# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # daemon/daemon.py # Part of python-daemon, an implementation of PEP 3143. # # Copyright © 2008–2010 Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au> # Copyright © 2007–2008 Robert Niederreiter, Jens Klein # Copyright © 2004–2005 Chad J. Schroeder # Copyright © 2003 Clark Evans # Copyright © 2002 Noah Spurrier # Copyright © 2001 Jürgen Hermann # # This is free software: you may copy, modify, and/or distribute this work # under the terms of the Python Software Foundation License, version 2 or # later as published by the Python Software Foundation. # No warranty expressed or implied. See the file LICENSE.PSF-2 for details. """ Daemon process behaviour. """ import os import sys import resource import errno import signal import socket import atexit class DaemonError(Exception): """ Base exception class for errors from this module. """ class DaemonOSEnvironmentError(DaemonError, OSError): """ Exception raised when daemon OS environment setup receives error. """ class DaemonProcessDetachError(DaemonError, OSError): """ Exception raised when process detach fails. """ class DaemonContext(object): """ Context for turning the current program into a daemon process. A `DaemonContext` instance represents the behaviour settings and process context for the program when it becomes a daemon. The behaviour and environment is customised by setting options on the instance, before calling the `open` method. Each option can be passed as a keyword argument to the `DaemonContext` constructor, or subsequently altered by assigning to an attribute on the instance at any time prior to calling `open`. That is, for options named `wibble` and `wubble`, the following invocation:: foo = daemon.DaemonContext(wibble=bar, wubble=baz) foo.open() is equivalent to:: foo = daemon.DaemonContext() foo.wibble = bar foo.wubble = baz foo.open() The following options are defined. `files_preserve` :Default: ``None`` List of files that should *not* be closed when starting the daemon. If ``None``, all open file descriptors will be closed. Elements of the list are file descriptors (as returned by a file object's `fileno()` method) or Python `file` objects. Each specifies a file that is not to be closed during daemon start. `chroot_directory` :Default: ``None`` Full path to a directory to set as the effective root directory of the process. If ``None``, specifies that the root directory is not to be changed. `working_directory` :Default: ``'/'`` Full path of the working directory to which the process should change on daemon start. Since a filesystem cannot be unmounted if a process has its current working directory on that filesystem, this should either be left at default or set to a directory that is a sensible “home directory” for the daemon while it is running. `umask` :Default: ``0`` File access creation mask (“umask”) to set for the process on daemon start. Since a process inherits its umask from its parent process, starting the daemon will reset the umask to this value so that files are created by the daemon with access modes as it expects. `pidfile` :Default: ``None`` Context manager for a PID lock file. When the daemon context opens and closes, it enters and exits the `pidfile` context manager. `detach_process` :Default: ``None`` If ``True``, detach the process context when opening the daemon context; if ``False``, do not detach. If unspecified (``None``) during initialisation of the instance, this will be set to ``True`` by default, and ``False`` only if detaching the process is determined to be redundant; for example, in the case when the process was started by `init`, by `initd`, or by `inetd`. `signal_map` :Default: system-dependent Mapping from operating system signals to callback actions. The mapping is used when the daemon context opens, and determines the action for each signal's signal handler: * A value of ``None`` will ignore the signal (by setting the signal action to ``signal.SIG_IGN``). * A string value will be used as the name of an attribute on the ``DaemonContext`` instance. The attribute's value will be used as the action for the signal handler. * Any other value will be used as the action for the signal handler. See the ``signal.signal`` documentation for details of the signal handler interface. The default value depends on which signals are defined on the running system. Each item from the list below whose signal is actually defined in the ``signal`` module will appear in the default map: * ``signal.SIGTTIN``: ``None`` * ``signal.SIGTTOU``: ``None`` * ``signal.SIGTSTP``: ``None`` * ``signal.SIGTERM``: ``'terminate'`` Depending on how the program will interact with its child processes, it may need to specify a signal map that includes the ``signal.SIGCHLD`` signal (received when a child process exits). See the specific operating system's documentation for more detail on how to determine what circumstances dictate the need for signal handlers. `uid` :Default: ``os.getuid()`` `gid` :Default: ``os.getgid()`` The