# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy from unittest import mock from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids from nova.network import constants from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures from nova.tests.functional import integrated_helpers class NeutronRoutedNetworksFixture(nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture): tenant_id = nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.tenant_id network_multisegment = { 'id': uuids.network_multisegment, 'name': 'net-multisegment', 'description': '', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'admin_state_up': True, 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'shared': False, 'mtu': 1450, 'router:external': False, 'availability_zone_hints': [], 'availability_zones': [ 'nova' ], 'port_security_enabled': True, 'ipv4_address_scope': None, 'ipv6_address_scope': None, 'segments': [ { "provider:network_type": "flat", "provider:physical_network": "default", "provider:segmentation_id": 0 }, { "provider:network_type": "vlan", "provider:physical_network": "public", "provider:segmentation_id": 2 }, ], } segment_id_0 = { "name": "", "network_id": network_multisegment['id'], "segmentation_id": 0, "network_type": "flat", "physical_network": "default", "revision_number": 1, "id": uuids.segment_id_0, "created_at": "2018-03-19T19:16:56Z", "updated_at": "2018-03-19T19:16:56Z", "description": "", } segment_id_2 = { "name": "", "network_id": network_multisegment['id'], "segmentation_id": 2, "network_type": "vlan", "physical_network": "public", "revision_number": 3, "id": uuids.segment_id_2, "created_at": "2018-03-19T19:16:56Z", "updated_at": "2018-03-19T19:16:56Z", "description": "", } segments = [segment_id_0, segment_id_2] subnet_for_segment_id_0 = { 'id': uuids.subnet_for_segment_id_0, 'name': 'public-subnet', 'description': '', 'ip_version': 4, 'ipv6_address_mode': None, 'ipv6_ra_mode': None, 'enable_dhcp': True, 'network_id': network_multisegment['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'dns_nameservers': [], 'gateway_ip': '', 'allocation_pools': [ { 'start': '', 'end': '' } ], 'host_routes': [], 'cidr': '', 'segment_id': segment_id_0['id'], } subnet_for_segment_id_2 = { 'id': uuids.subnet_for_segment_id_2, 'name': 'vlan-subnet', 'description': '', 'ip_version': 4, 'ipv6_address_mode': None, 'ipv6_ra_mode': None, 'enable_dhcp': True, 'network_id': network_multisegment['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'dns_nameservers': [], 'gateway_ip': '', 'allocation_pools': [ { 'start': '', 'end': '' } ], 'host_routes': [], 'cidr': '', 'segment_id': segment_id_2['id'], } network_multisegment['subnets'] = [subnet_for_segment_id_0['id'], subnet_for_segment_id_2['id']] # Use this port only if you want a unbound port. port_with_deferred_ip_allocation = { 'id': uuids.port_with_deferred_ip_allocation, 'name': '', 'description': '', 'network_id': network_multisegment['id'], 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:4c:2c:12', # The allocation is deferred, so fixed_ips should be null *before* # the port is binding. # NOTE(sbauza): Make sure you modify the value if you look at the port # after it's bound. 'fixed_ips': [], 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'device_id': '', 'binding:profile': {}, 'binding:vnic_type': 'normal', 'binding:vif_type': 'ovs', 'ip_allocation': "deferred", } # Use this port if you want to fake the port being already bound port_with_deferred_ip_allocation_bound_to_segment_0 = \ copy.deepcopy(port_with_deferred_ip_allocation) port_with_deferred_ip_allocation_bound_to_segment_0.update({ 'fixed_ips': [{ 'ip_address': '', 'subnet_id': subnet_for_segment_id_0['id'] }], }) port_on_segment_id_0 = { 'id': uuids.port_on_segment_id_0, 'name': '', 'description': '', 'network_id': network_multisegment['id'], 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:4c:2c:13', 'fixed_ips': [ { 'ip_address': '', 'subnet_id': subnet_for_segment_id_0['id'] } ], 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'device_id': '', 'binding:profile': {}, 'binding:vnic_type': 'normal', 'binding:vif_type': 'ovs', 'ip_allocation': "immediate", } port_on_segment_id_2 = { 'id': uuids.port_on_segment_id_2, 'name': '', 'description': '', 'network_id': network_multisegment['id'], 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:4c:2c:13', 'fixed_ips': [ { 'ip_address': '', 'subnet_id': subnet_for_segment_id_2['id'] } ], 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'device_id': '', 'binding:profile': {}, 'binding:vnic_type': 'normal', 'binding:vif_type': 'ovs', 'ip_allocation': "immediate", } def __init__(self, test): super().