom AZ, that # is not OK self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) def test_add_host_with_instances_custom_az_then_default(self): self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) # server will be in custom AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # The server is still in the custom AZ and that is OK as the host is # also in that AZ even after added to an aggregate without AZ. self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) def test_remove_host_with_instances_default_az_doesnt_change(self): self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag2-no-az', self.host) # server will be in default AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # The server still remains in default AZ so no AZ change, this is OK self._remove_host_from_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) # still OK as the host not in any aggregate means instance is in # default AZ. self._remove_host_from_aggregate('ag2-no-az', self.host) def test_remove_host_with_instances_custom_az_doesnt_change(self): self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag4-custom-az', self.host) # server will be in custom AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # The server still remains in custom AZ so no AZ change, it is OK. self._remove_host_from_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) def test_cannot_remove_host_with_instances_custom_az_to_default(self): self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) # server will be in custom AZ self._boot_server(host=self.host) # FIXME(stephenfin): This is bug #1907775, where we should reject the # request to remove a host from the aggregate when there are instances # on said host # The server would need to move to the default AZ, that is not OK. self._remove_host_from_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) def test_moving_host_around_az_without_instances(self): # host moving from default to custom AZ self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) # host still in custom AZ self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) # host moves from custom to default AZ self._remove_host_from_aggregate('ag3-custom-az', self.host) # host still in default AZ self._remove_host_from_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) # host still in default AZ self._add_host_to_aggregate('ag1-no-az', self.host) # NOTE: this test case has the same test methods as AggregatePostTest # but for the AZ update it uses PUT /os-aggregates/{aggregate_id} method class AggregatePutTest(AggregatePostTest): def _set_az_aggregate(self, agg, az): """Set the availability_zone of an aggregate via PUT :param agg: Name of the nova aggregate :param az: Availability zone name """ agg = self.aggregates[agg] body = { 'aggregate': { 'availability_zone': az, }, } self.admin_api.put_aggregate(agg['id'], body) class TenantAggregateFilterTest(AggregateRequestFiltersTest): def setUp(self): super(TenantAggregateFilterTest, self).setUp() # Default to enabling the filter and making it mandatory self.flags(limit_tenants_to_placement_aggregate=True, group='scheduler') self.flags(placement_aggregate_required_for_tenants=True, group='scheduler') def test_tenant_id_required_fails_if_no_aggregate(self): # Without granting our tenant permission to an aggregate, instance # creates should fail since aggregates are required self._boot_server(end_status='ERROR') def test_tenant_id_not_required_succeeds_if_no_aggregate(self): self.flags(placement_aggregate_required_for_tenants=False, group='scheduler') # Without granting our tenant permission to an aggregate, instance # creates should still succeed since aggregates are not required self._boot_server(end_status='ACTIVE') def test_filter_honors_tenant_id(self): tenant = self.api.project_id # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with only host1 in it # and boot some servers. They should all stack up on host1. self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host1', ['foo', tenant, 'bar']) server1 = self._boot_server(end_status='ACTIVE') server2 = self._boot_server(end_status='ACTIVE') # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with only host2 in it # and boot some servers. They should all stack up on host2. self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host1', ['foo', 'bar']) self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host2', ['foo', tenant, 'bar']) server3 = self._boot_server(end_status='ACTIVE') server4 = self._boot_server(end_status='ACTIVE') # Make sure the servers landed on the hosts we had access to at # the time we booted them. hosts = [self._get_instance_host(s) for s in (server1, server2, server3, server4)] expected_hosts = ['host1', 'host1', 'host2', 'host2'] self.assertEqual(expected_hosts, hosts) def test_filter_with_empty_aggregate(self): tenant = self.api.project_id # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with no hosts in it self._grant_tenant_aggregate('no-hosts', ['foo', tenant, 'bar']) self._boot_server(end_status='ERROR') def test_filter_with_multiple_aggregates_for_tenant(self): tenant = self.api.project_id # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with no hosts in it, # and one with a host. self._grant_tenant_aggregate('no-hosts', ['foo', tenant, 'bar']) self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host2', ['foo', tenant, 'bar']) # Boot several servers and make sure they all land on the # only host we have access to. for i in range(0, 4): server = self._boot_server(end_status='ACTIVE') self.assertEqual('host2', self._get_instance_host(server)) class