=========================== Resource provider inventory =========================== See `Resource provider inventories`_ for a description. This group of API calls works with a single inventory identified by ``resource_class``. One inventory can be listed, created, updated and deleted per each call. Show resource provider inventory ================================ .. rest_method:: GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} Normal Response Codes: 200 Error response codes: itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - uuid: resource_provider_uuid_path - resource_class: resource_class_path Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - resource_provider_generation: resource_provider_generation - allocation_ratio: allocation_ratio - max_unit: max_unit - min_unit: min_unit - reserved: reserved - step_size: step_size - total: total Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/inventories/get-inventory.json :language: javascript Update resource provider inventory ================================== Replace the inventory record of the `{resource_class}` for the resource provider identified by `{uuid}`. .. rest_method:: PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} Normal Response Codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - uuid: resource_provider_uuid_path - resource_class: resource_class_path - resource_provider_generation: resource_provider_generation - total: total - allocation_ratio: allocation_ratio_opt - max_unit: max_unit_opt - min_unit: min_unit_opt - reserved: reserved_opt - step_size: step_size_opt Request example --------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/inventories/update-inventory-request.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - resource_provider_generation: resource_provider_generation - allocation_ratio: allocation_ratio - max_unit: max_unit - min_unit: min_unit - reserved: reserved - step_size: step_size - total: total Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/inventories/update-inventory.json :language: javascript Delete resource provider inventory ================================== Delete the inventory record of the `{resource_class}` for the resource provider identified by `{uuid}`. See `Troubleshooting`_ section in ``Delete resource provider inventories`` for a description. In addition, the request returns HTTP 409 when there are allocations for the specified resource provider and resource class. .. _Troubleshooting: ?expanded=delete-resource-provider-inventories-detail#delete-resource-provider-inventories .. rest_method:: DELETE /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} Normal Response Codes: 204 Error response codes: itemNotFound(404), conflict(409) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - uuid: resource_provider_uuid_path - resource_class: resource_class_path Response -------- No body content is returned on a successful DELETE.