  - |
    It is now possible to configure the ``[cinder]`` section of nova.conf to
    allow setting admin-role credentials for scenarios where a user token is
    not available to perform actions on a volume. For example, when
    ``reclaim_instance_interval`` is a positive integer, instances are
    soft deleted until the nova-compute service periodic task removes them.
    If a soft deleted instance has volumes attached, the compute service needs
    to be able to detach and possibly delete the associated volumes, otherwise
    they will be orphaned in the block storage service. Similarly, if
    ``running_deleted_instance_poll_interval`` is set and
    ``running_deleted_instance_action = reap``, then the compute service will
    need to be able to detach and possibly delete volumes attached to
    instances that are reaped. See `bug 1733736`_ and `bug 1734025`_ for more

    .. _bug 1733736: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1733736
    .. _bug 1734025: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1734025