AvailabilityZoneFilterTest(AggregateRequestFiltersTest): def setUp(self): # Default to enabling the filter self.flags(query_placement_for_availability_zone=True, group='scheduler') # Use custom weigher to make sure that we have a predictable # scheduling sort order. self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.HostNameWeigherFixture()) super(AvailabilityZoneFilterTest, self).setUp() def test_filter_with_az(self): self._set_az_aggregate('only-host2', 'myaz') server1 = self._boot_server(az='myaz') server2 = self._boot_server(az='myaz') hosts = [self._get_instance_host(s) for s in (server1, server2)] self.assertEqual(['host2', 'host2'], hosts) class IsolateAggregateFilterTest(AggregateRequestFiltersTest): def setUp(self): # Default to enabling the filter self.flags(enable_isolated_aggregate_filtering=True, group='scheduler') # Use a custom weigher that would prefer host1 if the isolate # aggregate filter were not in place otherwise it's not deterministic # whether we're landing on host2 because of the filter or just by # chance. self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.HostNameWeigherFixture()) super(IsolateAggregateFilterTest, self).setUp() self.glance = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.GlanceFixture(self)) # setting traits to flavors flavor_body = {'flavor': {'name': 'test_flavor', 'ram': 512, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 1 }} self.flavor_with_trait_dxva = self.api.post_flavor(flavor_body) self.admin_api.post_extra_spec( self.flavor_with_trait_dxva['id'], {'extra_specs': {'trait:HW_GPU_API_DXVA': 'required'}}) flavor_body['flavor']['name'] = 'test_flavor1' self.flavor_with_trait_sgx = self.api.post_flavor(flavor_body) self.admin_api.post_extra_spec( self.flavor_with_trait_sgx['id'], {'extra_specs': {'trait:HW_CPU_X86_SGX': 'required'}}) self.flavor_without_trait = self.flavors[0] with nova.utils.temporary_mutation(self.api, microversion='2.35'): images = self.api.get_images() self.image_id_without_trait = images[0]['id'] def test_filter_with_no_valid_host(self): """Test 'isolate_aggregates' filter with no valid hosts. No required traits set in image/flavor, so all aggregates with required traits set should be ignored. """ rp_uuid1 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid1, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host1', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid2, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host2', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_without_trait['id'], image_id=self.image_id_without_trait, end_status='ERROR') self.assertIsNone(self._get_instance_host(server)) self.assertIn('No valid host', server['fault']['message']) def test_filter_without_trait(self): """Test 'isolate_aggregates' filter with valid hosts. No required traits set in image/flavor so instance should be booted on host from an aggregate with no required traits set. """ rp_uuid1 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid1, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host1', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_without_trait['id'], image_id=self.image_id_without_trait) self.assertEqual('host2', self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_filter_with_trait_on_flavor(self): """Test filter with matching required traits set only in one aggregate. Required trait (HW_GPU_API_DXVA) set in flavor so instance should be booted on host with matching required traits set on aggregates. """ rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid2, ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) rp_uuid1 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid1, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host2', ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host1', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_dxva['id'], image_id=self.image_id_without_trait) self.assertEqual('host2', self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_filter_with_common_trait_on_aggregates(self): """Test filter with common required traits set to aggregates. Required trait (HW_CPU_X86_SGX) set in flavor so instance should be booted on host with exact matching required traits set on aggregates. """ rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid2, ['HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) rp_uuid1 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid1, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host2', ['HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host1', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_sgx['id'], image_id=self.image_id_without_trait) self.assertEqual('host2', self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_filter_with_traits_on_image_and_flavor(self): """Test filter with common traits set to image/flavor and aggregates. Required trait (HW_CPU_X86_SGX) set in flavor and required trait (HW_CPU_X86_VMX) set in image, so instance should be booted on host with exact matching required traits set on aggregates. """ rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid2, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) rp_uuid1 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid1, ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host1', ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host2', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) # Creating a new image and setting traits on it. with nova.utils.temporary_mutation(self.api, microversion='2.35'): self.ctxt = test_utils.get_test_admin_context() img_ref = self.glance.create(self.ctxt, {'name': 'image10'}) image_id_with_trait = img_ref['id'] self.addCleanup(self.glance.delete, self.ctxt, image_id_with_trait) self.api.api_put('/images/%s/metadata' % image_id_with_trait, {'metadata': { 'trait:HW_CPU_X86_VMX': 'required'}}) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_sgx['id'], image_id=image_id_with_trait) self.assertEqual('host2', self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_filter_with_traits_image_flavor_subset_of_aggregates(self): """Test filter with image/flavor required traits subset of aggregates. Image and flavor has a nonempty set of required traits that's subset set of the traits on the aggregates. """ rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits( rp_uuid2, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_GPU_API_DXVA', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate( 'only-host2', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX', 'HW_GPU_API_DXVA', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX']) # Creating a new image and setting traits on it. with nova.utils.temporary_mutation(self.api, microversion='2.35'): self.ctxt = test_utils.get_test_admin_context() img_ref = self.glance.create(self.ctxt, {'name': 'image10'}) image_id_with_trait = img_ref['id'] self.addCleanup(self.glance.delete, self.ctxt, image_id_with_trait) self.api.api_put('/images/%s/metadata' % image_id_with_trait, {'metadata': { 'trait:HW_CPU_X86_VMX': 'required'}}) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_sgx['id'], image_id=image_id_with_trait, end_status='ERROR') self.assertIsNone(self._get_instance_host(server)) self.assertIn('No valid host', server['fault']['message']) def test_filter_with_traits_image_flavor_disjoint_of_aggregates(self): """Test filter with image/flav required traits disjoint of aggregates. Image and flavor has a nonempty set of required traits that's disjoint set of the traits on the aggregates. """ rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid2, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX']) rp_uuid1 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid1, ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host1', ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host2', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX']) # Creating a new image and setting traits on it. with nova.utils.temporary_mutation(self.api, microversion='2.35'): self.ctxt = test_utils.get_test_admin_context() img_ref = self.glance.create(self.ctxt, {'name': 'image10'}) image_id_with_trait = img_ref['id'] self.addCleanup(self.glance.delete, self.ctxt, image_id_with_trait) self.api.api_put('/images/%s/metadata' % image_id_with_trait, {'metadata': { 'trait:HW_CPU_X86_VMX': 'required'}}) server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_sgx['id'], image_id=image_id_with_trait, end_status='ERROR') self.assertIsNone(self._get_instance_host(server)) self.assertIn('No valid host', server['fault']['message']) class IsolateAggregateFilterTestWithConcernFilters(IsolateAggregateFilterTest): def setUp(self): filters = CONF.filter_scheduler.enabled_filters # NOTE(shilpasd): To test `isolate_aggregates` request filter, along # with following filters which also filters hosts based on aggregate # metadata. if 'AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation' not in filters: filters.append('AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation') if 'AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter' not in filters: filters.append('AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter') self.flags(enabled_filters=filters, group='filter_scheduler') super(IsolateAggregateFilterTestWithConcernFilters, self).setUp() class IsolateAggregateFilterTestWOConcernFilters(IsolateAggregateFilterTest): def setUp(self): filters = CONF.filter_scheduler.enabled_filters # NOTE(shilpasd): To test `isolate_aggregates` request filter, removed # following filters which also filters hosts based on aggregate # metadata. if 'AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation' in filters: filters.remove('AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation') if 'AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter' in filters: filters.remove('AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter') self.flags(enabled_filters=filters, group='filter_scheduler') super(IsolateAggregateFilterTestWOConcernFilters, self).setUp() class TestAggregateFiltersTogether(AggregateRequestFiltersTest): def setUp(self): # Use a custom weigher that would prefer host1 if the forbidden # aggregate filter were not in place otherwise it's not deterministic # whether we're landing on host2 because of the filter or just by # chance. self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.HostNameWeigherFixture()) # NOTE(danms): Do this before calling setUp() so that # the scheduler service that is started sees the new value filters = CONF.filter_scheduler.enabled_filters # NOTE(shilpasd): To test `isolate_aggregates` request filter, removed # following filters which also filters hosts based on aggregate # metadata. if 'AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation' in filters: filters.remove('AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation') if 'AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter' in filters: filters.remove('AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter') self.flags(enabled_filters=filters, group='filter_scheduler') super(TestAggregateFiltersTogether, self).setUp() # Default to enabling all