.. _vpc_tut: ======================================= An Introduction to boto's VPC interface ======================================= This tutorial is based on the examples in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Getting Started Guide (http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/GettingStartedGuide/). In each example, it tries to show the boto request that correspond to the AWS command line tools. Creating a VPC connection ------------------------- First, we need to create a new VPC connection: >>> from boto.vpc import VPCConnection >>> c = VPCConnection() To create a VPC --------------- Now that we have a VPC connection, we can create our first VPC. >>> vpc = c.create_vpc('') >>> vpc VPC:vpc-6b1fe402 >>> vpc.id u'vpc-6b1fe402' >>> vpc.state u'pending' >>> vpc.cidr_block u'' >>> vpc.dhcp_options_id u'default' >>> To create a subnet ------------------ The next step is to create a subnet to associate with your VPC. >>> subnet = c.create_subnet(vpc.id, '') >>> subnet.id u'subnet-6a1fe403' >>> subnet.state u'pending' >>> subnet.cidr_block u'' >>> subnet.available_ip_address_count 123 >>> subnet.availability_zone u'us-east-1b' >>> To create a customer gateway ---------------------------- Next, we create a customer gateway. >>> cg = c.create_customer_gateway('ipsec.1', '', 65534) >>> cg.id u'cgw-b6a247df' >>> cg.type u'ipsec.1' >>> cg.state u'available' >>> cg.ip_address u'' >>> cg.bgp_asn u'65534' >>> To create a VPN gateway ----------------------- >>> vg = c.create_vpn_gateway('ipsec.1') >>> vg.id u'vgw-44ad482d' >>> vg.type u'ipsec.1' >>> vg.state u'pending' >>> vg.availability_zone u'us-east-1b' >>> Attaching a VPN Gateway to a VPC -------------------------------- >>> vg.attach(vpc.id) >>>