.. -*- rst -*- ====================================================== Floating IPs bulk (os-floating-ips-bulk) (DEPRECATED) ====================================================== .. warning:: Since these APIs are only implemented for **nova-network**, they are deprecated. These will fail with a 404 starting from microversion 2.36. Bulk-creates, deletes, and lists floating IPs. Default pool name is ``nova``. To view available pools, use the ``os-floating-ip-pools`` extension. List Floating Ips ================= .. rest_method:: GET /os-floating-ips-bulk Lists all floating IPs. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404) Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floating_ip_info : floating_ips_list - address : floating_ip - fixed_ip : fixed_ip_address - instance_uuid : server_id - interface : virtual_interface - pool: floating_ip_pool_name - project_id : project_id_value **Example List Floating Ips: JSON response** .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-floating-ips-bulk/floating-ips-bulk-list-resp.json :language: javascript Create Floating Ips =================== .. rest_method:: POST /os-floating-ips-bulk Bulk-creates floating IPs. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floating_ips_bulk_create : floating_ip_bulk_object - ip_range : ip_range - interface : virtual_interface_id_optional - pool: floating_ip_pool_name_optional **Example Create Floating Ips: JSON request** .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-floating-ips-bulk/floating-ips-bulk-create-req.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floating_ips_bulk_create : floating_ip_bulk_object - interface : virtual_interface - ip_range : ip_range - pool: floating_ip_pool_name **Example Create Floating Ips: JSON response** .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-floating-ips-bulk/floating-ips-bulk-create-resp.json :language: javascript Bulk-Delete Floating Ips ======================== .. rest_method:: PUT /os-floating-ips-bulk/delete Bulk-deletes floating IPs. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - ip_range: ip_range_delete **Example Bulk-Delete Floating Ips: JSON request** .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-floating-ips-bulk/floating-ips-bulk-delete-req.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floating_ips_bulk_delete : ip_range_delete **Example Bulk-Delete Floating Ips: JSON response** .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-floating-ips-bulk/floating-ips-bulk-delete-resp.json :language: javascript List Floating Ips By Host ========================= .. rest_method:: GET /os-floating-ips-bulk/{host_name} Lists all floating IPs for a host. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - host_name: host_name Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floating_ip_info : floating_ips_list - address : floating_ip - fixed_ip : fixed_ip_address - instance_uuid : server_id - interface : virtual_interface - pool: floating_ip_pool_name - project_id : project_id_value **Example List Floating Ips By Host: JSON response** .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/api_samples/os-floating-ips-bulk/floating-ips-bulk-list-by-host-resp.json :language: javascript