__init__(test) # add extra ports and the related network to the neutron fixture # specifically for these tests. self._networks[ self.network_multisegment['id'] ] = self.network_multisegment self._ports[ self.port_with_deferred_ip_allocation['id'] ] = copy.deepcopy(self.port_with_deferred_ip_allocation) self._ports[ self.port_on_segment_id_0['id'] ] = copy.deepcopy(self.port_on_segment_id_0) self._ports[ self.port_on_segment_id_2['id'] ] = copy.deepcopy(self.port_on_segment_id_2) self._subnets[ self.subnet_for_segment_id_0['id'] ] = copy.deepcopy(self.subnet_for_segment_id_0) self._subnets[ self.subnet_for_segment_id_2['id'] ] = copy.deepcopy(self.subnet_for_segment_id_2) def list_extensions(self, *args, **kwargs): return { 'extensions': [ { # Copied from neutron-lib segment.py "updated": "2016-02-24T17:00:00-00:00", "name": constants.SEGMENT, "links": [], "alias": "segment", "description": "Segments extension." } ] } def list_subnets(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params): if 'network_id' in _params: network_id = _params['network_id'] assert network_id in self._networks, ('Network %s not in fixture' % network_id) filtered_subnets = [] for subnet in list(self._subnets.values()): if subnet['network_id'] == network_id: filtered_subnets.append(copy.deepcopy(subnet)) return {'subnets': filtered_subnets} else: return super().list_subnets(retrieve_all, **_params) def create_port(self, body=None): body = body or {'port': {}} network_id = body['port'].get('network_id') assert network_id in self._networks, ('Network %s not in fixture' % network_id) # Redefine the default port template to use for creating a new one to # be the port already allocated on segment #0. # NOTE(sbauza): Segment #0 is always used when booting an instance # without a provided port as the first supported host is related to it. # FIXME(sbauza): Do something here to not blindly set the segment # without verifying which compute service is used by the instance. self.default_port = ( self.port_with_deferred_ip_allocation_bound_to_segment_0 ) return super().create_port(body) class RoutedNetworkTests(integrated_helpers._IntegratedTestBase): compute_driver = 'fake.MediumFakeDriver' microversion = 'latest' ADMIN_API = True def setUp(self): self.flags( query_placement_for_routed_network_aggregates=True, group='scheduler') # We will create 5 hosts, let's make sure we order them by their index. weights = {'host1': 500, 'host2': 400, 'host3': 300, 'host4': 200, 'host5': 100} self.useFixture(nova_fixtures.HostNameWeigherFixture(weights=weights)) super().setUp() # Amend the usual neutron fixture with specific routed networks self.neutron = self.useFixture(NeutronRoutedNetworksFixture(self)) # let's create 5 computes with their respective records for i in range(1, 6): setattr(self, 'compute%s' % i, self._start_compute('host%s' % i)) setattr(self, 'compute%s_rp_uuid' % i, self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host%s' % i)) setattr(self, 'compute%s_service_id' % i, self.admin_api.get_services(host='host%s' % i, binary='nova-compute')[0]['id'] ) # Simulate the placement setup neutron does for multi segment networks segment_ids = [segment["id"] for segment in self.neutron.segments] self.assertEqual(2, len(segment_ids)) # We have 5 computes and the network has two segments. Let's create a # setup where the network has segments on host2 to host5 but not on # host1. The HostNameWeigherFixture prefers host1 over host2 over host3 # over host4 over host5. So this way we can check if the scheduler # selects host with available network segment. # The segments are for this net : # * segment 0 is for host2, host4 and host5 # * segment 2 is for host3 and host5 self.segment_id_to_compute_rp_uuid = { segment_ids[0]: [self.compute2_rp_uuid, self.compute4_rp_uuid, self.compute5_rp_uuid], segment_ids[1]: [self.compute3_rp_uuid, self.compute5_rp_uuid], } self._create_multisegment_placement_setup( self.segment_id_to_compute_rp_uuid) def _create_multisegment_placement_setup(self, segment_to_compute_rp): self.segment_id_to_aggregate_id = {} # map each segment to one compute for segment_id, compute_rp_uuids in segment_to_compute_rp.items(): # create segment RP segment_rp_req = { "name": segment_id, "uuid": segment_id, "parent_provider_uuid": None, } self.placement.post( "/resource_providers", body=segment_rp_req, version="1.20" ) # create aggregate around the segment RP and the compute RP aggregate_uuid = getattr(uuids, segment_id) self.segment_id_to_aggregate_id[segment_id] = aggregate_uuid # as we created the segment RP above we assume that it does not # have any aggregate and its generation is 0 self.assertEqual( 200, self.placement.put( "/resource_providers/%s/aggregates" % segment_id, body={ "aggregates": [aggregate_uuid], "resource_provider_generation": 0, }, version="1.20", ).status, ) # get compute RPs and append the new aggregate to it for compute_rp_uuid in compute_rp_uuids: resp = self.placement.get( "/resource_providers/%s/aggregates" % compute_rp_uuid, version="1.20", ).body resp["aggregates"].append(aggregate_uuid) self.assertEqual( 200, self.placement.put( "/resource_providers/%s/aggregates" % compute_rp_uuid, body=resp, version="1.20", ).status, ) def test_boot_with_deferred_port(self): # Neutron only assigns the deferred port to a segment when the port is # bound to a host. So the scheduler can select any host that has # a segment for the network. port = self.neutron.port_with_deferred_ip_allocation server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'port': port['id']}]) # HostNameWeigherFixture prefers host1 but the port is in a network # that has only segments on host2 to host5. self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_boot_with_immediate_port(self): # Immediate port should be assigned to a network segment