--- features: - | With the libvirt driver, live migration now works correctly for instances that have a NUMA topology. Previously, the instance was naively moved to the destination host, without updating any of the underlying NUMA guest to host mappings or the resource usage. With the new NUMA-aware live migration feature, if the instance cannot fit on the destination the live migration will be attempted on an alternate destination if the request is setup to have alternates. If the instance can fit on the destination, the NUMA guest to host mappings will be re-calculated to reflect its new host, and its resource usage updated. upgrade: - | For the libvirt driver, the NUMA-aware live migration feature requires the conductor, source compute, and destination compute to be upgraded to Train. It also requires the conductor and source compute to be able to send RPC 5.3 - that is, their ``[upgrade_levels]/compute`` configuration option must not be set to less than 5.3 or a release older than "train". In other words, NUMA-aware live migration with the libvirt driver is not supported until: * All compute and conductor services are upgraded to Train code. * The ``[upgrade_levels]/compute`` RPC API pin is removed (or set to "auto") and services are restarted. If any of these requirements are not met, live migration of instances with a NUMA topology with the libvirt driver will revert to the legacy naive behavior, in which the instance was simply moved over without updating its NUMA guest to host mappings or its resource usage. .. note:: The legacy naive behavior is dependent on the value of the ``[workarounds]/enable_numa_live_migration`` option. Refer to the Deprecations sections for more details. deprecations: - | With the introduction of the NUMA-aware live migration feature for the libvirt driver, ``[workarounds]/enable_numa_live_migration`` is deprecated. Once a cell has been fully upgraded to Train, its value is ignored. .. note:: Even in a cell fully upgraded to Train, RPC pinning via ``[upgrade_levels]/compute`` can cause live migration of instances with a NUMA topology to revert to the legacy naive behavior. For more details refer to the Upgrade section.