# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os_traits from unittest import mock from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids from nova import context from nova import exception from nova.tests.functional import integrated_helpers from nova.virt import fake LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ProviderTreeTests(integrated_helpers.ProviderUsageBaseTestCase): compute_driver = 'fake.MediumFakeDriver' # These must match the capabilities in # nova.virt.fake.FakeDriver.capabilities expected_fake_driver_capability_traits = set([ trait for trait in [ os_traits.COMPUTE_ACCELERATORS, os_traits.COMPUTE_IMAGE_TYPE_RAW, os_traits.COMPUTE_DEVICE_TAGGING, os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE, os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE_WITH_TAG, os_traits.COMPUTE_VOLUME_ATTACH_WITH_TAG, os_traits.COMPUTE_VOLUME_EXTEND, os_traits.COMPUTE_VOLUME_MULTI_ATTACH, os_traits.COMPUTE_TRUSTED_CERTS, ] ]) def setUp(self): super(ProviderTreeTests, self).setUp() # Before starting compute, placement has no providers registered self.assertEqual([], self._get_all_providers()) # Start compute without mocking update_provider_tree. The fake driver # doesn't implement the method, so this will cause us to start with the # legacy get_available_resource()-based inventory discovery and # boostrapping of placement data. self.compute = self._start_compute(host='host1') # Mock out update_provider_tree *after* starting compute with the # (unmocked, default, unimplemented) version from the fake driver. _p = mock.patch.object(fake.MediumFakeDriver, 'update_provider_tree') self.addCleanup(_p.stop) self.mock_upt = _p.start() # The compute host should have been created in placement with # appropriate inventory and no traits rps = self._get_all_providers() self.assertEqual(1, len(rps)) self.assertEqual(self.compute.host, rps[0]['name']) self.host_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host(self.compute.host) self.assertEqual({ 'DISK_GB': { 'total': 1028, 'allocation_ratio': 1.0, 'max_unit': 1028, 'min_unit': 1, 'reserved': 0, 'step_size': 1, }, 'MEMORY_MB': { 'total': 8192, 'allocation_ratio': 1.5, 'max_unit': 8192, 'min_unit': 1, 'reserved': 512, 'step_size': 1, }, 'VCPU': { 'total': 10, 'allocation_ratio': 16.0, 'max_unit': 10, 'min_unit': 1, 'reserved': 0, 'step_size': 1, }, }, self._get_provider_inventory(self.host_uuid)) self.expected_compute_node_traits = ( self.expected_fake_driver_capability_traits.union( # The COMPUTE_NODE trait is always added [os_traits.COMPUTE_NODE])) self.assertCountEqual(self.expected_compute_node_traits, self._get_provider_traits(self.host_uuid)) def _run_update_available_resource(self, startup): self.compute.rt.update_available_resource( context.get_admin_context(), self.compute.host, startup=startup) def _run_update_available_resource_and_assert_raises( self, exc=exception.ResourceProviderSyncFailed, startup=False): """Invoke ResourceTracker.update_available_resource and assert that it results in ResourceProviderSyncFailed. _run_periodicals is a little too high up in the call stack to be useful for this, because ResourceTracker.update_available_resource_for_node swallows all exceptions. """ self.assertRaises(exc, self._run_update_available_resource, startup) def test_update_provider_tree_associated_info(self): """Inventory in some standard and custom resource classes. Standard and custom traits. Aggregates. Custom resource class and trait get created; inventory, traits, and aggregates get set properly. """ inv = { 'VCPU': { 'total': 10, 'reserved': 0, 'min_unit': 1, 'max_unit': 2, 'step_size': 1, 'allocation_ratio': 10.0, }, 'MEMORY_MB': { 'total': 1048576, 'reserved': 2048, 'min_unit': 1024, 'max_unit': 131072, 'step_size': 1024, 'allocation_ratio': 1.0, }, 'CUSTOM_BANDWIDTH': { 'total': 1250000, 'reserved': 10000, 'min_unit': 5000, 'max_unit': 250000, 'step_size': 5000, 'allocation_ratio': 8.0, }, } traits = set(['HW_CPU_X86_AVX', 'HW_CPU_X86_AVX2', 'CUSTOM_GOLD']) aggs = set([uuids.agg1, uuids.agg2]) def update_provider_tree(prov_tree, nodename): prov_tree.update_inventory(self.compute.host, inv) prov_tree.update_traits(self.compute.host, traits) prov_tree.update_aggregates(self.compute.host, aggs) self.mock_upt.side_effect = update_provider_tree self.assertNotIn('CUSTOM_BANDWIDTH', self._get_all_resource_classes()) self.assertNotIn('CUSTOM_GOLD', self._get_all_traits()) self._run_periodics() self.assertIn('CUSTOM_BANDWIDTH', self._get_all_resource_classes()) self.assertIn('CUSTOM_GOLD', self._get_all_traits()) self.assertEqual(inv, self._get_provider_inventory(self.host_uuid)) self.assertCountEqual( traits.union(self.expected_compute_node_traits), self._get_provider_traits(self.host_uuid) ) self.assertEqual(aggs, set(self._get_provider_aggregates(self.host_uuid))) def _update_provider_tree_multiple_providers(self, startup=False, do_reshape=False): r"""Make update_provider_tree create multiple providers, including an additional root as a sharing provider; and some descendants in the compute node's tree. +---------------------------+ +--------------------------+ |uuid: self.host_uuid | |uuid: uuids.ssp | |name: self.compute.host | |name: 'ssp' | |inv: (per MediumFakeDriver)| |inv: DISK_GB=500 | | VCPU=10 |...|traits: [MISC_SHARES_..., | | MEMORY_MB=8192 | | STORAGE_DISK_SSD]| | DISK_GB=1028 | |aggs: [uuids.agg] | |aggs: [uuids.agg] | +--------------------------+ +---------------------------+ / \ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ |uuid: uuids.numa1| |uuid: uuids.numa2| |name: 'numa1' | |name: 'numa2' | |inv: VCPU=10 | |inv: VCPU=20 | | MEMORY_MB=1G| | MEMORY_MB=2G| +-----------------+ +-----------------+ / \ / \ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ |uuid: | |uuid: | |uuid: | |uuid: | | uuids.pf1_1| | uuids.pf1_2| | uuids.pf2_1| | uuids.pf2_2| |name: | |name: | |name: | |name: | | 'pf1_1' | | 'pf1_2' | | 'pf2_1' | | 'pf2_2' | |inv: | |inv: | |inv: | |inv: | | ..NET_VF: 2| | ..NET_VF: 3| | ..NET_VF: 3| | ..NET_VF: 4| |traits: | |traits: | |traits: | |traits: | | ..PHYSNET_0| | ..PHYSNET_1| | ..PHYSNET_0| | ..PHYSNET_1| +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ """ def update_provider_tree(prov_tree, nodename, allocations=None): if do_reshape and allocations is None: raise exception.ReshapeNeeded() # Create a shared storage provider as a root prov_tree.new_root('ssp', uuids.ssp) prov_tree.update_traits( 'ssp', ['MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE', 'STORAGE_DISK_SSD']) prov_tree.update_aggregates('ssp', [uuids.agg]) prov_tree.update_inventory('ssp', {'DISK_GB': {'total': 500}}) # Compute node is in the same aggregate prov_tree.update_aggregates(self.compute.host, [uuids.agg]) # Create two NUMA nodes as children prov_tree.new_child('numa1', self.host_uuid, uuid=uuids.numa1) prov_tree.new_child('numa2', self.host_uuid, uuid=uuids.numa2) # Give the NUMA nodes the proc/mem inventory. NUMA 2 has twice as # much as NUMA 1 (so we can validate later that everything is where # it should be). for n in (1, 2): inv = { 'VCPU': { 'total': 10 * n, 'reserved': 0, 'min_unit': 1, 'max_unit': 2, 'step_size': 1, 'allocation_ratio': 10.0, }, 'MEMORY_MB': { 'total': 1048576 * n, 'reserved': 2048, 'min_unit': 512, 'max_unit': 131072, 'step_size': 512, 'allocation_ratio': 1.0, }, } prov_tree.update_inventory('numa%d' % n, inv) # Each NUMA node has two PFs providing VF inventory on one of two # networks for n in (1, 2): for p in (1, 2): name = 'pf%d_%d' % (n, p) prov_tree.new_child( name, getattr(uuids, 'numa%d' % n), uuid=getattr(uuids, name)) trait = 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET_%d' % ((n + p) % 2) prov_tree.update_traits(name, [trait]) inv = { 'SRIOV_NET_VF': { 'total': n + p, 'reserved': 0, 'min_unit': 1, 'max_unit': 1, 'step_size': 1, 'allocation_ratio': 1.0, }, } prov_tree.update_inventory(name, inv) if do_reshape: # Clear out the compute node's inventory. Its VCPU and # MEMORY_MB "moved" to the NUMA RPs and its DISK_GB "moved" to # the shared storage provider. prov_tree.update_inventory(self.host_uuid, {}) # Move all the allocations for consumer_uuid, alloc_info in allocations.items(): allocs = alloc_info['allocations'] # All allocations should belong to the compute node. self.assertEqual([self.host_uuid], list(allocs)) new_allocs = {} for rc, amt in allocs[self.host_uuid]['resources'].items(): # Move VCPU to NUMA1 and MEMORY_MB to NUMA2. Bogus, but # lets us prove stuff ends up where we tell it to go. if rc == 'VCPU': rp_uuid = uuids.numa1 elif rc == 'MEMORY_MB': rp_uuid = uuids.numa2 elif rc == 'DISK_GB': rp_uuid = uuids.ssp else: self.fail("Unexpected resource on compute node: " "%s=%d" % (rc, amt)) new_allocs[rp_uuid] = { 'resources': {rc: amt}, } # Add a VF for the heck of it. Again bogus, but see above. new_allocs[uuids.pf1_1] = { 'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1} } # Now replace just the allocations, leaving the other stuff # (proj/user ID and consumer generation) alone alloc_info['allocations'] = new_allocs self.mock_upt.side_effect = update_provider_tree if startup: self.restart_compute_service(self.compute) else: self._run_update_available_resource(False) # Create a dict, keyed by provider UUID, of all the providers rps_by_uuid = {} for rp_dict in self._get_all_providers(): rps_by_uuid[rp_dict['uuid']] = rp_dict # All and only the expected providers got created. all_uuids = set([self.host_uuid, uuids.ssp, uuids.numa1, uuids.numa2, uuids.pf1_1, uuids.pf1_2, uuids.pf2_1, uuids.pf2_2]) self.assertEqual(all_uuids, set(rps_by_uuid)) # Validate tree roots tree_uuids = [self.host_uuid, uuids.numa1, uuids.numa2, uuids.pf1_1, uuids.pf1_2, uuids.pf2_1, uuids.pf2_2] for tree_uuid in tree_uuids: self.assertEqual(self.host_uuid, rps_by_uuid[tree_uuid]['root_provider_uuid']) self.assertEqual(uuids.ssp, rps_by_uuid[uuids.ssp]['root_provider_uuid']) # SSP has the right traits self.assertEqual( set(['MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE', 'STORAGE_DISK_SSD']), set(self._get_provider_traits(uuids.ssp))) # SSP has the right inventory self.assertEqual( 500, self._get_provider_inventory(uuids.ssp)['DISK_GB']['total']) # SSP and compute are in the same aggregate agg_uuids = set([self.host_uuid, uuids.ssp]) for uuid in agg_uuids: self.assertEqual(set([uuids.agg]), set(self._get_provider_aggregates(uuid))) # The rest aren't in aggregates for uuid in (all_uuids - agg_uuids): self.assertEqual(set(), set(self._get_provider_aggregates(uuid))) # NUMAs have the right inventory and parentage for n in (1, 2): numa_uuid = getattr(uuids, 'numa%d' % n) self.assertEqual(self.host_uuid, rps_by_uuid[numa_uuid]['parent_provider_uuid']) inv = self._get_provider_inventory(numa_uuid) self.assertEqual(10 * n, inv['VCPU']['total']) self.assertEqual(1048576 * n, inv['MEMORY_MB']['total']) # PFs have the right inventory, physnet, and parentage self.assertEqual(uuids.numa1, rps_by_uuid[uuids.pf1_1]['parent_provider_uuid']) self.assertEqual(['CUSTOM_PHYSNET_0'], self._get_provider_traits(uuids.pf1_1)) self.assertEqual( 2, self._get_provider_inventory(uuids.pf1_1)['SRIOV_NET_VF']['total']) self.assertEqual(uuids.numa1, rps_by_uuid[uuids.pf1_2]['parent_provider_uuid']) self.assertEqual(['CUSTOM_PHYSNET_1'], self._get_provider_traits(uuids.pf1_2)) self.assertEqual( 3, self._get_provider_inventory(uuids.pf1_2)['SRIOV_NET_VF']['total']) self.assertEqual(uuids.numa2, rps_by_uuid[uuids.pf2_1]['parent_provider_uuid']) self.assertEqual(['CUSTOM_PHYSNET_1'], self._get_provider_traits(uuids.pf2_1)) self.assertEqual( 3, self._get_provider_inventory(uuids.pf2_1)['SRIOV_NET_VF']['total']) self.assertEqual(uuids.numa2, rps_by_uuid[uuids.pf2_2]['parent_provider_uuid']) self.assertEqual(['CUSTOM_PHYSNET_0'], self._get_provider_traits(uuids.pf2_2)) self.assertEqual( 4, self._get_provider_inventory(uuids.pf2_2)['SRIOV_NET_VF']['total']) # Compute don't have any extra traits self.assertCountEqual(self.expected_compute_node_traits, self._get_provider_traits(self.host_uuid)) # NUMAs don't have any traits for uuid in (uuids.numa1, uuids.numa2): self.assertEqual([], self._get_provider_traits(uuid)) def test_update_provider_tree_multiple_providers(self): self._update_provider_tree_multiple_providers() def test_update_provider_tree_multiple_providers_startup(self): """The above works the same for startup when no reshape requested.""" self._update_provider_tree_multiple_providers(startup=True) def test_update_provider_tree_bogus_resource_class(self): def