.TH CKEYGEN "1" "October 2002" "" "" .SH NAME ckeygen \- connect to SSH servers .SH SYNOPSIS .B ckeygen [-b \fIbits\fR] [-f \fIfilename\fR] [-t \fItype\fR] .B [-C \fIcomment\fR] [-N \fInew passphrase\fR] [-P \fIold passphrase\fR] .B [-l] [-p] [-q] [-y] .B ckeygen --help .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The \fB\--help\fR prints out a usage message to standard output. .TP \fB-b\fR, \fB--bits\fR Number of bits in the key to create (default: 1024) .TP \fB-f\fR, \fB--filename\fR Filename of the key file. .TP \fB-t\fR, \fB--type\fR Type of key (rsa or dsa). .TP \fB-C\fR, \fB--comment\fR Provide a new comment. .TP \fB-N\fR, \fB--newpass\fR Provide new passphrase. .TP \fB-P\fR, \fB--pass\fR Provide old passphrase. .TP \fB-l\fR, \fB--fingerprint\fR Show fingerprint of key file. .TP \fB-p\fR, \fB--changepass\fR Change passphrase of private key file. .TP \fB-q\fR, \fB--quiet\fR Be quiet. .TP \fB-y\fR, \fB--showpub\fR Read private key file and print public key. .TP \fB--version\fR Display version number only. .SH DESCRIPTION Manipulate public/private keys in various ways. If no filename is given, a file name will be requested interactively. .SH AUTHOR Written by Moshe Zadka, based on ckeygen's help messages .SH "REPORTING BUGS" To report a bug, visit \fIhttp://twistedmatrix.com/bugs/\fR .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2002-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. .br This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .SH "SEE ALSO" ssh(1), conch(1)