by neutron # during port create. So the scheduler should only select a host that # is connected to that network segment port = self.neutron.port_on_segment_id_2 server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'port': port['id']}]) # Since the port is on the segment ID 2, only host3 and host5 are # accepted, so host3 always wins because of the weigher. self.assertEqual('host3', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_boot_with_network(self): # Port is created _after_ scheduling to a host so the scheduler can # select either host2 to host5 initially based on the segment # availability of the network. But then nova needs to create # the port in deferred mode so that the already selected host could # not conflict with the neutron segment assignment at port create. net = self.neutron.network_multisegment server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'uuid': net['id']}]) # host2 always wins over host3 to host5 because of the weigher. self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) # Verify that we used a port with a deferred ip allocation ip_addr = server['addresses'][net['name']][0][ 'addr'] self.assertEqual( self.neutron.port_with_deferred_ip_allocation_bound_to_segment_0[ 'fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'], ip_addr) def test_boot_with_two_nics(self): # Test a scenario with a user trying to have two different NICs within # two different segments not intertwined. port0 = self.neutron.port_on_segment_id_0 port1 = self.neutron.port_on_segment_id_2 # Here we ask for a server with one NIC on each segment. server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'port': port0['id']}, {'port': port1['id']}]) # host2 should win with the weigher but as we asked for both segments, # only host5 supports them. self.assertEqual('host5', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_migrate(self): net = self.neutron.network_multisegment server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'uuid': net['id']}]) # Make sure we landed on host2 since both segments were accepted self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) server = self._migrate_server(server) # HostNameWeigherFixture prefers host1 but the port is in a network # that has only segments on the other hosts. # host2 is avoided as the source and only host4 is left on this # segment. self.assertEqual('host4', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_live_migrate(self): net = self.neutron.network_multisegment server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'uuid': net['id']}]) self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) self._live_migrate(server) server = self.api.get_server(server['id']) # HostNameWeigherFixture prefers host1 but the port is in a network # that has only segments on the other hosts. # host2 is avoided as the source and only host4 is left on this # segment. self.assertEqual('host4', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_evacuate(self): net = self.neutron.network_multisegment server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'uuid': net['id']}]) # The instance landed on host2 as the segment was related. self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) self.admin_api.put_service_force_down(self.compute2_service_id, True) server = self._evacuate_server(server) # HostNameWeigherFixture prefers host1 but the port is in a network # that has only segments on the other hosts. # host2 is avoided as the source and only host4 is left on this # segment. self.assertEqual('host4', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_unshelve_after_shelve(self): net = self.neutron.network_multisegment server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'uuid': net['id']}]) self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) # Shelve does offload the instance so unshelve will ask the scheduler # again. server = self._shelve_server(server) server = self._unshelve_server(server) # HostNameWeigherFixture prefers host1 but the port is in a network # that has only segments on the others. Since the instance was # offloaded, we can now again support host2. self.assertEqual('host2', server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']) def test_boot_with_immediate_port_fails_due_to_config(self): # We will fake the fact that somehow the segment has no related # aggregate (maybe because Neutron got a exception when trying to # create the aggregate by calling the Nova API) port = self.neutron.port_on_segment_id_2 with mock.patch( 'nova.scheduler.client.report.SchedulerReportClient.' '_get_provider_aggregates', return_value=None ) as mock_get_aggregates: server = self._create_server( name='server-with-routed-net', networks=[{'port': port['id']}], expected_state='ERROR') # Make sure we correctly looked up at which aggregates were related to # the segment ID #2 expected_subnet_id = self.neutron.subnet_for_segment_id_2['id'] expected_segment_id = self.neutron.segment_id_2['id'] mock_get_aggregates.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, expected_segment_id) self.assertIn('No valid host', server['fault']['message']) self.assertIn( 'Aggregates not found for the subnet %s' % expected_subnet_id, server['fault']['message'])