user ID (“UID”) value and group ID (“GID”) value to switch the process to on daemon start. The default values, the real UID and GID of the process, will relinquish any effective privilege elevation inherited by the process. `prevent_core` :Default: ``True`` If true, prevents the generation of core files, in order to avoid leaking sensitive information from daemons run as `root`. `stdin` :Default: ``None`` `stdout` :Default: ``None`` `stderr` :Default: ``None`` Each of `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr` is a file-like object which will be used as the new file for the standard I/O stream `sys.stdin`, `sys.stdout`, and `sys.stderr` respectively. The file should therefore be open, with a minimum of mode 'r' in the case of `stdin`, and mode 'w+' in the case of `stdout` and `stderr`. If the object has a `fileno()` method that returns a file descriptor, the corresponding file will be excluded from being closed during daemon start (that is, it will be treated as though it were listed in `files_preserve`). If ``None``, the corresponding system stream is re-bound to the file named by `os.devnull`. """ def __init__( self, chroot_directory=None, working_directory='/', umask=0, uid=None, gid=None, prevent_core=True, detach_process=None, files_preserve=None, pidfile=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, signal_map=None, ): """ Set up a new instance. """ self.chroot_directory = chroot_directory self.working_directory = working_directory self.umask = umask self.prevent_core = prevent_core self.files_preserve = files_preserve self.pidfile = pidfile self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr if uid is None: uid = os.getuid() self.uid = uid if gid is None: gid = os.getgid() self.gid = gid if detach_process is None: detach_process = is_detach_process_context_required() self.detach_process = detach_process if signal_map is None: signal_map = make_default_signal_map() self.signal_map = signal_map self._is_open = False @property def is_open(self): """ ``True`` if the instance is currently open. """ return self._is_open def open(self): """ Become a daemon process. :Return: ``None`` Open the daemon context, turning the current program into a daemon process. This performs the following steps: * If this instance's `is_open` property is true, return immediately. This makes it safe to call `open` multiple times on an instance. * If the `prevent_core` attribute is true, set the resource limits for the process to prevent any core dump from the process. * If the `chroot_directory` attribute is not ``None``, set the effective root directory of the process to that directory (via `os.chroot`). This allows running the daemon process inside a “chroot gaol” as a means of limiting the system's exposure to rogue behaviour by the process. Note that the specified directory needs to already be set up for this purpose. * Set the process UID and GID to the `uid` and `gid` attribute values. * Close all open file descriptors. This excludes those listed in the `files_preserve` attribute, and those that correspond to the `stdin`, `stdout`, or `stderr` attributes. * Change current working directory to the path specified by the `working_directory` attribute. * Reset the file access creation mask to the value specified by the `umask` attribute. * If the `detach_process` option is true, detach the current process into its own process group, and disassociate from any controlling terminal. * Set signal handlers as specified by the `signal_map` attribute. * If any of the attributes `stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` are not ``None``, bind the system streams `sys.stdin`, `sys.stdout`, and/or `sys.stderr` to the files represented by the corresponding attributes. Where the attribute has a file descriptor, the descriptor is duplicated (instead of re-binding the name). * If the `pidfile` attribute is not ``None``, enter its context manager. * Mark this instance as open (for the purpose of future `open` and `close` calls). * Register the `close` method to be called during Python's exit processing. When the function returns, the running program is a daemon process. """ if self.is_open: return if self.chroot_directory is not None: change_root_directory(self.chroot_directory) if self.prevent_core: prevent_core_dump() change_file_creation_mask(self.umask) change_working_directory(self.working_directory) change_process_owner(self.uid, self.gid) if self.detach_process: detach_process_context() signal_handler_map = self._make_signal_handler_map() set_signal_handlers(signal_handler_map) exclude_fds = self._get_exclude_file_descriptors() close_all_open_files(exclude=exclude_fds) redirect_stream(sys.stdin, self.stdin) redirect_stream(sys.stdout, self.stdout) redirect_stream(sys.stderr, self.stderr) if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.