update_provider_tree(prov_tree, nodename): prov_tree.update_inventory(self.compute.host, {'FOO': {}}) self.mock_upt.side_effect = update_provider_tree rcs = self._get_all_resource_classes() self.assertIn('VCPU', rcs) self.assertNotIn('FOO', rcs) self._run_update_available_resource_and_assert_raises() rcs = self._get_all_resource_classes() self.assertIn('VCPU', rcs) self.assertNotIn('FOO', rcs) def test_update_provider_tree_bogus_trait(self): def update_provider_tree(prov_tree, nodename): prov_tree.update_traits(self.compute.host, ['FOO']) self.mock_upt.side_effect = update_provider_tree traits = self._get_all_traits() self.assertIn('HW_CPU_X86_AVX', traits) self.assertNotIn('FOO', traits) self._run_update_available_resource_and_assert_raises() traits = self._get_all_traits() self.assertIn('HW_CPU_X86_AVX', traits) self.assertNotIn('FOO', traits) def _create_instance(self, flavor): return self._create_server( image_uuid='155d900f-4e14-4e4c-a73d-069cbf4541e6', flavor_id=flavor['id'], networks='none', az='nova:host1') def test_reshape(self): """On startup, virt driver signals it needs to reshape, then does so. This test creates a couple of instances so there are allocations to be moved by the reshape operation. Then we do the reshape and make sure the inventories and allocations end up where they should. """ # First let's create some instances so we have allocations to move. flavors = self.api.get_flavors() inst1 = self._create_instance(flavors[0]) inst2 = self._create_instance(flavors[1]) # Instance create calls RT._update, which calls # driver.update_provider_tree, which is currently mocked to a no-op. self.assertEqual(2, self.mock_upt.call_count) self.mock_upt.reset_mock() # Hit the reshape. self._update_provider_tree_multiple_providers(startup=True, do_reshape=True) # Check the final allocations # The compute node provider should have *no* allocations. self.assertEqual( {}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(self.host_uuid)) # And no inventory self.assertEqual({}, self._get_provider_inventory(self.host_uuid)) # NUMA1 got all the VCPU self.assertEqual( {inst1['id']: {'resources': {'VCPU': 1}}, inst2['id']: {'resources': {'VCPU': 1}}}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.numa1)) # NUMA2 got all the memory self.assertEqual( {inst1['id']: {'resources': {'MEMORY_MB': 512}}, inst2['id']: {'resources': {'MEMORY_MB': 2048}}}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.numa2)) # Disk resource ended up on the shared storage provider self.assertEqual( {inst1['id']: {'resources': {'DISK_GB': 1}}, inst2['id']: {'resources': {'DISK_GB': 20}}}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.ssp)) # We put VFs on the first PF in NUMA1 self.assertEqual( {inst1['id']: {'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1}}, inst2['id']: {'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1}}}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.pf1_1)) self.assertEqual( {}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.pf1_2)) self.assertEqual( {}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.pf2_1)) self.assertEqual( {}, self._get_allocations_by_provider_uuid(uuids.pf2_2)) # This is *almost* redundant - but it makes sure the instances don't # have extra allocations from some other provider. self.assertEqual( { uuids.numa1: { 'resources': {'VCPU': 1}, # Don't care about the generations - rely on placement db # tests to validate that those behave properly. 'generation': mock.ANY, }, uuids.numa2: { 'resources': {'MEMORY_MB': 512}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, uuids.ssp: { 'resources': {'DISK_GB': 1}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, uuids.pf1_1: { 'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, }, self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(inst1['id'])) self.assertEqual( { uuids.numa1: { 'resources': {'VCPU': 1}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, uuids.numa2: { 'resources': {'MEMORY_MB': 2048}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, uuids.ssp: { 'resources': {'DISK_GB': 20}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, uuids.pf1_1: { 'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1}, 'generation': mock.ANY, }, }, self._get_allocations_by_server_uuid(inst2['id'])) # The first call raises ReshapeNeeded, resulting in the second. self.assertEqual(2, self.mock_upt.call_count) # The expected value of the allocations kwarg to update_provider_tree # for that second call: exp_allocs = { inst1['id']: { 'allocations': { uuids.numa1: {'resources': {'VCPU': 1}}, uuids.numa2: {'resources': {'MEMORY_MB': 512}}, uuids.ssp: {'resources': {'DISK_GB': 1}}, uuids.pf1_1: {'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1}}, }, 'consumer_generation': mock.ANY, 'project_id': mock.ANY, 'user_id': mock.ANY, }, inst2['id']: { 'allocations': { uuids.numa1: {'resources': {'VCPU': 1}}, uuids.numa2: {'resources': {'MEMORY_MB': 2048}}, uuids.ssp: {'resources': {'DISK_GB': 20}}, uuids.pf1_1: {'resources': {'SRIOV_NET_VF': 1}}, }, 'consumer_generation': mock.ANY, 'project_id': mock.ANY, 'user_id': mock.ANY, }, } self.mock_upt.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(mock.ANY, 'host1'), mock.call(mock.ANY, 'host1', allocations=exp_allocs), ]) class TraitsTrackingTests(integrated_helpers.ProviderUsageBaseTestCase): compute_driver = 'fake.SmallFakeDriver' fake_caps = { 'supports_attach_interface': True, 'supports_device_tagging': False, } def _mock_upt(self, traits_to_add, traits_to_remove): """Set up the compute driver with a fake update_provider_tree() which injects the given traits into the provider tree """ original_upt = fake.SmallFakeDriver.update_provider_tree def fake_upt(self2, ptree, nodename, allocations=None): original_upt(self2, ptree, nodename, allocations) LOG.debug("injecting traits via fake update_provider_tree(): %s", traits_to_add) ptree.add_traits(nodename, *traits_to_add) LOG.debug("removing traits via fake update_provider_tree(): %s", traits_to_remove) ptree.remove_traits(nodename, *traits_to_remove) self.stub_out('nova.virt.fake.FakeDriver.update_provider_tree', fake_upt) @mock.patch.dict(fake.SmallFakeDriver.capabilities, clear=True, values=fake_caps) def test_resource_provider_traits(self): """Test that the compute service reports traits via driver capabilities and registers them on the compute host resource provider in the placement API. """ custom_trait = 'CUSTOM_FOO' ptree_traits = [custom_trait, 'HW_CPU_X86_VMX'] global_traits = self._get_all_traits() self.assertNotIn(custom_trait, global_traits) self.assertIn(os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE, global_traits) self.assertIn(os_traits.COMPUTE_DEVICE_TAGGING, global_traits) self.assertIn(os_traits.COMPUTE_NODE, global_traits) self.assertEqual([], self._get_all_providers()) self._mock_upt(ptree_traits, []) self.compute = self._start_compute(host='host1') rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') expected_traits = set( ptree_traits + [os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE, os_traits.COMPUTE_NODE] ) self.assertCountEqual(expected_traits, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) global_traits = self._get_all_traits() # CUSTOM_FOO is now a registered trait because the virt driver # reported it. self.assertIn(custom_trait, global_traits) # Now simulate user deletion of driver-provided traits from # the compute node provider. expected_traits.remove(custom_trait) expected_traits.remove(os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE) self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid, list(expected_traits)) self.assertCountEqual(expected_traits, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) # The above trait deletions are simulations of an out-of-band # placement operation, as if the operator used the CLI. So # now we have to "SIGHUP the compute process" to clear the # report client cache so the subsequent update picks up the # changes. self.compute.manager.reset() # Add the traits back so that the mock update_provider_tree() # can reinject them. expected_traits.update( [custom_trait, os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE]) # Now when we run the periodic update task, the trait should # reappear in the provider tree and get synced back to # placement. self._run_periodics() self.assertCountEqual(expected_traits, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) global_traits = self._get_all_traits() self.assertIn(custom_trait, global_traits) self.assertIn(os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE, global_traits) @mock.patch.dict(fake.SmallFakeDriver.capabilities, clear=True, values=fake_caps) def test_admin_traits_preserved(self): """Test that if admin externally sets traits on the resource provider then the compute periodic doesn't remove them from placement. """ admin_trait = 'CUSTOM_TRAIT_FROM_ADMIN' self._create_trait(admin_trait) global_traits = self._get_all_traits() self.assertIn(admin_trait, global_traits) self.compute = self._start_compute(host='host1') rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) traits.append(admin_trait) self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid, traits) self.assertIn(admin_trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) # SIGHUP the compute process to clear the report client # cache, so the subsequent periodic update recalculates everything. self.compute.manager.reset() self._run_periodics() self.assertIn(admin_trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) @mock.patch.dict(fake.SmallFakeDriver.capabilities, clear=True, values=fake_caps) def test_driver_removing_support_for_trait_via_capability(self): """Test that if a driver initially reports a trait via a supported capability, then at the next periodic update doesn't report support for it again, it gets removed from the provider in the placement service. """ self.compute = self._start_compute(host='host1') rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') trait = os_traits.COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE self.assertIn(trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) new_caps = dict(fake.SmallFakeDriver.capabilities, **{'supports_attach_interface': False}) with mock.patch.dict(fake.SmallFakeDriver.capabilities, new_caps): self._run_periodics() self.assertNotIn(trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) def test_driver_removing_trait_via_upt(self): """Test that if a driver reports a trait via update_provider_tree() initially, but at the next periodic update doesn't report it again, that it gets removed from placement. """ custom_trait = "CUSTOM_TRAIT_FROM_DRIVER" standard_trait = os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_SGX self._mock_upt([custom_trait, standard_trait], []) self.compute = self._start_compute(host='host1') rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') self.assertIn(custom_trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) self.assertIn(standard_trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) # Now change the fake update_provider_tree() from injecting the # traits to removing them, and run the periodic update. self._mock_upt([], [custom_trait, standard_trait]) self._run_periodics() self.assertNotIn(custom_trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) self.assertNotIn(standard_trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid)) @mock.patch.dict(fake.SmallFakeDriver.capabilities, clear=True, values=fake_caps) def test_driver_removes_unsupported_trait_from_admin(self): """Test that if an admin adds a trait corresponding to a capability which is unsupported, then if the provider cache is reset, the driver will remove it during the next update. """ self.compute = self._start_compute(host='host1') rp_uuid = self._get_provider_uuid_by_host('host1') traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) trait = os_traits.COMPUTE_DEVICE_TAGGING self.assertNotIn(trait, traits) # Simulate an admin associating the trait with the host via # the placement API. traits.append(trait) self._set_provider_traits(rp_uuid, traits) # Check that worked. traits = self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid) self.assertIn(trait, traits) # SIGHUP the compute process to clear the report client # cache, so the subsequent periodic update recalculates everything. self.compute.manager.reset() self._run_periodics() self.assertNotIn(trait, self._get_provider_traits(rp_uuid))