filters self.flags(limit_tenants_to_placement_aggregate=True, group='scheduler') self.flags(placement_aggregate_required_for_tenants=True, group='scheduler') self.flags(query_placement_for_availability_zone=True, group='scheduler') self.flags(enable_isolated_aggregate_filtering=True, group='scheduler') # setting traits to flavors flavor_body = {'flavor': {'name': 'test_flavor', 'ram': 512, 'vcpus': 1, 'disk': 1 }} self.flavor_with_trait_dxva = self.api.post_flavor(flavor_body) self.admin_api.post_extra_spec( self.flavor_with_trait_dxva['id'], {'extra_specs': {'trait:HW_GPU_API_DXVA': 'required'}}) def test_tenant_with_az_match(self): # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with # host1 self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host1', [self.api.project_id]) # Set an az on only-host1 self._set_az_aggregate('only-host1', 'myaz') # Boot the server into that az and make sure we land server = self._boot_server(az='myaz') self.assertEqual('host1', self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_tenant_with_az_mismatch(self): # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with # host1 self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host1', [self.api.project_id]) # Set an az on only-host2 self._set_az_aggregate('only-host2', 'myaz') # Boot the server into that az and make sure we fail server = self._boot_server(az='myaz', end_status='ERROR') self.assertIsNone(self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_tenant_with_az_and_traits_match(self): # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with host2 self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host2', [self.api.project_id]) # Set an az on only-host2 self._set_az_aggregate('only-host2', 'myaz') # Set trait on host2 rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid2, ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) # Set trait on aggregate only-host2 self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host2', ['HW_GPU_API_DXVA']) # Boot the server into that az and make sure we land server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_dxva['id'], az='myaz') self.assertEqual('host2', self._get_instance_host(server)) def test_tenant_with_az_and_traits_mismatch(self): # Grant our tenant access to the aggregate with host2 self._grant_tenant_aggregate('only-host2', [self.api.project_id]) # Set an az on only-host1 self._set_az_aggregate('only-host2', 'myaz') # Set trait on host2 rp_uuid2 = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host2') self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid2, ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX']) # Set trait on aggregate only-host2 self._set_traits_on_aggregate('only-host2', ['HW_CPU_X86_VMX']) # Boot the server into that az and make sure we fail server = self._boot_server( flavor_id=self.flavor_with_trait_dxva['id'], az='myaz', end_status='ERROR') self.assertIsNone(self._get_instance_host(server)) self.assertIn('No valid host', server['fault']['message']) class TestAggregateMultiTenancyIsolationFilter( test.TestCase, integrated_helpers.InstanceHelperMixin): def setUp(self): super(TestAggregateMultiTenancyIsolationFilter, self).setUp() # Stub out glance, placement and neutron. self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.GlanceFixture(self)) self.useFixture(func_fixtures.PlacementFixture()) self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture(self)) # Start nova services. self.start_service('conductor') api_fixture = self.useFixture( nova_fixtures.OSAPIFixture(api_version='v2.1')) self.admin_api = api_fixture.admin_api self.api = api_fixture.api self.api.project_id = uuids.non_admin # Add the AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation to the list of enabled # filters since it is not enabled by default. enabled_filters = CONF.filter_scheduler.enabled_filters enabled_filters.append('AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation') self.flags(enabled_filters=enabled_filters, group='filter_scheduler') self.start_service('scheduler') for host in ('host1', 'host2'): self.start_service('compute', host=host) def test_aggregate_multitenancy_isolation_filter(self): """Tests common scenarios with the AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation filter: * hosts in a tenant-isolated aggregate are only accepted for that tenant * hosts not in a tenant-isolated aggregate are acceptable for all tenants, including tenants with access to the isolated-tenant aggregate """ # Create a tenant-isolated aggregate for the non-admin user. agg_id = self.admin_api.post_aggregate( {'aggregate': {'name': 'non_admin_agg'}})['id'] meta_req = {'set_metadata': { 'metadata': {'filter_tenant_id': uuids.non_admin}}} self.admin_api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%s/action' % agg_id, meta_req) # Add host2 to the aggregate; we'll restrict host2 to the non-admin # tenant. host_req = {'add_host': {'host': 'host2'}} self.admin_api.api_post('/os-aggregates/%s/action' % agg_id, host_req) # Stub out select_destinations to assert how many host candidates were # available per tenant-specific request. original_filtered_hosts = ( nova.scheduler.host_manager.HostManager.get_filtered_hosts) def spy_get_filtered_hosts(*args, **kwargs): self.filtered_hosts = original_filtered_hosts(*args, **kwargs) return self.filtered_hosts self.stub_out( 'nova.scheduler.host_manager.HostManager.get_filtered_hosts', spy_get_filtered_hosts) # Create a server for the admin - should only have one host candidate. server_req = {'server': self._build_server(networks='none')} with