__enter__() self._is_open = True register_atexit_function(self.close) def __enter__(self): """ Context manager entry point. """ self.open() return self def close(self): """ Exit the daemon process context. :Return: ``None`` Close the daemon context. This performs the following steps: * If this instance's `is_open` property is false, return immediately. This makes it safe to call `close` multiple times on an instance. * If the `pidfile` attribute is not ``None``, exit its context manager. * Mark this instance as closed (for the purpose of future `open` and `close` calls). """ if not self.is_open: return if self.pidfile is not None: # Follow the interface for telling a context manager to exit, # <URL:http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#typecontextmanager>. self.pidfile.__exit__(None, None, None) self._is_open = False def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Context manager exit point. """ self.close() def terminate(self, signal_number, stack_frame): """ Signal handler for end-process signals. :Return: ``None`` Signal handler for the ``signal.SIGTERM`` signal. Performs the following step: * Raise a ``SystemExit`` exception explaining the signal. """ exception = SystemExit( "Terminating on signal %(signal_number)r" % vars()) raise exception def _get_exclude_file_descriptors(self): """ Return the set of file descriptors to exclude closing. Returns a set containing the file descriptors for the items in `files_preserve`, and also each of `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr`: * If the item is ``None``, it is omitted from the return set. * If the item has a ``fileno()`` method, that method's return value is in the return set. * Otherwise, the item is in the return set verbatim. """ files_preserve = self.files_preserve if files_preserve is None: files_preserve = [] files_preserve.extend( item for item in [self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr] if hasattr(item, 'fileno')) exclude_descriptors = set() for item in files_preserve: if item is None: continue if hasattr(item, 'fileno'): exclude_descriptors.add(item.fileno()) else: exclude_descriptors.add(item) return exclude_descriptors def _make_signal_handler(self, target): """ Make the signal handler for a specified target object. If `target` is ``None``, returns ``signal.SIG_IGN``. If `target` is a string, returns the attribute of this instance named by that string. Otherwise, returns `target` itself. """ if target is None: result = signal.SIG_IGN elif isinstance(target, basestring): name = target result = getattr(self, name) else: result = target return result def _make_signal_handler_map(self): """ Make the map from signals to handlers for this instance. Constructs a map from signal numbers to handlers for this context instance, suitable for passing to `set_signal_handlers`. """ signal_handler_map = dict( (signal_number, self._make_signal_handler(target)) for (signal_number, target) in self.signal_map.items()) return signal_handler_map def change_working_directory(directory): """ Change the working directory of this process. """ try: os.chdir(directory) except Exception, exc: error = DaemonOSEnvironmentError( "Unable to change working directory (%(exc)s)" % vars()) raise error def change_root_directory(directory): """ Change the root directory of this process. Sets the current working directory, then the process root directory, to the specified `directory`. Requires appropriate OS privileges for this process. """ try: os.chdir(directory) os.chroot(directory) except Exception, exc: error = DaemonOSEnvironmentError( "Unable to change root directory (%(exc)s)" % vars()) raise error def change_file_creation_mask(mask): """ Change the file creation mask for this process. """ try: os.umask(mask) except Exception, exc: error = DaemonOSEnvironmentError( "Unable to change file creation mask (%(exc)s)" % vars()) raise error def change_process_owner(uid, gid): """ Change the owning UID and GID of this process. Sets the GID then the UID of the process (in that order, to avoid permission errors) to the specified `gid` and `uid` values. Requires appropriate OS privileges for this process. """ try: os.setgid(gid) os.setuid(uid) except Exception, exc: error = DaemonOSEnvironmentError( "Unable to change file creation mask (%(exc)s)" % vars()) raise error def prevent_core_dump(): """ Prevent this process from generating a core dump. Sets the soft and hard limits for core dump size to zero. On Unix, this prevents the process from creating core dump altogether. """ core_resource = resource.RLIMIT_CORE try: # Ensure the resource limit exists on this platform, by requesting # its current value core_limit_prev = resource.getrlimit(core_resource) except ValueError, exc: error = DaemonOSEnvironmentError( "System does not support RLIMIT_CORE resource limit (%(exc)s)" % vars()) raise error # Set hard and soft limits to zero, i.e. no core dump at all core_limit = (0, 0) resource.setrlimit(core_resource, core_limit) def detach_process_context(): """ Detach the process context from parent and session. Detach from the parent process and session group, allowing the parent to exit while this process continues running. Reference: “Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment”, section 13.3, by W. Richard Stevens, published 1993 by Addison-Wesley. """ def fork_then_exit_parent(error_message): """ Fork a child process, then exit the parent process. If the fork fails, raise a ``DaemonProcessDetachError`` with ``error_message``. """ try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: os._exit(0) except OSError, exc: exc_errno = exc.errno exc_strerror = exc.strerror error = DaemonProcessDetachError( "%(error_message)s: [%(exc_errno)d] %(exc_strerror)s" % vars()) raise error fork_then_exit_parent(error_message="Failed first fork") os.setsid() fork_then_exit_parent(error_message="Failed second fork") def is_process_started_by_init(): """ Determine if the current process is started by `init`. The `init` process has the process ID of 1; if that is our parent process ID, return ``True``, otherwise ``False``. """ result = False init_pid = 1 if os.getppid() == init_pid: result = True return result def is_socket(fd): """ Determine if the file descriptor is a socket. Return ``False`` if querying the socket type of `fd` raises an error; otherwise return ``True``. """ result = False file_socket = socket.fromfd(fd, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW) try: socket_type = file_socket.getsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_TYPE) except socket.error, exc: exc_errno = exc.args[0] if exc_errno == errno.ENOTSOCK: # Socket operation on non-socket pass else: # Some other socket error result = True else: # No error getting socket type result = True return result def is_process_started_by_superserver(): """ Determine if the current process is started by the superserver. The internet superserver creates a network socket, and attaches it to the standard streams of the child process. If that is the case for this process, return ``True``, otherwise ``False``. """ result = False stdin_fd = sys.__stdin__.fileno() if is_socket(stdin_fd): result = True return result def is_detach_process_context_required(): """ Determine whether detaching process context is required. Return ``True`` if the process environment indicates the process is already detached: * Process was started by `init`; or * Process was started by `inetd`. """ result = True if is_process_started_by_init() or is_process_started_by_superserver(): result = False return result def close_file_descriptor_if_open(fd): """ Close a file descriptor if already open. Close the file descriptor `fd`, suppressing an error in the case the file was not open. """ try: os.close(fd) except OSError, exc: if exc.errno == errno.EBADF: # File descriptor was not open pass else: error = DaemonOSEnvironmentError( "Failed to close file descriptor %(fd)d" " (%(exc)s)" % vars()) raise error MAXFD = 2048 def get_maximum_file_descriptors(): """ Return the maximum number of open file descriptors for this process. Return the process hard resource limit of maximum number of open file descriptors. If the limit is “infinity”, a default value of ``MAXFD`` is returned. """ limits = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) result = limits[1] if result == resource.RLIM_INFINITY: result = MAXFD return result def close_all_open_files(exclude=set()): """ Close all open file descriptors. Closes every file descriptor (if open) of this process. If specified, `exclude` is a set of file descriptors to *not* close. """ maxfd = get_maximum_file_descriptors() for fd in reversed(range(maxfd)): if fd not in exclude: close_file_descriptor_if_open(fd) def redirect_stream(system_stream, target_stream): """ Redirect a system stream to a specified file. `system_stream` is a standard system stream such as ``sys.stdout``. `target_stream` is an open file object that should replace the corresponding system stream object. If `target_stream` is ``None``, defaults to opening the operating system's null device and using its file descriptor. """ if target_stream is None: target_fd = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) else: target_fd = target_stream.fileno() os.dup2(target_fd, system_stream.fileno()) def make_default_signal_map(): """ Make the default signal map for this system. The signals available differ by system. The map will not contain any signals not defined on the running system. """ name_map = { 'SIGTSTP': None, 'SIGTTIN': None, 'SIGTTOU': None, 'SIGTERM': 'terminate', } signal_map = dict( (getattr(signal, name), target) for (name, target) in name_map.items() if hasattr(signal, name)) return signal_map def set_signal_handlers(signal_handler_map): """ Set the signal handlers as specified. The `signal_handler_map` argument is a map from signal number to signal handler. See the `signal` module for details. """ for (signal_number, handler) in signal_handler_map.items(): signal.signal(signal_number, handler) def register_atexit_function(func): """ Register a function for processing at program exit. The function `func` is registered for a call with no arguments at program exit. """ atexit.register(func)