--- features: - | A new Placement API microversion 1.4 is added. Users may now query the Placement REST API for resource providers that have the ability to meet a set of requested resource amounts. The `GET /resource_providers` API call can have a "resources" query string parameter supplied that indicates the requested amounts of various resources that a provider must have the capacity to serve. The "resources" query string parameter takes the form: ``?resources=$RESOURCE_CLASS_NAME:$AMOUNT,$RESOURCE_CLASS_NAME:$AMOUNT`` For instance, if the user wishes to see resource providers that can service a request for 2 vCPUs, 1024 MB of RAM and 50 GB of disk space, the user can issue a request of:: ``GET /resource_providers?resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:1024,DISK_GB:50`` The placement API is only available to admin users.