utils.temporary_mutation(self.admin_api, microversion='2.37'): server = self.admin_api.post_server(server_req) server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE') # Assert it's not on host2 which is isolated to the non-admin tenant. self.assertNotEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.filtered_hosts)) # Now create a server for the non-admin tenant to which host2 is # isolated via the aggregate, but the other compute host is a # candidate. We don't assert that the non-admin tenant server shows # up on host2 because the other host, which is not isolated to the # aggregate, is still a candidate. server_req = {'server': self._build_server(networks='none')} with utils.temporary_mutation(self.api, microversion='2.37'): server = self.api.post_server(server_req) self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE') self.assertEqual(2, len(self.filtered_hosts)) class AggregateMultiTenancyIsolationColdMigrateTest( test.TestCase, integrated_helpers.InstanceHelperMixin): @staticmethod def _create_aggregate(admin_api, name): return admin_api.api_post( '/os-aggregates', {'aggregate': {'name': name}}).body['aggregate'] @staticmethod def _add_host_to_aggregate(admin_api, aggregate, host): add_host_req_body = { "add_host": { "host": host } } admin_api.api_post( '/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate['id'], add_host_req_body) @staticmethod def _isolate_aggregate(admin_api, aggregate, tenant_id): set_meta_req_body = { "set_metadata": { "metadata": { "filter_tenant_id": tenant_id } } } admin_api.api_post( '/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate['id'], set_meta_req_body) def setUp(self): super(AggregateMultiTenancyIsolationColdMigrateTest, self).setUp() self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.RealPolicyFixture()) self.glance = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.GlanceFixture(self)) self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture(self)) self.useFixture(func_fixtures.PlacementFixture()) # Intentionally define different project id for the two client since # we want to create the server with the non-admin user in a different # project. api_fixture = self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.OSAPIFixture( api_version='v2.1', project_id=uuids.admin_project)) self.admin_api = api_fixture.admin_api self.admin_api.microversion = 'latest' self.api = api_fixture.api self.api.project_id = uuids.user_project self.api.microversion = 'latest' self.start_service('conductor') # Enable the AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation filter before starting the # scheduler service. enabled_filters = CONF.filter_scheduler.enabled_filters if 'AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation' not in enabled_filters: enabled_filters.append('AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation') self.flags( enabled_filters=enabled_filters, group='filter_scheduler') # Add a custom weigher which will weigh host1, which will be in the # admin project aggregate, higher than the other hosts which are in # the non-admin project aggregate. self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.HostNameWeigherFixture()) self.start_service('scheduler') for host in ('host1', 'host2', 'host3'): self.start_service('compute', host=host) # Create an admin-only aggregate for the admin project. This is needed # because if host1 is not in an aggregate with the filter_tenant_id # metadata key, the filter will accept that host even for the non-admin # project. admin_aggregate = self._create_aggregate( self.admin_api, 'admin-aggregate') self._add_host_to_aggregate(self.admin_api, admin_aggregate, 'host1') # Restrict the admin project to the admin aggregate. self._isolate_aggregate( self.admin_api, admin_aggregate, uuids.admin_project) # Create the tenant aggregate for the non-admin project. tenant_aggregate = self._create_aggregate( self.admin_api, 'tenant-aggregate') # Add two compute hosts to the tenant aggregate. We exclude host1 # since that is weighed higher due to HostNameWeigherFixture and we # want to ensure the scheduler properly filters out host1 before we # even get to weighing the selected hosts. for host in ('host2', 'host3'): self._add_host_to_aggregate(self.admin_api, tenant_aggregate, host) # Restrict the non-admin project to the tenant aggregate. self._isolate_aggregate( self.admin_api, tenant_aggregate, uuids.user_project) def test_cold_migrate_server(self): """Creates a server using the non-admin project, then cold migrates the server and asserts the server goes to the other host in the isolated host aggregate via the AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation filter. """ server_req_body = self._build_server(networks='none') server = self.api.post_server({'server': server_req_body}) server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'ACTIVE') # Ensure the server ended up in host2 or host3 original_host = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'] self.assertNotEqual('host1', original_host) # Now cold migrate the server and it should end up in the other host # in the same tenant-isolated aggregate. self.admin_api.api_post( '/servers/%s/action' % server['id'], {'migrate': None}) server = self._wait_for_state_change(server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE') # Ensure the server is on the other host in the same aggregate. expected_host = 'host3' if original_host == 'host2' else 'host2' self.assertEqual(expected_host, server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'])