  - |
    The ``[workarounds]/ensure_libvirt_rbd_instance_dir_cleanup`` configuration
    option has been introduced. This can be used by operators to ensure that
    instance directories are always removed during cleanup within the Libvirt
    driver while using ``[libvirt]/images_type = rbd``. This works around known
    issues such as `bug 1414895`_ when cleaning up after an evacuation and
    `bug 1761062`_ when reverting from an instance resize.

    Operators should be aware that this workaround only applies when using the
    libvirt compute driver and rbd images_type as enabled by the following
    configuration options:

    * ``[DEFAULT]/compute_driver = libvirt``
    * ``[libvirt]/images_type = rbd``

    .. warning:: Operators will need to ensure that the instance directory
      itself, specified by ``[DEFAULT]/instances_path``, is not shared between
      computes before enabling this workaround, otherwise files associated with
      running instances may be removed.

    .. _bug 1414895: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1414895
    .. _bug 1761062: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1761062